Member Reviews

I loved the writing style of this book - the pacing was perfect, particularly towards the end and I was convinced there was going to be a happy ending! Though I think it did add to the realism of the story.

This is a sweet story about second time love. I have not really read many of these kinds of stories before. But it was really well written, it was a little claustrophobic in times which was a really effective writing style.

Book Review 📚
Leaving by Roxana Robinson 🫶🏻
3.5/5 ⭐
Leaving is an exploration of the emotional complications that are involved when ending a long-term relationship. Robinson has managed to capture our FMC, Martha, in a fascinating light. Martha grapples with the feelings of guild, sadness and grasping at the need of personal fulfilment.
The biggest strength of this book is how it offers readers a deep dive into Marthas emotional state and the difficult choices she is faced with. Robinson has an impeccable skill in her writing where she can come across as sensitive whilst showing Martha’s journey as relatable.
The biggest downfall for me was how slow the narration came across at times, with too much focus on Marthas internal thoughts and feelings. Although there was great development with Martha, the additional characters could have used some further development along the way.
A huge thank you to Netgalley, OneWorld Publications and Roxana Robinson for allowing me to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

A quietly heartbreaking story about regrets in love and the heartbreak of long-term romantic and familial relationships.
Beautifully plotted, the prose is deft and sharp, it's a beautifully written observation of the normal and mundane almost.
The characters were fantastically drawn across the novel, complex and multi-dimensional, showing all sides of the human experience. This is a haunting novel that will stay with you. A really excellent read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book with no obligation to review.
I really enjoyed this book. It is calm, measured and reasonable giving all sides of the difficulties and loyalties and even resentments found in long term relationships and families. It was a pleasure to read something where you don't have to wonder about people's motives or look for unreliable narrators or try to predict increasingly unbelievable twists.
I felt that the characters were excellently drawn and very believable and apart from Kat, I felt for them all, especially Sarah. I felt for Warren too even although he made a lot of wrong choices and was a selfish man, perhaps Kat was actually the apple which didn't fall so far from the tree! Fundamentally though, the characters are all just normal, civilised people trying to live their lives. The ending was a bit of a shock!
4.5 rounded up to a 5. The only reasin it's not a full 5 is that I probably won't read it again.

This is a tricky book to review without spoilers, so read ahead at your own risk.
<spoiler> This book starts at the opera, talking about opera tragedy. PAY ATTENTION. Sarah and Warren meet at this opera. They used to date, when they were in college but broke up. Now to me it looked like they broke up because they were young and not great at communicating, but apparently that's the tragedy the book is built on.
Warren has a grown daughter and Sarah is divorced and has kids and both of them are very focussed on the children. When Warren decides to leave his wife his daughter says she will cut him out of her life. he can't live with this and goes back to his wife, whom he can't stand. Then three pages before the end Warren mansplains tragic opera to his wife, so that we, the reader can see that is what has happened here. Just in case you missed it. I might have been the wrong reader for this book - I can't stand Romeo and Juliet either, maybe grand tragedy is not for me </spoiler>
This book addresses some big themes, including aging and the role of adult children in their parent's lives - from the perspective of the parents only. There is a lot of thinking and musing, very often in cars. There is a surprising amount of driving around. In the final quarter the pacing becomes odd - it moves from a day by day account to "four years have passed and it's quite clumsy. I found this book frustrating, partly becasue the characters are frustrating and partly because I never believed in their love, and without that the rest is melodrama.
thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. Something different to my normal choice so I'm glad I requested it to read.

One of the best books I've read about heart break and divorce. Beautifully written with crisp, memorable prose. The characters were so real and showed vulnerability, resilience in some cases, and stubborn cruelty in the case of one of the daughters. If anyone thinks it's easy for 60 somethings to walk away from a long marriage with grown up children, think again. This book will remain with me.

Absolutely can’t wait to read, review, and share Leaving! I love stories about romance and rekindling it and I can’t wait to share this one will readers. This would be ideal for a book club! Watch this space for a full review and thoughts.