Member Reviews

This was my first Murder, She Wrote book ... why I decided to start with the 58th in the series is beyond me lol

This is a pretty straightforward police procedural led by an amateur detective. Jessica Fletcher and her friends go to Canada to see Jessica's cousin who is performing in a musical. While in Canada, they get a lot of new friends and discover a murder. Jessica quickly inserts herself into the investigation and gets her friends to help her discover clues.

I enjoyed this, the audiobook narration was wonderful. The story had it's usual twists and turns as you are pulled through the case. But for me it was just your average cozy mystery that has an exceptionally large series - it felt like an less than exciting episode of a mystery tv show. It felt like one of those filler episodes that you watch to get to the next one but it's not one that will stick in your mind.

Overall, a 3-star read for me. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad. I would consider reading more of the books in the series though. Sometimes I need a good cozy mystery inbetween darker reads.

Big thanks to Jessica Fletcher, Berkley and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions!

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Fans of the Murder She Wrote television show will not be disappointed.
The characters from the TV show make appearances and the murder is cozy just like we expect from characters we know and love.

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I’ve loved every Murder She Wrote book I’ve ever read and this one did not disappoint. I still love watching the show and reading the books are just a continuation. In my store we make sure to keep as many in stock as possible.

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Jessica Fletcher is my favorite amateur sleuth & I want to live like her when I’m older - widowed in a small coastal town with an intellect, fashion sense, and equanimity to be envied by all.

Told entirely from JF’s perspective, this story took place in Edmonton and goes pretty hard describing the city, its history, and tourist sites. This is the 58th book in the series, and if you have even just a passing familiarity with the show and its characters, this could easily work as a standalone. After all, I didn’t start reading this series until book 56 came out.

This had all the corniness, predictability, and cheesiness I expect from a long-running cozy series.

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"Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage" by Jessica Fletcher is a delightful mystery novel. Set in the world of theater, it features intriguing characters and a suspenseful plot that keeps you guessing. Perfect for fans of cozy mysteries and the beloved TV series, this book is an enjoyable and entertaining read from start to finish.

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**3.5-stars rounded up**

Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage is the 58th-installment in this long-running, much-loved Cozy Murder Mystery series, starring amateur sleuth, Jessica Fletcher. This is the 5th-installment to be written by Terrie Farley Moran, who took over the series beginning with Killing in a Koi Pond back in 2021. I have read all of the books authored by Farley Moran, and have been so pleased with her contributions to the series thus far. I feel she's really captured the original tone and characterizations, sticking with the classic format that I think works so well for long-time fans of the series. You know what you're getting when you pick up a MSW book and I appreciate that TFM hasn't tried to change that.

In this installment, we go along with Jessica, as well as her closest friends, Mort Metzger, his wife, Maureen, and Dr. Seth Hazlitt, as they travel to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to reunite with Jessica's cousin, Emma. Emma is a theater actress from London, who long-time fans of the show may remember first meeting in an episode during Season 1 of the television series. And before you come at me for being the biggest dork on the planet, the only reason I remember this so well is because they had Angela Lansbury play the role of both Jessica and Emma in the episode, which was a little strange, TBH.

The only difference really was Emma had red hair and a London theater actress accent. So, there was a scene where Jessica and Emma were having a serious conversation while riding in a car, and they could only show one of them at a time, and it's slightly choppy and hilarious. Anyway, I digress. Back to this book. I was delighted that TFM decided to include such a classic character from the series. I've never forgotten cousin Emma and it's always lovely to see her. She's energetic and a lot of fun.

In this, Emma is going to Canada to star in a theater production featuring an internationally famous star, Derek Braverman, who has created his own old-fashioned musical review. Approaching the end of his career, he wants to go out on his own terms, performing his own show.
Emma contacts Jessica and extends an invitation to her and her friends, thinking it would be a great time for them to reconnect. While Edmonton is a long way from Cabot Cove, Jessica and crew jump at the opportunity.

The mystery involves the death of stagehand, whose body is discovered in the theater after hours, but of course, Jessica and Emma are there. From that point on, Jessica puts her master-sleuthing skills to the test, as she yet again sets out to solve the murder, and find the killer, before the tables are potentially turned on her and her loved ones.

Y'all know, I cherish my time with Jessica Fletcher. This is my all-time favorite Cozy Mystery series. It's my go-to as a way to escape life for a while. These stories are so pure and fun. I always know what I am going to get when I pick one up, and there's real comfort in that. This is the 43rd-book that I've read in the series. I still have a way to go, but I will never stop. As long as they keep being released, I will keep picking them up and I certainly hope that Terrie Farley Moran sticks around the long-run as well.

This did take over my life while I was reading it. Once we had our body, I was hooked. Everyone was suspicious and a lot of people had motive, but whodunit?

I enjoyed the whole cast of characters, as well as the setting of the hotel and theater. Jessica and her friends took full advantage of being in Edmonton, managing to get in a lot of touristy things, even whilst solving a murder. In fact, if I'm honest, there's was a bit too much of the sight-seeing bits for my taste. It tended to drag down the pace of the story a little. While I am glad the friends had the opportunity to see some sights, and learn some history of the city, I didn't necessarily need to go along with them on every excursion.

With this being said, I still really enjoyed this. I thought the mystery was fun and the full cast of characters was great; a nice mix of theater, and non-theater people. The conclusion was exciting and my heart was full by the end.

For the uninitiated, these books can be read in any order. If you are interested in checking any of them out, I would recommend just reading a few synopsis and deciding which one sounds most intriguing to you. Once you found it, just give it a go. You could end up loving them as much as me!

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I'll never turn down a Murder, She Wrote mystery, so please keep 'em coming!!

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Murder Backstage by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran brings Jessica Fletcher, Doc Seth Hazlitt, and the Metzgers to Canada to see Emma perform on stage in her latest performance.

Will Jessica Fletcher have a vacation?

Jessica Fletcher is back again to solve another mystery. Okay, so she technically didn't even want to find a dead body on this trip, as it was supposed to be a vacation. Yes, that's right. It was a vacation with three of her friends to see her cousin act. Instead, Jessica is now wrapped up in another mystery to solve in Canada, and oh, it's a doozy. Jessica is such a fun character to see in your imagination, trying to solve a mystery, and on your television, doing the same thing. Seth Hazlitt is still the same old guy, but this time, he has a bit of a fanboy in him about his favorite actor from his youth being on stage with Emma. Dare I say it? I think that Seth and Emma might have a thing going on.

The couple that I am happy to see is Mort and Maureen Metzger. Although Mort, like Seth, is fanboying, he is a pretty laidback guy. Well, that is until Jess found a dead body. Other than that, Mort was enjoying his vacation with his wife. Seeing the sheriff wearing a different hat for a change is nice. Whatever the hat, he is the sheriff even when he's off duty, except when he's in a different country.

The Mystery
Jessica and Emma were also backstage at the theater when the stagehand was found deceased. So, like Jessica Fletcher ends up doing, they try to help solve the mystery. Jessica needs Emma's help to solve it, and when Emma has time she helps. I loved seeing Jessica working on a case in Canada, as it was quite fun to imagine everything. I was shocked at who had done it, as I couldn't figure it out.

Five Stars
I am giving five stars to Murder Backstage by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran. I recommend it to anyone who loves a good, cozy mystery. Ms. Moran does these characters justice in the way she brings them from the show into her books. I love returning to Jessica's world and solving a mystery with her with each new installment of this series.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Murder Backstage by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran.

Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness

If you would like to see other reviews like this one, check out Baroness Book Trove.

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Brought to you by OBS Reviewer Jeanie

I thoroughly enjoyed this new Murder She Wrote mystery! This author has no end of increasingly creative situations and crime scenes Jessica encounters! Seeing Edmonton, Alberta, through her eyes was fascinating, and I was delighted to read of the historical and natural museums and settings Jessica and her Cabot Cove friends visited. The characters invited me into their adventure from the first page and held my attention throughout.

Emma, Jessica’s favorite cousin, is a well-known, beloved stage actress in England. Jessica was excited to hear that Emma was crossing the pond to co-star in a celebratory revue based on the stage and screen career of Derek Braverman. Derek just turned eighty and planned to retire. When Emma said they would be in Edmonton, Alberta, for a couple months, she convinced Jessica that it would be a great vacation spot. Jessica could stay at the hotel where they would be and have girl time around rehearsals and performances.

Jessica’s old friends, Doctor Seth Hazlitt and Sheriff Mort Metzger, were thrilled at the thought of her meeting their childhood hero. The two grown men were the ultimate fanboys when it came to Derek. Emma suggested that Jessica bring Seth, and he didn’t hesitate make plans. Within hours, Mort and his charming wife Maureen also made plans to go. They would get there a couple weeks before the show opened, see the sights when Emma was busy, and attend the opening night.

When Derek deigned to meet them, he fawned over Jessica until she politely set a boundary, but he barely looked at his lifelong fans, Mort and Seth. The more they saw him, the more he seemed, at times, like a petulant, demanding little boy. The husband-and-wife directing and producing team, Alan and Rosalie, did not get along well. The assistant director, Dennis, distanced himself from everyone. A bartender at the hotel, Quint, had a few ladies he showed interest in until he “borrowed” money and moved on to the next one. He mysteriously added a part time, second job as a stage hand with no experience or motivation to learn.

One evening, Emma planned to spend time with Jessica but was called for a costume fitting at the theater, so she invited Jessica to join her. Spencer, one of the stage hands, drove them there. While Emma was talking with the costume designer, they heard Spencer’s shout. He found Quint’s body lying on the orchestra lift, apparently murdered.

The inspector questioned people involved with the revue multiple times. At first there didn’t seem to be a reason to suspect any of them. Jessica and Emma looked into people involved with the revue or the hotel. They found several women Quint treated poorly, but nothing to point to any of them as killers. Edmonton was Derek’s hometown so he wanted his highly publicized farewell performances there. They even considered whether someone from his past with a long-term grudge was looking to kill Derek, and Quint was an unintended victim.

I continue to learn about Jessica and her Cabot Cove friends in each new novel. Those associated with the musical revue and the hotel were defined as well as necessary to maximize their roles. I could almost picture them and hear some of their conversations, especially the special fans of Jessica’s who kept a close eye out for her in the hotel lobby.

One thing I enjoy in any genre of novel is learning about the history of the setting and if there are any natural habitats to enjoy. This mystery satisfies both interests, and I appreciated the fascinating sights Jessica and her friends saw in Edmonton. Their driver knew the best places to satisfy their interests, and he enjoyed doing a bit of snooping for them.

This was not an easy case to solve! The police inspector wanted to arrest Spencer, and Jessica sought proof that he wasn’t the killer. One tiny clue led me to my pet suspect, but I couldn’t determine a motive. Several people had motives but didn’t feel right. The murder was masterfully solved by Jessica with help from old friends and new. I was very pleased with the outcome, as well as the surprise letter Jessica received when back in Cabot Cove. I highly recommend this novel. Each book in the series can be read as standalones, so even if one hasn’t read any yet, this is a perfect place to start!

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Dollycas's Thoughts

Now that her latest book is finished Jessica Fletcher is ready for a break. Her cousin Emma MacGill is traveling from the UK to Edmonton in Alberta, Canada to take part in an old-fashioned musical review. Derek Braverman is an internationally famous star of screen, television, and stage and is ready to retire but he wants one more big show and has invited Emma to be part of it. Emma would love for Jessica to be there for opening night. Emma even invites Dr. Seth Hazlitt, Sheriff Mort Metzger, and his wife Maureen. Seth and Mort are big fans of Derek Braverman so they are thrilled to go on the trip. Maureen is excited too.

Jessica hoping to fly under the radar and just have a good time is saddened that she is immediately recognized as mystery author J. B. Fletcher but she is even more upset that a member of the hotel staff assumes that she would be willing to have a book signing at the hotel gift shop. She explains several times she is not there to work, she is on vacation and has no plans to do a book signing. The staffer has also arranged for Jessica, Seth, Mort, and Maureen to take in the sights of Edmonton.

As if Jessica doesn't have enough on her plate, a hotel bartender and stagehand for Emma's musical review is found dead backstage at the theater. She suddenly finds herself and her friends investigating his murder. So much for a fun-filled vacation.  Can Jessica go anywhere and not find a murder mystery to solve?


It was so good to see Jessica, Seth, Maureen, and Mort get away from Cabot Cove for a little vacation. They all deserved it. The murder didn't happen until about 33% into the book so they did get to see some sights before the investigation began. What I really enjoy is that as a fan of the television series, I easily visualize the characters and hear their voices in my head.

Since Jessica didn't really know the deceased or any of the cast and crew she needed her cousin's help. While the show rehearsals didn't stop, they did move to another location, so Emma wasn't available very often forcing Jessica to get to know all the players/suspects in other ways. Readers are introduced to all these characters and the author does an excellent job of making each unique and memorable. Emma being an almost twin to Jessica was fun.

The murder mystery was very well-plotted with plenty of twists and turns. There was also the mystery of items missing from the hotel including Seth's prized pen. Jessica and her friends taking on an investigation in Edmonton was a delight especially when Sergeant Enook was familiar with the books of J. B. Fletcher. She knew Jessica wasn't going to sit idly by. It was great that Jessica, Emma, and the Sergeant were together when a major clue came from an unexpected place. What was even better was the way the Canadian police, Jessica, and Cabot Cove Sheriff Mort worked together to get the evidence they needed to make the arrest. I was totally surprised when the killer was revealed.

I really enjoyed touring around Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with my fictional friends from Cabot Cove. Their driver Rob was a fantastic guide with his knowledge about the places to see and the area's history. I would love to visit someday.

Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage was an entertaining read with the wonderful Jessica Fletcher solving another first-rate mystery. With the author's comfortable writing style and familiar characters it was easy to escape right into this latest Murder, She Wrote mystery.

Each book in this series reads well on its own, so don't think twice about starting with or jumping back in with Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage.

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Jessica Fletcher knows a thing or two about solving mysteries, and so does her current co-writer Terrie Farley Moran! I never turn down a chance to sink back into Jessica Fletcher’s world in the Murder, She Wrote book series based on the hit television program. In Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage, Jessica is visiting her cousin Emma as she performs in a musical review in Canada, when a murder threatens to upend the production.

If you’re new to the Murder, She Wrote book series (or universe!), then allow me to briefly introduce you to Jessica Fletcher—a mystery writer who has a knack for stumbling across real life mysteries and often helping to solve them. Each book contains its own mystery so the books can truly be read in any order. The more you read, the more you’ll get a feel for Jessica as a character, but I felt that author Terrie Farley Moran did an excellent job capturing the quirky character of Jessica Fletcher in this book.

What’s Murder Backstage about?

The book starts off in her hometown of Cabot Cove, Maine with Jessica pushing to finish up her latest mystery novel. When Jessica she receives a phone call from her cousin Emma MacGill, she’s pleased to hear from her. Long time fans of the series (and the tv show it is based on) will be familiar with Emma—she has appeared on many occasions throughout the series. Emma is British and an actress on both the screen and stage, and there is a running joke through the series about how much Emma and Jessica look alike (the joke being that star Angela Lansbury played both Jessica Fletcher and Emma MacGill, so they look identical).

Emma is traveling to Alberta, Canada to perform alongside actor and star Derek Braverman in a musical review. She invites Jessica to join her, and the timing is (as always) perfect, because Jessica is just putting the finishing touches on her latest mystery. Jessica invites Dr. Seth Hazlitt (who is Jessica’s best friend in the television and book series) and Sheriff Mort Metzger (who took the sheriff’s position in Cabot Cove from season 5 and onwards) with his wife Maureen. As a sidenote, we learn that Mort and Maureen are big fans of Derek Braverman (which is why they asked to come along) and I was tickled by the fangirling and fanboying going on!

Derek isn’t the only one with fans—it appears that word has gotten around that mystery writer J. B. Fletcher is in town, and it has attracted quite a commotion with fans (two who are staying at the hotel and quite persistent!). The hotel arranges a book signing with Jessica despite her protestations. The trip turns out to be eventful and a bit awkward from the very first night, when Assistant Director Dennis gets into an odd conversation with a hotel bartender. Meanwhile, the next morning Seth discovers someone has stolen his prized pen that he was gifted in honor of an award he received from the Maine Medical Association. The pen isn’t just valuable, it has sentimental meaning. Strangely when they inquire at the front desk if there is a lost and found, they discover this isn’t the only item that has gone missing and wasn’t turned in.

The trip proceeds with Emma being called to rehearsals while Jessica and the crew do some site seeing. Dinners are when the group and actors come together, and Jessica gets to know the cast of characters. However, the festivities are brought to a halt when the bartender from the first night (who is also working as a stagehand) is found murdered at the theater when a group is there for costume fittings. It must have been someone at the rehearsal or a guest of theirs, and Jessica is sure she can help get to the bottom of this mystery.

How was Murder Backstage?

I think longtime fans of Murder, She Wrote will enjoy this mystery, which features a lot of scenes about Jessica’s life and career outside of the murder. However, if you’re new to the series, this may not be the right book to start on. The mystery was much less focal than it has been in other books, though I did find the conclusion to be satisfying and such a classic Jessica Fletcher way of solving a mystery!

The murder occurs about one third of the way through, and the victim isn’t the most compelling or relevant character. In fact, the mystery relies on finding out who would have a motive to murder such a mild character who doesn’t have many strong connections to the suspects. This is where Jessica really shines, because she’s not only good at getting information out of people (she’s just so proper and kind), but she’s good at getting her social connections to do this as well. Furthermore, this mystery (as many do) required a bit of research and Jessica knew just how to get the research librarian to give them access to the materials needed. Jessica may seem sweet, but she is as wily as ever!

What happened to Seth’s pen??

I sort of rolled my eyes when Seth lost his pen at first because it was such strange and mundane occurrence. But seeing the kindhearted Seth so devastated over losing that pen really did pull on my heart strings and by the time that part of the mystery was solved, I felt so happy that Seth got his pen back! It would have been terrible if a lively morning crossword puzzle led to the loss of an item Seth cared so much about. Also seeing Jessica solve that part of the mystery was truly Jessica at her finest!

How is Jessica doing?

One other small thing—in this book more than any other I noticed how often Jessica talks about her diet and exercise. This is such a funny thing to focus on! I first noticed it in the beginning of the book back in Cabot Cove when Jessica has to order a less caloric breakfast than usual because (according to her), she has spent so much time sitting while finishing this book that she hasn’t gotten as much exercise. This theme continues throughout the book, though! Jessica and the other characters are constantly talking about dieting, metabolism, what they can order versus what someone else can order, and how they are squeezing workouts into the travel schedule. Rather than seeming competitive or like eating disorder fodder, this was presented in such a pleasant way.

This bizarre and delightfully irrelevant storyline absolutely tickled me for some reason! Jessica is just one of those characters who always does everything that most of us should be doing, but often many of us (or at least I can speak for myself here) aren’t as regimented as we should be. The funny thing about this part of the book is that Jessica does these things without any drama. She’ll just depart from the others who are going to relax or take a nap and goes to her hotel room to do arm workouts for twenty minutes. This of course reminded me of Angel Lansbury’s iconic wellness video she released in 1988—you can find it on YouTube and it is worth the watch! It’ll not only make you laugh, it’ll make you inspired to be less dramatic about wellness like Jessica Fletcher.

Final thoughts

Overall, this is a book that fans of Murder, She Wrote will love. It’s always great to see Emma return, and to carry on the joke about how similar she and Jessica look. The mystery itself is entertaining, though not overly complex. I enjoyed the way the mystery came together in the end, and felt so relieved when Seth’s pen returned. Jessica was at her finest in this book—a mix of kind, proper, and a bit spicy! Her eyes are always on finding the truth, and she delivers again with another mystery solved.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing for my copy. Opinions are my own.

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Mystery writer Jessica Fletcher takes a break from her writing to go on vacation to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Jessica’s look-alike cousin, Emma MacGill, is performing in a special musical review and invites Jessica and her friends to meet her there. Jessica, Dr. Seth Hazlitt, Sheriff Mort Metzer, and his wife Maureen have a few days to spend sightseeing before the show opens. They enjoy seeing the sights and spending time with Emma when she doesn’t have to rehearse. Their fun is cut short when one of the part-time members of the production’s stage crew is murdered, and Jessica starts looking for the killer.

This book series is based on the Murder, She Wrote television program, but fans of a good cozy mystery can enjoy the books even without following the show. This book has the best of both worlds – readers can have fun “visiting” a location other than Jessica’s hometown of Cabot Cove, Maine, while still having Seth, Mort, and Maureen involved in the story. This story isn’t as dramatic as others in the series, but I liked reading about the various tourist attractions that Jessica and her friends visit in Edmonton and seeing a little bit of the behind-the-scenes look at the preparation for the variety show. The investigation into the part-time stagehand/hotel bartender stalls a bit in the middle and the story drags a little. However, things then pick up through research and the questioning of witnesses, Jessica is able to make progress. It was nice to see Maureen and Emma helping Jessica with the investigation. There is a mini side-case of some petty thefts in the hotel. Not a lot of time is spent on this side plot, but I was happy when Jessica was able to figure out what was going on.

A few new characters from Edmonton are introduced in this book. Mary Jo, the pushy hotel concierge got annoying fast, but I cheered when Jessica eventually sets her straight. Another more likable character, Sergeant Ahnah Enook, is also introduced. Ahnah is a nice person and a good investigator who appreciates the information Jessica can provide to her. I would love to see Ahnah in future books, so hopefully her and Jessica’s paths can cross once again. With everyone working together, the case is resolved, although the explanation for the crime was somewhat weak. The book is still entertaining as a whole, and I enjoyed reading it.

~ Christine

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Murder, She Wrote stories (both the TV show and the books) are my favorite comfort reads and Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran, the 58th (!!!) entry in this series did not disappoint. As soon as I began reading, I was 100% in the story and setting.

The murder doesn’t take place immediately in the story, and I enjoyed getting to settle in with characters (which feels like getting to visit with long-time friends). I enjoyed Jessica’s trip to Canada (along with her travel companion) – this is perfect armchair travel! I think what I enjoy most is that Jessica gets to solve a complex mystery with her dearest friends. They are each so lovable in their own unique ways.

It’s lovely to see a long-time series continue on with such strength. I’ll always add a Murder, She Wrote to my reading stack and I’m so pleased that Terrie uses her writing talent to carry the banner!

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By Jessica Fletcher & Terrie Farley Moran
The Fifty-Eighth Murder, She Wrote Mystery

It's always exciting for an author to finish her manuscript, but it's doubly exciting for Jessica Fletcher as it allows her to accept her fun loving cousin's invitation to see her in a new theatrical review. Soon Jessica, along with friends Seth Hazlitt and Mort and Maureen Metzger arrive in Edmonton, Canada ready for a fun vacation. While the friends are able to see some of the wonderful sites, they are also plagued by lost items, surly and pushy people, and theatrical drama. When Jessica accompanies Emma for an after hours costume fitting they also find a murdered body! Who could have killed the part time stage hand who also worked as a bartender at their hotel? While the Canadian police have matters in hand, Jessica can't help but look into things as well. Jessica's vacation has become a working holiday in more ways than one!

Jessica Fletcher is one of the best cozy mystery sleuths of all time. She isn't reckless, she works with the police, and she notices everything! In MURDER, SHE WROTE: MURDER BACKSTAGE Jessica spends most of her time sightseeing, as she should when vacationing. When murder happens, she observes and her investigation is primarily a trip to the library and discrete inquiries. And yet, due to her acute observations, she solved the crime! Perfection!

I love the camaraderie between Jessica and her friends, as well as the effervescent Cousin Emma. Seeing Seth and Mort so enthusiastic about meeting their childhood idol was a welcome change from their more serious professions and it was fun seeing Jess and Maureen simply shake their heads at the men's antics. I also enjoyed the glimpses of Jess as a child as she and Emma reminisced.

The mystery was finely plotted with several things occurring in the book I thought for certain played a major role. I later discovered I was somewhat led astray and I enjoyed a few surprises along the way. I also really liked learning about Edmonton and was grateful for the opportunity to be an armchair traveler as well as armchair detective!

MURDER, SHE WROTE: MURDER BACKSTAGE combines the beauty of Edmonton, the drama of theatre, and a finely crafted mystery along with wit and friendship in a delightful mystery.

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Murder She Wrote holds fond memories for me. I loved watching the television show, and now I love reading the books. Murder She Wrote: Murder Backstage is the 58th book in this series! I have only read the last five, but I’ve loved them all.

Murder Backstage by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran takes Jessica, Dr. Seth Hazlitt, Sheriff Mort Metzger and his wife Maureen to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where Jessica’s British cousin, Emma, is starring in an old-fashioned musical review. The other major star is Derek Braverman. Seth and Mort have been fans of Braverman since they were boys, so this is a real treat for them. They do say, “Never meet your heroes.” Read Murder Backstage to see if this applies to Braverman!

I have discovered that reading these Murder She Wrote books always gives me a cozy, comforting feeling. I particularly enjoy the ones that include Cabot Cove residents in addition to Jessica. They’re familiar to me. I can hear their voices when I read, and that just makes me feel happy. In addition to Jessica and friends, Murder Backstage has many more characters, but I didn’t have any trouble keeping them straight. They’re well-written with unique personalities, so once you meet them, you know who they are throughout the story.

Though the actual murder doesn’t take place until about halfway through the book, I enjoyed exploring Edmonton with Jessica and her friends. They had the privilege of being driven around in a limo by a local man named Rob who was very knowledgeable about the area and its history. It was easy to picture how beautiful the area is. Figuring out whodunit wasn’t as easy as you might think because no one could quite figure out why the victim was murdered until they did some digging.

Murder Backstage has all of the elements I love in a Murder She Wrote novel. I highly recommend it for its well-written characters, lovely setting, and puzzling murder!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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I loved this wonderful mystery. I loved how well this book was written to bring Jessica and all her friends from Cabot Cove back to life. I loved how she and her friends are able to solve a murder and what happened to many missing items. I loved the humor. I recommend watching the television series along with reading these books. I received an arc copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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Jessica Fletcher travels to Edmonton, Canada with some of her Cabot Cove friends. Her lookalike cousin, Emma MacGill, has traveled from Great Britain to Edmonton to appear in a play there, and Jessica looks forward to a leisurely vacation catching up with her cousin. When they stumble upon a murder at the theater, Jessica decides to solve the mystery.

I wanted to read Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage because I love Murder, She Wrote (both the classic TV series and the wonderful series of mystery novels). I also was intrigued by the theater setting.

This was such a fun read! It has a lot going for it: Jessica and friends visiting a new place and exploring the history and culture of Edmonton, a theater setting, lively scenes with Jessica and her cousin Emma, and of course, an interesting mystery to solve.

The mystery aspects of this novel were well done, with events and clues popping up at a lively pace. The characters were interesting and well rounded. Jessica and her friends were like old friends - exactly as expected. The answer to this mystery surprised me, which was fun as well.

I recommend Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage - and this entire series - for fans of the Murder, She Wrote TV series, and for anyone who enjoys well written cozy mysteries.

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It’s always a delight to spend time with Jessica, Seth and Mort. In Murder Backstage, Jessica’s identical British cousin, Emma, invites them all to vacation with her in Edmonton, Canada. Emma is rehearsing a new musical revue with a retiring fellow thespian when one of the crew is killed. Soon the Cabot Cove bunch are knee deep in investigating the many secrets of the revue’s stars and staff.

Who knew there were so many reasons to visit Edmonton? This book serves up a travelogue while showing the typical tourist activities of the gang. If you are planning a trip nearby, Murder Backstage will give you some great ideas about what to see and do there.

The book also hints at how much work putting on a show can be. Poor Emma is mostly a walk-on constantly stating she has to rehearse. That’s a shame because I loved her sarcastic (or should I say cheeky) wit in the original series.

Overall, Murder Backstage is a great way to spend a vicarious vacation with Jessica and her friends. The writing is pitch perfect for recreating characters first seen almost forty years ago on television. 4 stars!

Thanks to Berkley, Great Escapes Book Tours, and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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I'm pretty sure this series is the ulimate in cozy reading. This was such a fun read because not only is Jessica on vacation but she has Seth, Mort and Maureen with her. I like seeing Mort especially as a character but in a nonofficial capacity. As well, I always loved when Jessica's cousin showed up on the show and it was just as fun in fiction form. This was also definitely a case of don't meet your heroes.

The theater and hotel were a fun setting for this mystery with lots of different characters and interesting scenarios. A number of people have a reason to want the victim out of the way and Jessica is on top of figuring out the whos and the whys (as well as ducking an unwanted author signing event). I really enjoyed reading this mystery and it was well paced from beginning to end. This is truly a series you can jump in anywhere and any time spent with Jessica Fletcher is always a good time!

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Love Murder She Wrote. After all these years, Jessica Fletcher never fails us. Good to have Seth, Mort, Maureen and Mara here along with an overdue visit with cousin Emma from England. This time, the action takes place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Along with the mystery is a tour of the city’s landmarks and museums. Satisfying ending to boot.

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Jessica . Seth and the Metzgers are traveling to Edmonton, Canada at the invitation of Jessica's British cousin, Emma. Emma is an actress and will be in Edmonton preparing for a show. Having just finished her latest book, Jessica is more than ready for a vacation and happy that her friends can come along. The group receives royal treatment at the hotel, does lots of sightseeing and gets to know members of the cast. Jessica is thrilled to spend time with Emma. But all the fun ends when a part-time stagehand is found murdered. Jessica, with the assistance of her troop of friends become actively engaged in solving the murder.
This #58 in the Murder She Wrote series and fans of the series will want to read this one, if only to keep up to date. Long-running series suffer from the occasional less-than-great title and this is one of them. The murder comes well into the book and the victim isn't a main character. The motive for the killing seems a bit of a stretch and way too much time is spent describing the tea service. Readers new to the series definitely shouldn't start with this one.
Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley for the ARC.

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