Member Reviews

Wel written memoir by a renowned conservationist and ecologist. I loved the vibe throughout. Would recommend it. Thanks so much for the arc!

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A little more than a year ago my kids and I saw a presentation given by Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant while on an educational trip to Disney World. We’ve listened to her podcasts, watched her Crash Course Zoology videos, and are currently watching her host Wild Kingdom. My daughter will have to wait until she’s a bit older to read this book, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some of the stories were familiar, though in more detail, to her stories in her podcast. As I was reading the book I could imagine she was actually speaking the words, so I do hope she plans to narrate her audiobook. I do also hope that someday she will write children’s books about the animals that she has encountered in the wild. Thank you, Dr, Rae Wynn-Grant for putting your struggles and your triumphs out there for the world to read, you’re an inspiration to others.

Thank you NetGalley and Zando for the opportunity to read this book prior to publication.

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An interesting read an account of a wildlife ecologist, the pressures and challenges she faced in her career. I really loved the field trip stories. Enjoyed the read. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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