Member Reviews

This is a good book. The main character is Sophia. She comes to New York City to visit her great aunt, she is between jobs right now. They have a good time during her visit. Her aunt tells her to job hunt in New York and live with her while she does. She starts out at a temporary job. She tries very different jobs, but finds out she loves real estate. She is offered a permanent job there because she is so good. Her great aunt dies and leaves her apartment. She meets Max, who is a friend of her aunt and lives next door. They start dating and fall in love.

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This is a sweet romance/family novel. It's a big too sweet for my tastes, but if you like low drama/Hallmark movie vibes, this is for you!

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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This is an enjoyable afternoon read. I liked the storyline, and the characters were well developed. It only fell a little flat for me because I find it slightly predictable. People that love Hallmark movies will love this book.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to receive this book for an honest review.
This is a story about Sophie who wants t move on and with that she decides to live with her great aunt. She likes being in NY and spending time with her aunt. Suddenly her aunt dies a nd she runs into her aunts neighhbor who helps her deal with her loss. Her aunt leaves her the apartment so she can enjoyl. But Sophie cannot do it on her own. She needs to get roommates but trust noone.
She must learn to grow up and let people in.

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Sophie is moving on. And that means living with her great aunt. Her family thinks she should move home. But Sophiemis enjoying being in New York and the apartment with her aunt.

Until, one day, her neighbour bumps into her and helps her through the loss of her aunt. Add in a new job, having the apartment left to her by her aunt, needing roommates and trust problems, Sophie needs to take charge.

A great story that touches of everyday life.

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Pamela Kelley's book ventures away from Nantucket to 5th Avenue in New York. I always enjoy her books, they're easy reads and her characters are well developed. However, I gave this book only 3 stars because the story gets somewhat bogged down in with a lot of real estate and there were a lot of pages I skimmed through. Otherwise, a quick read for an afternoon.

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Fantastic novel, enjoyed every minute of it! Absolutely nothing not to like about it. Such a cute story and great characters. Highly recommend this!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance ecopy of this title. Sophie is a 30 year old who is not sure what path her life should take. She gratefully accepts an invitation to move into her aunt's Fifth Avenue apartment, which she subsequently inherits. Sophie ends up working in the real estate world, and loving and thriving as a salesperson. This is a quaint, quick story, but lacks the depth of Ms. Kelley's Nantucket book series.

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This book had a cute story line. I wasn’t blown away by it but it was a quick, easy read. I liked how the characters were relatable and easy to follow and get along with.

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I was bored reading this title. I guess it was pleasant but it lacked real substance. The characters felt shallow and the plot was not exciting. Not for me but may appeal to those who like their romance light and fluffy. Has potential has Hallmark movie.

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Omg I absolutely loved this book

As Sophie embarks on her journey in the cutthroat world of real estate, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation for her. The highs and lows of her experiences are deeply relatable, and I found myself rooting for her to overcome the challenges that come her way. From dealing with a jealous coworker who seems hell-bent on sabotaging her progress to navigating the charming but complicated attention of her boss, Sophie's story is a true rollercoaster of emotions.

What I love most about this book is how it delves into the complexities of finding one's passion and purpose. Sophie's struggles to balance her desire for success with her need for authenticity resonated deeply with me. And let's be real - who hasn't had to deal with a toxic coworker or two?!

Through Sophie's triumphs and setbacks, we're reminded that growth and self-discovery are messy and ongoing processes. I devoured this book in one sitting, and I have no doubt you will too ♥️

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I do love this author's writing , the rating is because I could not relate to the charcters , the storyline was good and I would recommend to others to read .

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Sophie is restless in her current job situation and looking for a job that makes her happy. When her aunt talks her into staying with her in her Park Avenue apartment Sophie eagerly takes her up on her offer. Sophie finds a job she loves and meets new friends. After tragedy strikes Sophie ends up with her Aunt’s apartment. She takes in two roommates so she can afford to stay. Sophie loves her new job and her life in NYC. Add in some romance and this is an awesome story by an awesome writer! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great story! I have read other books by this author and this one did not disappoint. This tells the story of Sophie and how she navigates a new beginning in NYC. This reads just like watching a Hallmark or Lifetime movie. I loved the ending and seeing how all the characters stories evolved.

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Perfect holiday reading. Romance in the city and also learn a bit about real estate. The characters are fun and descriptions of office life good. It was quite predictable but still a nice read

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What a pleasure to read the latest of Pamela Kelley’s novel: The Fifth Apartment. After reading it, I was hoping for a sequel but read from Pamela that this was meant as a stand-alone. I posted my reviews on my social media and on NetGalley reviewers page. So many people were inquiring about a sequel. Last week Pamela published a bonus short story to everyone’s delight! There’s even a hint that there may be more in the future about this charming new characters…

I love this story about the real estate business and the new characters she introduced. Some good, and touching and some bad and conniving. The perfect mix to keep the story interesting.

I always look forward to her next book…

Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing, NetGalley Co-Op, Piping Plover Press for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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The Fifth Avenue Apartment was the second book that I had read by Pamela M. Kelley and I have to admit that really enjoyed reading it. It was set in New York City near The Met on prestigious Fifth Avenue. I enjoyed how Pamela M. Kelley developed the characters in this book. They were believable and each had their own unique story but they all meshed together perfectly. The Fifth Avenue Apartment was well plotted and paced.

Growing up Sophie had always enjoyed her visits with her great aunt Penny at her Fifth Avenue apartment. From those visits, Sophie had always wished that she could live and work in the city. However, Sophie knew that the reality of that ever happening was almost impossible.. Rents for apartments in New York City were so far beyond Sophie’s reach.

Sophie had been working as a paralegal in a law office until she was laid off. At thirty years old, Sophie accepted the fact that she might have to move back to her parent’s house if she was not able to find a new job quickly. To her delight and relief, her ninety-two year old great aunt Penny invited Sophie to stay with her in her Fifth Avenue apartment for a few weeks. Her aunt’s timing couldn’t have been more perfect! Sophie gladly accepted her aunt’s invitation. She loved spending time with her great aunt Penny and being in New York City. Sophie also realized that her great aunt was intent on playing matchmaker. One of her great aunt’s neighbors, Max, was a very handsome and famous author. Aunt Penny invited Max to dinner on the first night that Sophie arrived. Sophie soon learned that Max had a girlfriend, though. His girlfriend was a famous and beautiful model. Sophie was content to become Max’s friend.

As Sophie settled in at her aunt’s apartment, it occurred to Sophie that this would be the perfect time to try temporary positions in different fields so she could figure out what she enjoyed doing. Sophie had not really enjoyed working in the law firm. She registered with a temp agency and agreed to accept positions for a week or two to see if she could see herself at that position. When the temp agency sent Sophie to high end real estate firm as a receptionist she knew that she found the perfect field for herself. Sophie immersed herself in the company and started to take a real interest in the properties that the firm handled. Her boss recognized her ambition, connections that she made with potential clients and willingness to work hard. Sophie was offered the opportunity to work in sales. Working in sales, though, meant that she would no longer receive a salary but would work on straight commission. Could Sophie afford to take the position and trust in her ability to sell properties? Would Sophie allow herself to follow her instincts and her ability to pair potential clients with the right properties?

I enjoyed the relationships Sophie forged with Max, the associates from the real estate firm and her boss. The themes of courage, family, friendship, romance and truthfulness were present throughout The Fifth Avenue Apartment. I could see this becoming a series. I felt myself rooting for Sophie’s success and new future as she immersed herself in her new life in New York City. The Fifth Avenue Apartment by Pamela M. Kelley was so enjoyable. I recommend it highly.

Thank you to Piping Plover Press for allowing me to read The Fifth Avenue Apartment by Pamela M. Kelley through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed reading this book. I have read other titles from this author before and she doesn’t disappoint! Can’t wait for her summer novel to be available (hopefully on here too). As always, great job Pamela! :)

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It was uplifting to see the transformation of Sophie during the course of this book. She came to New York to stay with her Aunt Penny and was determined to make it despite her mother's misgivings. She took on any temp job she could and even through the death in her family, she truly believed in herself. She worked hard and scrupulously and it paid off. Even in a cutthroat world of residential real estate which is entirely commission based, she knew she would succeed. Her integrity remained intact and she rang that bell at Fulton many times. It was great for her to find a kindred spirit in Caroline and how they truly wanted the best for each other unlike Tessa. To me, what Tessa did should have been grounds for termination. What also was inspiring is how her and Max evolved. They were just good people who built a friendship that evolved into love. I really enjoyed this book.

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When thirty year old Sophie loses her job she has no idea what she wants to do. She has always longed to live in Manhattan and when her 92 year old great aunt invites her to stay with her in her Fifth Avenue apartment she jumps at the opportunity. She loves living with her great aunt and makes friends with her aunts neighbor Max. She decides to get a temp job until she figures out what she wants to do. She gets a job with a luxury real estate job as a receptionist but discovers that she has a knack for the listing and showing of houses. When she is offered a chance to get in the sales part of the business she declines. But as changes happen in her life she decides to try it out. She is hoping that maybe she can have a career and find romance also!

Thanks to Pamela Kelley for the book!

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