Member Reviews

Pamela Kelley hit it out of the park again with the Fifth Avenue Apartment! Small town girl looking for a big change in her life and moves in with her great aunt. She meets her handsome next-door neighbor who is a writer with a model girlfriend. Sophie is at a crossroads in her life not knowing what she wants to do so she starts temping at various jobs. She seems to find her niche in a real estate office. Her aunt passes away leaving her 5th Avenue apartment to Sophie much to her mother’s chagrin. Her mother isn’t supportive of her real estate career, either. Sophie takes in 2 roommates from her office to help with expenses. As she navigates her new job, she creates strong friends and of course, finds the man of her dreams.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC copy of Fifth Avenue Apartment. I didn’t want it to end!

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Thank you to Victory Editing & NetGalley for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

I was so excited to read Pamela Kelley’s new book, because I am such a fan of hers. This is honestly probably the tenth book I’ve read by her because they are just homey and enjoyable reads. Her storytelling makes you feel so immersed in the setting and the group of friends, almost like you’re a part of it. I also love the richness of her food descriptions in every one of her books, it always makes me hungry! The NYC setting of this story made me yearn for a trip there because of her vivid details!

Sophie has just taken a leap of faith and moved in with her Great Aunt Penny in her fabulous apartment on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan! She begins working a few temping jobs to find out what she likes, and quickly figures out its real estate. Sadly Aunt Penny passes away shortly after Sophie arrives, and she’s just devastated and planning to head back upstate. Until she finds out that she has left the apartment to her. Ready for a fresh start she decides to stay in the apartment and actually take her real estate licensing exam. The rest of the story follows her journey as an agent which is so much fun to follow, because the apartments were described in such vivid detail. We also see Sophie acclimate to life in NYC and become friends with some girls from work, her boss, and her dreamy next door neighbor.

This story paired perfectly with an evening on the couch with the fire going. Anyone looking for a sweet and light read set in NYC (and part of it takes place during Christmas) pick this one up! But honestly I am such a fan of Pamela’s work, I will read anything she publishes!

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I always enjoy reading Pamela's books. I have to say this was truly one of the best! Sophie has lost her job and as she looks for her next career her great aunt invites her to stay with her in her apartment on 5th Avenue. Shortly after she arrives her aunt passes away leaving her the apartment. Her aunt was friendly with her neighbor and Max becomes a great friend to Sophie. After a few temporary jobs she finds herself as a real estate agent. A challenging role but she excels at it. The friends she meets, the ups and downs on the journey to success is so well written. I very much recommend this book.

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The Fifth Avenue Apartment was another fantastic Pamela Kelley book. Thank you to Netgalley and Pamela for the advanced reader copy. I was hooked from the first page and read it straight through.

This was a departure from her beloved Nantucket books but equally fascinating. The story follows Sophie as she moves in with her Aunt at her Fifth Avenue apartment in Manhattan after losing her job. She does temp jobs until she finds something she loves. After taking a job at a successful real estate office Sophie discovers she loves the job.

The story takes you through the world of luxury real estate, friendships, and a captivating next door neighbor . If you are familiar with any reality real estate shows then you know you’re in for a ride.

High recommend The Fifth Avenue Apartment!

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This is a cozy book that will make you want to move to New York City, eat Italian food, and drink a glass of wine. This book is hard to put down and has just the ending that you would expect. This is my first book by this author and I will definitely read more. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an eARC of this book.

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This is my first read from this author and I really enjoyed it. I felt this book pulled me in after the first few pages and I was hooked. Sophie , who seems to be searching for a career path after leaving paralegal job. She decides to move in with her great aunt because she loves the city. You get to read about Sophie’s experiences, her job her opportunities and the friendships she develops once she gets to city. She also meets Max, her neighbor. I found this just to be a great feel good book

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I was very happy when i seen this novel.
Pamela Kelly is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I love her writing style and she makes me feel happy whenever I grab one of her books.
This quote is my favorite one from the novel. Aunt Penny's wisdom and fun loving nature comes through this quote to Sophie.
Simply follow your heart Do what makes you happy.
“You make me feel young again. I think you’re close to finding your passion. Don’t be afraid to make the jump and really go for it. Follow your heart, in business, and in life. It goes by too quickly, and you don’t want to have any regrets.
I wish we all could do that. We'd be so much happier and better off and maybe our work place would be good place to be.

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Sophie’s story is one of empowerment! She’s a woman who just needs some good luck and lots of laughs and then things will get better! After so many bad breaks Sophie is feeling out of sorts so she goes to her happy place; New York with her great aunt!

She find purpose and a new path but will this path withstand the pain that is about to come her way? Can she find love after so long when she’s given up hope?

Sophie was such a shell of a person at the start of the book. As life progressed and she finally found something worth fighting for it was so great to see her come out of her shell and blossom into such a strong woman!

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I just spent Christmas in New York City without having to leave sunny Southern California, thanks to another winner from Pamela Kelley! I’ve read, and loved, all of her eight Nantucket Series (Beach Plum Cove Series), her Restaurant series, Gilded Girl, The Hotel, and the Bookshop by the Bay. I usually try to slow down and savor her books (while I wait for her next book), but this one I read in two days!

Here’s what you’ll get from Ms. Kelley’s stories: Well-written three-dimensional characters that you will become immediately invested in; realistic, spot-on dialogue; and complete immersion in the story’s setting, in this case New York City. From the first page, I was hooked on 30-year-old Sophie’s story as she moves to NYC (at the invitation of her great aunt, who owns the Fifth Avenue apartment) to begin a fresh chapter in her life while navigating not only a new city but also a new career, new friendships, and often challenging—well, let’s just call them toxic—relationships with colleagues. I loved that despite all of that, Sophie discovers her genuine passion for working in real estate. Ms. Kelley also does her research, and I enjoyed reading about the in’s and out’s of the NYC real estate market. While not specifically a “Christmas” book, much of the story takes place during the holiday season, which makes it a perfect read now or yes, when you need some Christmas in July.

Thank you to NetGalley and Piping Plover Press for the opportunity to read The Fifth Avenue Apartment. I am happy to provide this honest review (and yes, I’m already hoping for a sequel).

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Another fun book from Pamela Kelley. Sophie doesn't know what she wants to do a a career. She just lost her job and is living with her parents, when her great aunt invites her to live with her in her fifth Avenue apartment. Sophie uses the time to work temp jobs looking for a field she likes. She finds a field, but isn't sure she can risk a full commission job. It's interesting to follow her on her journey. Great story!

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I loved The Fifth Avenue Apartment! Pamela Kelley is such a talented author - so prolific! She can infuse just as much emotion, turmoil and redemption into a story about the high-flying life of Manhattan real estate as she does a warm cozy Nantucket beach story. Highly recommend!

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Another great Pamela Kelley book! Thanks to NetGalley and Pamela for the opportunity to read this. I became hooked on her Nantucket books, but everything she has written is worth reading. This story, like all of hers, makes you feel like the characters are people you would want in your life. The amount of research for this book for Sophie’s career really shows. I was hooked on this from the first page, read it in one day and loved everything about it. Don’t miss it!

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First off thanks to NetGalley and Pamela Kelley for an advanced reader's copy of the book.
I was excited to have the opportunity to read another one of Kelley's books because they always get me out of a book slump and read so quickly! The Fifth Avenue Apartment was no exception! I loved the setting in NYC, which is different from many of Kelley's other books which are often set in beach towns like Nantucket. The characters in the book were well-developed, and I became very invested in reading to find out what happens!

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Pamela’s books are so cozy and easy to read. I just love her Nantucket books. This book takes Sophie to New York where she lives with her aunt as she works temp jobs before landing on a job she loves. This book shows sadness and loss of family members, new friendships, and back stabbing by co workers. I did not care for Tessa at all, but there are a lot of Tessa’s in this world! Happy ending for all and I sense a sequel in the Hampton!

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I really loved the Fifth Avenue Apartment. I can’t wait to share my full review and thoughts. I apologize I was unexpectedly in the hospital this past week so it’s taking me some time to catch up on things. It’s was so nice to find a Danielle Steel Essie novel that was rich in storyline and took readers back to days past. I highly enjoyed it!

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The Fifth Avenue Apartment by Pamela M. Kelley is a captivating tale of Sophie, a thirty-year-old navigating life changes in the heart of Manhattan. The story weaves through the luxurious world of real estate, introducing a charismatic boss, a cutthroat coworker, and an intriguing next-door neighbor. As Sophie explores her newfound passion for real estate, readers are taken on a journey of self discovery, navigating challenging work dynamics, and the complexities of relationships.

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First of all, thank you NetGalley and Pamela Kelley for the ARC. I've read all of Pamela Kelley's books and can now add The Fifth Avenue Apartment to my list. This book makes you want to live in Manhattan and buy/sell real estate! The characters could be your best friends and the descriptions/details of the story just pull you in. Kudos for another great book!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Ms. Kelley for the opportunity to read an advanced readers copy of The Fifth Avenue Apartment. Having read and loved her Nantucket series, I was excited to find it was being offered. The novel hooked me from the start and kept me enthralled where I couldn’t put it down and read it in a day! Filled with friendships, new adventures and set in the Big Apple, Sophie navigates through a breakup, a new career as well as developing relationships with friends and co-workers. Taking place before, during and after the Christmas season, The Fifth Avenue Apartment is a great read for the holidays. Five ⭐️s for this author’s latest release!!!

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Pamela Kelly, once again, has written a wonderful novel that I could not put down. Her characters are always very interesting, well developed and relatable. After inheriting her great aunt's apartment on Fifth Avenue, Sophie can finally live in New York City. She has been searching for a new profession and finds her passion in real estate. Sophie has a supportive boss, friends at the office, and her next door neighbor who all enrich her life. The details of buying and selling real estate in New York City are very interesting along with the relationships that develop throughout the novel. Sophie's hard work and dedication help her succeed in this very competitive environment while still having time to develop relationships. I highly recommend this novel along with all of Pamela Kelley's other books.

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