Member Reviews

I always find Miranda Rijks novels difficult to put down and this tale of suspense and psychological torment is no different. “Make Her Pay,” is a gripping thriller that deals with guilt and revenge. Leonie is looking for the perfect life sharing it with Markus, her dream man, but things are never that straight forward in Miranda Rijks novels, Leonie has a secret she wants to keep buried in her past. She is trying so hard to forget a hit-and-run accident and doesn’t want Markus to know her secret.

With the upcoming wedding marriage to Markus getting closer Leonie’s past is threatening to resurface. Ten years ago, she was involved in an accident in which another driver died. Leonie had no licence or insurance so rather than face the crime decided to flee the scene. Ever since she has felt the burden of guilt and struggles to keep it at bay.

But something is not right, as she plans her dream wedding little things start to go wrong, a cancelled wedding dress, mismanaged work appointments all point to a crusade that is affecting all aspects of her life. Who is trying to destroy Leonie’s dream and make her life a nightmare, then she realises there is someone who knows what she did and is linked to the accident.

This is well written and keeps the reader guessing throughout. Leonie is an excellent character, flawed and full of guilt for the accident she would prefer to keep buried in her past. The plot is full of suspense, twists and turns and impossible to put down.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Inkubator Books for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely love Miranda Rijks's work, and "Make Her Pay" has definitely topped them all! This thrilling suspense novel had me hooked from the very first page.

The story of Leonie, a woman with a dark secret from her past, is expertly crafted, and the tension builds steadily as her perfect life begins to unravel. The author skillfully weaves together elements of suspense, mystery, and psychological thriller, keeping me guessing at every turn.

Leonie's character is wonderfully complex, and her struggle with guilt and fear is portrayed in a way that makes her incredibly relatable. The relentless campaign against her, starting with seemingly innocuous incidents and escalating into a life-threatening situation, had me on the edge of my seat.

What I particularly loved about "Make Her Pay" is how it delves into the consequences of past actions and secrets, showing that they can come back to haunt us when we least expect it. The connection to the accident from Leonie's past added depth to the story and kept me eagerly turning the pages to uncover the truth.

Miranda Rijks has crafted a gripping and suspenseful tale that kept me engaged and invested until the very end. This book deserves a resounding 5-star rating in emoji: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. It's a must-read for fans of thrilling and heart-pounding mysteries!

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When you obsess over Miranda Rijks, as much as I do, you could imagine what it felt like to be approved for Make Her Pay.

It’s Miranda Rijks!!! There is no way I could go wrong.

Little did I know, how right I really was.

I have never rated a Rijks book less than 5 stars. Every single one of them (yes, I read them all) narrated a precise story that stole my soul and didn't let go until the very last word on the page.

Rijks is a unicorn.

Never in my life have I come across an author who can deliver to an audience time and time again.

After I conclude a Miranda Rijks, book I always say "This one is my favorite, for sure!!!" and yet after the next, I repeat the same phrase. However, I can say without a doubt in my mind.... Make Her Pay, is not just my favorite by this author, but my favorite book... ever.

Make Her Pay, will suck you right in with the first page. There is no way you will be able to put this book down once you start so make sure you clear your schedule. I was completely consumed, I hung on every word. I was excited, I was shocked, I was left speechless... I FELT IT ALL!!!

Teaser :

Leonie has the perfect life. Someone wants to take it away.

Leonie is living her best life. Still in her twenties, she’s beautiful, successful and has just met Markus, the man of her dreams.

But Leonie has a secret. Ten years ago, she was involved in an accident in which another driver died. Leonie shouldn’t have been behind the wheel that night – no license, no insurance – so she fled the scene. And ever since, she’s been struggling to deal with the terrible guilt.

Now, as her wedding to Markus draws near, it seems someone is out to get her. It’s little things at first – botched work appointments, a cancelled bridal dress - but it soon escalates into a terrifying campaign which threatens her business, her family and even her life.

Leonie, caught up in a relentless nightmare, has no idea why anyone would set out to destroy her. Until she realizes there’s a link to the accident that happened all those years ago.

Someone knows what she did. Someone is determined to make her pay.

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What a great book. Very well written with extremely believable characters. What a shocking lifestyle poor Leonie had to lead after that dreadful day 10 years ago. I love stories where the main character has a past and it catches up with them. This did have some very unexpected twists and turns which made it a very gripping read. This is my second book by this author and it did not disappoint.

Thanks to Inkubator Books and NetGalley for allowing me an advanced copy to read in exchange for my open and honest review. As always, my reviews will also be posted on Amazon, Goodreads and Waterstones and interaction on Facebook and instagram where possible.

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This book is such a good psychological thriller. Miranda does a solid job at hooking you at the beginning and making you not want to stop reading. Both Point of views have very different tones of voice so it was easy to follow, and the twists and turns made it so much more enjoyable to read. The book ended in a slightly weird way in my opinion, but I love that Leonie was kept true to her intentions throughout the book. This is a great book to introduce yourself to the Thriller genre in my opinion.

Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator for the ARC of this book!

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Nothing is as it seems in this new Rijks thriller. No one can be trusted. Guilt and revenge run rampant. I was completely captivated by this book from start to finish.

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This book really pulls you in from the beginning. FMC has some underlying daddy issues and then meets a gentleman that seems a little too nice and a little love-bomby… despite some small red flags they seem happy enough. But nothing is ever as it seems right?

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Wow just finished the book and all i say is well done 👏. I saw this book in a Facebook group and then ask the writer to share netgalley link. Thanks to thr author and netgalley for approving my request. One thing i wanted to tell everyone get ready to expect the unexpected. When u started to think that u guess the plot u know the twist the author will prove u wrong. This was my 1st book by the author and i ll definitely read more i love the writing style and plot twists.

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Make Her Pay by Miranda Rijks was an intriguing and incredible story.
Rijks knows how to write a nail biter of a psychological thriller.
With her interesting characters and a plot that gets you guessing throughout this was a fun and entertaining story. It’s quick paced, atmospheric and well written. There were plenty of twists throughout and I was drawn into the characters and plot.
This book is a suspenseful page turner that kept me up long past my bedtime! I couldn’t stop reading because I just had to know what was going to happen next.

Thank You NetGalley and Inkubator Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This is one of those books that make you sit up and pay attention.
Ten years ago Leonie did something stupid. Whether it was entirely her fault was debatable. However, it resulted in a very tragic accident. It is something that has cast a shadow over Her life for all these years.
Now she has met Markus. He is her dream guy and they are set to marry. However, despite interfering parents they seem to have the perfect life. They are planning the wedding and strange things start to happen. Flowers get altered. the dress gets cancelled. They could be genuine mistakes or is someone intent on derailing the marriage.
Could Leonie's past be about to catch up with her?
Thoroughly enjoyable book, which was a very quick read.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to see an ARC

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I want to first thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read the Arc of this book. I want to first say, do not start this book late at night or you will end up staying up until late into the morning like I did. This book follows Leonie, an incredibly successful woman who is often forced to take the backseat in her own life because of her parents continuous actions that overstep boundaries. Although Leonie's life may seem like it is on the right track, a traumatic event from the past and one bad decision will come back to bite her in the butt. There were many twists in this book that I did not predict, especially the very ending!

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Every time Miranda has a book on netgalley, I try to get it and this one didn't disappoint. (Though they never do.)

Nothing like trying ro bury things in the past and having them come back to haunt you. The book follows one woman who did a bad bad thing and of course pisses off the one person who knows about the bad bad thing.

Ruining of lives. A little pay back, con games and murder. It was everything. The only thing and this is just me. The girl is like walked all over the whole book and I would liked her to have a more fighting ending then the one she got. Yelled, busted someone. Just a little something more than what happened.

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Exciting thriller with lots of twist and turns, this tale of revenge is a page turner! Leonie and Carrie are two women who are holding on to secrets from their past. Leonie is a property manager with a rich but controlling father, who is trying to get on with her life after an incident from when she was 16. Carrie is a young woman who has a scarred body and mind and she too is trying to find a way to survive. There are some surprising twists as we find out about a long con for revenge, but who is involved in it and how will it end?

I felt for both Leonie and Carrie as they tried to forget the past and find a peaceful life. I was happy but wary when Leonie meets the man of her dreams, Markus who is handsome, charming and like her wealthy. When all kinds of things start to go wrong with her wedding plans, it's clear that someone wants revenge against Leonie, but who? The author does a great job at creating characters that seem believable and story lines that keep you guessing. I thought the ending was maybe one twist too many, but would recommend this thriller to people who like twisty stories. . Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a review.

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Name of Book: Make Her Pay
Author: Miranda Rijks
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Pub Date: December 10, 2023
My Rating: 4.5 rounded up
Pages: 277:

Leonie Wilding has it all! She is from a well-connected family, Oxford Educated, is young, beautiful, and has a successful business as managing director of Castaway Property Search. When she met Markus Klausen; she knew he was the man of her dreams. She is now happy and excited to be preparing for their upcoming wedding.

However, Leonie has a terrible secret-something that happened ten years ago when she was sixteen. While her parents were hosting a party she took her mother’s car. Her dad spotted her leave and followed her. When he saw she was involved in a fatal auto accident, he whisked her back to their summer estate. She shouldn't have been driving - no license, also insurance. Dad knew that word of this accident was the end of his business as well as Leonie future.

Leonie still thinks of what her life would have been like if her father hadn't followed her that day.
Would she have told the truth what happened?
If so, her life would be totally different - nothing like it is today however, she would be free of guilt.

Now that her wedding is getting closer, it seems someone is out to get revenge. At first little things but now someone is threating her.
Things certainly get interesting!
The ending is definitely a surprise – in fact, it was bazaar!!!!

This in only my fifth Miranda Rijks thriller when I read "The Second Wife" which was my first and was GREAT!
I knew then I found a new fav author! She is such a clever storyteller! I just love her!
If you are curious about Miranda, here is a link for more info ~
Additionally I always enjoy the author’s acknowledgements.
In ‘A letter from Miranda’ , our author tells us that this story started out to be about a wedding but morphed away from that and pivoted on the concept of guilt; how an action taken in adolescence can turned out to have devastating implications for years after.

Want to thank NetGalley and Inkubator Books for this early eGalley.
Audiobook Publishing Release Day was: December 10, 2023.

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You can run but you can’t hide! This is a great read, lots of twists and an ending I didn’t see coming at all!! Love Miranda’s style of writing so much.

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This was such a fun thrill! Miranda knows how to write in a way that you’re going to be sucked in from page one and won’t be able to let go until the very last page!

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What a wild ride this was! It was engaging. It was thrilling. All around it was a great book. I will be recommending it to my friends.

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This was a new author for me. I loved it so good with all the twist and turns. I thought I know what was going to happen but I wasn't even close!

Great book. It was fantastic read

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Thanks to NetGalley for this early read. I enjoyed this book and the connection between the characters. Lots of twists in the book, and this psychological thriller kept me reading for more. This book about guilt and revenge and how it follows you through life is one I would definitely recommend by Miranda Rijks. 4 out 5 stars because I would have loved a little more at the very end.

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You just can’t go wrong with Miranda Rijks’ books and her newest one is another hit!
It started with a bang and I could not put it down. Intense, twisty and when you think you have it figured it out, boom – another twist! I highly recommend it!

Thank you NetGalley, Inkubator Books and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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