Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this sweet romance, the main characters were very likeable and I felt drawn to seeing them succeed in there relationship, beautifully written felt myself rooting for there engagement and would love to read more.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed a gifted copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you NetGalley, Kerk Murray, and Magnolia Press!

This is Kerk’s debut romance novel, and it is so good! It’s a true five star for me. I related to the female main character, Emma, in so many ways! Her vegan representation is something I’ve not come across in a book before, and I found it to be very thought provoking. (Side Note: There are vegan recipes in the back of the book that I’m excited to try out.) The male main character, Luke, has ALL of the golden retriever energy I love in a sweet, book boyfriend! He reminds me of my real life boyfriend A LOT. I’m blessed to have found “my Luke,” and I loved being a part of Emma’s journey to find hers. And Riley … the ACTUAL sweet, golden retriever who is as energetic and goofy as you would expect this breed to be. I loved him so much! Oh!!!! The scum ex-husband, Chad …. Well, I won’t spoil it, but he gets what he deserves.

I completely appreciated this was a second chance romance in a non-traditional sense of the term. The same goes for the 3rd act breakup and how all of it unfolded. I loved the time I spent in Hadley Cove, and I can’t wait for this series to continue.

Spoilers: I loved that all of the sweet things Luke did for Emma (helicopter ride, getting her dog biscuits in other stores, etc.) did not result in a miscommunication break up. I appreciated how grown-up they both handled the break up and anytime they ran into each other. The break up stemming from Jeremiah being upset and lashing out was a perfectly logical reasoning. I loved that Chad got what was coming to him especially from the protection of Riley. My heart hurt when Riley got hurt, but I knew the happily ever after wouldn’t be there without him so I trusted Kerk to not take him away from us too soon. I loved the scene that described the image on the cover. I loved when the title of the story was dropped in the novel. I love that there was a playlist that went along with the book. I loved it all!

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“The heart wants what it wants, and it doesn’t always have to make sense.”

Emma Wright’s world came crashing down when her husband blindsided her with divorce papers on their anniversary and left her for a younger woman. Starting over at forty, she moves into a quaint beachfront cottage on the other side of Hadley Cove with her beloved rescue dog, Riley. But just as she’s picking up the shattered pieces to her life, Riley goes missing.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, widowed father Luke Grayson vows to repair the strained relationship with his teenage son, Jeremiah. In search of new beginnings, he moves them to the picturesque small coastal town of Hadley Cove, Georgia. While they're getting settled, an unexpected visitor arrives at their doorstops, and seems to believe this is his home.

As destiny weaves Emma and Luke’s paths together in unforeseen ways, their lives will change forever. Will they find the courage to open their fragile hearts to a second chance at love? Or will the scars of the past keep them from their happily ever after?

Having had a dog reactive to fireworks and loud bangs those parts of this book hit me in the feels. It’s a helpless and exhausting experience. 🥺

But otherwise OH MY GOD! I loved this book!! I couldn’t read it fast enough. This story was heartfelt, hopeful, and so incredibly endearing. I read it in a day. A small coastal town with dogs and love?! Come on now. An automatic 10/10!

Thank you Kerk for the #gifted copy. I can’t wait to read the next installment!! I need so much more Hadley Cove in my life. 💙

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My first read in this series. A small town, second chances romance. Touches the heart in sadness and happiness. I enjoyed reading this story and will read others in this series and by this author.

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A simple, predictable romance, but not great on character development. Lots of side players to help move the plot along but no real benefit to the story. There was a bit about her dad and her ex that felt pointless to the rest of the story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I've read wholesome, feel good romances before that I loved, but this book truly left me confused.
Throughout the whole book, the author had a mission, one single mission, which was showing his love and appreciation for animals and being vegan through the characters.
The book simply revolved around those two things, the main focus wasn't the relationship between Emma and Luke, but rather about the bond between Emma and her dog, Riley.
That was blatantly obvious when I reach the first quarter mark, and the two MCs hadn't even met!
There is giving a back story, and then there's, we're stuck in the back story and the plot doesn't seem to begin. Alas, it was a case of the later.
At some point I was like, okay, Riley is the one constant in your life, there a lot of tasty vegan options out there and your friends are almost family, got it, now, please. Move. On.
Nothing was happening. The relationship between Emma and Luke was extremely superficial, Emma liked Luke because he was the literal opposite of her ex, which wasn't the most reliable comparison because lots of people are better than abusers.
Luke just fell in love with the idea of love, one point he was planning elaborate dates for Emma, the next he was considering returning to the dating scene when some drama happened.
And don't let me start on Jeremiah, the guy got on my nerves, and let's be real here, trauma doesn't give you a pass to be an a**. Here, said it.
The book had been a let down in so many ways, which was a shame because the synopsis and cover looked promising.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

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When fate strikes
Luke moves into Emma's old house and they slowly get closer and closer, it's more of a friends to lovers story and Luke's son also plays a role in it

Nice to read, lots of emotion and deep insights.

Have fun reading for yourself!

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I just read this sweet contemporary romance by Kerk Murray. Thanks to #NetGalley for the ARC copy.

#Sincethedaywedanced is a book that features a second chance, later in life, small town romance.

Taking place in the cozy beach town of Hadley Cove, Emma is newly divorced. Her ex-husband is a huge jerk and once the assets from their marriage are sold off (including their marital home), Emma is focused on trying to mend her heart in the new cottage she's moved into with her rescue dog Riley.

New to Hadley Cove widower Luke is dealing with trying to repair his relationship with his troubled teenage son Jeremiah. It's been two years since his beloved wife's death, and Luke is wondering if it's time to start dating again.

This was a fun, easy read and would be perfect to take with you on a beach vacation. I flew through it in a day.

The characters im this story were a little older and dealing with real-life problems and heartbreak.

I found myself really rooting for them, particularly Luke and his son.

The author did a great job of outlining their backstories. If you want a sweet and uncomplicated read, this is the book for you.

Thank you, #NetGalley, for providing this book for review. All opinions are my own.

#books ##bookreview #NetGalley #bookstagram #contemporaryromancereads #smalltownromancebook #reading #kindle

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a beautiful story. I enjoyed it a lot!

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Since the Day We Danced by Kerk Murray is a book about two main characters, Emma and Luke, who have gone through separate tremendous heartaches. The book starts on a sad note, with both Luke and Emma devastated by the pain and torment that life was offering them yet again in some way or another, finding the inner strength to go through. They understand that they need to begin life over again, or possibly try to move on with their lives, by relocating, not knowing that this decision will change their lives forever. Emma's pet, Riley, plays a very significant role in making the story more captivating, as does Jeremiah, Luke's son. The story is all about life, its pains and gains, and all that life presents.

What I like about the book is the manner in which the author incorporates the lives of two people, explaining their side of the story. This way, readers get the whole picture. I also like the way the author does not sugarcoat the story; he brings out both the joys and the pains of life in the book. Additionally, I like the positivity portrayed in the characters despite life challenges; a good example can be seen in Chapter 40: "They were evidence that happiness could be found again, even after the most devastating losses. He wasn’t willing to part with that hope."

I rate this book, since the day we danced, 5 out of 5 stars for the above reasons, not to mention that the book is extremely fascinating

I recommend this book to those who have experienced love at some point in their lives, but unfortunately, it didn't last. As they read this book, they will realize that happiness can be found again and as the author puts it, despite the heartaches in life, it is also full of second chances, redemption, and love

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This was a lovely sweet romance, set in a small Georgia town. The main characters were terrific, and I loved the inclusion of a rescue dog named Riley. It was a touching story of new beginnings, and a sweet romance without being graphic.

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Since the Day We Danced is a sweet, romantic story with a lovely setting on the coast of Georgia with its marshes, bays, and beaches, near historical Savannah. I liked the characters and pulled for them to find happiness. Luke moved from Chicago to give his son Jeremiah and himself a new start, as they recover from the loss of his wife, who died a couple of years prior. Jeremiah is especially having trouble dealing with the loss. Luke blames himself for his workaholic lifestyle. His wife always wanted to live in coastal Georgia so this seems the right decision. Emma is reeling with a divorce from her husband who she found out was cheating. Thankfully, she has her sweet dog, Riley, and has started a dog treat company to supplement her teaching sub job. When Luke and Emma meet, they have an instant connection but with Jeremiah's problems, they have to be careful. This story pulls on heartstrings with both Emma and Luke's past to overcome and move on. It is great book for those who love romance and second chances.
I received a copy for the purpose of an honest review. These are my thoughts

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Quick Summary: A sunshine after the rain, women's fiction romance

My Review: Since the Day We Danced by Kerk Murray was a second chance at life kind of story. It is the first book in what promises to be an outstanding, new series set in Hadley Cove, Georgia. It is the kind of story that breaks your heart even as it gives hope.

About the Book: When two strangers who have each lost so much have a chance encounter, they are both gifted with the opportunity to heal in ways that they would never have imagined.

My Final Say: I would love to visit and sit a spell with the Hadley Cove residents. It would seem that this is a very special place with very special people. Emma and Luke's story kicked things off nicely. I am all in for the rest of the stories that are to come.

Other: Readers who are looking for a beautiful love story with texture, color, movement, and growth will find it in this wonderful novel.

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Series: Yes
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Status/Level: 💞

Heartfelt appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher, and to NetGalley. Thank you for granting access to this title in exchange for an honest review. The words I have shared are my own thoughts and opinions. I look forward to reading more from the Hadley Cove series.

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I enjoyed this book although there were parts where I felt that the book was stagnant. The main characters were a bit cliché but I will admit there were some scenes near the end of the book that I am glad I hung around for.

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A sweet, heart-warming and heart-breaking story. A dog and a teenager add to the trials and tribulations of the couple. Nice to see it is the start of a series. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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This is book one in The Hadley Cove Sweet Romance series and it is Emma and Luke’s story and what a great start to a new series and author to me. When Emma’s husband gave her divorce papers for their anniversary because he had found someone else Emma was devastated and not prepared at all so she decided to move away to Hadley Cove where she found a cottage so along with her rescue dog Riley Emma now needs to try and pick herself up after the betrayal and try to move forward with her new home and life. Luke is widowed and has a teenage son Jeremiah but there relationship is not what it should be and Luke is determined to mend what had been broken between them so he moved them to Hadley Cove so that they can start fresh in a new place and hopefully move forward and reconnect his son. This is the first book that I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it as it had great characters and a story that had you turning the pages while keeping your attention throughout the book and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

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A lovely story with so many hidden depths. Emma has just gotten divorced from her cheating husband and is dealing with the loss of both her home and her self esteem.
Luke and his son Jeremiah are recovering from the loss of his wife and after Jeremiah becomes so disruptive he ends up being suspended from school, Luke decides a move to the coast is in Jeremiah best interests, and they purchase Emma’s old home.
When Riley Emma’s dog turns up as a stray they take him in, and once reunited with Emma a romance between her and Luke is started. Jeremiah is fragile so they decide to keep it quiet but that backfires and Emma sets Luke free to concentrate on mending the relationship with his son.
Jeremiah realises his mistake and ends up apologising and also rescuing her from her abusive ex.
A well written clean tale of second chances at love.

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I hate giving negative reviews! But this book started off good and then by the end it was just a hot mess of randomness. I was disappointed 😔

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I’m so glad I picked this book! This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. I read the book in one day because it kept me wanting to know what was next to come. The main characters, their formers loves and losses, and what led them to Hadley Cove was a wonderful romantic story - one of taking chances and finding love again. I highly recommend reading this book.

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A very light romance, perfect for a holiday read or for when your brain is fried! I’m not a fan of this type of literature (hence the 3*), and would have stopped after the first few pages had Riley, a rescue dog, not made a appearance.

While the plot is all romance, heartbreak, and more romance, this story has a very specific agenda: promoting the rescuing of and caring for strays - specifically, dogs - and veganism. It made me realize that a lot of books feature a lot of food - thrown in as dinners, dates, quick lunches, etc and it’s almost never vegetarian or vegan. So, this was a refreshing change!

Part of the proceeds from the sales of the book also go tiwards many animal-related charities, so you get to do good to the world whilst enjoying a light romance, with a lovable, mad dog thrown into the mix!

Thanks to @netgalley and @kerkmurray for an ARC of this book!

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