Member Reviews

First, I want to thank Brian R. O’Rourke, Inkubator Books, NetGalley and Zooloo Book Tours for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

WOW!! Brian R. O’Rourke is one author you need to keep your eye out for if you love psychological thrillers as much as I do. Each book he has written he has proven what an incredible storyteller he is. I thought The Only Son was good but wow his latest Her Mother’s Daughter proved to us that this is the genre he is meant to write.

Instantly, Brian’s book cover caught my eye! It is so different from any of the one’s his graphic artists have done before. The colors and the subject were just spot on! It made me want to know more about the storyline.

I could not stop giggling as I know Amanda Allen in real life! However, she is not a well known thriller author!

In many ways I think this book may be relatable to some with the clingy ex that just not take the hint that it is over! I have been down that road and can emphasize with all that Amanda had to go through with that. Matthew totally got on my nerves after a while.

We’re lead behind the scenes into the life of a thriller writer! Not just any thriller writer but one that is tied to something her Mom did in her past. It is so twisted, addicting, shocking, wicked twists and turns and a jaw dropping ending.

I love how it is written in modern day but then jumps to the past. In the past we learn more about the mother and how her actions affected her daughter!

This is another one to add to your TBR pile as it is a 5 star must read!

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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3.5* I really enjoyed the concept of this book. It gave Freida vibes, which I loved. Each chapter kept drawing me in, and it was a quick and easy read.

Thank you to NetGalley, Brian R. O’Rourke and Inkubator Books, for an ARC.

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Her Mother's Daughter by Brian R. O'Rourke.
Amanda has a happy life. She is a successful writer and has now given up her job to write full time. But then there is a murder. One of Amanda ex colleagues. She is a suspect. Then another murder. Is someone out to get Amanda? Who? Why?
I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't sure how I felt about Amanda at first. Gripping and twisty. I didn't see that coming. 4*.

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So far, I’m the only reviewer to give this book two stars. The two stars are for the fact that the book is very easy to read – you need hardly use your brain because there’s nothing new in this story.
Amanda lives under a new name because her mother is on the run. She’s accused of having murdered a man and once word gets out that Amanda is who she is, her life becomes a rollercoaster. Not bad actually because Amanda earns good money with her crime books.
And there it went wrong for me. Amanda has never seen the inside of a police station, never talked to anyone from the police. All good crime books I read have an afterword by the author thanking people (from the police at least) to help them getting their facts right. So not Amanda. When she herself is being interviewed, she acts like she’s never written a scene in which someone is being interviewed. There are surprises constantly popping up in strange places in the story – surprises that are not unusual in a story like this, but they all come at the wrong time. Too early, too late and often just out of the blue. There is a really terrific person in the story who turns out to be not so terrific at all. There is someone in the background who is mentioned only twice or so, whose’ role is suddenly much bigger. In short: I want to feel related to a character, but sometimes I wanted to try and talk some sense in Amanda. Besides that the has a couple of personal traits that I found somewhat – well, I will not say disgusting, but you know what I mean.
In short: nice idea, nice writing, but I would love to read other books by this author with better characterization, a more original plot and not so many silly actions by so many people.

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for this review copy.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A good phycological thriller with interesting characters. I did think the plot was a little over written and far-fetched in places. Nonetheless a good read. Recommended.

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This one will keep you up late at night! A murder mystery writer finds herself a suspect in the murder of a woman that she had previously argued with. The writing is good, the characters believable and sympathetic, and the surprising plot twists will keep the reader guessing until the end. In other words, this is a near-perfect mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this book and read it in less than 24 hours, it is a really easy read with lots of twists and turns. I had a few theories around who the killer was and guessed correctly at around the 50-70% mark but that did not take away from the enjoyment of the book. I would have given it 5 stars had I not guessed quite as quickly.

Also love the cover!

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Amanda is a murder mystery writer. She is also the daughter of a suspected murder who’s never been caught. Her notorious mother was suspected of killing her married lover and the case has never been solved.

Amanda’s life takes a sinister turn when a muder is comitted as a copycat from a murder scene in one of her books. A woman is decapitated with a book crammed into her mouth. Pretty wicked right? Yes!

This book had a long list of suspects and I kept changing my mind on who the culprit was. O’Rourke does a fantastic job throwing you off the path. However, I did have my suspicions and guessed early on, it was still an enjoyable read. I normally don’t go for ‘popcorn thrillers’ but this one was done well in my opinion.

Suspenseful, hard to put down, easy read, murder, murder and more murder!

I’d like to thank Inkubator Books, NetGalley, and Brian R. O’Rourke for an ARC. All opinions are my own.
Publication date December 6, 2023

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I liked this book. The main character was well crafted and not terribly naive (one thing that often happens in whodunits). I liked the plot and the only thing that could have really been done a little better was to show us the killer a bit earlier to provide a clue or two as to who it might have been (if they were there, I did not see them). But I found this entertaining and a good diversion from the heavy books I've been reading (it seems a little strange that murder can be lighter reading but it can be).

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You might think that someone whose mother was accused of being a murderer (and has since gone on the lam), would probably *not* be seeking fame and fortune by writing dark fiction books about, you guessed it, grisly murders! But in the case of Amanda Christie, you would be dead wrong. Pun intended.

Despite officially changing her surname - and what a great choice she made with that - Amanda has not been able to entirely distance herself from her mother's alleged actions. Her outing as her mother's daughter turned her life upside down, with any number of friends and colleagues cutting off contact with her. Though admittedly, it was great for her career...

Now things have got incredibly messy for Amanda, with an obsessed ex-boyfriend who's been accused of violence by one woman and has another girlfriend's mysterious death left unaccounted for, anonymous notes appearing on her door step, and worst of all, a colleague she didn't like showing up dead - that too, by a rather gruesome method of killing that once appeared in one of Amanda's books.

Could this all be a coincidence? The police certainly don't think so. As for Amanda herself, she doesn't really know what to think!

This is an engaging story - easy to read, and with a number of twists. It does require a suspension of disbelief, but if you can manage that, you are likely to enjoy it. It gets 3.5 stars.

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3.75/5 stars.

This is a nice psychological thriller well worth a reading. Now, you might ask: Why 3.75 stars then?
That's because I was not a particular fan of our main character, Amanda. That's totally on me, since I understand that her actions and reaction to certain circumstances are a result of nerves, anxiety and because she's a human being. This is me just being an extreme picky reader.
That aside, I enjoyed a lot reading this book. It took me less time than expected, considering how little I've been reading lately and, also, that I've been jumping from one book to another.

<b>Now, onto the review:
What I loved: </b>
1) One of the characters dedication, I won't mention who that character is because I don't want to do any spoilers. That character has my respect for being so caring and have such a strong will.
2) How easy it was to read (recommended for beginners learning English).

<b>What I liked: </b> The general sense of foreboding and that I couldn't stop myself from trying to guess who was the murderer and their reasons behind their actions. That's what I like of a psychological thriller: Being thrown into the story, not just read because it's interesting but because I'm actually engrossed and I'm not just seeing words, but I'm going along with the characters.

<b>What I disliked: </b> How dumb and naïve some characters seemed to be to me. It just wasn't my cup of tea but I already explained my reasons above.

Please, give it a chance and, when you do, let me know what you think about it.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this book from NetGalley.
OMG! I read this book in one sitting! It had me hooked from the beginning and I just couldn’t stop reading! There were moments I thought I had it figured out and then something else would happen and I realized I did in fact not have it figured out! I’ll definitely be reading more from this author!

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, murder, revenge, a great who done it, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle!! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Amanda is an author who has had quite a tough life. She has recently been 'outed' as being the daughter of a fugitive murderess, but it has done wonders for the sales of her books.
She is questioned about the gruesome murder of an ex-colleague which mimics a murder in one of her books. She did not get on with the woman, but would not have murdered her!
Shortly after, there is yet another murder, of a woman with whom she has had a public altercation with, and Amanda has to clear her name.

This is a riveting novel! A page turner, which I could barely put down. There is a little of everything in it, heartbreak, tragedy, love and of course, murder!
The characters are believable, and the plot could definitely happen.

This is the second of Brian R. O'Rourke's books that I have read, and I enjoyed it immensely.
I recommend.
A very solid 4/5 stars from me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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Why is a thriller author on the rise living a life of FOFO? Especially when hiding ‘that’ part of herself from others is taking such a toll. Does she fear the ‘like mother, like daughter’ tendency that might be hiding in the dark recesses of her heart?

With so much to celebrate, the shock of ‘the leak’ is something Amanda had anticipated, but had not made room for dealing with just as she was taking back control of her own life. Compounding her feelings of unease is the discovery that a recent murder has mimicked a death from her novel. Like a train ride that won’t stop at a station to let passengers disembark, Amanda’s life whirls into top speed as another body has been found … yes, another copycat murder. In an effort to clear her name, Amanda has to do the one thing ‘the thriller writer’ is afraid of … looking into her past.

What a tension-filled and entertainment-packed journey! A new-to-me author, O’Rourke has certainly examined the darker side of fiction. I enjoyed suspending my disbelief for the sake of entertainment and appreciated the quick read that was the perfect antidote to my stress last night.

I was gifted this copy by Inkubator Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

*Fear Of Finding Out

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Amanda Christie is an up and coming thriller author who has alot going on in her life. She has broken things off with her boyfriend after seeing a side of him she didn't like, and he's not taking this very good. But the event
that worries Amanda is
that someone has told who is really is .... the daughter of an accused murderess.
Amanda is worried about her future as a writer. Then something happens someone she knows is brutally
murdered, and the method of death is straight from the pages of one of her books and then it happens again.
Who has it in for Amanda?
This was a fast-paced, engaging thriller!

Def will check out other books by this author!

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