Member Reviews

DI Hollie Turner moves from Yorkshire to Hull to take up a new job. She thought her family were going with her but discovers just prior to the move that her husband has found himself a new love in France and intends to move there with their two youngest children. Hollie walks straight into the case of a nun slung over the Humber bridge by a rope and hit by a lorry. A sign saying Pure Evil around her neck.
Is this related to the mother and baby home run by the nuns in the 1970s? Hollie and her new team investigate whilst she tries to get some contact with her children. A fantastic read which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was fast paced and kept my attention throughout. I'm just glad I already have book 2 as The Fallen Girls has a real cliffhanger ending!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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"The Fallen Girls" by Paul J. Teague is a crime novel that follows Detective Hollie Turner as she investigates the murder of Sister Brennan, a seventy-one-year-old woman found beneath the Humber Bridge. While the book has some engaging elements, it also falls short in certain aspects, resulting in a mixed reading experience.

One of the strengths of this novel lies in its exploration of the dark secrets surrounding the mother and baby home at the Church of St Mary and the Angels. Teague effectively creates a sense of emotional weight as the harrowing stories of young women forced to give up their babies are unveiled. The historical context adds depth to the overall narrative, shedding light on the pain and anguish experienced by those affected.

Detective Hollie Turner's personal struggles, particularly her experience as a young mother and her fractured home life, also bring relatability to her character. Readers can empathize with her as she navigates through her own challenges while tackling the complexities of the investigation.

However, "The Fallen Girls" is not without its flaws. The pacing of the story often feels inconsistent, with certain sections dragging and others speeding along too quickly. This uneven pacing hampers the overall flow of the narrative, making it difficult to maintain a consistent level of engagement.

The characterization, while showing some promise, falls short of being fully developed. Some of the characters, including Hollie herself, lack the depth and complexity needed to truly resonate with readers. This can make it challenging to become emotionally invested in their journeys and the outcome of the investigation.

Additionally, some of the plot twists and revelations throughout the book feel contrived or predictable, diminishing the impact of the story's suspense. The resolution of the multiple storylines, although attempting to tie everything together, may leave readers wanting a more satisfying and tightly woven conclusion.

In conclusion, "The Fallen Girls" offers an intriguing premise with elements that engage the reader, such as the exploration of a dark past and the personal struggles of the protagonist. However, the uneven pacing, underdeveloped characterization, and predictable plot twists prevent it from reaching its full potential. While it may still be an enjoyable read for fans of the crime genre who appreciate historical context, those seeking a more tightly crafted and immersive experience may find themselves wanting more.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book.

DCI Hollie Turner has just located to Hull to head a team of detectives. Her first case starts with a bang, when a nun is found murdered and hanging from a bridge. Quickly the team make the link to a mother and baby home from long ago, but can they solve the murder.

Oh this was so good. So fast paced and exactly as you want a thriller to be. It is well written and Hollie’s frustrations in both her personal and professional lives are clear to see. I’m enjoying the slow build of characters and relationships. This is perfect as Hollie has just joined in the new team. Beware the book ends on one hell of a cliffhanger and I am immediately about to get stuck into book 2!

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Well, this book was a great read ! Following Detective Hollie Turner while she tries to juggle her private life with everything that's happening ! The book ends in a cliffhanger that made me want to read the 2nd book at once !! I really hope justice will prevail for the fallen girls !

Thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a very good start to a new series featuring DI Hollie Turner. Set in Hull, we find Hollie in her newly promoted post investigating the murder of an elderly nun. The characterisation is good, the pace is fast and there is a lovely twist at the end which left me slightly disappointed. I liked the insight into the private life of Hollie and I look forward to reading the follow up. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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Start of a new series, that has a gritty edge with many twists, over many timelines.
The characters are strong, the murder brings in Detective Hollie to solve.
Outside of a cliffhanging ending, it was an interesting story line to read
Given arc by Net Galley and Storm publisher for my voluntary review
Releases. Jan 29: 2024

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I love a good murder mystery so I was excited to receive an ARC of this book. Unfortunately, I could not connect with most of the characters. I could empathize with Detective Hollie Turner; a newly divorced single mother trying to arrange visitation with her children as well as juggling the trials and expectations as a leading detective in a new precinct. But she seemed too overwhelmed with everything so it seemed she was bumbling her way through both her personal and professional life. I also felt the victim and ‘villain’ were too over the top. Mandy was too ignorant and Sister Brennan too hateful.

This is the first book of a trilogy but I was not invested enough in the story to be interested to read the remaining books.

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DI Hollie Turner is getting to know her new team after her recent transfer from Lancaster force to Hull. Like any newbie, she is finding settling in hard, especially when there is a bit of animosity from one of the team who thinks he should have been promoted into the job. Hollie is juggling the new post alongside her recent separation from husband Leon. The ex has now thrown a curve ball by saying he wants custody of their children, as he believes Hollie is unable to devote any time to them, her job always comes first. Trying to work through this maelstrom of emotions isn’t helped by a murder on the Humber bridge that needs Hollie’s full attention.

As a first in a new series I enjoyed this book, and thought the plotting and characterisation were done well. A fast paced exciting read, but then, disappointingly, it is left with such a cliffhanger! Not a fan of such marketing ploys, hence the low starring, but prepared to give book two a go in the hopes that all the leads are tied up nicely.


Thank you NetGalley and Storm.

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DI Hollie Turner has relocated to Hull, and is called out to a gruesome murder. A nun had been suspended over a bridge by a climbing rope.

Sister Brennan ran a local unmarried mother's home in the past. A day later, visiting the old Priest, Hollie finds that he has been roughed up, and left for dead.

Is this case something to do with the church? With the home? Hollie has a team that is new to her, and they must each do their bit to find the killer and attacker before there are more deaths.

A very tense and interesting look into the past where teenage, unmarried pregnancies were considered shameful.
This is the first book I have read by Paul J. Teague, and it certainly will not be the last. I loved it! A police procedural with a main character who has a past of her own.
The characters are being developed, and I think I like Hollie, she has empathy.

Of course this book ends on a cliff hanger, but I would gladly have read a 600 page book to get the entire story of why the nun was brutally killed, and by whom.

Please tell me there won't be a long gap till the next book!

A solid 5/5 stars from me.

Thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

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Slow burn for me. I wasn't too keen on it to begin, but it slowly grew on me. I enjoyed the main character Hollie, and particularly enjoyed her interactions with her co-workers -- that felt real. The timelines felt a little off - things occurring now and in the mid 70's -- which would mean the teenagers from 1975 would be in their 60's now. That didn't add up. Anyway, I finally turned the corner and was rooting for Hollie when... ugggh -- cliffhanger. Quite frankly, it pissed me off. No satisfaction, no payoff for putting time and thought into the book. I hated the ending. Enough said.

2.5 stars, rounded up to 3. I was tempted to leave a 1, but I just couldn't as I had grown to like the characters.

I received a complimentary copy of the novel from the publisher and NetGalley, and my review is being left freely.

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Great start to a new series! Hollie has just transferred to a new unit, when the body of a nun has been discovered. What a way to start your new job. She’s also battling personal issues, divorce & the demands of the job. During the course of the investigation, you also hear from Mandy, who was fifteen in the mid seventies. All this revolves around a home for unwed teens. The past is catching up to some people. Don’t expect a conclusion to this story, this will continue in the next book.

Liked the writing & the cast of characters. Look forward to more of these books.

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Right the cliff hanger 😵 I really enjoyed this book super twisty full of so many turns I couldn’t put it down, it was intriguing from the start!! I need book 2 like now!! Loved Hollie she’s a strong independent smart with so much going on in life but still manages to solved the crime. This book is full of everyone I love in a good thriller book, shocking and gripping crime, great characters, interesting story line. Would definitely recommend

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The Fallen Girls by Paul J. Teague starts with a sad and tragic prologue. The reader does get a glimpse into how the story may unfold from the prologue.

The Fallen Girls is the first in a new crime-thriller series, introducing Detective Hollie Turner. I did like the detective and getting to know new characters in a new story. However, the book did end on a cliffhanger, which I don't always like.

I may check out the other books in this series. Overall, The Fallen Girls is a good crime drama.

#TheFallenGirls #NetGalley @Stormbooks_co

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Great book but this one is definitely a cliffhanger and hope this becomes a series!!! I will be waiting for the next book!
It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, revenge with alot of twists! I definitely recommend reading thus book!

Thanks to NetGalley for letting me review this book!

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Thank you NetGalley and Storm Books for my approval to read and review this book.

The story starts in 1975 and is told over several timelines in two characters voices - Mandy and Hollie. In 1975, teenager Mandy is at a Mother and Babies Home and she has had a boy that she called Oliver. The baby is taken away as he has been adopted. The topic was handled with empathy. In the present time, DI Hollie Turner, recently separated from Leon, is starting a new job in Hull, having moved from Lancaster. Hollie is called to a scene, where a nun has been found dead. Hollie has a hard task ahead of her to solve the crime and find out the reasons for it. It's well written and the characters have been well thought out. No more spoilers but the plot is full of twists and turns with an ending that I didn't see coming. I will recommend this book.

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Rounding up to 3 🌟

This one didn't quite work for ME unfortunately.
It had its moments, but nothing stood out until the ending.
It ticks a lot of boxes, main character with personal issues, interesting crime, police work....

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This is a very intriguing book. It’s twisty and very fascinating. It’s a sad tale that dates back to 1975 and the present. I liked Hollie Turner. She’s smart, but has a lot going on in her life right now along with investigating a nuns murder. The writing is wonderful. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Great book but this one is definitely a cliffhanger! Ugh! I surely don't like them! I will be waiting for the next book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, revenge, great police work, a great who done it and some crazy twist and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book and series! They're well worth reading! But beware it is a series and this one ends in a cliffhanger! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! Can't wait for more!

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