Member Reviews

Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle drew me in with the promise of an intriguing plot and a possible serial killer! Say less! This was my first read from this author so I went into this book open minded. I liked the overall concept of this story, but the pacing felt a little slow and it seemed to lack intensity. Moments that I anticipated having me on the edge of my seat felt a bit lacking. I struggled a bit with the fact that the father was hiding so much from his daughter that she was rifling through file drawers in her own home to find out what he was hiding. She was an adult and it seemed odd that the father wouldn’t prepare her for potential threats based on past events. The killer had the upper hand for the entire book and it just became such a source of irritation for me. I wasn’t attached to any of the characters. Corina was difficult to like, and didn’t seem at all grateful for her friends basically putting their lives on hold 24/7 to keep her safe. The romance was basically non-existent and when it did spark at close to 80% of the book, it was really out of no where. Sadly this was not the book for me, however someone else may really enjoy this story.

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Although Secondary Target is Angela Carlisle's debut novel it definitely reads like she is and established author. The plot flows smoothly but sucks you in with plot twists and edge of your seat suspense. I love Corina and Bryce with Houston an added bonus. Ms. Carlisle paints the settings with her words the way an artist paints a picture. Her writing style reminds me of Lynn Blackburn or Lynette Eason. I will admit that I did guess the identity of the bad guy before the end of the book and was delighted to find I was right. I look forward to reading more of Angela Carlisle's books.

So curl up in a cozy reading chair and settle in for a great read!

I was given a copy of Secondary Target with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

This book had me reading for hours and hours. I just could not put it down until I go to the end. It had a huge twist that I'd did not see coming.

It was a perfect mystery/ thriller novel. I thoroughly enjoyedbthe read and can't wait to read the next book by Angela Carlisle.


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A pretty decent story attached to a very well written and edited book.

To begin, I am pretty picky about mystery and suspense as it can take quite a bit for me to suspend my disbelief in a 'real world' setting.

The story, as stated above, is very well written and edited, I do not think I saw any significant errors which is unusual in much of my recent history with books published in the last few years. Through about three-quarters of the book, it was probably deserving of 4 to 4.5 stars with only a few slight issues about believability along the way. Unfortunately, that did change and the last quarter of the book used wilder and wilder plot elements to draw everything to a conclusion.

This was an enjoyable read and, for fans of authors in the romance/suspense genre, this is probably great, but there were too many coincidences and 'everything happening just so' to raise this to the level of great mystery or suspense. The 'bad guy', effectively a serial killer, significantly changed his MO for the attempted killing that was the main thrust of this story and, while his original methodology would not have made a good story (it would have been over quickly), the plot shows a variety of small issues like this that did affect my ability to enjoy the story in places.

Segments of the book also focus rather heavily on God and religion... the way this is woven throughout the book seems a little uneven, there will be whole sections with nothing, and then it will become the focus of a character's conversation or thoughts suddenly for a while... this was sometimes rather jarring to me, but wasn't too big of a deal, overall.

Overall, I would recommend this book for those who are either Christians or, at least, those who do not have an aversion to Christianity and organized religion and who enjoy stories similar perhaps to those written by Janet Evanovich (but cleaner and, in my opinion, better written). I do look forward to seeing what Angela Carlisle writes in the future, she shows significant promise.

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"Secondary Target" by Angela Carlisle introduces readers to a world filled with danger and a hint of romance. As a debut novel in the Christian romantic suspense genre, Carlisle offers a story that ambitiously aims to blend the thrilling pursuit of a serial killer with the tender reconciliation of lost loves. The narrative centers around Corina Roberts, whose tragic past collides with her present, forcing her into an uneasy alliance with Bryce Jessup, her army veteran ex-boyfriend.

While the premise promises excitement and the protective father element adds depth, the novel struggles to maintain a gripping sense of tension. The chemistry between Corina and Bryce feels underdeveloped, leaving their relationship lacking the spark typically found in second-chance romances. Despite these drawbacks, Carlisle's work is a commendable effort for a new voice in the genre. Her exploration of themes such as courage in the face of fear and the quest for truth amidst a web of secrets may appeal to readers eager to support emerging authors. "Secondary Target" is recommended for those interested in discovering fresh talent and who appreciate stories of resilience.

I received this book from the publisher through the NetGalley review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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Corina Roberts and her detective father left everything behind in Texas after the brutal murder of two of their family members. They make a life for themselves in Kincaid, KY, a sleepy town where Corina grows up, falls in love, goes to college, and suffers another devastating tragedy. Years later, she’s opened her own business, moved into her own apartment, and created a life for herself as an adult.

But when someone tries to run her off the road, her perfect world starts to fall apart on the way home from work. Someone wants to finish destroying what’s left of her family, and she has no idea who.

When Bryce Jessop’s military service ends, he agrees to stay in his parents’ place while they’re away—even if it’s across the street from his high school sweetheart, the woman who walked away from him. But when an unknown person threatens Corina’s life, Bryce realizes he’ll do anything to protect her.

As they work together to unravel the mysteries of Corina’s past, the unknown stalker turns deadly. Will Corina and Bryce unlock the secrets before time runs out?

What I Loved About This Book

Debut author Angela Carlisle joins a growing list of inspirational suspense authors who weave page-turning stories. In this second-chance romance, readers will relate to Corina and Bryce as they process and experience grief after a tragedy. I love it when authors keep me guessing to the end, and Carlisle surprised me.

If you love books by Elizabeth Goddard, Irene Hannon, and Colleen Coble, you’ll love Secondary Target.

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Ms. Carlisle’s debut romantic suspense novel kicks off The Secrets of Kincaid series. The fast-paced, action-packed plot pulled me in from the beginning and kept me engaged and guessing all the way to the surprising ending. Suspense runs high in Kincaid, Kentucky, as an unknown, unstable, and seemingly unstoppable assailant’s taunting turns to murder in his quest for revenge. The characters, main and secondary, are engaging and realistic. I love how Corina and Bryce’s second chance love story develops amid all the danger and mayhem. I appreciate the meaningful faith thread woven throughout the story. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Debut novel for Angela Carlisle and it is a riveting one. I could not put it down, read way past my bedtime. Her characters are believable and well developed. The main characters Corina and Bryce knew each other years ago but circumstances caused them to part. Will a serial killer on the lose be the cause of a second chance for them? How does the past of Corina and her dad fit into the picture? Houston the dog and Allye her sister add a fun element to the story. Each person has their own journey of faith and their stories are gently woven through the story. As with any good suspense book, there is an unexpected twist and surprise.
I highly recommend this book and am already looking forward to book 2 coming in May of 2025.
I received an ebook review copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review.

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Angela Carlisle has written an impressive and winning first novel. The suspense is palpable, the questions unending, plenty of secrets, and emotions abound. I enjoyed Corina and Bryce as well as Allye and other “secondary” characters, and was enthralled with the story! I’m already looking forward to the next book in the series!

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This book totally held my interest and I say kudos to the author for a fine debut novel!

There were a few surprises but it wasn’t beyond belief. I think the author did a good job wrapping things up!

I received this book from net galley in exchange for an honest review. Four stars!

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I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, it kept my attention and kept me guessing. On the other, I felt like the plot was pretty far-fetched and I could have used more character development. If you can suspend disbelief, you will enjoy it.

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle is a first time author. She wrote in a romantic suspense genre. While the climactic moment and the revealing of the stalker has a nice twist to it, the rest of the plot was pretty predictable and formulaic. The characters gave a nod to previous romantic suspense heroines and heroes especially when they have a past and are going to work through the pain of the past and try to move forward with helping each other. Of course, I love a romantic suspense novel which features plenty of moments of running from their lives whether it being bullets flying or cars chasing and hitting the heroine or hero. Unfortunately, in this novel, both of these elements happened over and over again. Totally predictable. I believe Carlisle might become a better suspense writer. Her villain was nicely covered throughout the story. She gave him pronouns instead of saying who the villain is. She did a wonderful job at diving into the characters' emotions and thoughts. I just wish, personally, that the story was unique, and not formulaic.

I received a complimentary copy of Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle from Bethany House Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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"Secondary Target" is a Christian romantic suspense. Corina's father abruptly moved with her to Kentucky after her mother and brother were killed by someone who was never caught. Over the years, he never explained to her why they moved and he--a private investigator--didn't stay to investigate. Now she's receiving threats and attacks designed to isolate and scare her. Then her father goes missing and can't answer her questions. Bryce intended to marry Corina until yet another tragedy broke them apart. He's determined to protect her. They discover that the attacker is a serial killer set on revenge against her father by killing his family, but who is it?

The main characters were engaging and reacted realistically to events. As Bryce and Corina spent time together, they found healing for past hurts. The suspense was high as the killer wanted to keep her frightened and off balance until he decided it was time to kill her. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this very suspenseful novel.

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Sleep? What sleep? I pulled up this file to try a chapter or two at 11:30 pm and turned out the lights at 2:30 am on a Monday morning! I literally couldn’t put it down until I couldn’t see the screen anymore!

Carina doesn’t even know her dad has her carefully shielded from their past. When he realized he couldn’t solve the murders of her mother and brother, he put her in his truck and they vanished. She was just a child back then and life has been peaceful in their new Kentucky home—until now. She’s followed her dreams and opened her own business despite having moved past so much personal loss, including her boyfriend’s kid brother, whose death drove the two of them apart. But Brady’s just left the military now, and it looks like he’s going to be her only hope to catch the diabolical stalker who’s after her now.

I loved the super-twisty mystery angle and the clues Carina and Brady try to assemble together as they attempt to figure out who’s after them before he switches to a kill game. As a veteran mystery reader, I counted only two clues that pointed directly to the real killer, with everything else being clear only in retrospect. It was so tense watching the stalker toy with them while he waged his campaign of terror, especially when he started killing people close to them. Eek!

I really can’t wait for the second book, as I liked both of those characters in this one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free reading copy. A favorable review was not required.

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