Member Reviews

I had never read a book by Carla before and I couldn't put this one This was a fab book with lots of twists and turns. This wont be my last read of Carla Kovach!. Highly recommend

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This is my first read by Carla and I will be back for more. I’d like to thank her and Bookoture and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this pre published copy! I enjoyed the twists of this story and boy were there tons. I don’t want to give any spoilers but I will just say that even the Devil was once and Angel… I guess you can say that Angels character just really kept me intrigued and surprised.

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I love Carla Kovach and try to read her books as soon as they come out. This one did not disappoint!
The first part of the book is told from the point of view of Leah, and the second part is the same events but told through a young girl, Angel’s point of view. Things get crazy about halfway though and I had no idea what was going on!
Made me want to stay up too late reading so I could find out what was happening!! Quick read, lots of secrets and twists!
Highly recommend!

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Another excellent read off of the Carla Kovach conveyer belt. The standard remains consistently high, you cannot help but question your own existence at times. Well plotted with plenty of twists. Very much recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookoutre for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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I finished it….but really debated doing so. Carla Kovach is apparently a pretty popular author in this genre so maybe this book just isn’t her best? I haven’t read anything else by her and won’t be rushing to do so. This was a psychological thriller that was pretty dark and unnerving. It was fast paced for the most part but honestly too many characters that were not well developed and probably the biggest challenge for me is that I didn’t like ANY of them. I usually need to be able to get behind at least one character and want things to work out for them and in this book, I just wanted it to end….that said - I DID want to know what happened in the end so was invested enough to finish. It just left me feeling like I’d read something else…..

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It’s just impossible to not love Carla Kovach.
Her stories are so captivating making you not want to stop reading.

This story is heartbreaking, frustrating, disgusting and exciting all wrapped up in one book.

You don’t want to miss this new story by one of my favorite authors!

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This was a really interesting book! It had great twists and turns, and the ending tied everything up very nicely. It got more intense as I drew closer to the end, and it was hard to put it down. I would recommend for sure!

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I had to stop reading this book about a third of the way in. I did not find any of the characters to be likeable - Cain seemed like an awful liar and Leah had no backbone or common sense. The prose and dialogue also seemed very clunky and almost immature. I desperately wanted to like this one, which is why I kept reading as long as I did.

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Name of Book: On A Quiet Street
Author: Carla Kovach
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: January 15, 2024
My Rating: 3.6 rounded up
Pages: 301

This is my first Carla Kovach and she has written a ton – where have I been???

Leah and her husband Cain live on a quiet street. Then eighteen year old Charlotte comes knocking on their door, claiming to be searching for her biological parents- things become very complicated and no so quiet!
Leah is rather sure her husband is responsible - she is aware he had an affair. However, Charlotte reveals information that she is Leah’s daughter.
Leah knows she never had a baby – Hmmm-

The more I read I thought perhaps this title should be “Secrets and Lies on A Quiet Street”.

Although the story seems a bit slow is has a lot to reveal. In fact, there are so many characters who have a connection; I was ready to make a ‘Venn Diagram’ to show that connection!!

Ending had my head spinning.

I always love reading the Author’s notes and Acknowledgements as I am curious of the motivation for writing the story.
In ‘A Letter from Carla’ Ms., Kovach tells us that writing a standalone is so totally different to writing her series.IN this case she had to create a whole new set of characters and then build them from scratch.
This comments surprised me as it seemed these characters had a mind of their own and were controlling
Ms. Kovach!!!

Definitely an interesting read for this psychological thriller fan!!

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for January 15, 2024.

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Full of twists and turns, it will keep you furiously turning the pages. Giving this one four starts ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. Read it!

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Sorry netgalley very rarely give up on a book have not done it for ages, but this one I gave up on.

Though I felt sorry for what leah went through with her baby I did not like the characters and completely lost the plot.

As I did not finish this book cannot give any stars, sorry.

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ARC read through NetGalley. I think I might have found a new favorite author in Carla Kovach. All the secrets that Leah carries that she doesn’t want anyone to know. All the twists and turns. You think one thing but then another changes what you thought before. We get the story told in different point of views which shares the story in different perspectives. There were some slower parts but otherwise a good read.

Can’t wait to start reading the Detective Gina Harte series.

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I can't believe I DNFed this book. I heard good things about it, read good things about it, etc. I felt no connection to the characters and didn't even care if the husband was cheating or not. I felt like they were setting the reader up to believe he was cheating when in the end, the reader will learn it all misinterpretation. I felt like I was getting played. I might come back to this, so I'm not giving up it completely. I guess just for now!

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Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture for the copy of On A Quiet Street by Carla Kovach. I loved the description of this book, so I was excited to read it. This turned out to be a great story, but the writing just never really engaged me. I’m not sure why Leah’s story (Part 1) felt boring because her litany about her insecurities was exhausting. Part 2 was more interesting until it started to repeat events from Part 1, though from a different POV. Part 3 was electrifying with so many reveals although it was annoying to just have characters tell us what they did. Of course, there’s a final one that will make you gasp, so if you like big twists and reveals, you will love this book.

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I received this as an Arc through NetGalley.

This twisted psychological thriller had me at the edge of my seat the entire time. Divided in a two part POV, the story follows Leah and a young girl who claims to be looking for her parents.

Leah thinks her husband is cheating on her, and when a young girl shows up looking for her parents she spirals looking for proof of her husband’s affair. Nothing in this book is as it seems and it kept me on my toes the entire time.

If you were a fan of Behind Closed Doors and The Housemaid, this is a thrilling read you’re likely to enjoy.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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Leah is a weak woman who is in a dysfunctional relationship. She has a secret from the past that is threatening to come to light. While I wanted to find the answers to what was going on in her life, I found this story a bit slow and confusing. In my opinion, it’s not the author’s best book. Despite that, I did enjoy the ending, even though justice was not served to those who deserved it.

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O my goodness Carla Kovach what a rollercoaster of a read. ...... i loved it, its brilliant This is a stand alone book. Leah has been estranged from her mother for years after she had discovered the evil things she had done. What?. When Jean dies everything has been left to leah. She is cleaning it up to put on the rental market leahs relationship with Cain isnt going well and something isnt adding up????
When 3 girls turn up at their house one night, one of them claiming to be leahs daughter. Leah is confused and starts to look for answers to her questions, but the one person who could help has passed away ..... i was gripped at the first page and i didnt want it to end.. people are doing things that they think are right, yet to someone else its far from i highley recommend its a 5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟read from me

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Leah suspects husband Cain is keeping a few secrets from her, he comes home from business meetings smelling of rose perfume but denies having an affair. And when an 18 year old turns up at the door claiming to be their daughter Leah thinks this girl is a product of his affair. But Leah has her own secrets and her past is about to confront her in tragic circumstances.
The book is set over 4 parts with differing voices, there are a few characters and I was slightly confused where the story was heading. However I did enjoy the book, a solid family thriller.
I was gifted this advanced copy from Netgalley and Bookouture with no obligation to leave my review

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✨️ e-ARC Review ✨️
On A Quiet Street
Carla Kovach
Bookature release date
January 15th, 2024

🌟🌟🌟💫 / 5

I loved Carla's Detective Gina Harte books and high expectations going into this one.

When 18 year old Charlotte shows up on Leah's doorstep, claiming she's looking for her biological parents, Leah is desperate for answers.
Does her husband have a love child?
What secrets was her mother keeping from her before she died?

Written in two parts with two points of view, this story had a great premise, and the characters were complex. Each of them brought something unique to the story and had me wondering and trying to guess who was behind everything.

Unfortunately, I struggled with this book and found it wasn't as entertaining as I'd hoped, and I couldn't connect with the characters. Especially Leah, who continually makes excuses for her husbands bad behavior . I kept hoping she would open her eyes and smarten up.

I would still recommend you to give the book a read as plenty of others enjoyed it immensely. It just didn't hit the mark for me.

Read if you enjoy secrets and deception
Gaslighting, murder and red flags.

On A Quiet Street hits the shelves January 15th

Thanks to netgally and bookstore for allowing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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