Member Reviews

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Honestly struggling with reviewing this book. I like to go into a book without knowing too much. I saw it was a mystery thriller with maybe a little romance and wanted to give it a shot. Timeline jumped from present day back to 13 years before. Lots of looming things like "that was before HER" and "oh what a strange breeze". It kinda got old. But tbh the ending was just so meh that I was just really excited to be done. Very little build up to the "exciting twists".
Overall not impressed.
Full review on Pages n' Pages podcast (episode post date 12/19/23- Chapter 129).

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I LOVED THIS! It was a quick read for me, because I couldn’t put it down! Some romance and spice mixed with KMod’s signature unexpected twists. I’m almost never able to fully figure out her twists, and just when I think I have, she twists it a little more — this is true for this story as well. I love her writing because it’s always something unexpected in the end, yet it fits perfectly within the confines of her story. She is able to tie everything together, leaving no loose ends. The way she concluded this one was absolutely perfect — you should go find out for yourself!

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This book is a love quadrangle and a haunted house mystery rolled into one. "Maybe purchasing a house on a street named after a poisonous plant wasn't the best idea." Great first line of chapter one. It hints at what's to come.
Maggie came home to Myers to care for her sick mother after her boyfriend leaves her. She swore she would never return to Myers, which held many bad memories for her. After her mother dies, she decides to buy the childhood house of her dreams, a fixer-upper for sure. The prologue tells us things did not go smoothly, and it drew me in immediately. The characters were well developed and believable and perhaps more likeable than some of Ms Modglin's. As usual in her books there were some twists at the end. I found the book to be quite interesting. I listened to the audiobook through Netgalley. Brittany Pressley did a wonderful job with the narration. She was easy to listen to with a well modulated voice, and she was quite believable as Maggie.

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I enjoyed the first half more than the second, but still had a good time listening. I felt like the distance between the two timelines was sometimes indistinguishable. It took a minute or so to figure where I was whenever I picked it up. (3.5/5)

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This author always sucks me in and this was no exception, although it was a bit different than her others. More romantic suspense but so engaging.

Maggie moves back to her hometown and buys what she thinks is her dream home. On a street called Hemlock. She quickly realizes something isn't right and has second thoughts.

She also ends up in a bit of a love triangle with two exes.

Lots of drama, and as KMod always delivers, twist and turns. And audio made it even more enjoyable.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for allowing me an ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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Maggie, Clayton and Tucker are caught in a love triangle for many years. Maggie loves Clayton, but feels rejected by him, while Tucker plays along to make Clayton jealous. However, there are so many feeling from all lying under the surface…and maybe some secrets and deceit too.

I really enjoyed this narrator! I don’t always love an audiobook, but this one was really good and kept me engaged!

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I had to go back and read the synopsis on this one because I thought it was a thriller and the beginning sure felt like pure romance. I’d say it’s romance with a dash of thriller and creepy old house thrown in. It did have a nice twist with respects to the house that I enjoyed.

Did I enjoy it? Yes. Would I recommend it-yes. Would I read/listen again-no. Would I read this author again-Yes

If you want more romance and just a little thriller then this is for you. We’ve got creepy old house, love triangle, fake dating, and some just f*(Ked up stuff mashed into an enjoyable story.

Spice: .5/5 but there is some
Audio: 5/5
Overall: 3.75

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Rounded up to 5 stars from 4.5

I absolutely devoured this story. There is a love triangle, a mysterious murder, and a house with too many secrets.

If you are a fan of cozy psychological thrillers with a side of romance then this is for you. You will not be disappointed in the ride this takes you on.

The narrator did a phenomenal job conveying the mystery and all of the other emotions each character felt.

Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for the early listen of this audiobook. All opinions are my own.

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I have been in a reading slump for some time and hating almost everything I have picked up in 2023. This book changed that for me! This is my first time reading or listening to anything by this author and Hemlock could not have been a better match. I am not typically a lover of romance, but the love triangle in this book reminded me of the way that Nora Roberts works relationships into her books. Insert a creepy old house, first time homeowner who buys the creepy old house only to find out later about its sinister past, and the book turns into a psychological thriller seamlessly pieced together through past and present. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to listen to this one. It was the book I didn’t know I needed!

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Dear Hemlock,
I have never read a Kiersten Modglin book before, but heard she wrote super twisty and dark stories. So I picked you as my first book of hers. And you certainly did delivere! There were so many parts of your story that I did not anticipate, but drove the story so much further then I could have imagined. There were times that Maggie was driving me crazy with her indecision and lack of self awareness, but she was put in some really screwed up situations as well. I am definitely going to read more of her books!

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This story was fabulous! I keep looking for Romance Thrillers, and this delivered it on a silver platter. There was a great balance of Romance to Thriller, keeping you getting the entire time. Just when you think you have it, it turns on you! I've already recommended this to my friends. 4.5/5

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The story hooked me from the beginning of the book. Maggie felt an irresistible pull towards the house she had just purchased. Her decision to remain there despite the terrifying discoveries hinted at a deeper reason for her attachment to the house. The novel also features a love triangle that was evident from the start. Both storylines were expertly interwoven to create a thrilling and suspenseful plot. I enjoyed the backstories of the three main characters, and the revelation at the end of the book was the perfect conclusion to their stories.

Overall, the novel is an engaging thriller with a fast pace, multiple twists, and a limited cast of characters. I would like to express my gratitude to NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy of the book free of charge in exchange for my honest review.

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I had high hopes for this since I love this author. Sadly I had to DNF it. I was bored and uninterested in the story and characters. It was putting me in a reading slump. I had to move on to something else

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👻Book Review👻
Summary: She thought she’d escaped her poisonous past...

Thirteen years ago, Maggie Ellis left her small town and vowed to never return. In her rearview mirror were two men she loved and an ominous secret that would forever haunt her.

Now, tragedy has brought her back, and she’s determined to forget that fateful night. But in a town like Myers, with familiar faces and chilling memories lurking around every corner, moving on is easier said than done.

Before the ink can dry on the closing documents for her new residence, Maggie begins to feel unsettled. In every room, there’s the unmistakable sensation she’s being watched. The strange sounds, odd smells, and bizarre occurrences only add to her paranoia.

There’s something sinister about her new home...

When she discovers the devastating truth about the house and its grim history, Maggie’s worst fears are realized. In order to survive, she must unearth the secrets she’d always planned to keep buried.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
My thoughts: I liked this one but wanted to love it. I found the main character fascinating and loved the past tense time line. I received an audiobook arc of this one and the narration was great I devoured it. But outside of Maggie’s romantic history we knew literally nothing about her, it was weirdly disconnected. And the twist was pretty clear from the get go. Overall a fun read and cool blend of genres but slightly predictable

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This was so well done as an audiobook! I loved the narrator (Brittany Pressley) and I was always trying to find time to finish this story. Honestly, that wasn't too hard to do because because this was such a quick, engaging listen. Do I like romantic suspense now? After really enjoying this book and THE SPARE ROOM, I feel like I have to say yesssss, yes I do.

HEMLOCK had the perfect amount of romance combined with suspense for readers like me. Nothing was too-cheesy or over-the-top on the romance side and it had JUST the right level of suspense/mystery and twist involved to keep me invested. I hope KMod releases more books like this in the future because I am a fan!

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for my ALC!

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Home is not always where your heart is, sometimes it is where the bones lie! Maggie is running from her own past when the past of her new house becomes very much her reality! While this is different from the authors other suspense thrillers, the romance and suspense allowed the same sense of anticipation one has come to expect from her books!

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Kiersten Modglin
Maggie Ellis left her small town, Myers, thirteen years go and declared she would never return. After her mother’s death and the breakup of a relationship she has returned to Myers with a determination to forget the past and to move on with her life. But that wasn’t easy. Myers is a small town where everyone knows everyone; she recognizes too many people, and the memories keep flooding back. She purchases a home but has a foreboding feeling that someone is watching her. The house has unusual sounds and odors. Bizarre events leave her feeling fearful.
She discovers the house has a history. She has a reason to be afraid. Now she must face the past and the secrets she has kept hidden.
The plot of this book has two timelines, and it seamlessly moves back and forth. This tale has just the right amount of romance. Fake dating was fun. Author Kiersten Modglin successfully combines suspense, romance and psychological thrillers. This book is fast paced and absorbing, I could not put it down.
Thank you to Netgalley for the review copy of this book. As always my reviews are my unbiased opinions.

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Hemlock feels so different from KMod's other novels and I thought it was excellent. This is more romantic suspense, love quadrangle really with some creepy vibes about the house!

Vowed not to come back, Maggie Ellis returns to Myers after her mother's death. Not only did she return, but she also bought the house at 40 Hemlock Drive with overgrown weeds and one that needs a lot of work.

After moving in, Maggie noticed a smell of death, dark stains on the wood, and even the thermostat changing on its own. What has she gotten herself into?

My feelings? It's haunted, girl! This is NOT the time to be strong and independent. Get TF out! 😱

But Maggie is stubborn and stronger than I am, of course, she's not going anywhere.

I won't say much because I went in blind and enjoy guessing every aspect of this novel. Several storylines will come together; the romance, the characters, the house, and the untold past. This is an open door and gets pretty steamy!🔥🔥🔥

Told in dual timeline THEN and NOW by Maggie and with a terrific narrator, Brittany Pressley. Hemlock will surely keep you entertained from start to finish.

Thank you Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for the ALC.

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I absolutely loved this book. A fantastic plot twist and an incredible rollercoaster ride of emotions as you are taken between then and now. I fell in and out of love throughout the story. It had passion, mystery, jealousy, love, and all the things in between. Cannot wait to read more from Kiersten.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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