Member Reviews

Wow! Actually this book deserves two wows!

I saw the summary and requested this book. Once downloaded I realized it was told in verse, which is not my style. But I am so happy I did request it! I am now an Ellen Hopkins convert!

This is the story of twins - Storm and Lake. They were separated and this tells the story of each one via letters.

This was so hard to read at times. I wanted to hug them both.. .I was 100% sucked in and felt like these were real people and I so wanted to help. This was extra painful to read, knowing that although this was fiction, this was realistic and is probably someones story. This book will stay with me for a while.

I cried. This book was heartbreaking, yet I loved it..

5 stars without a doubt..

Thank you to netgalley for the ARC. I am so happy I "accidentally" downloaded it..

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I was able to read an ARC through NetGalley and I'm so grateful! In my opinion, the story takes a little while to build interest and to become invested in the characters. Once my attention was captured, my heart was filled and broken over again.

I've always appreciated how Hopkins writes about the teen experience— it's gritty and raw but always has a thread of hope. This story is no different; twins Lake and Storm must separately traverse the tumults of the foster system, self discovery, difficult choices, and second chances. Sync deals with difficult themes of assault, loss, homophobia, and religiosity. The verse is beautiful without feeling flowery and the story has a satisfying conclusion that I really appreciated as a reader.

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Sync was such an awesome story of brother/ sister twins that have been disappointed their whole life by people. The story is told in alternating views and in her verse style writing. I will say that I hope there is a sequel from the book ended. Hopkins has always tackled difficult topics, but does it with finesse. I have always enjoyed reading her books and this one has not let me down!

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Ellen Hopkins has been one of my favorite authors since high school and my teenage heart was so happy when I received the ARC of her new book. Her writing is still beautiful as ever and it left me emotional and raw. Her stories are so real and full of life. She hands heavy topics with a caring hand and teaches us so much. If you know Hopkins books you know, but if you don't please read the trigger warnings.

Sync is about twins separated by the foster care system and their journey back to each other. Storm has a hard time because she's always getting locked up for various reasons. Lake lives with a different family. This is a cautionary tale, but Hopkins books are always worth the read.

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First of all, thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book early. I am a huge fan of Ellen Hopkins' books and this one certainly did not disappoint! It had the tragedy I've come to expect from her books but I really enjoyed the aspect of found family in this one as well as self discovery. A great read!

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This was really beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. I found myself rooting for Lake and Storm so hard throughout their stories.

The ending was really incredible and I think it wrapped up the story in such an emotional way without saying the words.

The subject matter is really tough, but it’s so worth the read.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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When I saw that Ellen Hopkins wrote another book, I almost fainted. When I found it on NetGalley, my heart dropped to my butt and I called it fate!

The story of twins Storm and Lake tore me open. The fact that they had to be separated and the why made me sick to my stomach. We follow each of them on their separate journeys in the foster system. Lake is with extremely religious and probably racist family and Storm ended up with Jim, who really doesn’t seem that bad. Unfortunately, Storm ruins that when he’s thrown into juvie for assault on a classmate. Lake ends up in her own predicament leading to the streets.

Ellen’s book topics are always heavy, but they never disappoint to get you right where it hurts. They tend to stay with you. I still remember details of Crack, but yet I can’t tell you about a book I read last week. That’s seriously powerful writing. I absolutely cried while reading this book and I’m not the least bit ashamed. What both of the twins went through was a kind of torture and torment. The foster system is absolutely not perfect in any way and I’m glad this brought light to the situation. I don’t understand how horrible people can get approved for taking care of children. The statistic for foster children that end up on the street, especially queer ones, is staggering and heartbreaking.

Overall, this was fast paced, beautifully written and exponentially tragic. None of that surprised me and I continue to be a huge Ellen Hopkins fan. 🖤

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I have been a fan of Ellen Hopkins since I was in high school. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her at book signings twice. I’ve read all of her books multiple times. SYNC knocks my favorite ones out the park! For one, this story resonates close to home for me. I was in the foster care system up until I aged out at 18 years old. The trauma that the two main characters; Storm & Lake had to endure brought back memories from my own experiences. Ellen Hopkins has always been an ally and uses her craft of storytelling to shine light on important topics that often get overlooked OR silenced. The book is split up between the POV of Storm & Lake; twins who have always been in SYNC. That connection is put to the test as they become wards of the state and for most of the book are separated. Their struggles are weaved together as they race against time to try to find their way back to each other. All before temptation makes them make the wrong choices. Which some of the consequences may very well jeopardize their chances at a reunion. Throughout the book you will slowly start rooting for both of the twins as they start navigating through toxic caregivers hoping they will find their way to survival. The book ended in a weird place, without spoiling I’m not sure if it’s because it’s an advanced copy that there are a few pages to the story missing it seems to end abruptly. I so hope if that’s the case when i get my physical copy i can see how it turns out. There is potential for there to be a sequel. It could be a an adult novel told through the adults POV how she did in the past with Triangles & TILT.

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First and foremost, I love Ellen Hopkins and her vivid story telling. There is no doubt that you can fully imagine the world she creates with her words.

Before reading, please check the trigger warnings.

This story is about twins Lake and Storm separated by the foster system. They live to separate lives but always connected by invisible string. They both have moments of spiraling due to their surroundings and influences.

Their story was amazingly told and I can’t tell you the last time a book gut punched me a few times making me cry. It’s difficult not to become angry with the main characters at times but you just continue to hope for the best and it does come along this way with their second chances.

The only reason I’m giving a four star review as the ending felt incomplete which left me frustrated, haha. I can’t wait for the hard copy to come out to add to my collection.

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Reading an Ellen Hopkins book is like cozying up in my favorite blanket with my childhood stuffed animal. Nostalgic. My teenage heart is so full getting an ARC for an Ellen Hopkins book and this one did not disappoint. It was filled with all of the things I love about Hopkins. Hard hitting topics, verse style writing and dual POVs. I believe she is one of the only authors I enjoy reading in the writing style that she uses.

Her books always sit with me for a while after I finish them and this one will do exactly the same. The heavy topics are handled so raw and real so definitely pay attention to the trigger warnings but if you’re reading Hopkins you’re probably well prepared.

I’m so happy that she came out with a new book and her writing style is still as captivating as I remember it being. If you enjoyed Hopkins books when you were younger then you will enjoy this one as well! If you have never read one of her books before then I highly recommend trying any of her books out. :)

Quick Synopsis: This book discusses twins Storm & Lake who were separated after being placed in foster care. They both have odds stacked against them, but for different reasons. This is told in a dual POV so you get to experience both of their journeys.

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I can’t explain how happy I was to see Ellen Hopkins back with a new novel in verse. She was the first author to introduce me to books of this style and no one has done it better. With sparse wording, she’s able to make you laugh, cry, feel fear and tension - - genius, in my opinion.

Her newest book tackles the foster care system, focusing on a pair of separated twins and the different paths their lives take. I read this in one sitting. It’s a heartbreaking, beautiful book.

Thank you for the opportunity to read in advance!

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It's been a long time since I've read an Ellen Hopkins book. I can remember finding them edgy, gripping, and overall engaging 2 twins, make and female, struggle through the foster system where terrible things happened and each wave pulls these teens deep and deeper into tragic loss.

Fast read, I love all Ellen Hopkins. Super excited that she is still writing and it gives the same feelings as all her other books.

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Two twins separated by the foster care system finding their way back to each other. Doesn't help that Storm keeps getting locked up for various (valid) reasons. Lake lives with another family after the twins are separated due to a misconception. This book definitely has the usual amount of pain and suffering that Ellen's books promise us. You don't read these for a good time. I always read them as cautionary tales when I was a teen growing up. This one shows how hard it is for some teens especially those in the foster system.

I didn't like how glossed over the SA in the beginning once but then we go into the after details of it later and like that's what should've happened the first time? The two sides are missing parts of them idk if it was on purpose but it annoyed me

Storms story was believable but Lakes was all just peer pressure from Parker. We don't focus enough on her for being the second POV. It's all about her relationships with other people and I felt we glossed over parts of her story like with kit. It would've made the little twist with him and storm mean something but instead it was lackluster.

I also wish the title of Sync and their little twin sync came more into play. We touched on it in the very beginning but never again. We just watched them grow separately in their own ways but not much parallel or was felt on either end to me.

Why do we have to randomly bring up Covid? Out of nowhere just randomly mention it like yeah I guess it was part of history but was it really necessary to a plot we have never heard the current present year of?


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Sync by Ellen Hopkins is a deep story told in evocative free verse poetry.

What I liked

-The Book much like the author's other works has a unique structure that lends itself to slow contemplative reading but also allows for a quicker more casual approach.

-The characters are experienced almost as an emotional sketch that fills itself in as the poems progress

what I would advise readers be aware of

-This story is full of heavy topics and emotionally intense sections which the author is excellent at depicting but may not be appropriate for all readers. While this is a YA title discretion is advised.

who I recommend this title for

Sync is an excellent entry point for any reader wanting to experience books written in verse but is especially good for teen readers of contemporary fiction.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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This book was amazing! I was honestly still thinking about it a week after I finished it, it was that good!I loved the switching perspectives between the twins, and how their stories ended up connecting! I also really loved the connection between the twins, like they were the only things constant in each other's lives. This book was also a great look into the US foster care system, and I loved the chance to learn about it!

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley and though it was an unfinished copy the writing and story line were impeccable. Hopkins has always drawn me in with her writing style and characters and this was no exception. The only downside was the book kind of just ends. Maybe it won’t be like that in the final copy, but I still highly recommend.

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I don't think I've read an Ellen Hopkins book since high school when Crank was released.
I'm glad to see Sync was just as well written as I remember Ellen's books being.
Ellen Hopkins is one of those authors who always does realistic fiction well.
With Sync, you felt for the main characters and the life struggles they were going through. Like most of Ellen's books I would recommend any reader take the trigger warnings seriously, she doesn't just put them there for fun - if they are they, you know the book is going to address the topic in a raw but beautiful way.

This is for sure a book I will recommend to my friends, and most likely re-read when I need to feel all of the emotions.

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17 year old twins Storm and Lake are extremely close after going through hell together during their childhood. When they are separated after being placed in foster care, they try to keep in touch, but things become difficult.

I love Ellen Hopkins and her verse-writing style. I find it so compelling and easy to read. This book covers some very heavy topics such as sexual assault, homelessness, the juvenile system as well as homophobia in a very respectful way. I loved the dual POV of Lake and Storm, and was intrigued by both of their stories. Both of their stories are heartbreaking in different ways. You were rooting for them both so much, and every time they faced a new obstacle it made you root for them harder. The ending was very satisfying, and I really liked the hopeful note to it.

Ellen Hopkins will forever be one of my go to authors.

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thank you netgalley and the publisher for giving me access to this arc for an honest review!

i personally have been a huge fan of ellen hopkins books since 2013, so maybe i already am partial to her writing style and the content in her books. she is the one and only author that i can ever read books that are written in verse. and i think it mainly has to do with the hard-hitting topics that she talks about in her books.

this book hit a little close to home as i am someone who did go through the foster care system when i was younger, and could relate somewhat to the feelings of the characters. i love the dual pov, i love how each sibling is going through their own things yet they still maintain that sync that they have with each other. i love how ellen is able to talk about the dark sides of things such as the foster care system in a way that other authors cant really seem to do.

overall, a great read. take the trigger warnings seriously as they are there for a reason. and if you enjoyed all of the other books that ellen hopkins has written, this will also be a book that you enjoy.

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