Member Reviews

I'm giving this book 2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

The Perfect Nanny got off to a very quick start and captured my interest from the beginning. Unfortunately, after a while, it just became too outlandish with how many twists were thrown in. On top of that, not a single character was trustworthy.

That seems like a good thing, and sometimes it can be, but this wasn't one of those times. It seemed like things were just thrown in haphazardly. I prefer a more calculated plotting style in a thriller. Were you can go back and find all the little moments that led up to the conclusion. However, I did enjoy the fast-paced writing style.

Thank you, Netgalley, and the publisher for allowing me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I don’t even know where to begin with this book. I honestly can’t believe I finished it. The twist at the end I will give credit that it was a good one, but this whole book was just unrealistic and unbelievable.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced copy.

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This was such a great book to read, i couldn’t put it down. There are plenty of twists and turns throughout with an exciting ending that you don’t expect. The characters were good, the story and plot was so suspenseful and the style of writing was perfect. This is the first book that i have read by this author looking forward to the next one out in the future.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading psychological thrillers.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this in exchange for a honest review.

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Thank you so much Bookouture, Netgalley and the author for the review copy of The Perfect Nanny.

OMG...what a plot. If I wouldn't have to much other things going on I know I could read it in one sitting. What a page turner of thriller this is.

When things happens to children in books, that's a trigger for me that I try to avoid. But this one I had no problem with and it was SO GOOD. The mystery, the anxiety and all the loose ends that ties up very well in the end. And I really like that the ending didn't feel rushed.

A thriller I hope a lot more people will find, cause it's highly worth to be read!

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I read a few reviews before reading this so was quite prepared for a slow burn but omg! The book literally starts with a bang and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I've read a few books woth a similar plot but this book had so much suspense and tension built through. I was constantly on edge waiting to see what would happen next and trying to get to the bottom of things. I loved the twists and turns, the characters are well written and given dimension and I flew through it in a few hrs. Amazing!!

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First, thank you to Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review and feedback.

I did not like this book. It seemed to drag, and I was waiting for something, ANYTHING to happen! Reading the blurb, I figured it would be delightfully twisty. Instead, I just waited....and waited.... By the time something happened, I was ready to give up on this book.

This one's a pass for me.

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I didn't know what to expect when picking this book up because I didn't read the blur, just figured I would like it. I was surprised when this was a storyline unlike any other I have read. Very original and one that kept your attention all the way through.

Haley is a 27 year old college student that is about finished with her Psychology degree. Haley lives with her friend Willa and they have a pretty uneventful life and don't even see each other that much. Willa works opposite hours of Haley being in school so they just pretty much pass and repass each other. Haley has decided to stay in town for the summer break and places an ad for her babysitting/Nannying services. When Lara Smith responds to the ad and offers to pay Haley $40/hour, Haley jumps at the offer.

Lara asks Haley if she is available to come over one night and baby-sit her twin daughters to see if she is a good fit for being their Nanny. Lara insists Haley take a first-aid class before she stays with the twins and Haley agrees and has no problem getting the class in. Haley happens to meet a young man in the first-aid class that she hits it off with immediately.

When Haley gets to the baby-sitting job, she meets the twins and they show her around the house. Some strange things are said but Haley just writes them off and doesn't pay much attention to them. The twins watch a movie and Haley observes some bruises on the twins legs but wonders if it is just from playing. When the Smith's return from their evening out, the begin to ask Haley where their other child is. Haley never heard about another child except for the twins. Nothing was mentioned and Haley wasn't shown the baby's room. Why? How could this be?

Lara and Corbin accuse Haley of stealing their baby and Haley is arrested. Now begins some of the worst days of her life. Haley questions her ability to be a Nanny if she didn't know about a third child left in her care. This was a past-paced book that was very well thought out. The characters are likable until certain things happen. The twists keep coming and keep coming. Poor Haley is put through test after test.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advanced copy of this book. I highly recommend this book for thrill-seekers.

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Hayley takes a summer job as a nanny to make extra money. And when the parents of the twins she is watching return home they accuse Hayley of losing their infant daughter Fallon. But, Hayley insists there was no infant child. The police are called and Hayley is arrested and questioned.

And things just keep getting worse for Hayley. Her estranged parents start contacting her roommate. Her BFF Liam goes missing.

A slow burn, but enough to keep me hooked!

Thank you to #netgalley for my free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book started really well for me, a good storyline overall with twists and turns galore. I did however get a bit lost with the plot halfway through regarding the timelines etc, I did lose interest and felt it dragged on quite a lot.

The characters were well described but not always likeable as I found out.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC.

Wow where do I start...... this gripped me from the very first page. I just could not stop reading. The twists and turns were non-stop, it was a rollercoaster of a read that I read in one sitting I just couldn’t put it down!

All of the characters appeared to be very likable in the beginning, but about halfway through I wasn’t sure who I could trust my favourite one was Haley as I wondered what she would do next.

This book is a fantastic psychological thriller and my first book by Shari J. Ryan, needless to say it definitely won't be the last.

This book is a perfect twisty and captivating read if you like to be kept on the edge of your seat throughout an entire book the publication date is the 9th Feb!

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I really enjoyed the beginning and thought the setup was fantastic, but it got a bit drawn out and twist after twist made it confusing ( the different timelines and flashback add on- almost behind the scenes or sideline scenes) and I struggled to finish it.
There were a few loose ends that didn't quite finish off and made this less enjoyable. So sadly, this was not my cup of tea.

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I really liked the sound of this book and it grabbed my attention from the start. It had a good unique storyline but unfortunately I felt it dragged on too much and struggled to keep my attention mid way through. I did however enjoy the ending

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My Review:
This book had a lot of promise. The synopsis drew me in straight away and it started off strong. But as the story progressed it just became a bit too unrealistic for me and too drawn out. It’s a shame as the ultimate twist in this one was a really great idea! None of the characters seemed particularly likeable. To me the main character Haley came across like a young teen, not the mid twenties woman she was meant to be. I’d actually say there were too many twists around what happened to baby Fallon. That many twists just felt like padding to the story and ended up detracting from the main decent twist. By the half way mark I’d lost a lot of interest. It picked up again right at the end but the psychology case extracts felt unnecessary.

Haley takes on a nanny job looking after two twin girls during the summer to earn a bit of extra money. The first evening seems to go well until the parents arrive home and start asking where their third daughter is. With baby Fallon missing Haley has become the prime suspect but she’s adamant she was never told about a third daughter and has never seen Fallon.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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I was truly impressed by this book, as it surpassed all my expectations. The narrative revolves around a nanny hired to look after 9-year-old twins, only for the situation to take a surprising turn when the parents return home and inquire about a baby that was never mentioned during the interview process. What initially appears to be a case of a missing child unravels into a far more intricate and compelling mystery.

For readers seeking a quick and engaging read, this book delivers a fast-paced and enthralling experience. Once I delved into it, I found it impossible to put down. The culmination of the story was nothing short of perfect and undoubtedly brilliant, leaving a lasting impression long after the final page.

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This book had some great twists and turns! It started out with a bang, and was consistently intriguing as the book continued. It went in directions that I wasn't expecting, and the ending was really good. I would recommend to other readers!

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I have very mixed feelings about this book. The beginning drew me in, and I was really invested in the story for the first half. I just felt like the second half took a nosedive and went in a weird direction that broke the trust between the author and reader. As another reviewer said, there were so many twists that it became overwhelming and hard to keep track of.

There were also many, many grammar and punctuation errors, and even some factual errors (used the wrong character’s name once, had two criminal cases tried at once and had a witness’s lawyer question them on the stand instead of one of the defendants’ lawyers). This was an ARC, so hopefully these things will be changed before release.

I did enjoy the glimpse into psychology and mental illness, so that was a unique facet of this novel. Overall, this was a 3 star book for me. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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2 stars only because I did not DNF.

You guys, I am sorry but this was awful? It was so looooong, booooring, and drawn out. It almost felt like every possible twist that could happen was thrown in this book just so that there would be more unnecessary things to write about. Some convos were pointless, plot holes, so much. I truly think that the idea and the twists for this story were so promising but it should have been cut in half.

The first half of this book was interesting but after that I felt like I was really forcing myself to read this book just to see how it would end (and it truly never felt like it would end). I remember getting to 80% and just being like, how is there still 20% left?!

This book was just not my cup of tea.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC for my honest review.

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The title of this book had me intrigued and the beginning started off really well and had me hooked.

However, the more I read, the more I felt you had to have a degree in psychology and bi-polar symptoms to understand what was going on. Don´t get me wrong, the book is really clever, but felt it got rather heavy towards the end, which slightly lessened my enjoyment of it.

Saying this, I think I will reread it again at some point in the not too distant future, and discover I really enjoy the complexity of it all. I´m sure other people will love it.

My thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy in return for an honest review.

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of The Perfect Nanny. This was not my cup of tea. A long boring read. The last fifteen minutes of the book was the Best, totally did NOT see that coming but the bulk of it was agonizing. I’m so sorry.

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“My baby! You stole my baby!” Lara Smith is hysterical, her red lipstick smeared. A teddy lies abandoned in the empty crib. But I didn’t know the Smiths had a baby. I didn’t even know this nursery existed…

The Smith family is full of creepy assholes. I really liked this book. Lots of twists and turns and I had know idea how it was going to end. Well done!

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