Member Reviews

Reading about Ms. Stewart’s journey following a Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection at the age of 31 is, in a word, heartbreaking. I learned so much from this book—about cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, and the long, arduous journey back to healing. Kisha Stewart talks about herself in terms of “before” and “after” her heart attack, and it’s easy to see why. Going from an independent, professional, well-educated Black mother of two to being totally reliant on her partner and extended family and friends was devastating for her, and it understandably took years for her to get back to where she felt fulfilled and wasn’t so anxious about another SCAD incident. I cheered for the author as she found a way to volunteer and truly feel accomplished. Ms. Stewart has definitely spread the word about the connection between heart disease and young, postpartum Black women, and I am really grateful for the knowledge I have gained from reading her book. Kisha—you are amazing.
Also, to all the medical professionals: STOP DISMISSING WOMEN!!!
My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for my review.
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