Member Reviews

THIS ONE! THIS IS THE ONE! if I had to recommend one book to read by modeling this would be it. I love every single one of her books but the plot and the twists of this one are unmatched!

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There are some KMod books that don't fit into a genre. I'm never quite sure where things are going to go.... And this is one of those.

It's a lot of romance, a bit of a love triangle ish vibe. Romantic suspense maybe. Even a smidge of paranormal/mystery. But this one wasn't very thriller at all. The twist at the end was highly predictable. The FMC had ZERO backbone.

I did really enjoy the dual timeline and the narration. And was cheering on one of the guys from the start.

Thank you netgalley for this audio book.

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This was probably my second by this author and I really enjoyed this one, it was a romantic suspense story. about a girl who left her hometown 13 years ago and 2 men behind, but now it’s years later and she has bought a house in her hometown and as she settles in both of those men are back in her life suddenly. Cameron being the supportive best friend role he played back than and Tuck is her next door neighbour. As Maggie settled into this home things start happening to her and she can’t explain it, but thankfully tuck is their to save the day and help her but she does not want to lean on him and Cameron always seems to be around and their is so much tension between the 3 of them. This is told in dual time line from when they where younger to now, I loved the creepy house setting and the twists and turns where so good i definitely did not see them coming!!! The only thing I didn’t love about this one is I felt like it took a little long to get to what was going on, and I could of done with a smidge faster space!! I listened to the audiobook and Brittany pressely is always a favourite of mine and she could read me food labels and I’d love it!!! If you enjoy romantic suspense creepy houses dual time lines i highly recommend this!!

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This is the first book I’ve read from Kiersten Modglin, I will be adding more of her books to my TBR. This is a romance, suspense novel that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I devoured this audiobook in one day. Brittany Presley did an amazing job with the narration.

Thank you Netgally for the ALC.

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Hemlock by Kiersten Modglin was a 4.5 star read for me. It was very well written and narrated.

Maggie left her small-town home over a decade ago leaving behind two boys she loved and a large secret. She is brought back by her mother's sickness and eventual passing. She decides to make a home there once again and bought a house that she was always drawn to. Her neighbor is one of the boys she loved, and the other is a best friend that still lives in town. As little things go wrong in the house (haunted?), she is forced to rely on both of these men to protect her. She slowly uncovers a family secret and realizes who exactly these men in her life are.

Thank you NetGalley for the copy of the audiobook. All opinions are my own. #Hemlock #KierstenModglin #NetGalley #DreamscapeMedia

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This was a great listen. The narration was good, didn't detract from the story, and did not have the electronic element that many new narrations are having. The story was great, kept me listening, A must listen if you are a Mogdlin fan!

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I am such a fan of this author she's actually one of two I even follow on Facebook. She normally spins a story that has me screaming nooo wayyyyy to all the twists and turns in her psychological thrillers. But she does write a bit in different genres and this felt very romantic suspense. It was a fine book just not one I will read again or reccomend as a starter book to this author.

This book makes you question is the house haunted or is it you?
Is love enough..or is it too much?
Do we really even ever know someone ?

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Kiersten Modglin is an author that people only dream they can be when they say they'd like to be a writer. She has a way when it comes to writing a story, no matter how short or long it may be and no matter the material. Not every author can combine romance and mystery and make a book that is worth reading, but Kiersten can do it and I'm not saying that just because I may kind of share the same first name (different spelling). When I first read one of her books, I was surprised at the writing style.

Maggie Ellis is back in town after leaving after leaving the two men she loves behind and vowing to never return. Upon returning, she comes face to face with her past and what she believes to be ghosts. The house that was left to her is believed to be haunted, with Maggie sensing being watched in every room. After learning what happened in the house a couple of decades earlier, she feels she may have her answer to what she feels is happening to her. When stuff starts going array, she turns to one of the men she swore she would never rely on again and the unexpected happens. Can she survive something she can't see or will the same fate of those before her take her life away as well? Will love save her? Told in alternate timelines.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the audiobook Hemlock by Kiersten Modglin in exchange for my honest and free review.

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This was an okay mystery/thriller for me. There were quite a few characters to keep track of and I wish I had more of a backstory on most of the main characters so I could have felt more of an emotional connection to them throughout the book. It was easy to get through, but not one that will be particularly memorable for me! The end was definitely the best and most shocking part.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! This one might be my favorite Kiersten Modglin book to date. I enjoyed the added romance. More romance than suspense and thrill..

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This is far from my first Kiersten Modglin read and she’s never let me down but this one was on a whole new level. Told between two timelines, we get a front row show to Maggie’s love triangle and growth against the backdrop of a mystery as she returns home to the town of Myers thirteen years after she moved away. There are paranormal vibes, spicy love scenes, multiple mysteries, and the juiciest twists! I highly recommend this for romance, second chance, and mystery fans!

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I think every book by Kiersten Modglin that I have read to date (this is the 4th) has been pretty different from each other. She hasn't stuck herself in a box of only writing one type of book she seems to write what she feels and loves at the time. Does she? I don't know but that's the vibe I'm getting.

"Hemlock" has a beautiful cover with all the tiny poisonous hemlock flowers and a dark background. Very ominous to what is inside. Is this book a romantic suspense? A psychological thriller? A ghost story? Yes, yes it is. There are layers upon layers in this tale and it is hard to stop reading/listening to it. This story is told from the perspective of Maggie the current Maggie and the past Maggie. Both timelines tie into each other and will eventually connect. It tells a story of unrequited love, fake dating, Maggie's "haunted" house, feeling like she's losing her mind, second chances, and obsession. There is so much going on here and it is just delicious!

My biggest gripe was the indecisiveness of Maggie. She is a grown woman and gets confused by her feelings a whole lot, so there is a constant back in forth in her inner monologue. Overall, the story is fantastic and keeps you on your toes as you go through many layers of surprises and twists. The narration was amazing, the plot was fun, and there was the right amount of romance and suspense to balance out everything. This is worth your time and you will most likely finish it in one sitting.

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I found this one interesting and the writing style was easy to vibe with. It didn't pull me out of the story at anytime and I enjoyed the characters.

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Thirteen years ago, Maggie Ellis left her small town and vowed to never return. In her rearview mirror were two men she loved and an ominous secret that would forever haunt her.

Now, tragedy has brought her back, and she’s determined to forget that fateful night. But in a town like Myers, with familiar faces and chilling memories lurking around every corner, moving on is easier said than done.

I went into this one blind and thought no way - KM wrote a romance? Then you get to the end of a chapter and get the hint of a secret 🤫. Fake dating, love triangle, second chances,… ghosts?! Maggie buys the house she has always wanted knowing it needs a whole lot of TLC (way more than she was expecting). Plus once she moves in she notices weird smells, thermostat changing on its own, and more. Told in alternating timelines, you hear the story from past and present day. Great narration - another great audiobook from KMOD.

A thrilling romance for the win!

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Thank you for the audio arc of this book! I always have fun with Kiersten's books. Sadly I didn't get to listen to this one before it expired in my library.

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This was a highly anticipated book for me, and the twist did not disappoint. Kiersten Modglin keeps me on my toes and I love it!

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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4.5 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kiersten Modglin for the sneak preview. I really enjoyed this audio book. It was a combination between romance and thriller. There was a love triangle between Maggie, Clayton, and Tucker. I was team Tucker all the way! I loved the author's writing style, although it did take me a couple chapters to get used to going back and forth between "then" and "now". There was a reason as it set the whole scenario for what was to come. You knew Clayton was a jerk, but you didn't really know to what degree until you really get into the book and his layers get peeled away like an onion.
Great book, great story.
I just wasn't a huge fan of the narrator.

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Audiobook Review:

Hemlock by Kiersten Modglin

My rating:

When Maggie moves back to her hometown that she vowed never to return to after the death of her mom, she moves into a home that instantly gives her an off putting feeling. When she discovers the home’s haunting past, she is determined to try and figure out what is happening there.

I loved this audiobook! If you like romantic thriller, absolutely give this one a read! I listened on audiobook format and loved the narrator! She did such a great job depicting the character’s emotions and kept me engaged the entire time!

This was so close to a 5 star rating but it had a little bit of the miscommunication tripe and I automatically will knock a star off for that typically.

I felt like this was a similar kind of vibe as the Eden’s series by Devney Perry; a little spice, little romance and a little mystery all in one.

While I did figure out what was happening pretty early on, there were parts I did not expect and I didn’t know how it would all end. I was very pleased with the ending as all the loose ends and questions I had were answered!

Kiersten Modglin is quickly becoming one of my favorite thriller authors! I can’t wait to read more of her books!

Thank you netgalley and Dreamscape media for the ARC! You can read this one now, so go buy it!

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Thirteen years ago, Maggie Ellis left her small town and vowed to never return. But tragedy brought her back and she moved in to Hemlock Drive. In a town like Myers with its familiar faces, moving on was easier said than done. Maggie kept feeling the unmistakable sensation in her own house that she was being watched. There was something sinister about the house she just couldn’t ignore.

The start of this book worried me a bit, because I didn’t expect to read romance! I wasn’t too interested in the ‘Then’ and was more intrigued to see the ‘Now’ unfolding. So not gonna lie, I struggled with the first half of the book.

Having said that, once the mystery thriller part kicked in in the second half of the book, it was really worth it. The pace also increased as we got closer to the ending, and I found myself totally hooked.

I didn’t think we’d reach this point, but overall I thought it was a great thriller. One thing I seemed to have missed in the book though - what made Maggie buy the Hemlock Drive house in the first place? She could’ve bought any other house in the area. Can you tell me?

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Honestly struggling with reviewing this book. I like to go into a book without knowing too much. I saw it was a mystery thriller with maybe a little romance and wanted to give it a shot. Timeline jumped from present day back to 13 years before. Lots of looming things like "that was before HER" and "oh what a strange breeze". It kinda got old. But tbh the ending was just so meh that I was just really excited to be done. Very little build up to the "exciting twists".
Overall not impressed.
Full review on Pages n' Pages podcast (episode post date 12/19/23- Chapter 129).

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