Member Reviews

Make Her Pay by Miranda Rijks was another excellent book, every book I have read by Miranda has been a 5 star book and this one was no different. It was an excellent psychological thriller that was fast paced, with lots of twists and turns throughout which made it had to put this book down. A great read for the coming holidays.
Just Brilliant.

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I hit a dry spell with books and then suddenly- and thankfully- I read several excellent novels in a row including this one, Make Her Pay by Miranda Rijks. This plot is a case of revenge and the twists and turns within the pages will keep you reading.

Everything is going well in Leonie’s life. She is haunted by a hit-and-run many years prior and carries the guilt with her everywhere. Her powerful father insisted she put it behind her and tell no one, so she has done just that. But the guilt is eating her up and she is reaching a breaking point especially when everything in her life begins to fall apart.

What is happening and more to the point, who is behind it all?


Leonie is living her best life. Still in her twenties, she’s beautiful, and successful and has just met Markus, the man of her dreams.

But Leonie has a secret. Ten years ago, she was involved in an accident in which another driver died. Leonie shouldn’t have been behind the wheel that night – no license, no insurance – so she fled the scene. And ever since, she’s been struggling to deal with the terrible guilt.

Now, as her wedding to Markus draws near, it seems someone is out to get her. It’s little things at first – botched work appointments, a cancelled bridal dress – but it soon escalates into a terrifying campaign which threatens her business, her family and even her life.

Leonie, caught up in a relentless nightmare, has no idea why anyone would set out to destroy her. Until she realizes there’s a link to the accident that happened all those years ago.

Someone knows what she did. Someone is determined to make her pay.

Out now!

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Great story! I was riveted and on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed every minute..... UNTIL that ending!!! I need more!!!! I need to know more about the mom and Leonie's continuing story.

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Leonie is haunted by a life-altering mistake she made in her youth- a mistake compounded by her own coldly calculating father’s complicity. Forced to carry her secret in silence, she limps her way into her mid-twenties largely alone. Then she meets Markus, a wealthy and handsome man who very quickly sweeps her off her feet. Has her life taken a sudden turn for the better? It has it gotten much much worse?

Lots of twists and suspense in this one. I read right through it in one day, wondering just where the story would take me (and Leonie!) would take me next. Be careful of the choices you make- and the secrets you keep.

Thank you Miranda Rijks, Inkubator Books, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Another great story my Miranda Rijks.
All of her books have a similar feel to each other but each storyline makes you stop and think.

Here you have love, deceit, murder and family drama. Everything you need to make a good read. Can’t wait to read more by Miranda.

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I extend my sincere thanks to Netgalley for granting me an early look into "Make Her Pay" by Miranda Rijks. While the fast-paced thriller offers a rollercoaster of twists, there is a notable weakness in character development, particularly with the central figures, Leonie and Carrie, who appear disappointingly one-dimensional. Markus's character seemed interesting, and I was hoping that Rijks would dig into it a bit more, but his character lacked depth as well.

The book initiated with a promising start, capturing my attention with a gripping narrative. But the initial momentum wavers as the story progresses, and the plot encounters periods of monotony. Just when I hoped for a resurgence, the pace quickened again, leading to a conclusion that, regrettably, falls short of satisfaction. The ending seemed rushed, and left me with a sense of disappointment.

The story oscillates between engaging and dull moments culminating in an ultimately dissatisfying ending. Though enjoyable, the predictability of certain twists holds it back, so I would give it a modest 3-star rating.

Despite its shortcomings, the novel is enjoyable. The swift pace and intermittent thrills make it a worthy contender in the thriller genre.

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A thriller told through two different perspectives. This is a story of revenge and coming into your own. There are some twists that I did find predictable, but the journey was still so fun to read.

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“If my father hadn’t chased me that day, the trajectory of my life would have been totally different.”

Miranda had me hooked from the beginning with her beautiful flow of words. I love an author that can set your feelings on edge through text.

Leonie has been through a lot in life and because of that she feels indebted to others. She has a sweet demeanor and wants to think the best of everyone, including those she shouldn’t.

I immediately got creepy vibes from Markus Klausen as his and Leonie’s relationship takes off in a whirlwind. Aside from that, learning his connection to her past and his manipulative personality just made it even worse.

When Carrie (Denise) is introduced I immediately felt a kinship towards her, until her disgusting tendencies started to be portrayed. I just wanted Leonie to run. And she should have after all is said and done.
Everything Carrie wanted in life and lost, Leonie seemed to get. But whatever Carrie wanted and lost, she was bound to make Leonie lose it all…and even more.

The ending was a bit of a shock with all that was happening with Leonie’s father, mother and best friend, but it didn’t take away from the story. When it’s all said and done, I am so proud of Leonie for standing on her own two feet and finding her own way of life. Lord knows that takes courage.

I haven’t read a ton of thrillers lately, but this one has me reaching for more.

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Ive loved all of miranda Rijks previous book and this was no exception, thanks to net galley and the publishers for this copy.

Leonie killed someone as a teenager and her father covered it up as he didnt want it to affect his successful business.

Fast forward 10 years and leonine meets Markus and they decide to get married, when things strt happening to sabotage the wedding, leonie wonders if her past is catching up with her

4 stars

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I discovered Rijks this year, and she has found a fan! I plan on reading all of her books. This was another great book by Rijks. There were a few twists and turns in the book that I didn’t see coming. I have been struggling with thrillers lately, and this one (as well as another one) has brought back my love of thrillers!

I don’t know how Rijks does it, but the way that she writes makes you believe the characters until you find out that maybe they aren’t such great people. I was right along with Leonie. Even knowing as a reader someone wanted to make her pay, I feel like I was blind to who it was as well!

The atmosphere in this book was also really great. Between the description of the scene locations and the suspense within some of those scenes, I was kept on the edge of my seat needing to figure out how it was all going to end.

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I was so immersed in this story for a few hours I kind of forgot everything else in my life.
What an easy 5 star rating! What a wonderful ride! Everything was perfect and engaging, everything!
It is told from Carrie and Leonie’s POV, but I particularly enjoyed reading Leonie’s. I was always rooting for her. She was a really likeable character. All her thoughts were genuine, despite what she did. She may have become my favourite character to read in 2023, along with the story.

Oh, and I didn’t fail to notice the Easter egg of The Lodge by the end!

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Wow! Psychological thriller with revenge! Can’t ask for much more. The two main characters are likeable despite the crimes they’ve committed. The stories come together and reveal more information about a third of the way through and it’s a doozy! Miranda Rijks is a fantastic author and this book is one of her best!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of Make Her Pay by Miranda Rijiks. Now that was a good book! I really enjoyed this one and it kept me entertained the whole way through. This is a story about revenge and the plot was planned out very well. It is suspenseful and full of many twists. Some parts that I had figured out on my own...well, I was wrong! It was an easy read and I really liked this one. I would definitely recommend it to others. I gave it a 5 star rating.

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Leonie has the perfect life. Someone wants to take it away.

Leonie has a secret—she did something terrible when she was 16, and was told by her father to keep it secret forever. Fast forward ten years, and life has never been better—she has a career she loved, a new relationship, wealth and friends.

Meanwhile Carrie hasn’t been so lucky. She was in a terrible accident, lost her baby, lost her fiancé, lost her ability to hold down a job. For ten years, she’s struggled.

Their paths converge and suddenly secrets aren’t secret, and trust is meaningless. What really happened that night ten years ago?

This was the first Miranda Rijks book I’ve read, and it follows the pacing and style of B. A. Paris. Pretty standard UK domestic thriller, and mostly predictable (except for that WILD twist at the end), but it was still an enjoyable ride! I finished this in one sitting, and was definitely entertained watching Carrie and Leonie try to piece things together.

The plot twist at the very end was INSANE and I didn’t see it coming. But it also felt out of place and unnecessary. I think Leonie should have been able to come to the same conclusion and react accordingly without it. It definitely made me roll my eyes with the absurdity of it, so I’m glad it happened at the very end. Otherwise, I probably would have been obsessing over it and it would have ruined the book for me.

Overall this was an intense and well written domestic suspense novel, and I enjoyed it! I think it was well paced, and the characters were well written, even if the supporting characters felt a little one dimensional. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who is a fan of B.A. Paris or similar authors.

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I received an arc copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. I have to say that this book started out slow for me and I almost gave up on it. I ended up enjoying the book and I did like how the twists were told halfway through the book and not at the very end. I recommend this book.

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Really enjoyed this book, well written and some great twists along the way. Based on the main character Leonie who had a privileged upbringing in debt to her father for something terrible that happened when she was a teenager- her life unravels and it is all to do with that fateful night. Great writing

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Betrayal is a bitter pill. This is a twisted story about revenge. But who is really seeking revenge?? This is an unputdownable book that is well written and fast paced. Miranda Rijks knows how to tell a twisted story based on infidelity, betrayal revenge and retribution. I read it quickly as it was hard to find a stopping point. If you like a very twisted story, you'll love this book. Thanks to NetGalley and Incubator Books for approving me to read this book.

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First, I want to thank Miranda Rijks, Inkubator Books, NetGalley and ZoolooBookTours for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

DANG!!! Make Her Pay is an incredible read by Miranda Rijks that will literally leave your jaw on the floor! It is insanely addicting and incredibly fast paced so much so I devoured the book in one sitting! It is like a good Netflix Series playing in your head as you read it. One of her bests yet!

Instantly, she grabbed my attention with the prologue! However, I was shocked, stunned, and utterly speechless with the events to come next! I totally understand teenage rebellion as I was once one. However, her act of rebellion went above and beyond and omg the result! That was shocking but nothing compared to how the father acted! I was just lost for words on both parties' actions that I knew this would be a great read.

Miranda touched on panic attacks and I could fully relate to them as I get them too. They are not fun especially if you get them in public.

Make Her Pay was filled with deep hidden secrets that were kept for years. However, when all was revealed it was explosive! This is a must read!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an arc of this book.

I have read a few by this author and all of them are fast paced and exciting reads. This one was brilliant from start to finish.

An accident ten years ago comes back to bite Leonie in every way possible. A mistake she made as a child followed her to her adulthood and no one can be trusted. Thrilling read.

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Make Her Pay was a twisty fast paced thriller. I enjoyed reading it and burned right through the pages.
It had Luckiest Girl Alive vibes for sure.
Leonie had a dark secret in her past, and because of it doesn’t feel like she deserves love or the charmed life she leads. When she falls in love and gets engaged, is it all too good to be true?
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ solid stars and I will totally be reading her again.
Thanks NetGalley for the ARC.

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