Member Reviews

When you purchase an old home on Hemlock Street, you might find you got a poisonous deal. Maggie begins to get buyer's remorse almost immediately. She smells death, has flickering lights, and a thermostat with a mind of its own. Could her house really be haunted by the family who died there decades before? Then there is the love triangle she has been tangled up in for over a decade. She escaped once, but now she is back in the thick of it. Who is right for her -- Tucker or Clayton? You might think you know, but by the end of the book you will have no doubt. Told in alternating "Then" and "Now" chapters, the narrative makes you want to read the next chapter right away and Brittany Pressley's narration made this book just fly by. If those bedroom doors had stayed closed a bit more, I would have given this KMod title 5 stars.

Thank you to Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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I may be in the minority, but Hemlock just did not live up to the hype for me. Reading the blurb I felt it should have been more of a thriller. Instead the main focus of this story was the love triangle between Maggie, Clayton, and Tucker, with flashbacks to different scenarios in the past that I felt just kept repeating themselves. The “suspense” of what was going on in her house just felt like it was thrown in.
This should have been 2 separate books. Like, am I reading a romance? Or a thriller?
Ultimately not my favorite.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

Pub date: 5 Dec 2023

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I devoured this book in two days. I just couldn't get enough of it and I was so invested in everything. I connected with these characters from the start and really felt for everything that they were going through. I actually found the two timelines (past and present) to be equally interesting and intriguing to read. There’s something scandalously fun about love triangles when they’re done this well. It was such an easy, fast read that had me dying for the conclusion. The twists at the end were truly shocking. I do wish that the two sides of this story were more blended. At times, it felt like two stories smashed together and it just wasn’t cohesive enough. I liked the romance and thriller plotlines equally and I wish the thriller part of the story was a little more interwoven with the romance narrative, especially in the first half of the book. Regardless, this was still a solid four star read for me and I highly recommend it. After reading this one, I immediately went to find more books by this author.

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A romantic thriller? I have to say I enjoyed this story! A little something for everyone- murder, spice, romance...what's not to like here? Think love triangle with some dark twists. The book was a page turner, for sure. I'm not normally interested in spicy reading and or light romance but these genres blended so well in the story.

One narrator with multiple POV. The narrator of the audiobook has a pleasant, smooth tone and reads the male parts just as well. The quality of the sound was great and I really enjoyed listening to this narration.

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The story was difficult to stick with because Maggie was such a screwed-up person, flip-flopping between men, and being cruel to Tucker. Plus, we never got to see any of the good ol' days when Clayton and she had fun and he wasn't a tool, because he was a tool from the very beginning. There was a lot of suspense, and it looked like the author was steering us down a path where Maggie might be having a psychotic break, and maybe killed Clayton's baby-mama. She really seemed to get more and more unhinged, to the point where I was wondering why there were three grown and reasonably intelligent men in love with her. The girl is a toxic mess, save yourselves! But 80-some percent of the way through you get the first big twist, and Maggie suddenly makes sense. But wait, there's more! More twists leading to closure and a satisfying ending.

I liked how it wrapped up, but the struggle was long, trying to care and invest in these selfish characters, with a lingering possible haunted house, and a vague mention of murder. This was a decent thriller with much menace from no end of sketchy people and allusions to past crimes.

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Audio 5 stars
Book 3.5 stars rounded up to 4

This book is about a girl, Maggie, who moves in to a new home on Hemlock drive, a house she dreamed of living in when she was younger. Her neighbor is a boy from her past, and throughout her first few days living there, she encounters several creepy, unexplained things and relies on his help, but doesn’t want to get too close to him. She is also in touch with her childhood best friend that she was in love with when she was younger. She’s torn between the two guys.

I’m a huge Kiersten Modglin fan! This was not her typical thriller book, it felt like a romance book with a little mystery thrown in, romance is not personally my cup of tea.

Read this book if you love: creepy house vibes, dual timelines, mystery with some spice,

Audio was fantastic, Brittany Pressley is one of my favorites!

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Thank you, Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for this advance copy in exchange for my review.

I was slightly thrown off by this book based on the blurb. I've read and enjoyed Kiersten's thrillers in the past but this was much less thriller and more somewhat suspenseful romance.
While I didn't dislike it at all, it definitely was not my favourite.
I enjoyed the dual timelines and the little mystery.
I did not so much enjoy the romance and romance tropes throughout.

I also very much enjoyed the narration. Brittany Pressley is my all time favourite narrator and she really saved this one for me.

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I have read a handful of Kiersten's books and really enjoy them. This one is no exception. It did seem a bit longer than her other books and with a bit more romance but the suspense and the twists were in there as well. I honestly thought a certain character was going to be a bad guy and I was totally wrong so kudos to that. The pages kept turning (in my case - ears listening) and it kept me interested and guessing right up to the end. Great romantic suspense thriller book to add to all those must read lists.

Thank you NetGalley, Dreamscape Media and Kiersten Modglin for the audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was more romance than thriller/suspense, which is probably why I only slightly liked it.

I am not a fan of romance, graphic sex scenes, love triangles, fake bf/gf who fall in love, or stories like this where people are still somehow in love with their ex they haven't seen 10 years later and pining after them (#getalife #talktoatherapist)

What kept me in the story was the haunted house aspect; I also like dual timeline narratives. Without telling the past and present at the same time I think I would have been very bored.

I thought the reveals and explanations there were fine but had trouble buying what the author was selling about the "bad guy." I didn't find it believable due to lack of foundation.

As usual, I found myself rapidly skipping ahead to avoid graphic sex scenes (gross, please stop. I really don't need porn in my literature).

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2.5 stars
I can’t fault KM for this rating. The book was advertised as another of her domestic thrillers, but it’s not. I didn’t expect it to be so heavy on the romance and light on the thriller. The marketing team should get working on changing/editing the blurbs/info to set expectations properly or else there’s going to be a slew of bad reviews ahead….

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Well, wasn't this different to the usual KMod book we're used to?! Longer in length and with more romance and suspense than her usual thrills, this book still had my attention throughout. I was intrigued to find out why Maggie's house was so eerie and why things were constantly happening. I also enjoyed the romance aspect and had my own theories on who she should be hooking up with. The narration on the audiobook was fantastic - another tick for this author's work!

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From the moment I delved into this audiobook, I found myself immersed in a mesmerizing narrative. The dual timelines, a unique touch, added a layer of complexity that kept me enthralled, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn.

While there were moments of revisiting certain details, the overall plot's intricacies overshadowed any minor repetitions. The characters, richly crafted and authentic, became companions on a journey that resonated deeply with my own experiences.

What struck me most was the author's adeptness at balancing suspense with gradual revelations. It created a magnetic pull, keeping me invested and emotionally connected to the unfolding story. Despite occasional reminders, the depth of the characters and the intricacies of the plot made this audiobook an unforgettable experience that lingered in my thoughts long after the final chapter.

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Ok, my bad. I've read about a dozen Kiersten Modglin books - in the genre anyone would be comfortable calling domestic thrillers. And that's what I expected when Hemlock appeared on Netgalley in advance of the audiobook's release in December 2023.

So, I started listening.

And when nothing seemed to be happening of the thriller persuasion, I went back to Netgalley and read the blurb (which I hadn't read cause it's Modglin so I auto hit the request button). The publisher classifies it as "General Fiction (Adult) | Mystery & Thrillers | Romance". Now, seriously, Dreamscape Media - I love you, but the description should read "Romance, Romance, General Fiction, Romance."

This is not the book for me. Too much namby pamby girl loves boy, unrequited, no maybe requited, fake pretend relationship, more girl loves boy, blah blah.

If you are a Modglin fan (and there are about a billion out there), you will love it and be amazed at how non-Modglin Modglin can be.

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HEMLOCK is a romantic psychological thriller. When I first started reading, I thought it was going to be more of a romance but around 35% into the book the action started. I became invested in Maggie's character and her new home and all the creepy things that were happening. The twists were really good and the ending did surprise me. In my opinion, KMOD's books just keep getting better and better. I would definitely recommend the audiobook, the narration was on point!

Many thanks to Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for my gifted copy.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( in the near future.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media and the amazing Kiersten Modglin for the audio arc of Hemlock in exchange for an honest review. Quoting the synopsis below and review to immediately follow.

Synopsis: "Thirteen years ago, Maggie Ellis left her small town and vowed to never return. In her rearview mirror were two men she loved and an ominous secret that would forever haunt her.

Now, tragedy has brought her back, and she’s determined to forget that fateful night. But in a town like Myers, with familiar faces and chilling memories lurking around every corner, moving on is easier said than done.

Before the ink can dry on the closing documents for her new residence, Maggie begins to feel unsettled. In every room, there’s the unmistakable sensation she’s being watched. The strange sounds, odd smells, and bizarre occurrences only add to her paranoia.

There’s something sinister about her new home…

When she discovers the devastating truth about the house and its grim history, Maggie’s worst fears are realized. In order to survive, she must unearth the secrets she’d always planned to keep buried.

After all, they say that home is where the heart is, but as Maggie knows, home is also where the skeletons lie."

Review & Thoughts

First, I LOVE, like LOVE Love Kiersten Modglin! She has always been one of my go-to authors that I know I can count on for a solid thriller/suspense. I don't think I have ever rated anything less than 4 stars, but I know for certain that I have not given out one of my hard-earned 5 stars. That is until NOW! Hemlock is that 5-Star book for me from Kiersten!

What I like about her books are that they are well-written & thought out, even the shorter stories; the story grabs you from the very beginning and moves at the perfect pace to keep the reader from getting bored. I just really love her stories. They are such quick, easy and amazing reads!

As for this first time 5-Star book for me from Modglin, everything I just stated above applies. But also, the "feel" of the book really had me. I know other readers will understand what I mean by the "feel" of it. It's hard to put into words. It had the same type of feel to it that another 5-Star book had that I read this year (Midnight is the Darkest Hour by Ashley Winstead). The male MC in both books were very similar in my mind and Ever in Midnight is the Darkest Hour has been one of my favorite male MC this entire year, so to have another male MC that, in my mind, felt the similar to Ever, Needless to say, I was IN LOVE with Tucker "Tuck." And because I was so hardcore Tuck in this story, Maggie infuriated me at times, but overall, her character was great as well.

I will say that I did have a very strong suspicion of the "bad guy/gal" at least halfway through, which was confirmed, but that didn't take anything at all away from the story, because this is Kiersten Modglin and she knows how to throw in a good twist that will make your jaw hit the floor and question whether you heard/read that right (I listed on audio, so I did, in fact, rewind in one area to make sure I heard what I thought I heard),

As if the story wasn't good enough by itself, the audio made it that much better with the spectacular Brittany Pressly narrating (one of my two fave female narrators).

As of today, I have read MANY Kiersten Modglin books and today & going forward, Hemlock will be my #1 recommendation for not only her books, but also in the top recommendations for 2023 as a whole.

If this info makes its way to Kiersten, I'd love to be considered for a IG booksta author interview!

5 WHOLE STARS! I'd give more if I could!

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By: Kiersten Modglin

Two men, one choice to be made.

Maggie returns to Myers thirteen years as she left and never looked back. One was her best friend and the other was a guy she fake dated to make her best friend jealous.

A house she bought appears to be haunted. This part was fascinating because you were sure it was real or someone was messing with her.

Maggie struggles with feelings for both at different times and they both disappoint her. Can she find the true love she wants?

Hemlock is another must read by Modglin. Her novels always fresh. As soon as she announces a new book is coming, I always preorder! #kierstenmodglin, #latestrelease, #modsquad, #hemlock, #bookreview, #bookstagram, #bookreview, #stamperlady50

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Kiersten Modglin has written another twisty & fast-paced thriller romance novel with her latest book, Hemlock. I really enjoyed the audiobook. Brittany Pressley does a wonderful job with the narration.

Kiersten is a master of these types of thrillers and I have not been disappointed by any of her books. This story is told in dual timelines and follows the main character, Maggie through heartbreak, love, and finding herself. Throw in a present day seemingly haunted house and this is my kind of romance novel!

Thank you Dreamscape Media for allowing me to listen to this audiobook ahead of publication in exchange for my honest review.

(This review was also shared on the Barnes & Noble website)

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I was so captivated by this story. It was so well paced and I was interested from start to finish.

She writes characters so well, I actually felt like I knew all of them personally. One of the really cool things you’ll get with Kiersten’s books are subtle pieces of information about a character’s personality, nothing glaring…she’s just smooth. I love when authors write characters well because it can really make or break a book. It’s so fun formulating opinions about the colorful cast of characters and when you get to the end, finding out if your instincts were right.

As I was reading this one I knew who I liked for Maggie from the start…I rooted for him and was so intrigued by him.

This was a more romance focused book than she usually writes but don’t worry there are still lots of twists, turns and bad behaviors to keep you entertained.

I felt like a fly on the wall in Maggie’s life and while the story was wrapped up nicely…I didn’t want it to end, I just wanted to keep hanging out awhile because I loved everyone in this story…well almost everyone.

I absolutely recommend this one…Kiersten sets the bar high and never disappoints.

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I am writing this as I listen.
First LOVE the narrator. Tucker sounds hot AF. I love the typical midwest names too.
I love a good creepy house book too. YES the house has weird vibes and a stench. Perfect.
I am a little in love with Tucker even if he is a cheating jerk. He seems fun.
Give me 100 more of these books because I am so into it.

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3.5 rounded up - ‘Hemlock’ is a twisty romantic suspense with obsession, manipulation, and instalust that isn’t confused for instalove.

This book has:
💥 a love triangle (or angle, really - her suitors are not interested in each other)
💥 open door smut
💥 twists I didn’t see coming
💥 small town, ordinary people
💥 murder
💥 deadly obsession
💥 tragic backstories

Overall this is more a romance than it is any other genre, but the mystery element is pretty strong (if, at times, far fetched) and it keeps the story going. Romance fans who get bored when the story is only pining and ‘kissing’ will enjoy this.

Thanks, NetGalley and Kiersten Modglin, for the gifted ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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