Member Reviews

Not my favourite of the series but a sweet easy read to start the year off. . . .

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Sunrise Over Strawberry Hill Farm is the third book the Railway Lane series and my favourite to date.

I loved Nico and Flora, and found myself wanting to knock their heads together, they were perfect together, we could see it, why did it take them so long to see it? And Grams reminded me so much of my own Grandmother, especially with her love of baking.

Community spirit is paramount in the series and makes it more realistic and relatable, with the characters feeling like friends, rather than names on paper.

Heartwarming, enjoyable and an absolute delight to read.

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I loved the first two books in this series and this book, book 3 was just as great. You could read it as a stand-alone as the focus is on other characters, but I would highly recommend reading the whole series in order.

This book was another great big warm hug of a book. I loved every second of it! Flora was just so lovely and selfless and her relationship with her full of energy 80 year old grandma known to all as Grams is so special! Nico, a visiting Italian was also easy to like, despite Flora being suspicious. Both Flora and Nico did not have the easiest or most loving parents, but have both turned into great people thanks to their grandparents and how they treat others shows this. I loved the adventures when they try to turn the success of the farm over and how all their friends were eager to help. It became a place I would love to visit, especially if I could also meet all the lovely people in Cranfield too.

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Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm is Alison Sherlock's latest novel which takes readers back to Cranfiield and to Strawberry Hill Farm where Flora, and her grandmother (known as Grams) have been struggling to make the farm profitable in recent years, due to poor weather conditions.

Enter Nico, Grams' friend Lorenzo's Italian grandson, who brings a brilliant idea and limited funds to help the team get back on their feet.

However, can Flora and Nico overcome their respective challenges, or will their efforts be in vain? To find out, grab your copy of the book today!

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The third book in the Cranfield, 'Railway Lane' series and a great new installment to add to the series.

Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm by Alison Sherlock is a good fit for those seeking a heartwarming and uplifting story about family, love, and the power of community, with a touch of humor and a focus on overcoming adversity.

A few things that you can always count on when picking up an Alison Sherlock book, warm and fuzzy feelings, family oriented scenarios and an outcome which makes you feel generally more positive and with a better outlook than when you started reading it.

I am looking forward to the next installment, which surely must be Libby and Ethan's turn!

Thanks to Netgalley and the author and publisher for the temporary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for my invitation to the blog tour and to Boldwood Books for my copy of the e book via Netgalley.

This is the third book in the Railway Lane series and I have enjoyed the previous books but this could be also read as a standalone. In this book we focus on Flora and Grams who live on a farm but the weather has been cruel and making a living has become nearly impossible. Out of the blue someone from Gram’s past the grandson of a old family friend arrives at the farm. Nico has lost his beloved Grandfather and his home and is looking for new start. Flora is very guarded about the farm but also her heart and she is not about to let an Italian playboy run wild with either. Nico wants to help and Flora begins to thaw but will she ever trust him.

I really enjoyed returning to this series, I like returning to familiar characters and settings. The characters are well developed and likeable and I was really hoping that Grams and Flora would find a solution to their dilemmas.

The author really captures a sense of community and I am always completely invested in this. A perfect uplifting new year read.

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This is an absolutely gorgeous read,
With a community and friendships helping save a farm in need!
Flora Barton is struggling to save the family farm
After repeated floods have done irreparable harm.

The visit of the grandson of her Gran's friend
Could this infamous playboy their troubles end?
Or will he bring more problems with his stay
Leaving them struggling when he goes away?

With Nico struggling with grief and feeling betrayed
This fresh start enables new plans to be made.
However, with his growing attraction to Flora, too,
And new friendships there, what should he do?

A great story with characters familiar and new
With friendships, support and community, too.
This is another gorgeous read, from beginning to end,
A book in which it is a total delight in which time to spend.

I've really enjoyed escaping to this community once more
To see how relationships have grown and new ones to explore.
For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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I received this book as an E-Arc through Netgalley... This review is solely based on my opinion and taste .

What an endearingly sweet story!!! I would love to live in a village like this in real life... somewhere that understands what community truly means. As much as I loved Flora and Nico's story and their interactions, I was just as compelled by the relationships and interactions between Nico and Ryan and Joe and Libby, Katy, and Harriet. What an amazing bond of friendship.

I will say that I found myself more interested in the character of Nico then I was in Flora and I won't give anything away but towards the last quarter of the book I found myself frustrated with flora and her choices in her personal life.

The only reason this book doesn't get a five-star rating for me is because I did find the first quarter of the book to be rather slow in pace and development.

Overall, it was a fantastic read and another gem in a wonderful series with a fictional community that I will always be interested in visiting should future books be published.

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We go back to Cranfield for this third book and it is a wonderful story and although part of a series , can be a standalone. Everything about this book is great, 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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An inspirational, heartwarming, small town romance. The characters are fun and colorful but also had depth and were easy to relate to. It's a really well told story with a perfect plot that blended emotion, love, family and romance. It felt sweet, cozy and kept me entertained. I highly recommend with wonderful book.

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I really enjoyed this book and the story of flora who is trying to save the family farm. She was brought up by her nan and grandad and now her grandad has died her and her nan.are.struggling to keep the farm going. Nico arrives from Italy who was an old family friend. He was also is a similar situation and raised by his grandparents and now his father has sold his vinyard from under him. He decides to come to the UK looking for grams for.guve her a present from his grandparents. Can he help flora and her grandmother to keep the farm going.
I loved the characters and the community feel everyone helps each other out.

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First book completed for 2024 and we are starting off strong with Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm. This was such a cute romance book. I loved the idea of a strawberry farm and the campsites. Their description made me want to book a reservation immediately. I wasn't a huge fan of the chemistry between Flora and Nico in the beginning. Flora's only description of Nico seemed to be that he was a playboy. However, once the playboy description finished, I enjoyed their banter and working together to save the farm.

Although this book is part of The Railway Lane series, you can read this as a standalone. I will be going back and reading the other two books in the series.

Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm comes out on January 3rd.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to review Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Sunrise Over Strawberry Hill Farm is a charming romance that is sure to fill your heart with joy.

I've been excited to read Flora's story after meeting her and her delightful grandmother, aka Grams, in the first book in this series. Flora and Grams own a farm that has been struggling for years because of more extreme weather patterns, resulting in their fields being bogged down with excessive rain. At the beginning of this book, we learn that the farm is on its last leg, and if Flora and Grams don't think of a way to generate an income, they will lose their beloved family farm. In comes Nico, a gorgeous Italian whose grandfather has been good friends with Grams for many years. Nico comes up with a plan to save the farm and turn it into a glamping campsite. He will help Flora get the farm's new venture off its feet before returning to Italy, but Flora and Nico don't anticipate the growing attraction they feel for one another.
This story has all the charm and heart I've come to expect from an Alison Sherlock book. It is the third book in the Railway Lane series, but it does read like a stand-alone. Alison does an amazing job at bringing her readers up to speed. I also love the fact that she includes some of her characters and places from her Riverside Lane series. I always know that excitement, or should I say disaster, is nearby whenever Dodgy Del makes an appearance in a book. I love that bumbling man. The book's first part is a bit slower as we learn more about Nico and Flora's background, but the pace starts to pick up once they start renovating the farm. The setting is breathtaking, and Alison's descriptions of Flora's farm are lush and vivid. I also enjoy spending time in Railway Lane. It just gives off those quintessential English village vibes. I loved how Alison incorporated that small-town element into her story. You get those quirky and fun characters, a strong sense of community, and coming together when someone needs help. The community rallies around Flora and Grams and lends those helping hands to help save their family farm. I need to give a shoutout to Grams. She is delightful, and I want to be like her when I'm in my eighties. She is so full of life and spunk, adding charm to this story.
I loved Flora, and my heart always went out to her in the other books because it was so oblivious that she struggled to keep her farm afloat. Anything that could go wrong does; sometimes it's because of Mother Nature, and sometimes it's because of Dodgy Del, who is trying to be helpful. I was excited to see where her story would take her, and I am happy to say I wasn't disappointed. At the beginning of this book, Flora's life feels like it's all work and no play. She takes her responsibilities for the farm and her family very seriously, which has caused her to give up her passion for art and doing anything fun and spontaneous. Flora feels like she's stuck and that the walls are closing in on her. Flora's growth is slow but steady, and I loved watching her embrace her passion for art again and learn to take chances with her heart. She is a good person, and you just can't help but want good things for her.
Everyone thinks that Nico is this Italian playboy because of the lifestyle his famous father leads. Nico feels this real sense of frustration because everyone judges him before they get to know him. Something Flora is guilty of at the beginning of this book. I loved Nico. He can be a real charmer at times, but a sweet charmer. There is this kindness to him that just warms your heart. I loved watching Nico free himself of those shackles that came from his father's bad reputation.
The love story in this book is a sweet, slow-burn romance. This book has many fabulous tropes, such as one-sided enemies to lovers, one-bed, opposites attract, slow burn, and unconventional workplace romance. Flora does not like Nico for the first part of this book. She thinks that he is this Italian playboy who has no idea what it's like to be responsible for something. In her mind, he is public enemy number one. She doesn't understand why he wants to help her family out. She just does not like him. Nico is smitten with Flora right from the beginning, but he doesn't know how to handle all the hostility Flora is showing him. But of course, we all know that as these two spend more time together fixing up the farm, those misunderstandings clear up and romantic feelings start to develop. I really like these two together. They balance each other out and bring out the best in each other. I loved those quiet moments when they would talk to each other, and Lord Alison had me turning the page just to see if they would finally kiss.
Sunrise Over Strawberry Hill Farm is an enchanting story filled with delightful characters and a HEA that will surely put a smile on your face.

Thank you, Boldwood Books and Rachel Random Resources, for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm is the third book in the Railway Lane series. I’ve enjoyed the previous books so have been looking forward to Flora’s story.

Having met Flora in the previous books, I felt like I knew her already. It had been made clear her strong connection to her Grams, the farm they live on and that she has a strong work ethic and is committed to their livelihood.
Flora is wondering what more they can do to ensure they don’t lose the farm when a visitor from Italy comes and definitely shakes things up in more ways than one. Flora isn’t impressed with the new face around the farm and doesn’t trust him at all, she believes he has a certain reputation that makes him completely bad news.
Nico isn’t all that he seems, he has had a life of being cast aside but the world believing his life to be perfect. He wants to prove himself but often doesn’t get the chance.
He wants to help Flora and Grams save their home, but he has work to do to convince Flora he is more than he first appears.
Admittedly I found Flora to be a little… boring, well maybe that’s harsh, but she is so steady and cautious. I wished for her to live a little so when Nico came on the scene, I hoped she would learn to do this. Nico is a gorgeous sounding young man; he is kind and considerate and follows his heart.

I love the idea they work on for the farm, it sounds idyllic and definitely a profitable venture to secure their home. It was also great to catch up with characters from previous books too. I enjoy how Alison Sherlock has created a lovely community feel within her books, the writing is so descriptive you can almost smell the lavender fields, taste the delicious pizzas and hear the sounds of the beautiful countryside.
A great read to kick start the year, well written with interesting characters and feel-good storylines. I look forward to the next in this series.

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I enjoyed reading this book. I believe this is the third in a series, but I read it as a stand-alone and was able to easily follow & warm to the characters in the book without having read the previous two books that would have given me some background.
An enjoyable storyline featuring fully-formed characters that held my interest from beginning to end.
Well worth a visit to Strawberry Hill Farm in 2024z

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Sunrise over Strawberry Hill Farm by Alison Sherlock

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


She drives a tractor. He arrives in a red Ferrari. What could possibly go wrong? Flora Barton is desperate to save her family home Strawberry Hill Farm. She only needs one thing - a great business idea to keep the farm afloat!

So, when Nico Rossi arrives from Italy with a crazy plan to save the farm, Flora should be overjoyed. The trouble is the Rossi men are infamous playboys and sensible Flora doesn’t trust impetuous Nico at all.

Nico has been trying to escape the famous Rossi surname his whole life. Arriving in sleepy Cranfield after recently losing his beloved grandfather and family vineyard, he has no intention of staying on any longer than necessary. But he soon realises how desperate the situation is and throws caution to the wind to help turn the farm into a Glamping site.

Can Flora realise her dreams to keep the farm safe for the future and can Nico ever stop running from his past?

As they try to save Strawberry Hill Farm, secrets are revealed and just maybe they’ll discover why opposites attract...

My Opinion

This is the third book in The Railway Lane series but it could work well as a standalone. Alison Sherlock is an author that is still quite new to me, but I am loving the writing style. I read this book over the course of a day and every time I put the book down to work on something else I was very quickly drawn back.

This is such a sweet read as Flora and Nico must work together to try and save the family farm. Cranfield is a town that I always look forward to visiting. After reading this, I wish I could visit Strawberry Hill Farm.

Rating 4/5

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, having read and enjoyed the previous two books.

Flora and her Grandmother live at Strawberry Hill Farm, which is not doing well financially. They’ve had to sell nearly all machinery and all they have left now is the tractor.

So, what can they do to keep the their home? Nico, the grandson of a friend of Flora’s Grandmother comes to visit them, and soon, things start to look up for the farm.

Nico, is feeling the same as Flora, unsure of what happens next and where he will go after his Grandfather has now passed away and the vineyard is no longer his home.

Will Strawberry Hill Farm be the place he can make a part of his life and maybe call home?

I highly recommend this book.

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Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review.

The third in the Railway series but can easily be read as a standalone. We are back in Cranfield and this time we read the story of Flora and her Grandmother who own Strawberry Hill Farm which unfortunately is in trouble and they have to fight to survive,

An enjoyable read.

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This book is the third in the Railway Lane Series, and having not read the previous books, this one was still easy to get into and understand. The beginning of the book gives us the background on our main characters - Flora, Grams (Helen), and Nico. It also gives us an introduction to our setting - Strawberry Hill Farm in Cranfield. If you enjoy holiday movies but are looking for one that isn't set in the winter - this is the book for you.

I found our main character Flora to come across a bit younger than the 31 years old that we are told that she is. Grams was a sweet character, but where the character work really shines is with Nico. From the beginning, I felt for him. We learn of his emotional past, get to see his charm, and have someone to root for during the story.

In terms of the plotting, the main issue in the novel is that the strawberry farm where Flora and Grams live is not bringing in enough money to stay afloat. I found that the solutions to the issues came a little bit easy to the characters, but given the holiday movie vibe of the novel, this was to be expected.

Overall, this was a quick, fun read that took me away from the dreary winter weather (as that's when this book is being released) and brought me to a sunnier, sweeter place. If you enjoy sweet, cheesy movies, or are looking for something easy to understand in between complex fantasy reads, this book could be a good choice for you.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing a DRC of this title.

So much fun! This series continues to put a smile on my face and is perfect for someone looking for a warm, cozy, romantic read. As with Sherlock's other books, this is definitely one I would recommend for patrons looking for a gentle, heartwarming contemporary. 4.5 stars/5.

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