Member Reviews

4.5 out of 5 stars. Wow! I was hooked from the first page. There were so many twists and turns in this thrilling page turner!

In The Perfect Nanny we meet Haley. She is a young psychology student who gets a job as a nanny for twin 9 year girls. Before her nanny job starts in the summer the parents want to do a trial run for a night. After a night out, the parents of the girls she is nannying for return home and accuse Haley of doing something to their missing one year old daughter. Haley had no idea there was a third child in the home.

This book takes you on a thrilling ride and is difficult to put down. I literally took my kindle with me wherever I went, so if I had any free time wherever I was, I could keep reading. Right when I would predict what I thought would happen next, a new secret or twist was revealed and I was back to square one trying to figure out what was going on. I was pointing the finger and became suspicious of everyone.

Haley is relatable as a young college student trying to make money over the summer. I used to babysit and tried to put myself in Haley shoes as this nightmare unfolded. I kept trying to predict what would happen and thought what I would do if I was in her shoes. I thought about this book constantly and couldn’t wait to get home and start reading again. Do yourself a favor and read this book when it is published on Feb. 9, 2024.

Read this book if you like:
* suspenseful who done it
* a hint of romance
* secrets revealed
* explosive ending

This was my first book by Shari J. Ryan, but it won’t be the last. I have already looked up her other books to find my next read,

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for an early copy of the book for my honest review.

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Prepare for a literary rollercoaster with "The Perfect Nanny"! This gripping tale is a masterpiece of suspense, filled with twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. The emotional depth of the story is captivating, making it a compelling read that lingers in your thoughts even when you're not immersed in its pages. If you crave a book that seamlessly blends mystery, emotion, and unpredictability, "The Perfect Nanny" is a five-star must-read.

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Books with nanny in the title are usually about an evil woman who comes into a family with bad intentions; I was happy that this book had a different and original storyline. Haley is a 27 year old college student who lives with her best friend Willa. Haley needs a summer job and sees an ad for a nanny. She agrees to watch two nine year old girls for one night while their parents go to an event to see if she is a good fit. The parents are quite wealthy and the little girls seem nice although they are hinting at secrets and Haley sees bruises on their legs. All is well until the parents arrive home insisting that there was also a baby, a child never seen or discussed with Haley. The couple accuse Haley of kidnapping the baby and although the police can't find any proof of this, Haley feels like she has to find out what is going on.

This novel has a lot of twists and turns and it's better to go into it not knowing too much about the plot. While Haley is trying to clear her name she meets a young man who might be a love interest and we find out about some family secrets and people who can and can't be trusted. Some of the events towards the end seemed a bit over the top to me and I did wonder about the privacy laws regarding juveniles, but this book was a quick fast-paced read and it would be impossible to figure out exactly where this story was heading. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a review.

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This was my first book I have read by this author and it won’t be my last. This book was awesome. Never a dull moment with twists and turns throughout. So Haley , a student at college gets a job as a nanny. There are twin girls to watch in a beautiful home. When the parents come home they become besides themselves that their infant little girl is missing. Haley says when you interviewed me for this position you said you only had twin girls. Then there is Haley’s roommate and best friend Willa always there for her. Hayley is never really suspected in taking the baby but as you read on you are told that her parents escaped a mental institution and had Hayley. There are so many things going on in this book. There was never a dull page. The twists just keep on coming. The final MAJOR twist at the end was WOW. I do not want to give away any spoilers but what you think or rather what I thought was not anything close to the ending of this book. It was a true psychological thriller which keeps ramping up to the explosive finale. I want to thank net galley and the publisher for this ARC I received from them for an honest review. This is a must read book book if you are a fan of this genre of books.

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The main plot of Hayley the nanny and the strange family she sits for was riveting, intriguing from nearly the start. I was dying to know what would come of it all and it twisted and turned in unexpected ways. There was a lot going on around this main plot that felt distracting. Too much that jumbled into a confusing mess. It needs to be scales down to just the main plot and one or two subplots because as is, it is too hard to read

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I liked it, but my mind wasn't blown. I think it may have been a little too ambitious, there was a ton of twists and turns and some of them were a little far fetched.

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my first read from this author and very much enjoyed. Haley needs a the holidays to pay her way in university. She advertises to be a nanny. she gets a reply. From a Mrs. Laura smith to look after her two twin daughters .and want her to start straight away. that evening she goes to the house. The two twins are so creepy. And test Hayley when the couple get home and check on the two girls, they ask her how their baby was. Now no baby was mentioned. the police are called. Hayley is a suspect. Now how this story unfolds is just so good so many twists and amazing read.

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I enjoyed this although it was a little bit extreme. At points there was just too much going on to keep up with.

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The Perfect Nanny is a hair raising psychological thrill that 0had me hooked from the very beginning. There are so many twists and turns that you will not see coming. This book had me up into the night because I just could not put it down. There was a lot going on in this book but by the end, everything came together nicely. The character development was fantastic and the plot was great.

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The Perfect Nanny is page after page of twists and turns. When college student, Haley, gets a babysitting gig for a wealthy family, shes hoping that the gig helps her complete her college requirements and attain a steady flow of Summer break income. When the parents return hom after a gala and find that their baby is missing, Haley finds herself in the middle of a terrible scheme. Complete astonishment of the situations that arise and how they unfold. This psychological thriller will make the reader want to continue reading in one sitting because there are so many "I have to know what happens next" cliffhangers. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Things are not always as they seem and this book follows that mentality! I just reviewed The Perfect Nanny by Shari J. Ryan. #ThePerfectNanny #NetGalley

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Thank you NetGalley, Shari Ryan, and Bookouture for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. I was super excited to begin reading this book after seeing all of the reviews and reading the description of the book. In the beginning, I was drawn in from Chapter One, but a third of the way in and the book began to feel long-winded. A quote from the book stated, “All of the pieces are scattered around me but none of them match up.” This is exactly how I felt as I was reading the book. There was so many twist that just did not link together and were too out there for me. In the end, this book just did not live up to what I was hoping but I know that others really enjoyed it. So I do recommend it for those who are fans of thrillers like Freida McFadden books.

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I really enjoyed this book! I never knew what to expect each time I turned the page. There was so much suspense, twists and turns!
Thank you NetGalley, Shari and Bookouture for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley, Shari J. Ryan, and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to review this book! All opinions are my own.


I read the first couple pages and was immediately hooked! The entire book you don’t know who to trust. Is Haley unreliable? Are the Smiths telling the truth? I never saw that ending coming in a million years!

Haley needs to make money over summer break, so she decides to post an ad to nanny. She received interest from Lara Smith who needs help with her twin daughters. Haley agrees to babysit one night while the Smiths attended a charity function. When the Smiths return for the night, they accuse Haley of kidnapping their baby…that she never even knew about. But Haley also has a dark past that further complicates the situation.

Out on February 9, 2024!

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An utterly compelling opening.

Haley is studying child psychology and is looking for a nanny job to generate income over summer. She’s given a trial, minding 9 year old twins on a Friday night. When the parents come home, they claim a third child is missing and report Haley for kidnapping the baby.

The plot takes many twists and turns that will keep you guessing as to what is fact and what is fabrication. The reader doesn’t know who to trust in a novel that you’ll find hard to put down.

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It had my interest from the first chapter. As someone who went to school in Newport-I also immediately enjoyed that connection along with the other new england references (go sox!). Shari Ryan does a great job of creating suspicion around each character. Some things were a bit far fetched, but overall i enjoyed it and the ending left me satisfied.

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Newport, RI

What a wild premise for a book! A college student named Haley is looking for a job when she meets a family needing a nanny for their twin nine-year-olds, Madden and Blakely. Haley studies child psychology, and not only will this job help her pay her bills, she is also interested in getting to know these girls and get a glimpse of how identical twins interact.

Before starting full time, Laura and Corbin Smith ask Haley to just spend an evening with the girls, to see how they all get along. Things are great until the parents come home…and immediately start asking where their infant daughter Fallon is. Haley is confused - there was no baby there. A baby was never even mentioned, but now Haley is getting arrested for the kidnapping of a child she’s never seen or heard of.

This book was quite implausible, but still very entertaining. I figured out a couple of things, but the ending was twist after twist - those I definitely didn’t see coming! There ended up being a few layers to the story, and there was also a past backstory that helps explain the present. This was a fun read - four stars.

(Thank you to Bookouture, Shari J. Ryan and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on February 9, 2024.)

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Thank you so much for this arc!
This book definitely kept me hooked and was a super fast paced read! So many plot twists I didn’t see coming! Super excited for this one to get released so I can send it to my friends

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Five star read!! I loved this book from start to finish, kept me guessing. Shari J. Ryan is a new author to me, will be reading more of her books!

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"The Perfect Nanny" by Shari J. Ryan delivers a riveting psychological thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Ryan skillfully explores the intricacies of human relationships, weaving a tale of suspense and intrigue. The narrative unfolds with a perfect balance of tension and mystery, drawing readers into a web of psychological complexities. The characters are well-crafted, each with their own secrets and vulnerabilities. As the story unravels, Ryan masterfully plays with the reader's expectations, delivering unexpected twists and turns. A compelling and unsettling journey into the depths of the human psyche, "The Perfect Nanny" is a must-read for fans of the genre.

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Haley takes a job babysitting nine-year-old twin girls. The parents go out for the evening. When they return they start shouting where is our baby. My baby is missing. They ask Haley where their baby is but she has no idea. When Haley took the job there was no mention of a baby.

The police are called and Haley is carted off to police headquarters for questioning as the parents inform the police that Haley kidnapped their baby. Haley tells the police that she didn’t know there was ever a baby as no one told her. It doesn’t look good for Haley as the evidence is pointing in her direction. But did she do it?

The Perfect Nanny grabbed my attention from the first and kept grabbing it over and over the more I read. This book is extremely fast paced and kept my attention from the start. I finished this in one sitting because the twist kept coming and kept me on the edge of my seat. I was stunned when the truth was finally revealed as I never once saw it coming. Oh, man, I was so surprised.

What a thrill to read The Perfect Nanny was. I truly and honestly could not hit the screen fast enough on my kindle as one twist after another showed up. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I do believe that The Perfect Nanny is one of the best books I have read in a long time if not ever.

I enjoyed reading The Perfect Nanny so much that I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for their next great read! Grab a copy of The Perfect Nanny today for a shocking ending!

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