Member Reviews

Oh I just love reading a book by this author she just draws you in and you have to complete this book in one session it is so good. There are so many twists and turns - where you think it is going it just goes completely different. (Thinking how the rich can live with so many different houses)

I was given an advance copy by netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely my own.

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There was not one thing that I did not like about this book. great storyline with twists and turns in the right places that left me being unable to put the book down until it was finished. Highly recommend.

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Miranda delivers another belter of a book, it has had me gripped from page 1.

I didn't see what was happening but when it clicked it was a brilliant twist.

Miranda pulls you into her books and you are there, in every scene, on every page, fully immersed in the story.

It won't be long before I read my next Miranda Rijks books.

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I have read a few books by this author now and you would think that I would have learnt a few things about her writing by now. Firstly, don’t start to read her books late at night. They always hook you in and make you want to keep reading. Secondly, be ready for some wild twists. You might think you know what is happening and where it is going think again. The ending of Make Her Pay floored me!!

Leonie is young, beautiful and successful. She has everything, and now she has met the man of her dreams. But she still feels that she doesn’t deserve any of it. 10 years ago, her life could have gone in another direction all together. She stole her mums car when she was 16 and was involved in an accident and her father made her flee the scene, leaving behind the other driver. Now as she plans her wedding things start to go wrong. Is the past coming back to haunt her.? You won’t believe where it goes from here, strap in for roller coaster ride.

Thanks so much to Inkubator Books and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book to read. Published on December 10th.

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Leonie is living her best life. She's still in her twenties, she's beautiful, and successful, and has just met Markus, the man of her dreams. But Leonie has a secret. Ten years ago, she was involved in an accident in which another driver died. Leonie shouldn't have been behind the wheel that night - no licence, no insurance - so she fled the scene. She's spent the last ten years trying to deal with the terrible guilt. Now, as her wedding to Markus draws near, it seems someone is out to get her. It's the little things at first - botched work appointments, a cancelled bridal dress - but it soon escalates into a terrifying campaign that threatens her family and even her life.

You can never run away from your past and the mistakes you make - they'll always come back to haunt you. Sh has Leonie's past finally caught up with her? Is someone out to get Leonie? Oh, I do love a Miranda Rijks book. She writes cleverly crafted thrillers that immediately grab your attention, you're instantly hooked, and she does not let you go again until the end. Filled with suspense, twists, and great characters, I did not want to put this book down. There's some pretty good reveals too.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #InkubatorBooks and the author #MirandaRijks for my ARC of #MakeHerPay in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book. Another jaw dropping thriller from Miranda Rijks! Leonie has the perfect life. Engaged to be married to the man of her dreams and loves her career. She Carrie’s guilt over an accident from ten years ago. Then little things start happening and she wonders if someone from her past is trying to destroy her. I loved this one and loved reading a book with a character with my name!!! All of her books are amazing.

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Wow! The last few books I’ve read were just average, but this one blew me away!!! I loved every second of this thriller! Deception, secrets, and suspense….JUST LOVED IT!

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Leonie is a young woman who “has it all” but a horrifying secret is controlling her life. A past mistake when she was a teenager has affected her entire life. Will this secrecy ruin her life? Will she be able to be happy? This page turner will have you asking these questions and more. Definitely worth the read

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This has to be one of her best psychological thrillers. Flew through this over the course of a day. Edgy and gripping. Without giving anything away.......just as you think your heading towards the end of the book and their are no more twists......wallop! Another bombshell. This is a must read. My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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This book is one which depicts the quote " A women's desire for revenge outlasts all her other emotions!"
Every reader has experienced this feeling where you anticipate some things in a thriller and when that happens it still knocks the air out of you! This book is that feeling.
Make her Pay is intricate with subtle hints, it lets you predicate and still startles you!
This was my first Miiranda Rijks book and it did not disappoint! She is a prodigious and remarkable story teller.
The plot, the storyline, the pacing of the book was amazing. It keeps you captivated always. There are elements of surprise at perfect intervals!
Without giving away the story, the book revolves around Leonie. It begins with describing an incident in Leonie's life at age of 16 and moves ahead to her current life. Leonie's actions are highly affected by those who are around her. As the story unfolds, we understand that despite of everything she wants how things take a bad turn for her and how the end is so out of the blue!
I do not think anyone could see what the book entails by the plot. It is totally astonishing and everyone is in for a treat!
Thank you NetGalley for the book in exchange for a honest review!

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Make Her Pay is another great read by Miranda Rijks. It's full of twists and turns. Would recommend

Thank you to Miranda Rijks, NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the arc of this book.

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Thanks NetGalley and the Author fir letting me read and review!

A young woman lives 10 years of her life with remorse after walking away from an accident that supposedly took someone's life. When good things happen to her, she feels undeserving. And when horrific things happen, is it karma or revenge?

This book will keep you reading and want to know what happens! There is nothing about this book that I did not enjoy .... all of her books are good and this didn't disappoint!!!
5 star read!

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Wow, I've seen this author recommended a few times but this is the first book I read of hers and I love her writing style ! I felt so much for Leonie who lives with the guilt, with parents like hers. I felt quite bad at the last twist !! I wanted even more !!

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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This had so many twists and turns it was like the road the main character was driving on at age 16. I’m still reeling from one of the big reveals toward the end. I’m thoroughly delighted at my inability to see that coming! Legitimately, I am shaking my head at the author’s cleverness. Wowwwwwww….

I want to mention that I appreciate that the “spice” in the romance is pretty mild.

You should read this! You will never guess that ending. It comes out very soon, on December 10th.

My thanks to NetGalley and Inkubator for the complimentary ebook in exchange for my review.

My reviews also can be found on Goodreads and Instagram as books_the_magical_fruit.

#mirandarijks #makeherpay #thriller #decemberrelease #mystery #secrets #lies #inkubator #revenge #netgalley

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A young woman lives 10 years of her life with remorse after walking away from an accident that supposedly took someone's life. When good things happen to her, she feels undeserving. And when horrific things happen, is it karma or revenge?

This book will keep you reading into the wee hours, with suspense on every page. There is nothing about this book that I did not enjoy, or that felt 'off', and that is rare indeed!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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"If my father hadn't chased me that day, the trajectory of my life would have been totally different."

Rijks knows just when to serve revenge - and it’s a longer wait than most hostesses would gamble on taking. This one, decades-long in the planning, is good and cold when presented…and so deliciously good.

From the onset, readers know that someone has done something wrong and revenge is in order. It doesn’t take long to figure out who has committed the unforgivable act, but what readers aren’t expecting is the long, windy road to revenge. Rijks has masterfully crafted a multilayered revenge/avenge story that involves retaliation by both the protagonist and antagonist.

The above quote takes on different meanings depending on what side of the line you read it...before or after. We all have 'lines' we draw in our lives that define a before and after. For some it's marriage, for others, it's an equally significant high or low point in their life. For Leonie Wilding, there are multiple 'lines' drawn in her life. Multiple before and afters. You know those sequin-covered pillows that were popular a couple of years ago? The ones where when you pulled your hand down, the pillow looked one colour, but when you pulled it up, it revealed a totally different colour? Yeah, those ones! Leonie Wilding's life is like that. With a sleight of hand, Rijks will mess with your emotions and have you seeing both sides of the story. She's THAT good.

Without giving anything away, know that this is a cathartic read for those of us who fear powerlessness and it’s also an unnerving read as we know that the past can’t stay buried…for long. I loved having my feelings manipulated by a capable author and am still coming to terms with the ending ….

Make Her Pay is one of the best psychological thrillers I’ve read recently!

I was gifted this copy by Inkubator Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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A sixteen year old girl steals her mother's car and causes an accident. Her well to do father drags her away from the scene, a man lying dead in the other car, and tells her never to mention it again.
This plays on Leonie's mind for a decade, she feels as though she doesn't deserve happiness. Until she meets Markus. She falls deeply in love, but there are disturbing occurances as she prepares to marry him.
Her happiness is threatened, and her life becomes a nightmare.

Another fantastic, unputdownable, twisty psychological thriller from Miranda Rijks!!
I did not want to put this book down once I started reading it.
It is dark, gripping, and if one thinks that the past cannot affect the future, you are wrong.
I did feel sorry for Leonie, she seemed to be controlled completely by her father, and all of his decisions about her life.
Her happy ever after was not what she expected.

I definitely recommend this book and I have to award it 5/5 stars.

Thank to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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Great book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, murder, some serious revenge, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle!! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Leonie has it all. But for the past 10 years, she has not had a single night of good sleep. All because of the choices she made. No, wait. The choices her overbearing father made on her behalf.

After getting the job, the apartment, and the man of her dreams, she can't shake the fear that she doesn't deserve all this. And as she waits for the other shoe to drop, it comes down with a resounding BANG!

Miranda Rijks has once again woven a complex story of suspense, with characters that pop off the page. I got goosebumps when Leonie was in situations where the reader knew what was going on, but she didn't. I was rooting for her all the way, because despite what she did, she was a really likeable character. I tried to take my time reading this, savoring the story, as I didn't want it to end!

An easy 5 stars! Thanks to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and Booksprout for an advance reader's copy.

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