Member Reviews

Cute story about being stuck with a stranger during a snowstorm. I loved that the dogs played a large part to the story as well. Relationship seem too fast without a strong connection though.

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Scarlett and Nick. Two adventurous and strangers trapped in a snowstorm. It could be a recipe for disaster. Or it might just be the best thing ever.

I loved the banter between Nick and Scarlett. Playful and witty. It also made me want to set out on the road with my camper…but I doubt I’d get far! 😂

Tiny Home for Christmas is a sweet, clean rom com with relatable characters. I plowed through and finished it in a day and loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley and New Fable Press for the opportunity to read this book!

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book! This was a unique, memorable read that I overall enjoyed. I struggled through most of the book with liking one of the main characters, Scarlett. There were moments where the book was challenging to continue because of her. But once her backstory was explained, I could better understand her. I really loved to see how her character developed throughout the book, and loved the ending that she got with meeting Nicks sweet family and rebuilding relationships within her own! This was a sweet Christmas story that was unlike any other I have read.

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A super sweet holiday read that will leave you all warm and fuzzy.

Scarlett and Nick live in mobile homes, travelling up and down the country, wherever the wind takes them and each have just one rule for themselves, they like to be alone.

Well, at least they do until the night they’re both caught in the same snowstorm, at the same time and end up at the same campsite waiting for the storm to pass.

They’re both managing to stay warm enough, until the power goes out, which is when Scarlett realises that she won’t survive the plummeting temperatures if she stays where she is. Cue a knock on Nick’s door.

Whilst they’re initially as frosty as the outside temperature with each other, gradually the heat inside begins to thaw the pair and something begins to simmer between them.

Tiny Home for Christmas is a cute read that you can curl up with and enjoy anytime. Nick and Scarlett are incredibly likeable and you’re rooting for them from the beginning. The chapters go between the perspectives of each of them, making it fun to re-read parts but from the other character’s point of view.

Whilst it doesn’t really have any sizzle in terms of the characters, I still really enjoyed it and would recommend this book to anyone looking for an easy, rom-com style read.

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Many thanks to Netgalley and Erin Lucy for the opportunity to read this ARC.

This was definitely a fun holiday read that I was able to devour in one sitting. The pacing in the book was lovely and had me easily flipping to the next page to get more of Nick and Scarlett's story. I did find the ending to be a bit abrupt and slightly lack luster, but hopefully, we will get to see more of these characters in upcoming books.

I will admit I disliked the character of Scarlett for a good chunk of this book, but once her backstory was explained, I found myself eating my words and shedding tears for the pain she had suffered. Nick, on the other hand, was loveable throughout the entirety of the book. Your typical sweet sexy guy next door, who is exactly what the FMC doesn't realize, is exactly what she needs.

Overall, the book was a sweet (not spicy) success for me and hit all my holiday feel-good spots... I would love to see this story in the form of a Hallmark movie.

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Tiny Home for Christmas is a forced proximity, enemies-to-lovers, close-door romance about two cold hearts that slowly warm up to love.

A heartwarming holiday tale about two introverted individuals who prefer spending Christmas alone rather than with their families. However, an unexpected superstorm hits, leaving Scarlett with no power in her living van. She has no other option but to move into Nick's tiny house to avoid freezing to death. The story explores the dynamics of relationships, presents amusing scenarios, and introduces relatable characters dealing with their own struggles. The loving dogs add an extra touch of warmth to this closed-door romance delightful story.

Posted Reviews on Amazon -Goodreads

Thank you, NetGalley and Publisher for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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After i had read the wonderful blurb for this book i just knew that i had to read it! It definitely sounded like my kind of book and i was NOT disappointed - i loved it!!

This was such an easy book to read and it made me keep turning the pages until, before i knew it, i had finished it.

I do love a forced proximity trope and this one had a bit of a twist to it too - the two main characters Nick and Scarlett, were both self confessed lone travellers.

This was such a lovely, Christmassy, sweet story and one with that all important feel-good romance…..

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At first I didn’t really like Scarlett took me a while to warm up to her but I adored Nick he was such a sweet man. I loved the dogs I’m such a dog lover. I loved the uniqueness it was different from your unusual Christmas love story. I think their relationship was real too it wasn’t rushed Scarlett was unsure of Nick and didn’t fall In love at first sight. Nick’s family and Scarlet’s sister I need to know more!! Please say they are getting their own books Overall a lovely Christmas time story with a crazy setting great Characters and a sweet love story 2 adorable dogs and a happy family with a little drama. A nice easy read I snuggled up with my own dogs and read it in one sitting. Would definitely recommend prefect Christmas read Thankyou NetGallery for the ARC

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After 4 years estranged, Scarlett is headed to Florida for Christmas with her family - either to reunite or get closure. A freak superstorm sees her holed up in a small out of the way caravan park, waiting out the storm in her Ford Transit van.
Meanwhile, Nick, also heading home to Florida for the holidays, pulls his tiny house into the caravan park to weather storm. When Scarlett's heater dies, she is forced to seek shelter in Nick's tiny house - despite them being complete strangers.

And so begins a getting-to-know you scenario as vegan Scarlett and her dog Tater negotiate the temporary living situation with Nick and his dog Hazel. Scarlett is guarded (understandable, in a strange man's home!) and prickly; Nick antagonises and provokes... until after an unfortunate event with a Taser they fall into a slightly less awkward rhythm that develops into friendship - or something more? But each have issues from their pasts, and neither are willing to open up to the other fully.

Overall, this was a fun holiday romance - relatable characters with baggage, snowstorms, cosy houses (I want Nick's tiny home!) and the magic of the season. We have crafts and social media and the stubbornness of less-than-clever pugs. There are also some deeper, darker undercurrents that explain why the characters are the way they are. Zero spice in this - it's all about the relationships first and foremost... with juuust a hint of romance peeking in. A fun read; I zoomed through this in a day

~ Many thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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Tiny Home for Christmas centers around Scarlett and Nick, two loners who would rather spend the Christmas holiday alone. They are in a trailer park and Scarlett's vehicle loses power so Nick offers his small space to her.

You can only imagine the discomfort and humor that comes out of this. Also, some genuine affection.

When Scarlett thinks she is gone she is pulled back into Nick's life.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book

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Thank you to NetGalley, New Fable Press, and Erin Lucy for allowing me to review this ARC!

This was such a sweet Christmas story revolving around the two main characters, Nick and Scarlett, who are both self described lone travelers. They enjoy being alone, picking up and traveling the country in their respective vehicles/homes with their dogs. When they stumble into a snow storm in Georgia they both find themselves parked next to each other at a campground. Scarlett's heat can't keep up with the weather and so she takes Nick up on his invite to stay warm in his tiny house. Days pass and while it began as an awkward situation they begin to get along and feelings develop. They both end up going their separate ways but soon find themselves meeting back up after Scarlett finds out upsetting news.

This book was cute with a Christmas vibe. No spice at all but sweet nonetheless. I wish there was a little more connection between the two main characters during their time together but it was an easy read for those that enjoy a quick, feel good romance.

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What will two loners do when they are trapped together by a true southern snow storm? The sparks fly in this super cute Christmas romance by Erin Lucy.
I tend to be an extrovert but as someone married to an intovert and with two introverted kids this book hit home. I found myself giggling out loud at how accurate the feelings were.
Quick and enjoyable read!!

Thanks to New Fable Press and Net Galley along with Erin Lucy for the ARC!

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