Member Reviews

I ended up not finishing this book. I gave it to about 13% but could not continue. Many grammar, spelling, even gender issues. Large cast of characters with little explanation of who they are. Complicated world, religious, and social system with no explanation. Not much intriguing story at this point to keep me wanting to read.

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This was a really fun and dynamic read. It felt like I was embarking on a great fantasyadventure. The concept was perfect and everything that I was hoping for. The characters really worked for this type of world building and were written well.

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Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie ich dieses Buch bewerten soll, da ich es aufgrund relativ kurzer Ausleihdauer (ohne Verlängerung) nicht lesen konnte.

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This was a refreshing take on the chosen one idea. Just a plain, normal girl from a plain, normal place. But she's thrown into a academy of sorcery and deception nonetheless. An exciting journey to experience to be sure.

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Unfortunately, I DNF'd this.

I liked the concept, but the execution just wasn't there to keep me hooked.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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I overall enjoyed this book and thought the plot was very engaging. One thing I liked was the large amount of character development for the members of the caravan such as Delta and her close friends and family. I also liked the way the world she lived in was described and the world building that took place. Some may consider it to be too descriptive and focused on describing her world but I found it interesting and something that added to the story. However I disliked some of the holes left in the story and felt that certain parts needed to be explained more. Some parts in the beginning were left vague which I thought was intriguing and a reason to keep reading but I wished the author would have eventually developed these parts more clearly. I also didn’t like the way it ended with a cliffhanger and hope for this book to turn into a series where these questions can be answered and the world can be developed more. Overall I really enjoyed this book and would suggest it for others that enjoy fantasy.

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In this action-packed tale, we follow 14-year-old Delta and her companions as they brave dangerous terrain and encounter diverse cultures. The book's diverse representation and richly crafted worldadd depth to the narrative.The author skillfully portrays societal norms, including the harsh realities faced by women, with themes of sexual violence handled with sensitivity.
While the pacing felt uneven and some plot twists were resolved hastily, the characters, particularly Delta and her evolving friendships, are compelling. The inclusion of a world origin story adds depth, leaving readers eager for more despite some narrative shortcomings. I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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In this action-packed adventure, we follow 14-year-old Delta as she travels through treacherous lands with her Uncle and cousin in a large caravan. After the caravan is split from a bridge collapse, Delta and her group are forced to take a long-forsaken road to reunite with the others.
I truly appreciated the Queer and POC representation within this story, and the ability of the author to weave in a variety of cultures and customs that a traveler would encounter on long and perilous journeys such as these. This story was BEGGING for a map to accompany it, and a glossary or list of terms could also be helpful for readers (like myself) who can’t always remember unique terms for a fantasy world.
Overall the pacing of the narrative felt uneven, with major scenes ending too quickly, less important scenes dragging on, and some characters, like Delta herself, really gaining momentum just as the story was ending. Despite the uneven pacing, this story gave a world that I would love to dive back into.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I want to thank Netgalley for an advanced ARC of this book but unfortunately I was able to finish this book and it was not a story that kept me interested and I stopped reading at 55%. I do apologise

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I Am A Barbarian is enjoyable and character-centered storytelling, with a nice dose of action. An immersive world that is inviting for readers who enjoy historical and fantasy.

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While heading toward Samarzal to attend a sorcery school with her uncle and cousin, the caravan with which Delta is traveling runs through some trouble and Delta's group gets separated. There is nothing left to do except go through the treacherous Forsaken Road, where danger awaits.

I think the weak point of the story was the characters. I spent some time confused as to who was who at the beginning. I also feel like i never got to know them, or at least I never connected to them and didn't feel anything when something bad happened to them. I also think that the writing was very basic, it maybe could have used more work.
It is nice to see that there was some casual queer and POC rep.
The best aspect was certainly the world-building, clearly the author put some thought into it, especially the religious beliefs, which were really developed and I really appreciated that, I feel like it's often neglected in fantasy stories.
There were certainly some high stakes at certain moments, but maybe most of them were resolved too quickly ? Though I liked that we spent some time just hanging around the caravan whenever it stopped, it's what i would expect from a caravan being a major plot point.

CW : slavery, murder, death, animal death, sexual assault (mentioned), CSA (mentioned)

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I wish I could give this book a better rating, I really do. The premise was really promising, but the story fell short. The author has obviously put a lot of work into the world-building for this story, but it felt that she assumed the reader knew things about the world without giving the information. At times, I found myself going back in the book to check I hadn't missed some key information somewhere.
The writing was choppy and disjointed, with a load of grammar and spelling mistakes - even a main character's main was spelled incorrectly a couple of times. This is definitely something an editor should have caught, and I found it really distracting.
There was a lot of potential for character development in the story, but the author just skimmed over these moments, leaving the characters as very one-dimensional.
There were also a lot of opportunities for big exciting action scenes, but every time something perilous and exciting happened, the issue was resolved within a page, which took the tension away and had me losing interest. Lots of things were left hanging throughout the story, and there was no indication that it would be resolved in coming books.
Overall, really disappointed with this book, and the only reason I am giving two stars instead of one is that some of the mistakes in the book are down to an editor not the author.

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At fourteen, Delta has crossed half the continent and braved innumerable trials alongside her nomadic family. But her toughest challenge still lies ahead

Great ideas, but a little boring. It was fine, I guess.

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A 14 year old girl traveling on the forsaken road with her uncle and cousin. There were a lot of complications, demons, and angry guards on top of horrible mountaineers. Delta lost a lot. She lost her dog. She lost her magic. She lost her horse. She wants to give up and go back home because she lost is not worth learning magic. The book was good, but somehow the last chapter it fizzle down to almost nothing. The author leaves it open for a second book to explain about the girl in the coffin, the loss of her magic and furthering her journey but if this is the one and only back then it has a really horrible ending with so many questions not answered, and not enough detail to have you wonder all right, your own, ending or furtherance of the book

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Interesting book. You dive headfirst into the action and are handed out backstory here and there in this caravan journey. I actually don't know if there is a follow up, bc there was so much left unanswered, and the title doesn't fully fit with the trajectory of the story. But, it moves quickly, the characters are likeable, and Barbarian activity is abound so be prepared for that. 3 stars because I liked it well enough but the magic system, why certain characters are hidden, who they are actually after (there are a few candidates, including a surprise one), what happens when they reach their destination, etc is all up for interpretation.

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3.5/5 Stars

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

In this adventure-packed tale, we follow 14-year-old Delta as she traversed treacherous lands with her uncle, cousin, and a caravan. When a bridge collapsed, the caravan took the perilous forsaken road, haunted by demons and home to hostile mountain tribes, to reunite with the other half. T

The book's premise promised excitement as we journeyed through diverse landscapes, and I appreciated the inclusion of queer and POC representation. The world crafted by the author, reminiscent of the Silk Road with in my mind Nordic elements, brought together a tapestry of cultures and has the travellers find common ground between their cultures under the "Laws of the Road."

I appreciate the author's attention to grounding societal norms in what would be considered "normal" for many medieval societies worldwide. While harsh, the narrative reflects the devaluation of women compared to men, notably observed in the mountain tribes' disdain for women. It's crucial to note that the story delves into themes of sexual violence and trauma, which necessitate a trigger warning for sensitive readers at the beginning of the book. While these elements may mirror the harsh reality of the world portrayed in the book, they can still be distressing for certain readers.

It's clear that the author invested love and research in this story. However, a glossary would have been helpful, especially for obscure terms like "orichalcum," and a map could have aided in navigating the various locations and visualizing our heroes journey.

The pacing of the narrative felt uneven, with some major encounters ending too swiftly and others providing engaging chapters. The unexpected twists, like Izumo's revelation, added delightful surprises, even if resolved a bit hastily.

While Delta's character development and budding friendship with Ketylenn were well-crafted, the story concluded just as Delta began to find confidence and make connections. The inclusion of a world and gods' origin story adds depth to the narrative, which I adored.

Despite these elements, the book left me intrigued by the unique world, magic system, and well-developed characters. Although it fell short of delivering an epic coming-of-age journey, it sparked my curiosity about the characters' future and the lingering mysteries and leaves me wanting for more.

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I really, really wanted to love this book because I was super excited to get approved for it. It was just really slow.

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A lovely and fantastical novella that balances introducing readers to this new world and cast of characters superbly with its plot

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"I Am a Barbarian" by Alex Evans is a thought-provoking exploration of societal complexities and personal identity. The novel navigates the challenges of a world in flux, offering glimpses into the lives of characters grappling with the consequences of their actions.
Evans brings a raw intensity to the narrative, capturing the essence of the characters' struggles. The thematic exploration of power dynamics, morality, and survival adds depth to the storytelling.
However, the novel's execution is uneven, impacting the overall reading experience. At times, the pacing feels disjointed, hindering the immersive quality of the narrative. Some sections could benefit from further refinement to enhance coherence.
"I Am a Barbarian" presents a captivating concept, but the execution leaves room for improvement. Despite its unevenness, the novel offers moments of brilliance that make it worth exploring for readers intrigued by intricate explorations of societal and personal challenges.

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