Member Reviews

This is the second volume of a new series about fairies living alongside humanity in the nineteen sixties. Just like the first volume, this volume also overflows with colour, energy and adventure and yes, it is another excellent volume and I am really grateful that I received a review copy.
As with the first volume, the art is beautiful and the story is intriguing. There are two stories within this second volume.
Carrie Mallinson is tired of the misogyny at her newspaper where she works as a reporter, but she has a nose for a story and she is determined to become a famous reporter. When a fairy is murdered and she is assigned to cover the story, she uncovers the truth about herself and the truth about the horror in the fairy world.
The blatant racism of the sixties is alive and well but Sergeant Amar Singh–a young policeman of Indian origins, is determined to overcome prejudice and seek truth even though he has been relegated to the police fairy division. As he investigates the murder of a young fairy he begins to walk on a path towards discovery and danger.
Both stories are really well told with excellent graphics. And now I am hoping for a third volume.
Copy provided via Netgalley, in exchange for an unbiased review.

It has to be said that I had the first book of this in my digital digits, and let it slip out of them. So what I saw here was commendably understandable for a Book Two, but that's because it's not a straight sequel. On this evidence the series seems to be a set of interlocking stories, two per title, set mostly in the 1960s of Britain, where the dogs, the Irish, the Blacks, and homosexuals were very much not wanted. And add to that the fairies – literal fairy-folk, winged and flying humanoids, albeit here about five foot or so and able to pass when dressed as regular humans.
First off is a journalist only belatedly discovering enough about her past to get her wrapped up in all this, which is clumsily timed for her when she has to look into a fairy's murder. Then a Sikh policeman finds too many truths being hidden by too many people in rural, yokel-infested Scotland. Both are more than reasonable, being quite enjoyable to some small extent, but the whole will before long need some over-stretching arc to cover it all. At the moment this is a compilation of ways for people to say "ooh, ain't bigotry bad, now?" and not enough else. I saw a potential wonder, where all these episodes add up somehow to something mahoosive and more impressive. For now, without proof of that, this volume is a safe three and a half stars.

Another good installment for this fairy series.
In this volume we focus on two stories, and compared to the first book, I found them more articulated with a bigger story to follow.
Both of them are very crime based, and out of the two, the second one was my personal favorite.
I found it better developed and ended, while during the first one I found myself sometimes a little bit confused.
I honestly prefered the atmospheres of the first installment, it was somehow lighter, with brighter and very colorful art.
Here the colors are pretty greyish with cool color palettes, probably caused by the darker scenarios of the stories presented.
Despite everything, I'll always read these books with pleasure and I hope we will see more of this series in the future.

Take a walk in the British 1960s with the Beatles, the Kinks, mod fashion, and the like. But in this version add in Pixies or Fairy folk. In the first of two short tales in this volume, Carrie, the adopted daughter of a police official, is a reporter at i>The Daily Telegraph who is covering a murder using all the tools at her disposal. In the course of covering the murder, she discovers starling truth about herself. In the second tale, Amar, a Sikh member of Scotland Yard, is sent up to Scotland to investigate the murder of a fairy girl found there. But he is on the lookout for the source of the fairy wing drug that is causing overdoses in London and elsewhere. Being a Sikh and a policeman is not a happy lot, but Amar is determined to get it done. And maybe find a bit of happiness along the way. An interesting introduction to the Pixies of the Sixties series. I will be perusing more volumes in this series when I have a chance!

This was a fun graphic novel to read. Although both stories were not the same, many of the themes were. There was drama, action and some good surprises as both tales unfolded. Once each story came to a close, it looked like positive changes might be coming. Fans of the first Pixies of the Sixties graphic novel will want to check this one out.

This wasn’t really bad, but the novel failed to get me invested in what was happening to the characters.
I didn’t like the art style all that much either, but I guess it could’ve been worse.

ARC provided by NetGalley. This graphic novel was alright - I wasn’t super invested and honestly I skipped the second story in this book because I wasn’t super invested in the story. I probably didn’t give the second one enough of a chance but I don’t like graphic novel short stories since graphic novels generally only have a certain amount of pages to present the story it feels even more rushed. I did like the time period as well as the art style. But it didn’t hook me.

Well, that was a delightfully fresh take on crime fiction!
I haven't read the other. collection with Pixies of the Sixties but that wasn't necessary at all. Both stories had a very good story arc with introduction, mystery and solving of the case. I especially liked how one side character had a main role in the second story.
I liked the style of the illustrations and the color scheme, it gives a fine contrast to the seemingly colorful time of the Beatles and yet it isn't only dark even if the themes of the story are dark.
I liked how sexism, racism and otherness is interwoven in the two stories because there always was a counterweight in the story that made it bearable. Especially the Kelpie-Arc in the first story was surprising and surprisingly dark with a seemingly Zombie Kelpie.
After finding out that there are more issues of "Pixies of the Sixties" I would love to read even more of this setting!

Set in an alternate universe, we are witnesses to investigations involving racial crimes against fairies. This comic book holds two different volumes featuring different main characters but addressing very similar issues.
There was not a lot of surprise here, I feel like I've read a lot of similar works before, the setting up is easy, using cliches to make you quickly see the bad guy, the good guy, the future revelation.
The setting could have been interesting if there had been more time spent on characterisation, but they are all paper thin. It could also have thought more on how to introduce the facts of the world. Conversations run very unnaturally, very on the nose, obviously aiming to give you key information, but not helping you give a personality to who is saying it.
It doesn't feel like a recent work. It's ok, but rather forgettable, which is sad because so much work went into the illustrations.

Grey murder mystery and I love the illustration. Would definitely red more from this author. A five star read.

This was fun! A bit like Carnival Row meets Good Girls Revolt in the first segment. I love the art and the story was compelling, though I wish we could’ve stayed with some of the characters longer. Unlike many historical fantasy mashups, the fairies aren’t used in place of real-life minorities. I look forward to exploring the rest if the series.

Thank you Netgalley for access to the ARC.
This comic is composed of two short and interesting stories.
The art is beautiful and the concept is very original and fits the era nicely.

This graphic novel was a selection of two shorter stories in the Pixies of the Sixties world. It is done in a comic book style, with the art and voice bubbles done in a way you will quickly understand the shorthand of if you have read comics in the past. This is the second volume in this world, however you do not need to heave read this first volume to pick this up and both enjoy and understand it as it is a set of stand alone short stories.
Both short stories are in a world very much like ours in the sixties, except faeries are real and living along side us with all the prejudices that could be expected in the 60's. The location is the in the UK, London and the surrounding countryside feature heavily in both stories. If you do not have some basic knowledge of English culture, especially around police work, you may be lost in a few places or need to look phrases up.
The first short story is focused on Carrie, a young, human, woman, who works as a reporter when a fairy is murdered in London. She decides to start investigating and discovers a mystery that ties into her own past, any may be more then she initially planed on. The second short story is focused on Amar, a police man who is facing discrimination and is on a quest to prove himself. He starts digging into the mystery of both a dead fairy and a drug trafficking ring, and finds a small town that had gotten into trouble.
Both stories are well written and well illustrated, but neither stood out as anything deeply special. While I enjoyed reading through this graphic novel, I was disappointed by the fact the nothing in this graphic novel stood out as something setting it apart. I would recommend this to a small group of people such as those who read the first one and are looking for more of the same, those who love historical faeries, or those who really love comics. However for most people this will not be a must read.
I received an ARC of this book at no cost/for free, I am leaving this review voluntarily and all thoughts and opinions are wholly my own and unbiased

The art is very nice and conveys the style and mood of the time period, but I felt that the first story was a bit thin and the second a bit overstuffed for the number of pages it was allotted.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.
I really enjoyed this one! It's a duo of stories about Great Britain in a reality where fairies exist among regular people. The fact that it takes place in the 60s doesn't play too much of a role in the whole thing except for the blatant discrimination against everybody. Basically, there are crimes being committed against fairies that need to be solved. Some people care; some people think they're just monsters. Both stories come to a nice resolution. Even with all the crime going on, the tone is hopeful.
I think this comic did a good job at worldbuilding and also of introducing the characters well. I would definitely read other comics in this world.

Thank you NetGalley and Humanoids Inc for this arc!
5/5 stars
I loved this second volume of the Pixies of the Sixties. The art is just as hauntingly beautiful as the first volume, and the storylines were rich and complex, and dealt with things like racism and sexism. These were stunning and melancholy reads, and I hope there will be more issues in the future!

I want to thank Netgalley for an advanced ARC of this graphic novel
Reading the two stories in this where a little heartbreaking but lovely done, both stories are different but connected through the simular theme of the fea world (Faries) and the mis-handling. Disrespect & how allot of humans see them as monsters (but humans always fears what they don't understand).
With each story you are taken on an investigation into what's happened in the death of these fearies & why has it been done & finding much more then yiu bargained for, we see the compassion as well as facing one's self to find who the are (in the first story) and also dealing with racism and threats (in the second story) and the determination to do what's right no matter what's going on.
I loved what I read and I plan to read more if there are any, I loved the art style in this graphic novel and found the stories to be engaging and well written.
4.5 rating

This book had two different stories about fairies in the 60s. They were both equally good, I can’t decide which one I liked more! They both had intriguing storylines and interesting characters. I enjoyed reading them.

Hello Fellow Readers,
Pixies of the Sixties: We Can Work It Out deals with a lot of different themes like sexism, racism, drug use, and police corruption, a bit heavy for this time of the year but sadly still relevant. There are two stories in this graphic novel, the first being Carrie's story, a journalist investigating a fairy murder she seems to have personal ties to. The second is Amar's story, he's also investigating a fairy murder but this one has ties to 'fairy dust' a new dangerous drug flooding the market. I found Amar's story much more interesting as Carrie's seemed to jump around too much for me and seemed to wrap up too neatly. I did like the villain in that one as it fits the fantasy element I was looking for, but there was just more to the second one. I do wish the pacing was a bit slower but I understand with graphic novels you have to keep a lower page limit.
Overall, a very interesting urban fantasy.

Pixies in the Sixties: We Can Make It Work contains two stories set in a world in which the existence of fairies has recently been revealed to the world and fairies are now being integrated into society. The first story follows Carrie, an up-and-coming journalist looking into her own past, while the second story follows Amar, an Indian-origin police sergeant investigating the murder of a young fairy.
Each story is relatively short (53 pages), which ultimately works to their detriment. Carrie's story in particular suffers from cramming too much story into too little of space. Revelations seem to be immediately accepted because there's no room for convincing. Likewise, the dialogue can be overly expository, with conversations that realistically would've occurred years before seemingly only happening now for the audience's benefit. Fortunately, Carrie, herself, is a very likable character and one who could easily carry a series, provided the stories themselves have room to breath. The artwork suits the story nicely, with special care and attention given to character's facial expressions and to the backgrounds, showcasing a lively and lived-in London. The colorist does an excellent job, showcasing lighting changes throughout the day, with everything from the soft glow of the morning to the dark blue of the middle of the night represented.
Amar's story is the stronger of the two, with Amar's investigation leading to a complex, but well-crafted conspiracy. Themes of racism and xenophobia, while touched on in Carrie's story, are brought front and center with Amar's. The mystery comes to a very satisfying conclusion, with payoff given to small moments that earlier seemed only to showcase character traits. Even more so than with Carrie, Amar is a character I'd love to see more of. The artwork here feels more adult and focuses more on action, which suits the subject matter nicely. The coloring likewise, rather than the differing color shades of the first story, sticks with a gloomy look that speaks to the location and tone of the story.
All-in-all, both stories would've benefited from more room to breath, but there's still a lot to love in each story.