Member Reviews

I was instantly grabbed by the blurb for this one, but unfortunately it failed to hit the mark for me. This felt like an adolescent writing a story about what they think adults sound like. The main characters were over the top, none of the conversations were believable. I think had it been written in a 3rd person instead of first the explanations would have been understandable. I spent half the time going “no one talks that way.” I appreciated the diversity and inclusion, but it was very over the top. It felt like an homage to the deaf community, it would have been much better if they didn’t harp on it so much and just shown equality and support. The family dynamics were uncomfortable. I did not like chapters with Amit’s family at all. I could understand if she was of a different ethnic background, but from my understanding Susan was also Indian so why was there so much obvious animosity? Susan spends a great deal of the book speaking about her love for her daughter, then puts her in the middle of an fbi shootout? She seems a bit deranged to be honest. The partnership between her and her team seemed overly exaggerated, like we’re not co-workers we’re family! I do have some questions though. Why was the temperature measured in centigrade? Since when do we celebrate Boxing Day? Why does nothing in this book take place on any other day, but a holiday? What’s with the weird texting? WHO uses copacetic that much?!

I know it doesn’t sound like it, but despite the previous pointed out issues I had with this book, I did like the plot. I think it was original. The whole splinter concept is a bit hard to follow, but that idea has great potential. I’m giving this 3 stars for the plot, and the twists. But overall NOT copacetic.

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I enjoyed this psychological thriller featuring FBI Agent Susan Parker and the serial killer known as Splinter.

This story takes place in southern California near L.A. Parker, who has been suspended from the FBI for almost a year, gets called into the case she was working on prior to being suspended. A suspect is killed and eleven survivors are found in an old farmhouse basement near where Parker lives.

There are some inconsistencies in the story and some clumsy dialogue but even so I liked this first book in a new series by author Baron. I liked the inclusion of a deaf character since I am substantially deaf myself. I liked that the characters were diverse. The serial killer storyline in this case was original.

There WAS a cliffhanger ending so I do hope the second book in the series will be out sooner rather than later.

I received this book from Storm Publishing through Net Galley in the hopes that I would read it and leave an unbiased review. This is that review.

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This one landed pretty middle of the road for me. The plot had potential but got twisted up in too many repetitive details (Splinter vs The Therapist etc). I was not really a fan of the main character, she was at times annoying and put her and her family in unnecessary danger. The twists were predictable and, as this is set up for a series, the ending leaves you without closure on certain aspects of the story. Not terrible, but not my favorite by far.

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This is the beginning of a series of Thrillers, whose main character is FBI Agent Susan Parker. When I read the synopsis I decided to read it a little with fear because I didn't know whether or not it would be something I would like, but it didn't disappoint me! It's another Thriller featuring police forces, but with a little bit of horror in between (it reminded me in a way of what the German SS doctor Josef Mengele did to prisoners in Auschwitz). Susan, an FBI Agent disgraced after the death of her husband, struggles with her own mental health and raises her deaf daughter with her ex-military sister-in-law. She comes from a family of Indian descent, whose mother-in-law is unbearable and her father-in-law is a loving person. When she is called back to work because of the Serial Killer “Splinter” case that has caused her to fall into complete disarray (and which she thinks is somehow linked to her husband's death) she knows that this time she cannot fail. and it's kill or be killed. The police case itself is very interesting, different from the usual, with contours of sadism and evil and with a high degree of madness in those heads. It ends with a cliffhanger so we will definitely have more books in this series!
- Very Very inclusive book (ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, etc.) in the choice of characters.
- Characters from the police forces are charismatic and different from the usual clichés, more relaxed, more friendly;
- Addresses extremely important topics such as mental health and the impact on patients and their families;

- It may hurt some sensibilities, it has very graphic and difficult moments.
- It may not be a direct must read for enthusiasts of the genre.

I really liked it, I want to read more in this series and I recommend it!

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I am so frustrated at how great this book COULD have been. The premise and concept were there, but the execution was not.

1. This book jumps around in time constantly, with no warning that it did so. This made it hard to keep up with where we were in relation to the plot.
2. The repetitive language drove me INSANE. By the end I was cringing every time I read the word "copacetic", I refuse to believe anyone uses this word THAT often in normal conversation.
3. I love a good cliffhanger, but having the cliffhanger be literally the whole hook of the book just made me mad. I don't even care what the answer is now.

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The premise sounded really intriguing, that’s why I requested this book in the first place. However, the execution was poor. I did not like the writing style and found that it was often the reason why I didn’t want to pick this book up. Also, I could not get attached to the main protagonist, Susan Parker. I also found that the book needed a bit more editing. The author came up with a very interesting premise, but I just can’t force myself anymore to finish it. So, it is a DNF.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read and review this book. The potential here was huge and I was really excited when I got approved to read based on the description. Sadly it didn’t quite live up to what I had expected. I still enjoyed this book I just thought it could be more.

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Overall, this was a fun thriller to read. I don’t usually read this genre often but I wanted to try to read this because of the premise of the book. I’m a therapist in real life and so I thought this would be an interesting concept. Wow was interesting. I definitely had to turn off my plot concept. There were some moments where I had to “turn off” my therapist brain because of some unrealistic plot points, but overall this was a fun read I think people who like this genre will enjoy the book.

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As I read this, I thought it seemed predictable but I enjoyed Sam Baron’s writing style and the narration so I stayed for the journey. It was not predictable, it was a very fast and intense read. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to more from this Author.

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I was very intrigued by the premise, and the book was suspenseful and interesting throughout, but I disliked the rushed ending and the cliffhanger at the end.

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The Therapy Room by Sam Baron is book number one in the FBI Agent Susan Parker series.

When a world-renowned psychiatrist is found dead in an abandoned ranch house in the Californian Santa Carina Valley, a post-it note with the words ‘Susan Parker’ and her cell phone number is taped to the basement door. For years, Susan had been trying to hunt down the doctor, convinced he was the serial killer known as ‘Splinter.’ Someone is playing a cruel game with her, and they’ve only just begun.

This is a difficult book to review, I enjoyed it but I had some difficulty with the writing, it was disjointed and there was so much more detail that I would have liked to know but was missing. Having said that, the cliffhanger has left me wanting to know more and I will definitely read book number two.

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This book was so good! Susan seems like a somewhat unpredictable narrator due to her background but the entire time I was wondering "who done it"! The ending has a crazy twist and will keep you on your toes I definitely want to read the next Agent Parker book.

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loved this book. Susan Parker is an FBI Agent. She lives with her young daughter Natalie who is deaf and her Sister in law Nata. One night she gets a call from a law officer called Naved. It is the start of inter agency working to solve a very complex crime .
I really like the way race and disability is woven into the book. I like the characters Susan, her daughter Natalie, Sister in law Nata and her work partner Naved. I Particularly liked the way the book ended leaving me hungry to know what happens next.
The one thing I did not like was the first few pages of the book left me thinking it was going to be hard work, But I am pleased to say I was hooked from Chapter 2.

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I don't usually read USA based books but I enjoyed this one. I found FBI agent Susan very relatable to. And her relationship with her deaf daughter lovely. The story itself was complicated but interesting. Didn't like the cliff hanger ending though! Need book 2 asap!
My only criticisms would be the terrible representation of English as supposedly spoken by an English person. For example, no Englishman ever went out for a 'pack of smokes' or are to be found 'in their cups,' 100 years ago perhaps! And the repeated use of the word - copacetic. This is not a word used in the UK and even though I looked it up several times it went straight out of my head immediately. What's wrong with OK or fine? This aside, a really nice read and I look forward to book two.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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The Theory Room is a chilling and disturbing thriller of Susan Parker an FBI agent placed on leave after losing her grip on her life after losing her husband. The is a captivating and nail-biting first installment of her series. It literally gave me the chills.
The story is full of twist and turns like any great crime series. You are always left guessing and even when you think you know you are left surprised when you find out you were right.
This novel was very well written. The story was gripping and gut wrenching. Susan is an amazing protagonist! The big baddy is just that and so much more! I highly recommend. I am hooked and can't wait for the next one! Must read!

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I loved the premise and the actual book didn't disappoint! So many twists and turns. We'll written characters that were all original and unique. It was like a CSI episode which is right up my alley. The ending however..... not cool! Not coll at all. I'm just hoping it's going to be a series so I can get answers in tbe next book. I'll be keeping my eyes well and trully peeled

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I really wanted to like this book, but it just fell short for me. I struggled to follow the flow and felt the writing was lacking. The character development was somewhat likeable but I found myself wishing they had more depth. The general premise of the story was good. I fingured out the plot fairly quickly and the ending left me frustrated.

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I need to read the second book like right now. Fast paced thriller and a helluva good plot. Really enjoyed it...but where is book 2.. I need to know what happens next.

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What I loved - The characters have different strengths and personalities. They are flawed. They work together to solve the crimes. They have a lot of potential for a first in series. And their families add depth to them and are important to the story.

What I struggled with - The cliffhanger! I guessed part of the story. I thought some the FBI procedures should be handled differently.

Overall, I was caught up in the story. It had a bit of a Criminal Minds feel (at least for me). The plot was interesting. I want to read the second book!

I want to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an ARC copy.

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FBI Agent Susan Parker attends a farmhouse with twelve ‘therapy’ rooms inhabited by eleven people. The psychiatrist in charge is dead. Is this another case involving Splinter, a serial killer? Looking at both the case and Susan’s personal life, this story will keep you riveted throughout all the twists and turns. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will look for more of Sam Baron’s work.

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