Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC. This book was super cute and I rooted for the main characters! All of them. The ending was great as well. Super cute and should be a Hallmark movie

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Thirty year old Sophie has always loved Manhattan and longed to live there. She loved visiting her aunt there ever since she was a child. When her aunt passes away and leaves the apartment to her she finally gets her chance. She temps for a while until she finds her dream real estate job and becomes successful at her job. She makes friends and finds love close by. I really enjoyed this book. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC of this book.

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This was a pretty good way to while away the afternoon, reading this feel-good romance book. A bit predictable, it still was heart-warming seeing the relationship between the optimistic Sophie and her elderly aunt who seemed to really believe in Sophie discovering herself and believing in her. I love books that feature tropes where the younger generation appreciates the older generation and old=school values are prominent. Hats off the Pamela Kelley for this story that is homespun and old-fashion romantic, full of promises, second chances, friendship, and love. Many thanks to #netgalley #pamelakelley #thefifthavenueapartment for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading Pamela M. Kelley's book, The Fifth Avenue Apartment! In the book, Sophie decided to move in with her 92 year old great aunt Penny at her fifth avenue apartment in Manhattan after Sophie is laid off at a law firm which she hated. She decides to temp until she finds a more suitable job. After temping for a real estate agency, she is offered to work in sales and learns the ins and outs of real estate. When Great Aunt Penny dies, Sophie inherits the apartment, becomes friends with her next door neighbor Max, and invites two girls from her office, Caroline and Tessa move in the apartment. Pamela M. Kelley has a unique way of making a reader fall in love with the characters, the very descriptive settings, and the amazing romantic drama that he wrires!

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I started this book and told myself I would read for just a few minutes.
Well, when I stopped it was much more than a few minutes later.
I enjoyed this book so much. It had everything I enjoy reading in a book.
The setting was New York city, and it was around the holiday time of year.
Sophie moved into an apartment from her aunt. This was a turning point I her life that was needed a lot.
The author did a fabulous job of pulling me into Sophies life so deeply that I could feel it all and I was even able to taste the food that written into the story.
It was a book that I will definitely recommend to all my friends and family.
Thank you NetGalley and Pamela M. Kelley for the copy of The Fifth Avenue Apartment. This is my personal review.

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“The Fifth Avenue Apartment” by Pamela Kelley is a delightful read that seamlessly weaves the allure of Manhattan’s luxury real estate with the journey of its protagonist, Sophie. The story unfolds as Sophie navigates a shift from law firm stress to the unpredictable world of real estate, discovering unexpected talents along the way.

Kelley captures the essence of Sophie’s character beautifully, portraying her as a sweet and hard-working woman seeking a fresh start in the bustling city. The relationships Sophie forms, especially with her great-aunt and colleagues, add depth to the narrative, providing a heartwarming touch.

The unique backdrop of the real estate industry adds a refreshing twist, showcasing the cutthroat competition and challenges Sophie faces. While the romantic elements follow a familiar path, the engaging characters and Sophie’s perspective on New York City make the journey worthwhile.

In this easy-to-read tale, Kelley invites readers into Sophie’s world, offering a glimpse into the complexities of real estate and the importance of relationships. “The Fifth Avenue Apartment” is a charming story that captivates with its relatable characters and the vibrant backdrop of New York City.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher, but the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

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The Fifth Avenue Apartment by Pamela Kelley was a sweet story about a young girl finding her place in the world. She strives to find a career she loves, friends and a boyfriend through the aid of a Fifth Avenue apartment bequeathed to her from her great aunt. It was fast, enjoyable reading and you were not surprised by the ending. I recommend reading this book if you are looking for a feel good book. Thank you NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.

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A wonderful read. I so needed a feel good, sweet, but not overly sappy read with good people, humor, a little bit of real life drama, resolutions and a wonderful happy ever after and this book was exactly that. At 30, Sophie is still trying to find her way. She has been temping while trying to find her passion. While at a real estate agency, her interests are peaked and she finally feels like she has found her professional direction. The people, the work, all of it. She visits and then moves in with her beloved aunt who has always been her biggest cheerleader. The unconditional love, support and kindness is what gives her hope that she’ll find her way. When she suddenly (if in her 90’s it can be considered sudden) Sophies next adventure begins. Her new full time job and friends, roommates, inheriting the apartment, finally standing up to her judgmental naggy mother who infantilizes her at every turn and maybe just maybe a love. I enjoyed every moment of reading this and as always, look forward to what comes next from this author. I'd have rated 4.5 stars if half stars were available.

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I absolutely loved this book. Great story, this is one of those that makes you feel like you are there in the story. The descriptions totally hit the mark.

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This story lacked substance and had me skimming throughout the book. The characters development was sluggish and lacking. I seriously was very hopeful that this would turn around but it didn’t.

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This is another enjoyable book by Pamela Kelley. Her books are known for characters with pleasant personalities, who get along well with others, and who lead interesting lives. In this book a young woman inherits a fantastic 5th Avenue apartment in NYC. Once in NYC, she takes on temporary jobs to get a feel for different types of companies because she wanted a change from what she'd done in the past. She particularly likes the real estate office that she temps in.

This is one of the luckiest women alive. She inherits a fabulous apartment, she lands an unbelievable job. finds roommates easily. has great platonic relationships with men, and seemingly everyone she talks to wants to buy or sell an expensive apartment on Fifth Avenue.

It's a fun read, great for relaxing. This is a new venue, apart from the Nantucket series and readers get a feeling for a more sophisticated lifestyle with plenty of dining out, drinking wine and fancy cocktails.

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This was my first book by this author and I loved it! Great characters and storyline! Highly highly recommend .

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I very much enjoy this Author's books and this one was no exception. It's a warm, feel-good book about one woman's journey to finding out who she wants to be in this world. I liked the main characters and would like to have seen more interactions between Sophie and Max as I felt their connection. The setting was really fun, too, learning about the neighborhoods of Fifth Avenue. I look forward to more books by the Author and am appreciate of receiving an ARC from her, the publisher, and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I had high hopes of this being a cute, easy, feel good read. While it was cutesy and fun, there was a lack of development in the plot and build of characters. I wanted to know more and to slow things down a bit.
The synopsis is a young woman inherits an amazing apartment from her great aunt. With it comes a new city, a new job and new friends. Along this journey, life struggles hit and the story line gets lost with kind of the cheesy, rom-com scenarios.
Overall, I enjoyed the story, I just wanted more depth to the book and characters.

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A lovely, slow moving, innocent story. Sophie learns to love living in Manhattan in a beautiful apartment and finds her way to making friends and a job and ultimately her purpose and role. Sophie is a gentle and kind person who goes about her life with good intentions and thinking the best of people. She stands up for herself and finds her place as a daughter, as well as a strong colleague and a friend. She doesn’t get walked over although the danger is ever present! This is less romance and more a coming of age.

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This was a fun, lighthearted read! Sophie inherits a house in NYC and sets out to find a new job and a new life! Along the way, her determination brings her a great new career, good friends, and a love interest! I enjoyed reading Sophie’s story!

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I really enjoyed reading this book, a fantastic insight into the world of estate agency and the ups and downs of the selling property world. A cute cozy story to immerse oneself in. After her Aunt left her an apartment n New York and finding her new career Sophie also finds love along the way with her neighbour Max.

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The Fifth Avenue Apartment is a wonderful book that will have you feeling like you're in New York City and tasting the food that the characters are eating. Sophie has just been laid off and is a bit lost. She hated her job so she's not sorry. Sophie has moved in with her parents as she couldn't afford to keep her apartment once she lost her job. Sophie's very close to her great aunt who lives on Fifth Avenue in New York and her aunt asks Sophie if she'd like to come for a visit? Sophie is excited to see her great aunt and heads for New York. Sophie's aunt is 92 and is all alone in a large apartment on Fifth Avenue.

Sophie has always enjoyed visiting her aunt over the years as they enjoy going to restaurants, art museums, shows, teas, etc. After Sophie has been there a few days, her aunt asks Sophie if she'd like to move in with her and look for a job in the city? She'd like the company and she has plenty of room. She knows that Sophie has always wanted to live and work in the city so this would be a perfect fit. Sophie doesn't need time to think it over, she says yes! Sophie gets the rest of her stuff and moves into the bedroom she's always used. She joins up with a temp agency as she wants to try different jobs to see which fits her best. She hated working in a law office and never wants to do that again.

Sophie gets a job for two weeks at a real estate agency and things seem too good to be true! The people are wonderful and appreciate her hard work and even encourage her to think about real estate sales as a career. Back at the apartment building, Sophie is growing closer to her aunt's neighbor, Max. Max is an accomplished writer of mystery and romance novels. He comes to dinner at her aunt's place at least once a week. They enjoy sharing a meal, good wine, and the Murders in the Building show. It becomes a weekly thing that all look forward to.

As changes occur in Sophie's life it is fun to watch her blossom and remain true to herself. Can Sophie make it in New York? Is being a realtor something she should do? Living on commission only scares her with New York bills. What decision will Sophie make for her future? Will Max and Sophie remain just friends or is there more between them? Will Sophie's mom get off her back about her job and trust that her daughter can make it? This book has it all and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I rate The Fifth Avenue Apartment 5 stars with my highest recommendation. I read the book in one day and would love a sequel with the same characters! The book is available now and should not be missed! I'd like to thank NetGalley and Piping Plover Press for an advanced copy of The Fifth Avenue Apartment in exchange for a fair review. #TheFifthAvenueApartment

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A lovely story about someone trying to find their way in life. Sophie has lost her job and isn’t sure where she is going to live or what she is going to do. When her great aunt passes away and leaves her an amazing apartment on Fifth Avenue, everything starts falling into place for Sophie with a lot of hard work and determination. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC of Fifth Avenue Apartment. Thirty year old lawyer Sophia always dreamed of living in Manhattan although she could never afford it, not even if she were to get a place with roommates. On top of that she just got fired from her job. Thankfully her ninety two year old great aunt who she is close with offered to have her come stay with her at her fifth avenue apartment until Sophia can figure out what to do next for a job. During this time her great aunt decides to play matchmaker with the very handsome neighbor named Max. Max is a writer and has been dating a model (so he is in the friend zone) for the past year or so. I always love reading books by Pamela M. Kelley and The Fifth Avenue Apartment book is my favorite out of them. The two main characters had an off the charts, cute, lovable, steamy and an undeniable connection. I was so engaged in this book I could not put it down.

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