Member Reviews

Leonie Wilding is way past due to pay for walking away from an accident she was involved in 10 years ago. Although still racked with guilt, she moves on and has the perfect life. She’s young, beautiful, successful, and is about to marry the man of her dreams. But someone won’t let that happen without making her pay.

4.25 stars!
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It had me hooked from the beginning and kept me guessing until the end. There were multiple jaw-dropping twists I didn’t see coming. It was extremely engaging and fast-paced; I didn’t want to put it down. I also loved all the drama of it. I gave it 4.25 stars only because the ending seemed a bit abrupt and I would have appreciated an epilogue. Other than that I really enjoyed this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and Miranda Rijks for this ARC.

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This story is told in the alternating viewpoints of Leonie and Carrie. You slowly learn Carrie's backstory in piecemeal, but all you know for a long time is that she is horribly scarred, and extremely bitter. Later you discover why, and you see Carrie as she plans to destroy the life of the person who caused her to look like this. Leonie's part of the story begins when she is sixteen and takes her mother's car without permission, even though she didn't have a license or even really any experience driving, and gets in an accident, killing the other driver. Her father ushers her back home and warns her to never speak a word of it to anyone, or her life as well as theirs would be ruined. Since then, Leonie has spent every day feeling guilty. and trying to become a better person. Now she is engaged to a wonderful man and she should be on top of the world, but things have been going wrong lately - lots of little things, but they are adding up. Her wedding dress that she loved was cancelled, botched work appointments, annoying things like that. But then things begin to escalate. and it becomes clear that someone is out to get Leonie and make her pay...

It was clear to me from almost the beginning what the relationship between the two women was, but that didn't make the book any less enjoyable. As Carrie started her payback campaign, it was entertaining to see what was successful and what turned around and blew back in her face. At first I wasn't even sure who to root for, but by the end, the choice was clear. If you are a fan of mysteries and suspense, then you should check this out.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟.5 (rounding up)
“Make Her Pay” is a psychological thriller you can immerse yourself in without effort. The main character, Leonie, is easily seen as someone with an enviable life. The more layers we peel away from the shiny exterior she shows, the more we see the lonely and ugly world around her.

Some of the plot twists caught me by surprise, but it was the ending that pulled the rug out from under me! I never saw it coming. Ms. Rijks is an author to watch for. Scoop up this gem when it releases on December 10!!

Sincere thanks to Inkubator Books for providing this complimentary ARC through NetGalley. As always, all opinions are my own and are left voluntarily.

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Make Her Pay is a fun & twisty, fast paced read. It is a multi POV so all the twists are imminent but carefully concealed enough for that perfect moment of surprising recognition. The characters are so cleverly introduced that you won’t truly know who to trust. The suspicion & mistrust created make this a truly angst-filled read.

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First off I’m super grateful that NetGalley put this book in my path! Make her Pay was my first ARC read and I truly enjoyed it!!!

I gave it a four stars simply because I just was able to predict how the book was going to play out. It was a little easy for me to figure out which is the only reason I took one star way.

With that being said, I truly felt bad for Leonie, I felt sad knowing the accident occurred at the time that she was 16, and her conscience still told her to call for help and her dad still manipulated her and forced her to keep such a secret. I truly believe Leonie would have done right had she not be persuaded by her mean father just because he cared about himself and his career.

I also felt bad for Carrie, I’m sad she didn’t get a happy ending even after all that she had suffered from the accident. I wish I could’ve read about her forgiving Leonie for her dad’s mistakes and not blaming Leonie. However the suspense in this book and Carrie trying to get her revenge is what made it such a great book!

Also I’m kinda mad at Zac!!! How could he be the other man in Brenda’s marriage😅 I mean good for Brenda but like of all people ZAC?!?!? I was kind of hoping Zac would’ve been Leonies ending😅🥲

Also Markus being a fraud! All I have to say is UGH!! What a disappointment in him. I wanted him to be better!!

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This book was such a good read. I barely wanted to put it down!

The story line was wonderful, and even though it took awhile for it to be set up, it was a wonderful ride all as well. I did love the twists and turns it took us on, and the shock at the end I didn't see coming!

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Leonie appears to have a great life, marked by beauty, success, and her upcoming wedding to Markus. However, a dark secret from her past haunts her – a decade ago, she was involved in a fatal accident and fled the scene. As her impending marriage approaches, a mysterious adversary begins a campaign against her, jeopardizing her business, family, and life. Struggling to understand the motive behind this attack, Leonie eventually connects the dots, realizing that someone is intent on exposing and punishing her for her past.

Make Her Pay was definitely a page-turner for me. I enjoyed Miranda Rijks past novel, The Lodge, and Make Her Pay lived up to what I've come to expect from her novels. There's a bit of a twist early on, but it just serves to make you wonder how the story will all play out in the end. Definitely enjoyed this one, and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great psychological thriller!

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4 stars out of 5!

Wow, this book was action packed from the start and had tons of surprising twists and turns. I was not expecting the twist that happened at the ending. With that said, I feel like the ending was really rushed but possibly there will be a sequel? I found all the characters unlikable but it really made for a good story. This book has the ultimate revenge plot!

Leonie had a tragic accident when she was young that has haunted her for years. Now, she has a successful business and ended up meeting Markus, the love of her life. As she plans her wedding to Markus, weird things start happening. It becomes apparent someone knows about her secret accident all those years earlier and is trying to make her pay.

Thank you Netgalley and Inkubator Books for this ARC in exchange for my. honest review.

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This is a new author for me but I am so pleased to get to read this ARC. It is a gripping story with lots of twists and one I would definitely recommend. Five stars from me for a great story

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for review!
I think this was a very solid thriller. I found a lot of parts relatively basic, but there were definitely some strong twists that dropped my jaw as I was reading through it.
I was a TINY bit disappointed in the ending as it felt pretty quick from climax to being over, but it’s worse when the ending carries on I suppose.
The story in this felt relatively unique and I really loved how it took place in England as that’s something different than what I usually read.
Overall, I rated it 3.75 rounded up to 4! Very enjoyable but not anything super groundbreaking within the genre.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator for the eARC. This is an honest review.

Stream of thoughts:

Her family is so absent.
But I can’t say I like her much either
Kayla was 100% in the wrong. That’s just disrespectful
…after only a couple months? 🤔
It’s so strange to see who you root for.
- like I know I should be rooting for Carrie, but it’s so hard when Kayla was the first character introduced…and feels like the main character
Money doesn’t make up for respect and love
There’s this theme of
- hopelessness
- Not being heard
(And this is me still not liking the main character)
Oh ho! I knew that twist was gonna happen

All the plot twists!!
Tbh I’m happy it ended with everyone getting what they deserved


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Thank you to Netgalley for approving me an ebook ARC of this book in return for my honest opinion and review.

My initial thoughts before starting this book were as follows:
-A revenge story, but whose?
-His or hers?
Ratted someone out?
But, as i started to read i realized this would be much darker than a lovers quarrel.
We found out almost instantly that Leonie caused a major car accident when she was 16 maybe 17 years old in Northumberland when she stole her mothers car to go meet up with her then bf. Her father was so worried about their family image that he helped her cover it up. They were self made billionaires. He also did this so his daughter (probably only child) would never have to see the inside of a jail cell at such a young age. Now this was something worse then just a fender bender. Leonie ended up killing a man, he hit a tree due to her not being on the correct side of the road. This may seem like a spoiler but it isn't, i promise. Its given within the first 3 chapters. You would think the story ends there, pretty cut and dry but....that's not the only lives lost in that accident....

Leonie doesn't know she also hit a pregnant woman's car causing her to sustain injury to her unborn daughter, that never was able to come into the world because Leonies father never got help or reported the accident. Soon, tho she will when Carrie finds her, the woman who lost a baby but managed to survive a car accident. Heres the real kicker the man whose life was taken was Carries baby daddy, so she lost her baby and baby's father in the same accident that almost took her life, too. What happens next?
Well, you'll just have to read for yourself. Enjoy the roller coaster ride of twists and turns, ups and downs, with yet another London based book. Definitely a book that will give you serious FOMO so don't miss out on the golden opportunity, especially for a thriller fan. This may just be the best read to end 2023 on.

5 Giant Bright Stars

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Maker Her Pay ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A twisty mystery

Leonie was involved in a terrible accident when she was a teenager and the results of her actions were covered up by her wealthy father. What she did still haunts her to this day and she’s afraid her secret will come out, which is why she’s never let herself get close to anyone. That is until she meets Markus. He’s a dream and is also wealthy like her. Planning to get married and start a family with him, things soon start to unravel. She finds out some people aren’t who she thought they were.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. I’m giving it 4 stars because I wanted more of an ending. However, this book was still good and the ending we had was fine, I just wanted a little more and not so rushed. Lots and lots of twist and even made my jaw drop at one of them 🫣. I didn’t see that one coming!

Thank you NetGalley and Incubator books to for my advanced reader copy. This is my honest and voluntary opinion.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Leonie made a horrible decision when she was a teenager. Her wealthy father makes it go away, but she hasn’t forgotten what she did.
10 years later, she’s running a successful business, even if she is still under her father’s thumb. With little time for a social life, she falls for a client,Markus and suddenly life seems to be perfect. Markus asks her to get married and even though things are moving at warp speed, Leonie says yes.
Maybe she will get her happily ever after even though what she did still haunts her. Don’t count on it. Things start to go wrong fairly quickly. Wedding details, work details, things that imply someone wants to make Leonie pay for her devastating past mistake. But who besides her father knows the truth?
A plot that moves along at warp speed, and my Kindle pages seemed to turn themselves. The only thing I wish is that Leonie had grown more of a backbone. She made a horrible decision to listen to her father, but wow, walking over her was just so easy. That final twist was so unexpected too!

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★★★★★ 4.5 stars (rounded up)

I love Miranda's books since discovering her around the same time as Daniel Hurst and both have become firm favourites of mine. This book is by far one of her best and I just loved the revenge plot despite it being clear as day what was going on, it's still a thrilling read none the less. My only complaint is how it all ended with, well, everything. What the hell was that? Everything was going well till then.

Leonie lives a charmed life. In her mid twenties, she's beautiful runs her own successful business and then she meets Markus, a handsome client whose stunning home is sold and she was tasked with finding him something illustrious in London. But soon, that property search went by the wayside as Markus was pretty much living at her place in South Kensington and after meeting her parents at their country estate in Sussex, he proposes. Leonie can't believe her luck. How did she get so lucky?

Indeed, she wonders. Because Leonie has a secret. Ten years ago when she was just sixteen she took her mother's Range Rover with the intention of meeting up with her new boyfriend, only to be involved in an accident which claimed the life of someone else. Almost at once, Leonie knew she shouldn't have been behind the wheel that night. She was underage, no licence, no insurance and as such she fled the scene at her father's behest, lest she end up in prison. For the past ten years Leonie has relived that night and tried to forget it but she has been haunted by the terrible guilt she has carried with her since. And her father covering for her has left her in his debt.

But now she has struck gold. She is marrying Markus, the man of her dreams, and everything seems to be falling into place. isn't. Suddenly, just weeks before the wedding things begin to fall apart. At first she believes it is her father's influence trying to control how he thinks the day should go ahead - after all, it's an opportunity for him to rub shoulders with clients and network with business acquaintances. His daughter's happiness appears to be the furtherest thing from his mind. But her mother claims ignorance leaving Leonie wondering who is trying to sabotage her big day. At first it's the flowers, then she arrives to pick up her wedding dress only to discover it's been sold to someone else. Then there are botched appointments and soon Leonie realises that someone is out to make her pay. When she arrives at the church, she immediately gets the uneasy feeling that something isn't right. Where is Markus? Her happiest day threatens to become her worst nightmare. What is happening? Who is doing this?

An addictive and easy ready read from start to finish, I read this in one sitting. The predictable plot didn't matter as it was entirely entertaining. It was enthralling and dark in places but was completely suspenseful throughout. Filled with secrets and lies and a multilayer of twisted deception, MAKE HER PAY was a delight to read.

I would like to thank #MirandaRijks, #Netgalley, #InkubatorBooks and #ZoolooTours for an ARC of #MakeHerPay in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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Miranda Rijks is an automatic read for me. I didn't even read the synopsis.

Make Her Pay is another great one.

When Leonie was a teenager ten years ago, something dreadful happened and it has changed her life ever since. Trying to forget that day is getting harder and harder as time goes by.

As there always is with this author, the book is full of twists and turns. Although I knew where this one was going , it did not change my desire to keep reading and see how it all played out.

Great characters, good and bad. In depth details about the past and present kept me intrigued throughout the story.

Couldn't put this one down.

Thanks to netgalley and Inkubator Books for the arc.

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I really enjoyed this crazy thriller! I've read similar tropes before, and I figured this one would most likely be the same. Boy was I wrong! The twists were unexpected and took me in all sorts of directions. It was fast-paced and had some of the best sleazy characters that you just love to hate. It was hard to deal with Leonie's naivety, but that was my only dislike about this book. This was my first read by this author, and it won't be my last! I would definitely recommend it.

Thank you to the author, Inkubator Books, and NetGalley for granting me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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I absolutely loved this book so much! Miranda Rijks never fails to amaze me with her twists and turns. It was such a roller coaster ride, from start to finish and I had such a love/hate relationship with some of the characters.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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