Member Reviews

Reading The Bride of Death felt like I was reading an old fairy tale, which kind of fits with the overall vibes of the book. It's a story themed around darkness, but it utilises that in unexpected ways which is really nice to read. The writing style is really good; like I said, it feels like you are reading an old fairy tale. It's enchanting, draws you right in and makes you stay with the book. This book also explores some interesting themes (besides darkness) and weaves a story full of mysterious, suspense and also intrigue. The romance was also pretty good (personally, I would love to fall in love with an immortal lol). However, my only issue was at the start. The world-building was quite confusing, which for me, slowed down the pacing a lot because I couldn't understand exactly what was going on in the story at that point.

But I think overall, The Bride of Death was a pretty good story with a satisfying ending!

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๐ˆ ๐ซ๐ž๐œ๐ข๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ ๐š๐ง ๐ž๐€๐‘๐‚ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐๐ž๐ญ๐†๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฒ ๐ข๐ง ๐ž๐ฑ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š๐ง ๐ก๐จ๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐ž๐ฐ.

๐†๐ž๐ง๐ซ๐ž: Fantasy
๐‘๐ž๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐ƒ๐š๐ญ๐ž: 3/1/2024
๐‘๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ : โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ

๐’๐ฒ๐ง๐จ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ: Zerryn, a special and marked village girl, has grown up on tales of the Lord of Death and other otherworldly things. Life is lonely, but she has a best friend and lover in ร‡elik. When he is taken and possessed, Zerryn will do whatever it takes to save him and save her village from Erlik Khan, the Lord of Death. Sheโ€™ll even compete for his hand in marriage.

๐Œ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ: I know that this book was inspired by the legends of Erlik Khan, but it was reminiscent of Hades and Persephone. I liked this book a lot. It was dark, it was light on spice and heavy on mythology.

I liked that Zerryn was a โ€œweakโ€ mortal, but she never backed down. She was a ruthless competitor, brave, and loving. She wanted nothing but love and acceptance from her people. I loved watching Erlik and how he was softer, but no less cruel around Zerryn. His trials were a cruel means of finding out whether he would be fully accepted by his future bride. There was danger, love, betrayal, friendship, personal growth and acceptance.

I liked the side characters, the plot, and how well-written it was. I honestly wish this book was longer because I was enjoying it that much. I didnโ€™t see much of a plot twist, but the story flowed really well, and I enjoyed the character growth.

Iโ€™ve already put in my pre-order.

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thank you so much to Netgalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review

I was so excited to read The Bride of Death, as the premise of a mortal girl competing for the hand of Death really drew me to the book. I ended up giving it a score of 3 stars as I felt that there was just something missing. the beginning of the book threw large amounts of information about Zerryn and her magic, but through the entirety of the book we are told these things about her and never shown. Zerryn left her village to save them from doom, but I wasnโ€™t able to grasp how โ€˜doomedโ€™ they really were as it was only ever mentioned and the idea wasnโ€™t fleshed out. The challenges Zerryn faced and the competitions she went through felt meaningless without those added details and explanations. It felt bland. Some parts just felt rushed and it made me feel like I couldnโ€™t really connect with the characters. I really wished I could have read more about how Zerrynโ€™s magic worked and how she was able to grow and feel her magic even if she ended up losing it in the end. It would have made it more heart wrenching to me. Erlik was an interesting character. The mentions of human emotions being felt by The Lord of Death was nice to read. I wasnโ€™t too critical of his character as ... he is the devil.
Overall I read through The Bride of Death in two sittings. I do think a lot of the story was rushed and a lot of the concepts would read better if they were properly fleshed out. It was a wild ride to read how Zerryn slowly became someone she thought she would never be. This book had me wondering where it was going at all times and the read through was entertaining, but I was left with the feeling of wanting more from it by the end.

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Oh my god this book was incredible. I loved it and I couldnโ€™t put it down. When I wasnโ€™t reading it, I was thinking about it. You can tell 100% how much love and effort was put into writing this.

The storyline had me very interested and I loved the art work on the front cover too, that also drew me in. But I never thought I would love the characters as much as I did.

Zerryn & Erliks characters were written to perfection. I loved the development that went into their story. I didnโ€™t think I would love Bezya but she won me over easily. For one heart stopping moment I didnโ€™t think I would get the ending I wanted but in the end I did and it easily made this book my favourite that Iโ€™ve read so far this year.

I recently read A court of thorns & roses and I have to say I think this was better.

Thank you so much for letting me read this book. I truly loved it. I really really hope there are more to come. Iโ€™d love to hear what happens next for my favourite characters.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Northern Light Press for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which will be available March 1,2024!

Weird flowery prose disguises a Hades/Persephone type book with great spicy scenes. I did not enjoy this book. I liked the spice and I dug the concept but again why the weird flowery prose? Also this felt like a book where the author just decided to check off tropes toss them in a blender and call it done. I notice others are calling this a monster romance. Its not. Just because Erlik is a demon does not make this book a monster romance. I found the enemies to lovers trope boring. There is no true sense of urgency to complete the trials to be Deathโ€™s wife. It is more like โ€œhuh. Today I am deciding this huge momentous decision but donโ€™t make a big deal out of itโ€ the side characters were great. I dug them but Zerryn was really bland and blasรฉ. Erlik is a dark demon of death but even he with his piercings couldnโ€™t save this book for me.

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I really enjoyed reading The Bride of Death! It centers around the story of Zerryn, who is desperately trying to protect her family and village from evil. She must travel to the Underworld and participate in trials all in an effort to save her home.

I liked the way this story contrasted good vs. evil and how the boundary between the two overlaps. A fun read overall!

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Tales as old as time and yet it holds up on its own. Thoroughly enjoyed this take on Hades and Persephone / East of the Sun West of the Moon tale that tore my hearts to shreds at times. Very exited to read this author's other works.

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Rating: 3 stars
The Bride of Death written by F.M Aden follows the story of Zerryn, a girl who grew up on what one may deem fairytales or folklore but to her, a girl touched by the Lord of Death, it was so much more. When her childhood friend and soon to be โ€˜loverโ€™ is possessed by the demon Lord himself, Zerryn believes she can set things right and set forth to save ร‡elik and her people from eternal doom, but she has to compete for his heart and hand in marriage through three trials.
While I think the storyline was well established, I believe there was some much needed character development in Erlik, although I understand why there wasnโ€™t any prominently, although the ending would have been more astounding if so. I believe this novel is perfect for anyone interested in an intense enemies to lovers story between a demon Lord and an estranged village girl.

There were some parts of the story which bore a resemblance to The Bear and The Nightingale but as the story progressed a little more, the authorโ€™s creativity shone through. The only reason I rated this book 3 stars was due to the ending, I believe the story would have felt complete if Zerryn stepped into her role with her own magic but alas; it was not the writerโ€™s intent. I enjoyed the pacing, gothic descriptions, and the complexity of the trials.

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I really enjoyed this book. It did remind a bit of The Bear and The Nightingale. I love stories that take the local folklore and make a story that lives in your mind forever with it. I find other cultures mythology or folklore so interesting. This book will be a best seller in my opinion. Look forward to so much more by this brilliant author.

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Lush with atmosphere and thick with angst, The Bride of Death is a wonderful take on the death and the maiden trope in a Turkish mythology inspired world. It follows the story of Zerryn, a mortal girl with extraordinary power, as she takes to the Underworld for a competition to win the hand or Erlik, the Lord of Death, in order to save the life of her childhood friend turned lover.

I really enjoyed Adenโ€™s writing style and almost poetic like prose, especially when it came to creating atmosphere and aesthetic. The Underworld in particular had this kind of lush decay to it that I found especially evocative. I also loved Erlikeโ€” his caustic, dramatic nature is exactly the type of MMC I love. Iโ€™m not always a big fan of characters with non human characteristics but did find myself intrigued by his uniqueness, especially his eyes and many hands. Iโ€™m also a sucker for a long haired man!

I flew through this and definitely enjoyed it throughout. I did find a bit of the middle somewhat tedious, especially the competition, and wouldโ€™ve like to see Zerryn come into her own a little more as far as knowing what she wanted and following through with her desires. That being said, Erlik and the overall atmosphere really made the story for me.

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What an absolutely breathtaking novel! I could not put it down! I binged it in a day and a half and I have no regrets! I feel like the author captivated me from the beginning! A must read and a must have physical copy!

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A young woman ventures to the Underworld to save her friends and family by undertaking three tasks in order to win the hand of the Lord of Death.
An absorbing tale of myth and folklore. Yes this book is in the same vein as some others out there but it very much has its own identity. The story flows and captivates.
The relationship didnโ€™t overpower the storytelling until much later in the book- and I preferred those first parts to be honest.
Yes you could the plot is tropey but it is done so well!

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When it comes to crafting the intricacies of a relationship between two complex individuals with thought and mastery, Aden is in a class of her own. Iโ€™m so looking forward to see what else does the author has in store for us this year.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Northern Lights Press for the advanced copy.
This was a well-crafted, folklore-inspired book that I definitely enjoyed! I found the protagonist, Zerryn, to be fascinating, though she was frustrating at times with the way she was constantly flipping back and forth.
I really enjoyed the world-building, which was very vivid and unique! The cast of supporting characters were also standouts for me. (Minay and Beyza in particular were wonderful!) I found the beginning a little slow, but I really enjoyed myself once the trials started.
I do think this verged more into a dark romance than I expected, and it wasnโ€™t really for me. However, the romance was well crafted, and I know it will definitely play well with other readers, just not me.
Ultimately, I was really compelled! Iโ€™m excited to see this on shelves, and I will definitely keep an eye on F.M. Adenโ€™s writing in the future!

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Wow. Okay. This book was weird but in the best way. Gothic and atmospheric. Full of Turkic mythology and gripping writing and characters that will keep you locked in til the last page. I love the death and maiden trope and three deadly tasks. This is the perfect stand alone fantasy when you need a good fantasy but don't want to commit to a series

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"The Bride of Death" by FM Aden started off exactly as I wanted it to, giving me all the "Bear and the Nightingale" vibes. I absolutely books rooted in folklore and with a hint that these fairy tales or tales told to children by their grandparents/parents have a hint of truth about them. However as soon as it switched to the underworld, I wasn't so interested. This section is very much fantasy and it isn't a criticism of the author's writing but just my own personal preference and for me it was too fantasy. I will be on the look out though for more books by this author in future.

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I received a copy through NetGalley for review.

This one is a 3.5 for me.
The writing style felt disjointed, and I didn't really connect with it- although I did enjoy Zerryn as a character. But the pacing was a bit slow.

Zerryn has always been a bit strange, even as a child, born with a bit of magic with the kernel of Life. Raised isolated and a bit wild, her only true friend is Celik a boy who would seems to accept Zerryn's strangeness.
Because of the magic she has, Erlik Kahn the demon ruler of the underworld, the Lord of Death fears her magic, for it is the only thing that could someday destroy him. Because of this, he taints her with his magic dark magic to counteract the kernel of life, and she is altered with a black eye. marking her as cursed, her village shuns her. Her eye allows her to see death. So see who will die soon. A heavy burden.
Celik becomes possessed by Erlik Kahn and Zerryn sacrifices everything to stop his dark prophecy, try to save Celik and save her village, if the Erlik can obtain a bride, he can overtake the world above, leave his domain in the underworld and run wild with wickedness. To do so, she dies- goes to the underworld to compete for the Erik's hand, if she can win the competition to become his wife, she can destroy him and stop his plans.

This is really a tale of a woman who comes into her own and accepts herself, and her powers and learns not to be afraid.
And who doesn't love an enemies to lovers story?

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I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

After reading Court of the Undead I was thrilled to see this new book and couldn't wait to read it.
I liked the enemies to lovers trope(who doesn't?) although it felt a little too insta-like(love) for me.
I loved the trials, competition is always a win especially a competition in the Underworld with evil mythical beings to boot.

The writing could still use some fine tuning and editing. I found a few spelling errors and some instances where I wasn't sure how we ended up in the setting or scenario. Going from one room to another, one setting to another without explanation..for example when Zarryn is a young child in the forest she falls and the scene following that is slightly confusing or when the three other challengers in the competition are being introduced each has their own paragraph giving a little summary of who/what they are except for Lale, I found that odd. I had hopes that we would figure out exactly how Daryn came into Zarryn's life and why she couldn't talk about Death...just some minor plot points that didn't connect for me. Lastly for a book about Death I was hoping for more darkness. I had a hard time accepting that Erlik would be so...nice(?) from the get go..I was expecting ruthlessness and more shock content.

I love supporting new authors and will continue to read whatever F.M Aden writes because even with some editing issues the story was entertaining and engaging!

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I don't think this book was for me and I'm sad because it seems that many people enjoyed this story. I too thought that I would being that there were elements of folklore and magic woven into the story. Unfortunately, there were multiple things that I found I didn't end up enjoying about this book. First, Aden's writing style is something I do typically enjoy, however, I felt the biggest downfall and reason the book dragged for me was the characters. I didn't care about them. It wasn't that they were unlikable by any means. I'm pretty sure the main character was supposed to be a likable hero who would do anything to save her friend/lover and her village. That may have been the problem in that the author was trying too hard to make her innocent and likable. It had the opposite effect on me and I ended up finding her quite annoying. I also found that the repetitiveness of her reminding herself of her goal to save the village was a bit too much as well as her "strong" negative feelings towards the King of the Underworld. I probably should have looked more into the premise before picking this one up because I don't think I'm a fan of dark romances and that's what the book was hinting at. Anyway, these are just my thoughts. I know plenty of people enjoyed this book and rated it highly, so I'd still recommend it to a larger audience because it's possible you may enjoy it.

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Let 2024 be the year we find men who see our wickedness and love us all the more for it!

โ€œThe Bride of Deathโ€ breathes life into familiar folktales as a girl caught between the land of the living and the underworld tries to save her love from the clutches of Death himself undergoing a series of trials to win his hand but in doing so she finds that maybe home is within the darkness below.

Ugh I loved every moment of this book!

The characterization was flawless and I adored each and every soul we meet in their own fun and cruel way. The overall arc and character growth amongst the main cast was so much fun to dive into and explore. Zerryn was a misunderstood girl who is trying to do her absolute best and each step she takes brings her closer to unlocking her truest self and becoming a strong woman in her own right and I loved every minute.

The plot is fun with a typical formula of a fantasy like competition backdrop however there were a few moments where I was surprised we didnโ€™t lean into familiar tropes and it was refreshing to see those changes especially amongst the competitors. This book while heavy and fantastic in its romance can also stand tall with how it presents female companionship and I really enjoyed this those interactions played out.

When they mention Novik and Arden they arenโ€™t kidding this book stands up against their familiar and wonderful titles and I look forward to devouring everything this author creates!

**special thanks to the publishers and netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review**

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