Member Reviews

My main takeaways from this story: Men are trash, good for her.

This book is pretty dark, and at times turned my stomach a bit. I personally really like this in a book.

The male characters in this book are all (intentionally) nauseating. I really felt Ji-Won's disgust and discomfort, and I found myself rooting for bad things to happen to the men. It's a fairly cathartic read.

The book isn't perfect and can be a little heavy-handed, at points it feels like it over-explains the misogyny and fetishization of Asian women. But for the majority of the book it illustrates these things with skill.

I think it's important for the reader to just accept the parts of the story that are implausible, it's not meant to be taken too seriously, it's a dark satire.

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This book was like nothing I have read before! I really enjoyed this book. It was weird- that is for sure but it works so well! It is really well written and full of twists and turns. 5 stars!

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I was hoping to like this way more than I did. Ji-Won starts dreaming of eating delicious human blue eyeballs and she makes that wish come true. The eyeball snacking is as grim as you imagine it to be and were as the title suggests the best part. We were seeing Ji-Won at her most unhinged, but I wanted to know more about her apart from her unusual craving, I felt like we got very little character development. George was disgusting and he deserved all that befell him, in that way the ending was very satisfying, but it didn't do what I wanted it to d as a horror novel.

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I love weird books however the eyeballs were just a bit much it gave me the creepy feeling of someone under my skin which was both good and bad. I love the description of the eyeballs and I so wanted to continue past the 60% mark I got to but the descriptions of gooey eyeballs is what I couldn't get past . I could see where the story was going I could feel the main character slowly unravel and I was excited for more. I'm sorry I was unable to complete your eye opening story 😉 Maybe one day I can get past the eyeballs as the intrigue is very much there and I want to know what happens next

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~ I received a copy of The Eyes Are the Best Part from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ~

The Eyes Are the Best Part was my first horror novel and while at the beginning it was shocking and new, it definitely piqued my interest. Ms. Kim's tale introduces us to Jiwon, a college student who's struggling with her classes and her home life after her father abandons her, her mother, and her sister Jihyun. The introduction of her mom's new white boyfriend, George, throws Jiwon for a loop even further because he's gross person and spends more time fetishizing Asians than actually treating them like people.

I've recently learned what body horror is, and The Eyes Are the Best Part definitely falls into the category. I think the story flows well, although the ending seemed to clean up a little too well in my opinion. I will say I was a little squeamish, but chalk that up to being new in the genre.

A well written story overall, and I can't wait to see what Ms. Kim comes up with next.

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This disgustingly sinister novel is perfect for lovers of unhinged feminine rage and body horror.

THE EYES ARE THE BEST PART follows Ji-Won, whom we find in a not-so-great time in her life. She's just lost her group of best friends before college, her parents are getting a divorce, and she feels lost, alone, and you guessed it: ANGRY. Told from her point of view, we follow Ji-Won on her slow descent to madness, becoming more and more unreliable as the story goes on.

This book was quick and easy to read, but FAR from pleasant. There were a few times where I physically cringed at the descriptions in this book even when I'm fully expecting what's to come. There's just something about simple writing that is still able to make you FEEL something -- especially a feeling like repulsion. Kim also divulges into topics such as generational trauma, fetishization, misogyny, and race in a way that is accessible to any reader.

The chapters were short, and the decreasing reliability of our narrator kept me hooked trying to figure out what the hell was actually going on. Like seriously -- what did I just read?

I will definitely be reading more from this author!

3.75 rounded up to 4!

I would've loved more: more characterization and character development, more uncomfortable scenes, and more than the abrupt ending we got. The mundanity at the beginning lasted a little too long for me, and once the chaos finally started I wanted more details. Instead, we got the same sequence of dreams/hallucinations. I like a fever-dream-esque vibe as much as the next reader; however, I need more variability.

Nonetheless, I recommend this book to anyone who loves a revenge story.

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Ji-Won is the inspiration for “I support women’s wrongs.”

The Eyes Are the Best Part tackles multiple heavy topics—-misogyny, fetishization, racism, —through the lens of a young Korean-American woman who slowly becomes obsessed with blue eyes.

This book features an unhinged woman full of rage and out for revenge. And it gets gross, in the best horror kind of way!

I loved this. I’ve immediately pre-ordered a physical copy. I was instantly sucked in and it was a real challenge to put this book down.

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This book was so cleaver in how it begins and sets you up for a fun read and then bam. We meet Ji-won at a point in her life when everything is changing and she is coming unglued. Her obsession with blue eyes kept me wanting to read more. Having been raised knowing he eyes are the best part of the fish but thinking it is gross then to change and become obsess with eyes of the misogynistic George. As much as I wanted to not like her I was cheering for her to get revenge even with cannibalism happening.

I really appreciate that this was a diverse character, Korean- American girl, who is coming to terms with the mean boyfriend of her mother. The way she cracks and continues down a path of getting the blue eyes is a page turner and one that I couldn't look away from like a wreck on the side of the road that you know you should move along but just can't. I really enjoyed this book and how the author connects the characters and how easy it was to relate to their relationships. It was a fresh spin on a thriller that will keep you reading.

If you like thriller, horror then add this to your TBR and be ready to be intrigued by this sister turned serial killer.

Thank you Kensington Books, Erewhon Books and NetGalley for the ARC in return for my honest review. Keep reading and find your next adventure in black and white.
#TheEyesAretheBestPart #NetGalley

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I was really impressed with this book. The characters, the relationships, and the racism and misogyny throughout all felt SO real that it made the more unbelievable parts of the plot feel even scarier and real. A really thoughtful piece of horror writing, and I cannot WAIT to read whatever Monika writes next.

Thank you for the ARC, NetGalley!

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T͓̽h͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽o͓̽n͓̽l͓̽y͓̽ ͓̽p͓̽o͓̽w͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ͓̽h͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽h͓̽a͓̽s͓̽ ͓̽i͓̽s͓̽ ͓̽t͓̽h͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽p͓̽o͓̽w͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ͓̽y͓̽o͓̽u͓̽ ͓̽a͓̽r͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽w͓̽i͓̽l͓̽l͓̽i͓̽n͓̽g͓̽ ͓̽t͓̽o͓̽ ͓̽g͓̽i͓̽v͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽h͓̽i͓̽m͓̽ ͓̽a͓̽n͓̽d͓̽ ͓̽y͓̽o͓̽u͓̽’͓̽v͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽g͓̽i͓̽v͓̽e͓̽n͓̽ ͓̽h͓̽i͓̽m͓̽ ͓̽n͓̽o͓̽t͓̽h͓̽i͓̽n͓̽g͓̽.͓̽

A riveting feminist psychological thriller horror where the protagonist, Ji-Won, a Korean-American girl grapples with her parents’ separation. When her mother’s new beau embodies everything vile - a gross racist and misogynistic white man with a fetish for Asian women - Ji-Won’s descent into obsession with blue eyeballs, fueled by her mother’s superstitions, becomes a chilling journey.

Monika Kim crafts Ji-Won as a tantalizingly twisted protagonist, her actions reprehensible yet strangely justifiable, drawing readers into a web of feminine rage and vengeance against the wrongs perpetrated by men. With prose as sharp as a blade, Kim’s narrative unfolds with precision and urgency, every word laden with purpose. Short, punchy chapters propel the story forward, weaving themes including misogyny, cultural fetishization, and family dynamics, all tinged with female fury.

Despite the weighty subject matter, Kim skillfully infuses moments of humor, providing a respite amidst the darkness. For those who champion women’s rights and WRONGS, this is a must-read. Brace yourself for a journey where every word is an invitation into Ji-Won’s twisted psyche, challenging perceptions and leaving an indelible mark on the reader’s soul. I love Mona Awad’s writing so this is right up my alley!

Thank you Netgalley and Erewhonbooks for the eARC! The Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim will be out on 25th June and I’m so excited!!!

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Content Warnings: Racism & Fetishization of Asian Women, Misogyny, Stalking, Cannibalism

Themes: Unhinged Women, Korean Family Dynamics, Feminism

My Thoughts:
A unique serial killer origin story with a sprinkle of body horror. Ji-Won’s character development was so good I found myself rooting for her. The tension build up made this a one-sitting read for me. I could not put this book down! I would probably liken this book to Gone Girl and Maeve Fly. If you dig psychological horror, this book is for you.


Thank you Net Galley and Erewhon Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I needed to process this overnight after finishing the book! Easily 5 star read for me! The narrator slowly becomes unhinged by things happening in her life, and you get to “watch it” unravel right before you. The book is very well written, super cringey, very detailed, and has you wanting more. This book is sure to be a favorite for all readers!! Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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Holy. Cow.
I had a feeling that this one was going to give me all types of icky feelings, and i was right! (in a good way!) I love nothing more than an uncomfortable novel. something that makes me squirm thinking about what is going to come next. Monica Kim perfectly encapsulates the teenage girl descent to madness that I have always wanted to read. You have become an instant-buy author for me! KEEP IT UP!

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I wasn't sure what to expect with The Eyes Are the Best Part, but phew it was a RIDE. Ji-won's slow descent into madness left me needing to devour more and more
of this book. After everything she goes through and everything she does, I can't help but say' "You know what? Good for her".

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Really enjoyed the book from start to finish. Author wrote this with great pace. This book is now one of my top books of the year for sure. Loved every second of this book

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I received an electronic copy from Netgalley.

The Eyes Are the Best Part is a darkly funny page-turner of a book. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, writing, and pacing as well as the Korean-American viewpoint. I would recommend this book to others who enjoy thrillers/body horror with a bit of comedy and interesting race dynamics. I look forward to buying the hardback once it gets released!

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thank you so much to netgalley and kensington books for the ARC!

ji-won is having a though time.
her dad left the family household, her grades are plummeting and her mom’s new boyfriend is an obnoxious creep who fetishisizes asian women. however, despite her hatred, or perhaps because of it, her dreams are filled with george’s blue eyes, tempting her, famishing her. she just needs to take a bite. just one. for luck.

i’ve been having a hard time finding the “thrills” in my thrillers recently but monika kim’s debut soooo hit the bull’s eye (pun absolutely intended). it is such a fresh take on the psychological horror genre wrapped in an incredibly easy-to-breeze-through writing. the characters are fleshed out and ji-won’s development will have you whooping and cheering for her, despite her questionable actions (or maybe i just have a problem).
honestly, the best word to describe this novel is just fun, man. i had so much fun reading about this girl growing more and more obsessed, so much fun getting grossed out at the just right amount of eye horror and had an incredible amount of fun going “oh, you SO deserve to have your eye eaten” every single time a man looked at ji-won the wrong way.
monika kim puts the treatment of asian women specifically, under the microscope and the carefully woven-through social commentaries, whether on racism, fetishization or feminism add an appreciable depth to the story.

the eyes are the best part comes out in june 2024 and if you love an unhinged woman, i can’t recommend it enough.

also i could write whole essays about this cover. it is supreme. it is one of my favorites of the last few years. it has not left my mind for days.

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i literally JUST finished this and had to run over here to post my review. i LOVED this novel from start to finish, it pulled me in from the very first line and kept me in its grasp until the very last one. from the synopsis i thought i had an idea in mind of what this would be about and where it would go but i loved every twist and turn, every surprise, every step along the way, but the way it all built up into that DOOZY of a climax... i am just speechless. i loved this, i want to recommend it to any and every single person i know. a million stars/5.

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. i can't wait to purchase a physical copy for my library!

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Monika Kim paints a horrifying and graphic picture in "The Eyes Are the Best Part." As someone in the medical field who considers herself not very squeamish, this book had me up thinking about it most of the night. Definitely pick this one up if you're a fan of horror or looking to branch out. It's fast paced and short and a great introduction to the genre.

4.2/5 stars!

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This was my favourite book of 2024 so far!

When Korean-American college student Ji-won’s mom starts dating racist, misogynistic George, Ji-won is repulsed. But she can’t stop thinking about his beautiful blue eyes…and how much she wants to cut them out and eat them.

Yup, this book is weird! It features a main character who craves the taste of human eyeballs. And yet, it completely works. It’s beautifully written and full of twists and turns. It shrewdly skewers the racism and misogyny faced by Asian women, and Ji-won is a protagonist you’ll find your self cheering for…cannibalism and all.

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