Member Reviews

This is the 11th book I read by Miranda Rijks and it was a good one. It follows a well-known path - someone with a secret, someone who knows about the secret wants revenge - but in this story, the person who wants to take revenge for what the main character (Leonie) did ten years ago, is in for a surprise.
What I enjoyed was that Leonie did something terrible 10 years ago, but since then she's haunted by guilt because she herself didn't make the ultimate decision to leave after the accident in which she run another car off the road. What I liked less: it was her father who made her do it; and although she's in het mid-twenties now, and a successful business woman, it's still her father who makes all the decisions in her life. Together with her mother, who even 'works' for Leonie although it never becomes clear what she's actually doing. Leonie is not a very strong character but she realizes this during the story and finally starts to understand something has to change.
For the reader it's quite obvious who's the person here who tries to ruin Leonie's life - until it becomes clear that it isn't.
There are a few unexpected developments in this story that makes it just a bit more creepy than some other stories I've read from this author.
I was happy to find this title in the Read Now section of Netgalley.

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I liked this book but I felt it was too predictable. I could tell from the beginning what was happening.
If you like a well written book that is predictable, this is a good book for you

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📱E-Book Review📱

Make Her Pay
Miranda Rijks


This is the fourth book that I've read by this author and have loved them all - so it was with great excitement that I dove into this new release and it really did not disappoint!

I must first say though, that I adore the front cover! Gorgeous colour and clearly shows what sort of book this will be!

I think that I'm may be getting used to Miranda's writing now as I had a good idea of how this book was going to play out pretty early on. But this didn't worry me as I knew that the journey would still be brilliant!
The title and prologue gives us a clear idea of what will follow - but as always, there were some great twists and turns that keep us on the edge of our seat!

Leonie is a young, successful business owner. When she meets Markus on a property search, they hit it off and within a matter of months, are planning their wedding.
When things start going wrong, she wonders whether someone is out for revenge....

I actually really liked Leonie. Apart from the very start where she was obviously a little outrageous (probably caused by her oppressive parents!!) - but the remainder of the book, she really seemed remorseful.
The relationship with Markus, the first she'd ever trusted, progressed swiftly and I was a little wary of him for a good while.

To be honest, I was a little wary of quite a few of the characters and I loved that little hints were given here and there and I would suspect someone, only to find that I was right about the what and why....but still not about the who!!

This was a fast-paced read full of excitement and as ever, full of surprises - which I loved!
I looking forward to seeing what the next book holds!

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Miranda never disappoints Another gripping thriller with well defined characters and a good character arc reveal. Leonie has a terrible secret she has kept it simce she was 16. On the surface she is fine but the secret is untangerling her. Told from 2 characters pov clever writing takes a whike to reveal their link. Then hold on tight for lots of teists and turns. Then a final one. Loved everu second a 5 star read highly recommended. Thank you netgallery and publisher and author.

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I did enjoy reading the book at certain parts, and some parts were just seemed to drag on. I felt like one of the plot twists was unexpected however most of them where to be expected. The ending was a little bit anti climatic and I felt like I had more questions than answers by the ending of the book. Also, that ending was so bad and honestly so ridiculous.

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10 years earlier, Leonie made a bad decision .., she was merely 16, stole her moms car and got into a fatal accident. Her family asks her to keep it a secret, as her dad doesn’t want to “taint” the family name and destroy her future, but this accident (and death) haunts her still. Now, she owns her own business, is engaged to a good man, and she is happy. Something sinister is starting to happen, it starts out as simple mistakes and obstacles, but steadily starts to escalate. Could this be her last catching up to her? Is someone out to get revenge for the mistakes of her past? Is it just awful coincidence? The premise was promising, it hooked me. I do wish there was a tad more character development, and although twists, they weren’t shocking. I wish there was a little ore to the ending. Overall It was a fast and easy read, just wish there was a little more oomph.

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Make Her Pay is a great read. It's full of twists and turns that made me keep turning the pages. I couldn't put it down so I didn't and I read it in one sitting.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for my ARC.

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Definitely an addicting fast paced book. So many twists and turns throughout the whole book. I couldn’t put it down! However, I had mixed feelings about the ending which is why I gave it 4 stars

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Very good book. I couldn't put it down. Great author. Highly recommend. Psychological thriller. Twists and turns.

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This book grabbed my attention and I read it within a few hours. I could not put it down. I do wish Leonie (main character) did a better chance of sticking up for herself. I also wish the ending was longer

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I love this authors books because they are fast, engaging reads. Once you start you won’t want it put it down. This story kept me guessing and I enjoyed all the twists and turns.

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This was my first time reading anything by this author and I will be reading again. Fast paced, twisty, felt a little sorry for all the characters really, maybe not the damn dad though! Also quite a little shock at the end. lol

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I want to say that I liked it but didn't There were too many holes and inconsistencies that gave me whiplash.

It got me hooked from the beginning but slowly went downhill. Leonie has a secret. Ten years ago, when she was sixteen, she was involved in an accident in which another driver died, or that is why she thought.

Ten years later she has her own business and getting married to the perfect man, and things start getting wrong, and she has no idea until the end that someone wants to kill her.

The inconsistent that I found is, that the killer saw Leonie for an instant, at the crash when she was injured, but she recognized Leonie ten years later from a news photo and Leonie did not remember her, and she wanted to be in control, but she gives control to decide on her behalf to people she hardly knows. I didn't like any characters, and I didn't find the story thrilling or entertaining. I had a hard time went the heroine made stupid decisions.

thank you Netgalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the electronic copy of Make Her Pay to read and review.

The story follows Leonie who has met the perfect guy Markus but things keep going wrong. Could it be her past coming to haunt her?

This was such a quick, easy read for me. Fast paced and engrossing. It was the perfect palate cleanser between fantasy books.

It reminded me of Freida McFadden's work and I think any fans of hers would love this too.

The characters aren't particular well developed or likeable but for entertainment purposes it's a great short read.

4 stars.

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Leonie is just 16 when she takes her mums car and causes a horrific accident costing a man his life. Leonie wants to come clean however her father who followed behind her insists she keeps it a secret. With no cameras or cctv on the country roads Leonie (reluctantly) and her dad leave the scene and vow never to speak of the accident again.

Fast forward 9 years and Leonie is living her best life however she is still very much haunted by the events from her past. Leonie meets Marcus and it’s love at first sight. She has a successful business and is about to marry the man of her dreams.

Soon strange things start to happen in the run up to her wedding, Leonie’s perfect wedding dress is cancelled, the colour theme to her wedding is changed and Leonie begins to wonder if the horrors of her past are about to catch up with her.

Settled into married life things then start to go from bad to worse for Leonie, her marriage is short lived and it soon becomes clear that someone knows what Leonie did and they want to make her pay, they want to take everything from her and then finally her life. Leonie begins to wonder who else could possibly know as it was only her and her father there the night of the fatal accident.

I am a huge fan of Miranda Rijks and have read many of her books. They are action packed, fast paced, twisty and exciting. I always struggle to put her books down, and this one was no different.

The only thing that I found was for me that the ending was a little bit abrupt I’d have loved to know what had become of Leonie say 12 months down the line, but other than that I loved absolutely everything about this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review.

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Leonie is beautiful, from a wealthy family, and runs her own company, a subsidiary of her father's construction company. On the face of it, she has everything, but feels guilty because she killed someone in a car accident when she was 16, and it was covered up by her father.
She meets Markus and her life changes for the better, but things start to go wrong and it seems someone knows her secret and is going to make her pay.
Leonie is a bit of a wimp and the plot is obvious but implausible.
It's a good beach read.

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Make Her Pay by Miranda Rijks.
Leonie is living her best life. Still in her twenties, she’s beautiful, successful and has just met Markus, the man of her dreams. But Leonie has a secret. Ten years ago, she was involved in an accident in which another driver died. Leonie shouldn’t have been behind the wheel that night – no license, no insurance – so she fled the scene. She’s spent the last ten years, trying to deal with the terrible guilt. Now, as her wedding to Markus draws near, it seems someone is out to get her. It’s little things at first – botched work appointments, a cancelled bridal dress – but it soon escalates into a terrifying campaign which threatens her business, her family and even her life. Leonie, caught up in a relentless nightmare, has no idea why anyone would set out to destroy her. Until she realises there is a link to the accident that happened all those years ago. Someone knows what she did. Someone is determined to make her pay..
I really enjoyed this book. Twisty and gripping and tense. Loved Leoni. I certainly didn't see that coming. I love this author. This will be the 9th book of hers I've read. 5*.

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A twisty UK Thriller.
At 16 she steals her Mom’s car, when she is blinded by headlights behind her and those coming straight towards her, as she swerves through the lights she sees the car coming towards her crash.

10 years later still living with the guilt of the accident, and her Dad controlling her trying to make her forget since he was the one chasing behind her. This suspenseful story will have you guessing until the end.

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Thank you to Miranda Rijks, Inkubator Books, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

2.5 Stars.

I wanted to like this one, but I just couldn't. It was so slow and dragged out. I did not like any of the characters. I will say I didn't see the plot twist coming. But it just wasn't enough to blow my mind.

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This was too corny, I was never surprised by the plot twists, lost interest quite quickly, and saw a lot of it coming. I just didn’t buy it overall, it felt too bland, like it needed more development, both the story and the characters.
Definitely a miss for me.
Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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