Member Reviews

This novel gripped me from the start and never let go. In fact, I'm still thinking about the powerful writing and the characters.

The writing brought out all the emotions--I felt fear as both Lake and Storm were removed from their home and placed into foster care and fear every time they were forced into another home. I felt happiness when each found love and a family that truly cared for them. Anger reared up when adults and peers bullied them or committed acts no one deserves to experience.

This novel takes on difficult subjects and does not shy away from the gritty and painful details; violence is an almost daily part of Storm and Lake's life at times and this book is not lighthearted. But even though it was a difficult book to read at times, it also brought hope that there are good people in the world that care about others.

The ending was amazing and perfect for a young adult novel. I can't wait to read more of this author's work.

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what an emotional rollercoaster, it was exactly what I expected and needed from an Ellen Hopkins book.

Lake and Storm are twins that have gone through such terrible trials and hardship that eventually ended them split up in the foster care system. Ellen always writes characters that can overcome their challenges and hardships with such grace and brings attention to such difficult and tough topics.

The teenager deep inside of me cannot thank penguin teen enough for this NetGalley arc!!

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Another beautifully delivered, heart wrenching novel by Ellen Hopkins paralleling the stories of two siblings in foster care. It is a story of heartbreak and cruelty and of prevailing love sometimes in unexpected places

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A story told in two points of view, twins Storm and Lake. They are abused and neglected, so wind up in the foster care system. And we all know how thst goes.

Another great book from Ellen Hopkins. This one drew me in and I gave up the rest of my afternoon and evening to finish it.

Trigger warning for abuse, rape, suicide.

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My coworker introduced me to Ellen Hopkins with the Crank series and I was so excited to see a new book coming out soon after I finished that. I definitely need to read her backlog because this was just as good as that series! Her books are formatted to be extremely fast reads and I love how deep they get but also how bingeable they are. She writes entirely in verse-poetry and it works so well along with her storytelling. The content is 100% heavy but it's so addicting, you just can't put it down. It was extremely heartbreaking at times, but the story is so well told and I honestly think this is a great book for teens to read, but also so good for adults to read as well. I really enjoyed the dual POV between the twins and I thought the foster storyline was written so well. There are some major trigger warnings so check those out before diving in. I look forward to finding out if there are plans for a sequel, I could just feel so much more story to be told.

Thank you to NetGalley and Nancy Paulsen Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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5 Star: This book is not for the weak of heart. The author depicts a very realistic roller coaster of events for two twin siblings in the California foster care system. As a parent of kids who spent their youth in foster care & friends of many other similar adoptive families, I can attest that the events in this book are heartbreakingly common. I loved the format of the story; it is told in verse and alternating between the POV of the twins as they share unsent letters to one another detailing what is happening while they are a part. While the book is extremely heavy, there is hope at the end of the tunnel. One of my critiques for the ending is that one of the twin’s experiences turns a little unrealistic for me and could be a false hope for other teens reading this book in similar situations. That said, I think it was written very well and I’m so happy there are books like this available for teens, because unfortunately, MANY teens in the US foster care system will relate. The triggers are very intense which I’ll list in that section of this review.

LGBTQ+ rep: F/F relationship with MC
triggers: homophobia, rape, suicide, violence, death

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Storm and Lake could only count on themselves since everyone had always let them down. After being taken away from their abusive mother at a young age, they were placed into foster homes. Despite constant upheaval, they depended on each other until they were separated. Though they were apart for four years, they never stopped thinking of each other.

By the age of seventeen Storm had been in and out of juvenile detention centers for violent behavior. He felt like his life didn’t amount to anything, and the system he was forced into was hardening him. Now, after years of feeling unloved, he had a foster father who cared for him, a dog he loved, and a beautiful girlfriend. He was happier than he’d ever been, yet he always wondered if Lake was safe, and if they’d ever see each other again. Like everything in Storm’s life, happiness was short lived when his girlfriend was raped, and the anger that always lived in him erupted.

Lake felt as if the connection she had with Storm would never be repaired, so focused on doing well in school, keeping to herself, and hoping he was well. Despite everything she made a connection with Parker and fell hard. Though Parker had her own issues from years in foster homes, together they could forget their past. It was impossible to deny their connection, and sharing a foster home brought them closer than ever. After their overly religious foster mother found them in bed together, she insisted they be removed from her home, so they ran away. Life on the streets was hard, leaving her and Parker dirty, hungry, and scared. Over weeks of trying to survive they had each other, until street life took that away too.

This powerful story of a brother and sister’s bond as they try to survive foster care is told from alternating points of view. Through Ellen Hopkins’ descriptive prose, readers feel the pain of foster kids who find themselves on seemingly dead-end paths due to no fault of their own. The role juvenile prisons play in creating more criminality is also heavily explored.

Highly recommended for ages 16 and older.

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I have loved Ellen Hopkins books for the last 15 years and this one reminded me so much of a lot of her others. If you’re a fan of Ellen Hopkins and her writing style you will definitely like this! I really enjoyed it, even though it was quite heartbreaking at times. Beautiful writing as always.

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I've been in a reading slump and this book was the one to pull me out of it. I read this book in less than a day! I grew up reading her books and was not disappointed even at age 38 now. I have always loved how real, raw and relatable her books are.
Basically it's about twin brother and sister, storm and lake who end up in the foster system due to horrible and drug addicted mother. They get separated in the system and without revealing the book, they both go through some crazy hard times yet end up where they need to be and find strength to survive. I absolutely loved how it ended as well!

Definitely recommend and I've been on the hunt to buy the whole set of her books for my library

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I always love Ellen Hopkins books and Sync isn't any different. The way she words books is amazing and it keeps me hooked until the end.

It's about two twins separated by the foster care system finding their way back to each other. It doesn't help that Storm keeps getting locked up for various reasons and Lake lives with another family after the twins are separated due to a misconception. And their journey back to each other is everything.

This book is told from dual POVs and it's deep and heartwrenching, covering challenging topics. The emotional rollercoaster never let me go! The ending gave me goosebumps.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Group for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

"Sync" by Ellen Hopkins is an emotionally charged novel-in-verse that focuses on the harrowing experiences of teenage twins Storm and Lake. True to Hopkins' style, the book tackles heavy and real issues with raw honesty, making it both a heart-wrenching and captivating read. I highly recommend looking at content warnings for this book, especially with SA. There are a few scenes in this book that are described and can be quite triggering; I definitely recommend taking this book slow when reading due to these themes.

The story follows Storm and Lake, twins who have endured an abusive childhood and subsequent separation within the foster care system. Storm, after a stint in juvenile detention, finds some stability with a supportive foster father and his girlfriend. However, his journey is filled with challenges, and a single incident threatens to undo his progress. Lake, on the other hand, grapples with her sexuality in a conservative foster home, where being discovered could mean losing everything. Both twins must navigate their tumultuous lives while yearning for the connection they've lost.

Hopkins' writing style is as compelling as ever, with each page offering a new entry in alternating perspectives between Storm and Lake. This poetic format not only makes the book a quick read but also intensifies the emotional impact of the story. The simplicity and accessibility of the verses allow readers to deeply connect with the characters' pain and struggles without needing elaborate descriptions. I really liked the alternating perspectives because when I would find the emotions to be almost too much in one of the twin’s perspective, the POV would switch and would act as a bit of a breather. The prose in this book is a bit standard as there isn’t really a lot of creativity in the poetry format. The prose is just blocks of text, but the words and the story they told still flowed very well throughout.

One of the standout aspects of "Sync" is its unflinching portrayal of difficult topics such as child abuse, sexual assault, homelessness, and substance abuse. Hopkins handles these issues with grace and authenticity, making the story both relatable and poignant. The characters' experiences are depicted with such intensity that readers can feel their despair, resilience, and moments of hope. While there are times when the book's relentless focus on suffering might be overwhelming for some, it also highlights the harsh realities many teenagers face. The few glimmers of hope and kindness, though rare, shine brightly against the suffering both twins experience. The ending was definitely my favorite part of the book because of the hope both twins were experiencing. I especially liked the change with Storm and his environment; his moments toward the end of the book definitely made me tear up. The ending is a bit open-ended, though it does leave you with a sense of lingering hope.

Overall, "Sync" is a powerful and thought-provoking read that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page. Ellen Hopkins once again proves her mastery in crafting stories that are both heartbreaking and uplifting, making "Sync" a must-read for fans of her work and anyone interested in a deeply emotional and realistic portrayal of teenage life.

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This story that's written entirely in poems is so heartbreaking and beautiful. Brother and sister twins Storm and Lake haven't had it easy. They end up in the system as foster kids after being removed from their mother's and grandmother's care. Eventually the two are separated and go thru their own heartbreaks and struggles. Even though it was a sad story I really liked reading it via poems it made it different

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Another hit from Ellen Hopkins. I love all of her books as they are super thought provoking and beautifully written. I read her book Identical when I was 16 and still think about it to this day. Read this, you won’t regret it.

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This book made me feel like I was reading a little life again. Thankfully a much more hopeful ending than that. This book packs a realistically sad punch about our foster system and the juvenile justice system

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I was really nervous about this one because I had a tough time getting into it at first. I actually got about 20% through and then put it down for about 2 months. When I picked it back up again, I started from the beginning and devoured it over the course of 2 days. I've been a big fan of Ellen Hopkins since high school, and I'm so glad to see that I still enjoy her books. If you've read any of her previous books, you know that she doesn't shy away from tough topics, and this book is no different, so I HIGHLY recommend checking the trigger warnings. One thing I appreciate is that these traumatic things happen throughout the book, but most of them are off-page, and the writing is either the lead-up or the aftermath. Sometimes, authors can be extremely graphic for shock value, and I like that Hopkins can make you feel horrified, enraged, and heartbroken without those details. Overall, I'm glad I went back and finished it and think fans of Ellen Hopkins will enjoy this book as much as others she's written.

Thanks to Ellen Hopkins, NetGalley, and PenguinTeen for allowing me the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review (my teenage self thinks I'm like really cool for being approved for an ADVANCED COPY of and Ellen Hopkins book).

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This book was written in 2 POV.
They are twins, one is Storm and the other is Lake.
They are put into foster care, then separated, little to no contact while they grow up.

One goes to jail. Trouble seems to find him.
There’s rape, suicide and drug use

One is on the streets after being found with her room mate who’s a girl. They get into dealing meth, using it and the roommate has disappeared.

It’s heartbreaking and a page Turner.

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Always been a sucker for Ellen Hopkins teens in crisis books told in free verse, so I enjoyed reading this and really, whether you’re a longtime fan or a relative newbie to Hopkins, you’ll enjoy it as well. Already curious as to whether there’ll be sequels because the story doesn’t feel over yet.

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Content Warnings: child abuse & neglect, violence, sexual assault, drug use, suicide, harm to an animal

Twins Lake and Storm are used to only having each other to rely on. Growing up in an abusive and neglectful home, they treasure their special twin sync. After going through a couple foster placements, they are separated, going years without seeing each other. Told in alternating POV, this book follows the twins as they turn seventeen. Storm is facing the consequences of his anger, after retaliating against the boy who assaulted his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Lake and fellow foster Parker enjoy sneaking around their highly religious foster family- until they are caught and flee to live on the streets. Both twins reflect on their lives and how they ended up where they are, while wondering where their twin is and if they will ever reunite.

Somehow I have made it this far in life without reading any Ellen Hopkins. After this, I’m not sure I will seek any more. It’s not that it’s a bad book by any means, but I just don’t think it’s my cup of tea. While books in verse generally aren’t my favorite, there is generally a flow to them, words often dancing across the page. This just felt like small blocks of text.

Now, onto the content: I understand that Hopkins is known for tackling dark, gritty, taboo topics. Kudos to her for that. But holy crap, I have never read a book with so many traumatic events packed in. It was difficult to get through and after finishing, I was emotionally exhausted and battered. Yes, this life is a reality for many and it’s important to show these perspectives. But this just seemed like too much, and I felt like certain events weren’t fully explored, but just plot points to further the twins’ trauma. I was in the last 30ish pages when another traumatic event happened, and I truly stopped, unsure if I could even finish. (shout out to my mom for reading the end and telling me it was safe to finish)

Overall, I would not recommend this book to anyone without giving numerous content warnings. And even then, I don’t know that I would recommend it. If you’re a fan of Ellen Hopkins and you understand what you’re getting into, go for it! If you stumble across the book and want to give it a try, proceed with caution.

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Oh how I have missed Ellen Hopkins. I have read all of her other books and Sync did not disappoint me. I was immediately pulled into the story by Storm and Lake. I was rooting for both of them to find stability and happiness and broken hearted when the opposite happened.

I love Hopkins’ writing style. Being in verse form seems to pull me in for some reason and then I devour it.

Storm and Lake are brother and sister and have been dealt a horrible hand. Unfit mother and grandmother. Absent father. Bounced around from foster home to foster home. They were always in Sync as children but as they grew older and were separated they both have gone down different paths of trouble.

Just a wonderful unputdownable book!!

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What a powerful story wrapped in a simple 4-letter title. Sync begins with a promise of protection. At the age of three, Storm took on the job as big brother to keep twin sister Lake safe. It is the eve of their 17th birthday and neither knows where the other is. Sadly, they were separated in the foster care system. But there is hope their thoughts are synchronized.

Told in dual perspectives through unsent letters, the teenage twins fight their way through the foster care system back to each other in perfect sync. This novel will make readers think about different paths taken, who to trust and the blessings/flaws of the foster care system. Bookhearts, the content is heavy heavy. Whew—it can be a lot!

Sync is told in Ellen Hopkins' signature novel-in-verse style. It doesn't feel like almost 500 pages because the heartbreaking story holds on tight until the captivating climax and emotional ending. I just wish the title came into play a bit more allowing the twins to directly interact. Or maybe that was intentional...hmmm! 🤔 No one writes YA tackling triggering themes like Hopkins.

Happy Early Pub Day, Ellen Hopkins! Sync will be available on August 27.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

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