Member Reviews

The Waitress was a fun quick read. The story was different than thrillers I've read before which kept it fresh, and the ending definitely had a surprise twist! Would recommend for thriller readers looking for a something a bit different without being overly complicated.

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Pretty good story and excellent writing! I was hooked from start to finish. I loved the story but I felt like it could have been so much more. There were some small twists but there wasn't a huge one though it felt like there should have been. This book still kept me on my toes!

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Anne Marie is a waitress with a troubled, delinquent son, Dave. She defends, protects and lies for Dave, hoping he will change and be a good person. Dave, is 100%, a sociopath and will never be a decent human being. Nonetheless, Anne Marie does not give up on him and helps him harbor his crimes….

This is a very quick read, however, I was quite disappointed. It was difficult to keep my interest. I have LOVED all of Emily Shiner’s books, but this one left me feeling blah.

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The Waitress was a bit of a surprise to me as far as thrillers go. I figured out fairly soon who our culprit was but the story bringing about the proof and realization was disturbing - and for me, at least, not in a good way. After awhile the self-pity, excuses and blind refusal to acknowledge reality started to wear on me. I did finish the book and it's written well enough to hold the story together. It can be a quick entertaining read for an afternoon.

Thank you NetGalley and Emily Shiner for the ARC.

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I loved this book! From the beginning I was on my toes. I love how the mother would protect her son at all costs but doing so kept me in edge with what would happen next. This is a great thriller for anyone!

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Emily Shiner writes unputdownable books! This is a story of how far a mother will go to protect her son. I read it in under two hours because it’s a quick and satisfying read. If you’ve loved other Emily Shiner books you won’t want to miss this one!

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i received this as an ARC and OH MY GOD it did not disappoint! the twist at the end of this book, i could never have picked that. this was a book that had me needing more, every time i tried to put it down i could not. i read 60% of this in one sitting.

the amount of times i thought i had it figured out and then was proven so wrong was crazy!

please do yourself a favour and read this amazing thriller! another amazing book by emily

4/5 stars

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Another cute cover. I loved this thriller book. The different twists and how it ended, I just didn't see it coming. She's now one of my new favorite thriller authors. I highly recommend that everyone just runs to KU and reads it immediately. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, so this review is just me telling you to run and read it. I binged it all in one day.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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This book made me so mad, LOL. As a mother my heart broke for Anne Marie, and all her son Dave put her through. I was also angry that she allowed him to keep making “mistakes” and getting them further in trouble. This book was a fast read and kept me engaged.

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Anne Marie is a waitress and has a horrible teenage son who she can't control. He gets into more trouble and she tries to help him with disastrous results. It seemed a bit implausible to me. None of the characters are particularly engaging.

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A mother would do anything to protect her child right? I was reading this and it made me wonder at what stage I would stop protecting my child and start protecting other people - namely the people who need protecting from him!! It's frustrating at times because you think that in that position you wouldn't do it but then you think about being a mother and you really cannot say you wouldn't do the same thing she does. A frustrating read at times and a bit far fetched but an ok read.

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Thank you Netgalley, Emily Shiner, and Inkubator books for the ebook!! This was a quick and crazy read! I loved the twists and turns and it really had me thinking how far I would go to protect my child! I couldn’t believe the ending!

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Thank you to Inkubator Books and Net Galley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All Opinions are my own. Mother's will do anything for their children, but even I would draw the line at some of the things this mom did for her son. You name it he's done it. He is hateful and only treats his mom right when he was being blackmailed. I enjoyed this book, but I do think it went a bit too far.

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The waitress was a twisty domestic thriller about a mother’s love. Some plot twists and characters you love to hate. A quick read that was entertaining and fast paced. Definitely adding Emily Shriner to my favorite authors

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I’ve never read anything by this author before and liked the sound of this. Unfortunately I struggled with this book as I couldn’t relate to the main characters who both annoyed me so much! The mum just had no control over her son and it was unrealistic how she let him behave all the time. I will read more by this author but this book was not for me

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A story about a mother who will do anything for her troubled son.

I thought that while the storyline was predictable I was still interested and sped through the book.

This was an easy quick read.

Thank you to #NetGalley for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a good read although none of the characters were likeable it was fast paced throughout which kept my interest and had me wanting to know what was going to happen next would recommend

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Well, I certainly didn’t see that ending coming! The short chapters made this a very quick read for me. I was intrigued enough to peruse it to the end. I love my kids but I’m not sure I’d be inclined to go to the extent that The Waitress did.
Thank You to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and Emily Shiner for the opportunity to enjoy this ARC.

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