Member Reviews

This book was gifted to me on NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I thought that the book was good, but as the title suggested, complicated. Like some others who have reviewed the book, I did not know this was a sequel and was very confused at first. No context was provided at the beginning of the book, which wouldn't have been an issue if I had read the first book (Not a book problem, but my problem). I didn't enjoy the characters that much and thought they were whiney. I did find myself rooting for them, but the issues they were going through could have been avoided if they weren't so juvenile in their thinking and their actions. I thought overall, it was okay but not my favorite.

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It has been a week since a finished this book and I still caan't get over it.

I was waiting for this book since a read Roommates, the first part of this story and the wait was so worth it. As you might know, this is the second part of Ariela and Caleb's story and it was so good. Ola has a writing style so special that caught you attention from the very beginning.

Im not going to lie and I am going to admit that I knew some of the things that happened in the story base on the first book, like how Melissa will mess up with both Caleb and Aari, but the rest of the plot twist I did not expected that. And now I need to wait even more in order to know what is going too happened with my favourite couple.

The new characters were amazing, and the develope of some other characters were also a surprise to me. Jasper is now my fav ex boyfriend and I have to say that I can not stand Lara, there were times where I couldn't stand how she treated Caleb, but it also because In love him so much that if someone is hurting him, I really want to kill them, even Aari.

I don't want to spoil anymore about his book, but if you have the opportunity to read these books, do it. Ola is by far my favourite writer of 2023 and I am so happy and thankful that she and her publisher gave me the opportunity to read this books.

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When I finished the first book in this series, Roommates, I was heartbroken. I couldn’t wait for the next book. With this one, I knew it was part of a trilogy and I was ready to be tortured with the wait once again. In this part of the story Ariella moves to Singapore as her career takes off. Caleb reluctantly follows, ready for his happiness to implode.

I love these two characters! Aarie, with her strength and intellect, and Caleb, the reformed playboy. The peripheral characters are perfectly drawn. I especially love Lara and Aarie’s mom, Dahlia.

I just finished this book and I want to reread it already. I’m impatiently awaiting the next installment. I recommend starting with Roommates. It’s not a “dumb-downed” romcom, so be prepared to stick with it, you won’t be sorry.
4 ⭐️

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I was very confused reading this book. I was confused reading it as it was my fault that I had no idea this was the second in a series. Maybe I would have liked it more had I read the first one but this novel just did not click with me. I would recommend before people pick this book up to check trigger warnings before reading this as SA and PTSD are mentioned heavily. My main gripe with this book is that the miscommunication troupe was way too much for me. The complications that this caused between the two main characters was so frustrating that I could not take it. This book was almost a dnf but I wanted to push through.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I didn't realize that this was book #2 in the series so at times I was a bit confused.
I didn't care for the characters in this book. There were a number of trigger warnings - Caleb was sexually assaulted and has PTSD. This is a big realization and wasn't utilized in the book that much - why was it even mentioned. He has a lot of issues to work through and the different 'red flags' were a big 'no' from me - from his patronizing ways and other displays of controlling behaviour. All in all I didn't care for the book.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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In the captivating novel "Complicated" by Ola Tundun, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as they dive into the complex world of Ariella, the protagonist. All Ariella desires is to bask in the blissful cocoon of her relationship with reformed playboy Caleb, with the tantalizing scent of lemons in the air. However, her tranquil existence takes an unexpected turn when Melissa, the enigmatic new boss, emerges on the scene, revealing a mysterious history with Caleb. As the narrative unfolds, Ariella finds herself thrust into a completely different environment, working miles away from the comfort of her home. The once harmonious relationship between Ariella and Caleb begins to crumble, leaving her questioning where things went awry. Tundun masterfully portrays the internal struggle Ariella faces as she navigates through the complexities of her romantic life and professional challenges. Just as Ariella and Caleb are on the cusp of resolving their issues, the plot takes an intriguing twist, introducing a new layer of trouble that knocks on their door. This unexpected turn of events injects an additional dose of suspense and intrigue into the story, leaving readers yearning for more. Tundun's writing style is engaging and skillfully conveys the emotions and turmoil experienced by her characters. She expertly delves into the depths of their psyches, allowing readers to forge a personal connection with Ariella as she grapples with the complexities of love, career, and the precarious nature of relationships. One of the strengths of "Complicated" lies in the author's ability to create multi-dimensional characters. Ariella is portrayed as a relatable and realistic protagonist, while Caleb's transformation from a playboy to a committed partner adds depth and growth to his character. Melissa, the new boss, brings an air of mystery and unpredictability, heightening the tension and driving the narrative forward. Tundun's storytelling prowess shines through as she seamlessly weaves together romance, suspense, and personal growth. The pacing of the book is well-balanced, keeping readers hooked from the first page to the last. The unexpected twists and turns contribute to the unpredictability and excitement of the plot, leaving readers eager to uncover the resolution. In conclusion, "Complicated" by Ola Tundun is a captivating tale that explores the intricate dynamics of relationships and the unexpected challenges that can arise. With its well-crafted characters, gripping plot, and skillful storytelling, this novel is a must-read for those seeking a blend of romance, suspense, and personal introspection. Tundun's ability to delve into the complexities of human emotions and relationships makes "Complicated" an enriching and satisfying read.

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I have to say I did struggle with this book. It does have some triggers so it is best to read with caution. PTSD and sexual assault are mentioned. Ariella and Caleb are two people you can like but find hard at times. This is the second book, the first being Roommates. I was confused at time while reading. But don't get me wrong there are defiantly some sweets moments as well.
All in all I would recommend the read.

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I found the characters to be quite unlikeable and hard to relate to. The most interesting plot line for me was the fact that Caleb was sexually assaulted and was clearly suffering from PTSD and victim mentality and that was completely under utilised to the point that one wonders why it was mentioned other than to help him push the supposed love of his life further. The fact that she calls Aari ‘my little mason’ comes across as patronising and the calling her breasts ‘my girls’ just gives me the ick! Also, why does he keep giving her hickeys, they are not 15 and the ‘branding her’ is a massive red flag since she also mentiones ‘people should not belong to anyone’ but seems totally ok with Caleb doing that repeatedly. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense and I understand that the point was that she makes her loose her mind but honestly I just think this wasn’t the book for me. I found it very hard to relate to

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This book was AMAZING!!!! I was initially a little confused as I haven’t read the first one (but that’s about to change!) but after a couple of chapters I caught up and I couldn’t put it down!

Ariella and Caleb think everything is plain sailing from now on, both happy in their little bubble, until an unexpected boss turns up.

Enter Melissa.

Melissa is about to turn their worlds upside down in the most unexpected way. With lots of loveable side characters to help them on their way, they try their best to carry on. Will they make it out the other side? I wish I could say yes or no but this book has the biggest cliffhanger ever!!! I’m hoping and praying that the third book is on the way BECAUSE I NEED TO KNOW.

This story was everything I wanted in a book and I’m so glad I discovered this author.

If you like:
💖 Opposites attract
💖 Former playboy MMC
💖 Slow burn
💖 Love triangle


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I did not realize this was a follow-up book to Roommates as I did not recognize the character names. I was really frustrated when I started reading as I did not care for the first book, and this one did not go much better for me. I find the tension and forced miscommunication and complications between Arianna and Caleb to be annoying and unenjoyable to read.

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Love loved loved! I laughed , I cried , closed the book then repeat ha ! The book made me feel like i was there , listening talking and contributing to the conversation !

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Thank you NetGalley and Ola Tundun for this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

In the world of "Complicated," the second installment in the Roommates series, emotions take center stage, and relationships prove to be more complex. Ariella hopes for a drama-free love story, but her grapefruit-scented bubble with reformed playboy Caleb faces unexpected challenges.

As the complexities of their relationship unfold, Ariella's aversion to drama is put to the ultimate test. The tension and drama woven into the narrative are undeniably intense, capturing the reader's attention from the first page. While it can be read as a standalone, the magnetic pull of the story makes you want to go back and explore the series from the beginning.

Ariella and Caleb's journey is marked by unexpected challenges, especially with the entrance of the mysterious investor, Melissa. The plot thickens as loyalties are tested, and the fine line between love and betrayal blurs. The author skillfully crafts a narrative that keeps you guessing, and the unpredictability of the characters' fates adds a layer of excitement to the story.

Despite the frustration that arises from the characters' complex relationship dynamics, the book is a compelling read. Ariella's internal conflicts and Caleb's allure contribute to the overall intricacy of the plot. While the on-again, off-again nature of their relationship may be maddening at times, it adds a realistic touch to the complexities of love.

As a reader, you might find yourself torn between rooting for the characters and wanting to shake some sense into them. The narrative delivers a whirlwind of emotions, and just when you think you have it figured out, another curveball is thrown your way. The series' third book promises to unravel the remaining mysteries, leaving readers eager to discover the ultimate fate of Ariella and Caleb.

In conclusion, "Complicated" lives up to its name, offering a gripping tale of love, drama, and the intricacies of relationships. Despite the frustration, the series continues to captivate, making it a must-read for those who enjoy a tumultuous romance filled with unexpected turns.

- This E-ARC was provided to me via NetGalley in Exchange for an Honest review.

4 stars

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Complicated was just that - a chaotic mess of plots surrounding miscommunication and some manipulation. There was good character development but I found that I struggled to root for them because of the sheer pettiness that they had and it took away from the romance for me.

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I didn’t know there was a first book that went along with this one when I started reading it so I was a bit lost at the beginning of the book but it didn’t take me long to get to know the characters and their relationship in the story.

After finishing the book, the first line of the book overview “Ariella doesn’t want drama.” make me laugh out loud 😂 because drama is all that Ariella gets! Complicated is an understatement when it comes to the stuff that Caleb and Ariella go through in their relationship and in their work lives. I admit the some of the drama and issues in their relationship was really frustrating to me but over all I really liked the story. Once I got into it I could not put it down. There was so much going on and you never knew how anything was going to turn out. I laughed every time “I just want to be friends” came out of Ariella’s mouth.

It was a fun read and it looks like there is going to be a third book too so after I go back and read the first one I will be ready to devour the third.

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Thoroughly enjoyed the middle book of this trilogy and can't wait for the final instalment of Ariella and Caleb's journey. Quite a racy romantic novel wrapped in a high business story line. Perhaps greater appeal to a female audience but this male has enjoyed Ola Tundun's first two books. Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the chance to be an ARC for both books.

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Thank you Storm Publishing & NetGalley for the ARC of this book. Complicated is the best way to describe it. We follow the main characters through lots of drama and ups and downs in their personal lives and relationships. Though the miscommunication & manipulation between the two main characters got to me, and there were many times when I got frustrated at them both, the author did a great job developing these characters throughout the book, and I enjoyed seeing their growth as individuals and together.

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This is the second book in a series called Roommates, and it was totally okay to read this book without the first but, after such a good read I’m going to read the first one.

The book has such a mix of emotions through it, the tension and the drama were amazing, and it captured all my attention while I was reading it. It is a romance but it’s not one that you’ll find predictable.

I’m anxiously waiting for the last book in the series because the way the author brings emotions in her story’s is amazing. It was such a good read and I deeply recommend it.

Thank you, NetGalley & the publisher, for approving me to read this arc and write this review.

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I received an ARC of this from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Complicated, was, well….complicated and a bit frustrating. This is the second book of the series and I have to admit that I enjoyed the first book, Roommates much better.

With Roommates there was a slow build, an anticipation building and left to simmer for a bit. Complicated kind of felt like a vicious cycle going around and around with no end in sight. This on again, off again stuff kills me. I’m also not a huge fan of Ariella because he4 character is so confusing. She’s kind, empathetic, and nurturing but then seems to have the emotional intelligence of a rock when it comes to he4 relationships with men. Caleb on the other hand, I’m on board with and understand.

There’s one more book in this series which is yet to be written and even though this installment in the series was not my favourite and could have been wrapped up in way less time, I still must know how it ends. Hopefully the last book is better than this one was.

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My opinion of this book is... Complicated. There is so much drama, which can be a good thing (or not). I didn't realize it was the second in a series at first, but once I did it made more sense. It wasn't as gripping as I prefer, and Iw as bored with the pacing at times, but it wasn't an awful book, either.

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Complicated is the best title for this story and describes my feelings for it perfectly. I felt so bad for both our main characters and also disliked our main characters at different points in this story. I appreciate the openness Ariella gives at the end and Caleb being man enough to admit what has happened, but this whole situation made my brain hurt with all the mess this had in it. I love a good, messy love life, but adding in the professional messiness was a little much for my reader brain. I stuck with this story because I wanted to learn more about Caleb and Ariella and see where her complicated relationship with Dom was going. For this reason, I am interested in reading the last book in this trilogy to see if the guy I am rooting for gets Ariella's heart for good.

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