Member Reviews

Super cute book. Loved each persons story and how they all intertwined. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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This book is a sequel, however I will say that the author has made it completely possible to read it as a standalone too. Being reintroduced to the characters we got to know in One Day With You was just perfection.

From the moment I started this book I found it impossible to put down as I just had to know how it would all progress!. Absolutely brilliant as I expected.

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I just love Shari Low's novels.

Although "One Year After You" is a sequel, this author always starts her story by introducing her readers to the main characters by outlining a little synopsis of their lives. So this can be read as a stand alone. Although, by the end of the first chapter I bet you are thinking you are missing out and will be looking to purchase the first book "One Day With You".

From start to finish I was held captive by the ongoing story of Tress and Noah and all of their friends. As always, Shari can switch so easily between writing intense emotional scenes followed by wonderful moments of exquisite joy and laughter.

Put this book in your basket, you won't be disappointed.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book. I have chosen to write this honest review voluntarily and it reflects my personal opinion.
This book follows 1 year on from 'One day with you' so it features many of the same characters in addition to a few new ones. The events from that novel are recapped so new readers can understand what has gone before but I felt there was a lot of this (over10%), without appreciating the emotions from that book. The same format is used, alternating POV with the content occurring over one day with some flashbacks, and I thought this worked well again.
Once again a woman in her late sixties is represented somewhat unrealistically - thinking in Fahrenheit which ended in 1962, and in imperial measurements which ended in 1965, and for someone working in tv her lack of knowledge of TikTok and influencers is unrealistic. A patient with a broken hip has supposedly waited over a week for surgery - this would not be in line with any health guidelines. There were a couple of important mistakes: The Big Yin's name is Billy Connolly, not Connelly, and Robert Redford is linked to 'Love Story' which starred Ryan O'Neal. One of the major twists in the book was predictable (no spoilers, I can't say which). There is a statement 'Buddy didn't have .. grandparents' but this clearly untrue, in the first book Max's parents had visited twice within the first 6 months or so after his birth.
I didn't engage with this book as much as with the first, it was ok rather than the excellent story and narrative style of 'One day with you', it just tied up the loose ends for me.

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I'm very aware life can change in a heartbeat. In a minute. In an hour. In a day.
Forty years ago, I was working in a school canteen in a village on the outskirts of Glasgow, despairing that my dream of becoming an actress would amount to nothing more than another cliched story of failed ambition and grudging obscurity. Then a twist of fate presented an opportunity to get everything I ever wanted, but I had to do the unforgivable to claim it. Now the fame, the fortune and the glory are being stripped away from me and I am going to be left with nothing and no one. And I can't help wondering if I'm paying the price for my sins of the past.

ABOUT 'ONE YEAR AFTER YOU (ONE DAY WITH YOU #2): For forty years the fabulous Odette Devine has been a beloved matriarchal actress on Scotland’s longest-running TV show. Today she is broken, betrayed, and desperate to find out if this is her payback for a lie she told forty years ago.

A year ago today, Tress Walker’s husband was killed in a car accident, on the same day she gave birth to their baby. Reeling from the discovery that he was with his mistress, Tress has to choose whether to protect her fragile heart or open it to love again.

Noah Clark was devastated to discover his wife and his best friend were having an affair. Now the love of his life is asking for another chance to make their marriage work. But can there ever be a way back, once the trust is broken?

Noah’s sister Keli Clark has recently been ghosted by the man she loves. When a shocking message from a complete stranger reveals the reason why, Keli will have to decide whether to forgive, forget, or to make sure he pays.

Twenty-four hours. Four shocking secrets. One tumultuous tale of love, loss and second chances.

MY THOUGHTS: If you like a HEA with plenty of heart-stopping moments along the way, you can't do better than pick up a Shari Low book.

One Year After You follows on from One Day With You, and yes you will need to read One Day With You first or a lot of what happens and the relationships between the characters may not make much sense. It's a delightful read, so it won't be a hardship.

One Year After You starts with a teaser, including the one above, from each of the main characters - Odette, Tress, Noah, and Keli.

It is one year since the accident that claimed the life of Max Walker, one year since baby Max Walker (aka Buddy) was born. A lot has happened in that year.

I loved that Shari Low has given us the opportunity to catch up with the lives of these characters and introduced us to the wonderful character of Odette.

One Year After You contains Shari Low's classic mixture of tragedy, comedy, romance, friendship, betrayal and heartbreak. Her characters are so well portrayed, feel so real, that I become fully invested in their lives and feel a loss when I close the cover on them.

If you have a heart condition, I recommend that you position yourself close to an AED for the second half of the book. My emotions were all over the place and my heart got a good workout.


#OneYearAfterYou #NetGalley

THE AUTHOR: In real life, once upon a time she met a guy, got engaged after a week, and thirty-something years later she lives near Glasgow with the one they said would never last. Their children have now grown and scattered across the world, so she spends an inordinate amount of time on video calls and aeroplanes.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Boldwood Books via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of One Year After You by Shari Low for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

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Absolutely wonderful book, I loved every moment spent in the world of the characters. Dilemmas and joys all expertly crafted thank you!

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This was a great book, I really connected with the characters. I couldn't put it down. It does follow on from One day after you, but I would say you can read it as a standalone. I love a book about second chances, so I was invested in it.

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There are two different stories in this book. This is an author who does well with multiple storylines and with different characters who all stand out from each other. It is not a style that is always welcome, but I always want to try the author's books whenever I get the chance.
One of the stories is of two halves of two couples who lost their other half in a devastating crash one year earlier. This left scars that they couldn't erase, and they are struggling with living with their memories. I found the ending of this particular plotline a little dissatisfying because I did not want the standard ending, although the author did a good job moulding the direction of the narrative to make it believable.
Tied up with the main story is the other of an ageing soap opera star who was written out of her role, one which has been synonymous with for decades. Her section is about finding redemption for something she did to kick-start her career, and it was entirely satisfying. Even though the two sections are very different in the kind of story they were telling, the tie-up between the two worked very well.
I would recommend this to anyone who finds the blurb interesting. I already have another of the author's upcoming works on my virtual shelf.
I received an ARC thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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A sequel this book was good but would be hard to follow if you hadn't read the first book. Enjoyable and I liked the introduction of the new character but still took me a bit to get into

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Blog tour with Rachel's Random Resources

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This is a follow up to One day with you
And what a brilliant book this was
Four secrets and lots of love ,loss and second chances
This book has everything you will love it
Thanks NetGalley

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Absolutely loved this book…I read it straight after the first instalment and was delighted at how this one turned out. I’d love to hear more from tress & Noah. I love this authors books she really makes you fall in love with the characters.

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A year after Max loses his life in a car accident whilst on his way to see his wife who is about to give birth to his son, Tress and Noah are dealing with the loss of their husband and best friend and trying to move on with life. This story is a wonderful tale of many characters (who are all linked) in a 24 hour period. I did not think I would enjoy this novel, but I loved it. Each character was facing their own issues a year after the accident and they all play a pivotal role. Loved it

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Great book by Shari Low. Definitely liked the plot line and fell in love with the characters. It is definitely a great book.

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This book is a the follow up to One Day With You  and we catch up with friends Tress and Noah, a year after a tragic event which dramatically changed life as they knew it.

I've read a few books by Shari now and she is fast becoming a go to author for me! Her characters are always likeable and relatable. In particularly like Noah and his sister Kellie in this story and enjoyed reading the sub story I hope we find out what is next for the characters in Shari's next novel!

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This is an author who continues to be a breath of fresh air!

The story is told over 24 hours, from alternating points of view: Odette, Noah, Keli and Tress. It’s amazing what a difference a day can make – one full year after the events of Shari Low’s book, One Day With You. (Disclaimer: I didn’t realize that I hadn’t read this book, but it didn’t make a difference, and this follow-up can easily be read as a standalone.)

A brief recap: one year ago, Tress was married to Max and in labour with their baby. But Max was having a long-term affair with his best friend Noah’s wife Anya, and is killed in a car accident on that same day. Basically their lives are all blown to pieces! Tress and Noah aren’t sure how they can pick up the pieces and carry on after discovering such an awful betrayal.

The book opens on the morning of the anniversary of that fateful day, and we follow how each of our characters is getting on with what they know will be a challenging day: Odette, an actress in Scotland’s longest-running soapie is spending her final day on set, now that her character’s been written out; Tress is a set designer on the show and has struck up a friendship with Odette – today will be hard enough for her and now she has to face what will surely be a poignant goodbye on-set too; Keli is a nurse working on a geriatric ward who’s been ghosted by the guy she thought she was falling in love with; her brother Noah, is a pediatric specialist in the same hospital and intends doing everything he can to be there for Tress and her little boy (also named Noah) today, knowing what this day means for all of them.

Needless to say, the day doesn’t exactly go the way everyone is expecting! But that’s life, isn’t it?! And in fiction-land, there are a few more curveballs around every corner!

The way that Shari Low weaves her story together, intertwining everyone’s lives, is just magical! She makes it seem quite effortless, the way everything fits together so seamlessly, although I’m sure the process isn’t as easy as she makes it look! This is a real page-turner and I became completely invested in every single one of these characters!

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This was cheesy, predictable and not in a bad way. Really good fluffy reading which you want to sit on a comfy chair and demolish in one sitting. Will be on the hunt to read more by Shari Low.
4 stars.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

While, I do believe that this novel could be read as a stand alone, it's an excellent sequel to the first in the series. I love Noah and Tress and the supporting characters who are blatantly rooting for them. The ending was very satisfying.

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I was so excited to read one year after you and I can assure you I was not disappointed.
I decided to reread one year with you just before starting its sequel but I didn’t have to as this book recapped it perfectly (although I’d recommend both highly!).
I loved this book. I loved catching up with Tress and Noel and seeing how they had coped with their year. It was great to meet new characters. I love Shari Lows novels and this was another expertly woven, gorgeous characters and gripping storyline. Highly recommend

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Following on from One day with you, we catch up with Tress,Noah and various other characters, so lovely to see how their story develops over another 24 hour period!
Although told over a 24 hour period so much is included from past secrets,relationship issues, family ties and support, friendship and second chances!
Grief such as that experienced by Tress and Noah has such long lasting effects and the repercussions of that are felt for a long time, but life has to go on particularly when you have a child and careers, realisation of what your new life looks like now and the future can be daunting but everyone is entitled to a second chance at Love and it wonderful to see how this is played out.
Thank you NetGalley fir this early read

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