Member Reviews

Amazing beginner handbook. This answered so many questions as we look to set up our first beehive. We're feeling more confident and like we have a great tool on our side with this book on our shelf.

This attractive and useful 5th edition has enhanced organization, clear and plentiful photographs, and a wealth of updated information on the setup, care, and operation of bee colonies and hives. While noted in the subtitle as a manual for the “absolute beginner”, established and experienced beekeepers will also find The Backyard Beekeeper, 5th Edition to be a valuable resource for current issues and best practices.

The Backyard Beekeeper, 5th Edition is a well written easy to understand reference for beekeeping by (sadly recently departed) Kim Flottum. Due out 27th Feb 2024 from Quarto on their Quarry imprint, it's 256 pages (paperback) and will be available in paperback and ebook formats. Material originally published in 2005, this is an updated and reformatted re-release.
The author is an experienced beekeeper and USDA researcher and this book is full of well thought out and sensible advice for sustainable and successful beekeeping from starting to more advanced techniques. The book is divided into chapters: an introduction with the main concepts and anatomical features of honeybees, along with the tools & supplies in the apiarist's toolbox, detailed housing needs, lots of info on honey, troubleshooting and problems, beeswax, and a lot of good info on best practice.
The photography throughout is in color and is very clear and professionally rendered. The photo captions are easy to understand and relevant. The information here -could- be used to get started with beekeeping in the absence of a tutor or more experienced beekeeper friend, however, it's always recommended to cultivate resources and friends in the beekeeping community (we *love* bees and "newbees") and beekeepers are generally the most helpful people to be found and love sharing the hobby with others.
The author/publisher have also included a short resources and links lists aimed mostly at readers located in North America, as well as a cross-referenced index.
Beekeeping is such a rewarding and fascinating hobby and improving the health of our own biodiverse environment aids everyone from locally to globally. This is an information dense and layman accessible guide. It would make a good selection for public or school library use, home/smallhold library, makers groups, allotment and community garden groups, and similar.
Four and a half stars. Very well done.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

A good book with great information on how to keep books. I will be referring to this one often when we decide to start our journey into beekeeping. The photos are very helpful as well.

Interesting read. I'm not now nor do I intend to be a beekeeper, but I'm slightly obsessed with bees. So I enjoyed reading about them, their habits and how to take care of them.

I’m quite interested in beekeeping. This book provides a very detailed explanation of the process. As with any endeavor, there is far more to it than I would have guessed. At the beginning of the book, the author recommends consulting with area groups. After finishing the book, I think that is going to be my starting place. I think I will need to know that I have some support before attempting this. My next step may be buying this book- it really is in depth.

As expected, when you get to the 5th edition of a book, you get close to perfection. This book is full of information, easy to understand, logical and with great illustrations. If you have any interest in beekeeping, this book is a must-have.

The Backyard Beekeeper: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden
Kim Flottum, Weeks Ringle
The Backyard Beekeeper is both a cookbook and beekeeping book. In this book you will learn how to raise honeybees and how to use the honey. Honey is the best substitute for processed sugars. We raise honeybees and truly enjoy the benefits of fresh honey. The information in this book is invaluable to the new beekeeper. The illustrations compliment the text.