Member Reviews

One Year After You is a beautifully written, emotional story set over 24 hours. It has relatable characters and relatable storylines and is really enjoyable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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A well written and heartfelt read by an author new to me. I didn’t realise this was a follow up, I’d not read the first novel but this didn’t make a difference to my understanding or enjoyment. Lovely characters and a well woven plot!

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As the year drew to a close, serendipity struck when Shari Low's "One Year After You" appeared on my NetGalley radar, providing the ideal conclusion to my literary journey that commenced with the same author in January (I always like to end the year with the same author I started the year with). This delightful happenstance couldn't have been orchestrated more perfectly.
The narrative picks up with Tress a year after the tumultuous events that saw the loss of her husband and the revelation of his infidelity, all transpiring on the day she gave birth. Low skilfully navigates the aftermath of such a profound upheaval in Tress's life, offering readers an intimate glimpse into her journey of coping and rebuilding.
The storyline takes an even more intriguing turn by reintroducing Noah, who, like Tress, had his life upended by the events of a year ago. The exploration of his experiences adds depth to the narrative, providing a multifaceted perspective on the aftermath of life-altering events.
We were also given the joy of two new characters. Enter Odette, a brilliantly crafted character whose presence enhances the story, bringing a nuanced layer of complexity and depth.
Additionally, Kerri, Noah's sister, becomes a pivotal addition, injecting excitement and intrigue into the plot while contributing to the overall coherence of the narrative. The interplay of characters and their individual trajectories weaves a tapestry of emotions and connections, making the storyline both engaging and cohesive.
"One Year After You" proves to be a fantastic follow-up, seamlessly continuing the narrative from its predecessor. Shari Low's adept storytelling ensures that the reader is not only entertained but also emotionally invested in the characters' journeys. As the final book of the year, it serves as a fitting and satisfying conclusion to a literary voyage that began months ago.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of One Year After You by Shari Low. This story was well written and everything happened within the span of twenty-four hours. It was very easy to read and very entertaining. This is my first book by Shari Low and it will not be my last. I did not realize that this book was to follow One day With You. It read well as a stand alone. This was a heartwarming story about love, family, and friends. I would definitely recommend it. 4 stars for me.

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One Year After You is compartmentalized into four quadrants tile by Odette, Tress, Noah, and Keli. Each have had one heck of a year but things start coming unglued. I found Tress and Noah’s stories the most interesting.
They were both way too civil to Anya. They should have kicked her to the curb and not given her the time of day.
I loved how Keli conspired with her boyfriend’s girlfriend to expose him for the dirtbag that he is.
Healing takes time and the novel shows that if you are willing to move past the betrayal, hurt, and anger, something much better for you will enter into your life.

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Genre ~ friendship fiction
Series ~ more on this below
Setting ~ Scotland
Publication date ~ January 5, 2024
Est page Count ~ 319 (p+ 33 chapters +e)
Audio length ~ 9 hours 54 minutes
Narrator ~ Helen McAlpine
POV ~ multiple 3rd
Featuring ~ second chance at happiness, unknown cheating, no steamage

We follow 4 main characters for a 24 hour period.

Odette is gearing up for her last day on set after 40 years being the leading lady on a soap opera. It took a while to realize how her story line would tie in.

Tress & Noah are both wonderful characters that are bonded by the past discretion's of their former spouses. They have become best friends and their relationship was lovely to see. I wanted more of them than I got.

Keli is Noah's sister who has been hiding a secret for months. I enjoyed this plot the best and the unlikely friendship with Laurie.

Okay so all in all I did enjoy how the various plots all finally came together. It was a little slow getting there and I wasn't sure how they would, but they did so quite nicely. I'm a fan of multiple POV's, but in this case I thought it took too long to get back to the person's POV that I had just grown curious what would happen next for. Since I had to wait and slog through 3 other people's chapters first I had to think back and try to remember where we left off when we finally came full circle.

Also, since the whole book takes place in one day I thought there was some extra unnecessary information ~ for instance I don't really care about Noah's friend, Cheska's, whole work bio at all. I would have much preferred some flashbacks of Tress and Noah and how close they became over the past year for some page filler.

Shoutout to Nancy, Val, Yvie and Glinda for being the best side characters I might have ever read. A true delight these 4 were.

Again, I did enjoy it and I know this will surely appeal to the many...I mean it says right on the cover it's a million copy bestseller.

Series notes:
It's not listed as a series for some reason, but I think it's best to read One Day With You first. There is a bit of a refresher, but this is the aftermath for the 2 characters from that one.

Narration notes:
I did not listen to this one, but am just giving the info above for reference.

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Thanks to the Publishers and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I loved reading One Day With You and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book too.

We meet up with Tess, Noah, Nancy and Vera, it’s one year since the accident which changed the lives of Tess and Noah, it’s also the first birthday of Tress’ baby, Buddy.

The story is set over 24 hours, in which we read about these characters daily lives, the happy times and twists that happen.

We meet Odette, who has worked for a long time on a long running Scottish tv programme, who has kept a secret for a long time. Also Rex, who is her son.

I highly recommend this book.

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When I started reading this I had no idea it was the sequel to One Day Without you but I was so happy that it was.
It's a year to the day that Tress's husband Max was killed in a car crash. The same crash involved Noah's wife, Anya who was having an affair with Max.
Anya is now in America having split from Max. On the same day Tress have birth to Max's son, buddy.
Tress and Noah have spent the last year trying to build their lives back together focusing especially on Baby Buddy.
Nacy and Val are still good neighbours and part of the family now, and still cracking the jokes.
A soap opera star who's leaving her show for the last time is part of the story and eventually we see the lives intertwine.
I can't give any more of this away. I have loved all the books by Shari Low I have read so far. I only discovered her this year through a friend and I have to idea why she was never on my radar before.
I still have a few more books of hers to read.
I really enjoyed this one and although it can be read on its own it will be more enjoyable if you read the first one first.

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A good follow up to One Day With You. Seeing Tress and Noah moving on with their lives was wonderful and the laughs were aplenty with Nancy and Val.
I really enjoy how the stories weave together over the 24 hours - it’s a fun easy to read story following the emotional ride of 12 months ago, in just one day.

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A lovely read, set over 24 hours with each chapter following a different character. I struggled a bit with the cast of characters to begin with but soon got to know them and became invested in their stories which all linked together beautifully in the end.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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I have to hold my hands up and say that until I began to schedule my review in for One Year After You and find a link for you I didn’t know that it was actually a sequel to One Day With You but what I will say is that this can absolutely be read as a standalone because at no time did I feel like I was missing something.

This book follows those who are left behind to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives after a devastating crash a year ago took the life of not only a bestfriend, a dad but a husband too whilst also ripping apart another marriage and friendship when infidelity was discovered. Adjusting to this new life and learning to trust again.

The storyline follows a 24 hour period and alongside this storyline of loss are weaved many other characters who are all linked to each other in this big web of connection who all have something going on in their lives from infidelity to hidden secrets looking set to come out the woodwork and even touching on loneliness and regret too. There are so many characters and so much happening it felt like an episode of our favourite soaps and yet the author was so clever to tie each of the storylines into another character so that nothing felt like it shouldn’t have been there.

I loved all the drama that was going on, there was such a buzz of activity there was no safe place to put this book down because there was always something happening and I wanted to see what was going to happen next. One minute you had a lump in your throat from emotion the next adrenalin pumping when a dose of karma was given.

Having lost my own husband it was Daisy’s character and story that I was drawn to the most because in part I could relate to her healing journey and the uncomfortable situations of “moving on” with someone new when all you have ever known is your husband and learning to trust again is not something that comes naturally or easy. I was holding out so much hope for her that she would find the happiness and a new start that she deserved.

What I can 100% say is that having finished this book and loving each and every moment I am now desperate to go back and read One Day with You.

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“One Year After You” by Shari Low follows four characters during a 24-hour period as they come to terms with betrayals of the worst sort, including adultery, ghosting a former lover, and cheating to get to the top. But it is also a story of love, moving on, and finding love and acceptance. I hadn’t realized until after I finished the book that this is a continuation of “One Day With You”, a book I haven’t read. I thought it was excellent as a stand-alone book and I felt fully invested in these interesting characters. But now, I really want to go back and read the first one.
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book to offer my candid opinion.

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Absolutely captivating. I truly loved the first book and was thrilled to learn there was a sequel. This is set exactly one year from the day Tress' husband is killed in a car accident while driving his mistress, who happens to be his best friend's wife. Tress gave birth to their son that night. This story shows how Tress and Noah are moving forward, while not forgetting the past. The story follows Tress, Noah, Odette and Keli on the journey of what comes next. Lots of emotions, great characters, and enjoyable plot.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Journeys continue, after the most devastating things happen, and we now get to see what has happened to Tress, Noah, Odette, and Keli. Moving forward, is hard, and there are choices to make, feelings and emotions to go through, a life to live, and seeing where you are after going through these things.
I enjoyed reading this book, discovering the choices they each made, and where they are now. It is a reminder, don't give up, move forward, and see where life will be taking you next.
I received an ARC from Boldwood Books through NetGalley.

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This was an evocative, emotional read. It is one year since Tress’s husband died in a car accident. That is tragic enough. It becomes horrible when it is found that he was with his mistress of three years Anya who is married to Noah, Max’s best friend. Anya was Tress’s best friend too. As if life is not complicated enough Tress had her first baby in the same hospital on the same day Buddy was born, and her husband died in another ward.

The bones of that story is a story in itself. It destroyed Tress, it broke Noah and his twenty year marriage. Noah’s family is trying to get to grips still as they were all traumatised by the girl who they treated as family. Now on the first anniversary of Max’s death we see the main characters trying to adapt to a new scenario.

The story was a good read with several side stories and twists and turns all implausibly connected to each other, but very enjoyable nevertheless.

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loved One Moment With You so much: Tress and Max's story was both heartbreaking and beautiful. As soon as I finished it, I was praying that we'd get a sequel....and here it is!

One Year After You catches up with Tress a year after Max died. It's also their son's birthday. Can she love again?

Noah and Mya have a difficult situation: Can they have a second chance at love?

So far, these are characters anyone who has read/listened to One Year After You will recognise, but Kelli, Noah's sister, is a new one. I liked her backstory too.

Learning to love again, whether to forgive, and how to move on are themes from One Year After You that I enjoyed. There's an understandable undercurrent of sadness and pain in Tress's story, as well as Noah's and Keli's.

How will life work out for everyone?

The writing style is just as immersive as One Moment With You, and the plot is just as beautiful and realistic.

Thanks to Shari Low, Rachel's Random Resources and Boldwood Books for my eARC in exhamge for an honest and voluntary review.

5 stars

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A gripping read which tackles some difficult topics in a delicate and thoughtful manner

I love how Shari builds the characters they have such depth to them.

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The path to true love is rarely smooth, but for Tress and Noah the potholes were filled with heartbreak and humiliation. One Year After You is a "sequel" to One Day With You, where Noah and Tress learn their spouses Max and Anya were having an affair. It is not necessary to read One Day With You first, but you'll feel more connected to the characters of One Year After You if you do. In One Year After You Tress is a single mom to son Buddy, born the same night his dad died; Noah is dating fellow doctor Cheska; and while neither Noah nor Tress has forgotten what happened one year before, both are trying to move on. One Year After You celebrates their strength and survival in the face of the worst betrayal imaginable-while looking forward the novel does not erase the past or skirt around the impact. There are several secondary characters that add charm and mystery to the plot, but One Year After You focuses squarely on Tress and Noah. The outcome of One Year After You is never really in doubt, but there are a few detours to keep up the momentum. One Year After You proves that while night may be darkest just before dawn, when the sun shines on a new day its light can be brighter and sweeter than ever.

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It has been one year since Tress’ husband was killed in a car accident while driving with his mistress/Noah’s wife, Anya.
One Year After You is told from the perspectives the four main characters, Tress, Noah, Noah’s sister, Keli and Odette whose show Tress is a set designer on. The story revolves around the events that unfold in their lives over a 24-hour period.

The book is a compelling read that considers the complexities of relationships, grief, and the possibility of second chances.

A great read you won't want to put down!

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Absolutely love Shari Low books and having read the reviews for this decided to read the first book One Day with You and although they can be read as stand-alone I enjoyed reading the two in succession. Loved the characters the plot of the story and the sense of humour threaded throughout a really great read and would highly recommend. If you love stories that involve people and their relationships. Both books well worth 5 stars. 🤩

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