Member Reviews

This book is a powerful, moving story. I have been looking forward to Ty's story for a long time and this didn't disappoint. I think the final story in the trilogy is the most powerful. You can't run from your past, no matter how painful.

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This book. No, this series. Patch's best work. Seriously - she had be worried, crying, heart pounding, all the emotions guys. The creativity, the descriptions, the emotions, WOW. This book (well again, series) is not for the faint of heart. But if you are a suspense junkie, and love shows like Criminal Minds, then you're in for a treat.

The POV from the victim - yeah there's a big plot twist with that one. One I was not expecting at all. Wasn't even on my radar. And the other plot twist at the end!? Oh my lanta it was good. Patch is such an amazing writer. I mean I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. If my schedule wasn't so busy, I would have read it in one sitting. I wanted to read it in one sitting - but alas I couldn't. And honestly? That was ok because I got to enjoy the story longer. It is deliciously creepy. That's an understatement, but I am not sure how else to describe it.

Also..... I have to comment on Ty's back story. It was so interesting (you'll have to read it to know what I'm talking about). I don't remember reading another book that focused on a family like his. And it was fascinating to see how she weaved it into the story. Plus, I wanted Ty to see what a true relationship with the Lord looked like. I won't say whether he does or not, because spoilers. But I will say this.....there is a very beautiful and poetic parallel of Jesus laying down His life for us that completely knocked me off my feet. Full on tears here.

But back to the storyline. Lots of twists and turns, and moments where people have to make big decisions. Patch handled them all in a realistic way, nothing was so graphic I was running away from the book (but yes there are some things that may be hard for a sensitive reader to read), and I really just had fun, albeit suspenseful nail biting fun, reading this story. Highly recommend for suspense and thriller fans - just be sure you read the whole series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Wowza!Creepy suspense at its best!

This multi-layered suspense grabbed me from the very beginning. Edge of your seat tension and one of the creepiest villains I have come across contrasts with a theme of redemption and new beginnings.

The hero Ty quickly found a place in my heart. His gruff exterior hides wounds that have been squashed for years. The author peels back the layers of his inner turmoil, skillfully sharing his backstory as he finds that there may be a personal connection in a serial killer case. HIs journey of faith is poignant.

The expert plot pacing and character development have set a high-bar of excellence for romantic suspense. Did I say 'romantic'? Yes, there is a delightful second chance at romance story.

Content warning: Creepy villian, dark descriptions of his treatment of the 'garden' girls.

****I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher through Netgalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Oh y’all. I have been waiting for Ty’s story. And I knew it would be amazing. But I wasn’t prepared for how emotional it would be, for how I would literally sob through a couple parts of this novel. The Garden Girls is a story that touched me on so many different levels, some I’m not even finished processing yet. And then the fascinating layers to this particular serial killer case, its very personal connection to Ty (in more ways than one), and the sweet, second chance romance with its own complex layers… ahhhhhhh!!! Truly in a class by itself.

I’ve loved Ty from the beginning of this series, and my love for him only grew as I read The Garden Girls. Behind Ty’s ‘devil-may-care’ and ‘a-joke-for-every-situation’ personality lies a hurting heart, and his specialization in religious behavioral analysis (while dismissing any faith of his own) makes so much more sense as we uncover the layers to his backstory. The work that God does in his life through the events of this book is heartwrenching and messy and moving and my favorite yet. Which I could actually say about the whole book, to be honest… heartwrenching and messy and moving and my favorite yet. And the way this team bands together for Ty… I may not recover from it, and I’m not sure I even want to. This is friendship goals, and no truer picture of great love.

The serial killer in The Garden Girls is possibly the most disturbing of the series… though they are all pretty twisted. In fact, for the majority of the book, we’re not even sure whether it’s multiple serial killers whose paths have crossed… a copycat… or just one who is changing his M.O. to psychologically torture Ty even further. Between that and some truly pull-the-rug-out-from-underneath-me twists that had me gasping out loud, I couldn’t have put down this novel if I’d wanted to. Getting into a victim’s head during her ordeal, even more than we have in the previous books, not only amped up the high-stakes tension that stretches tautly across the suspense arc, but it also gave us a different perspective on the serial killer(s)’ mind in the process. I’m telling you – don’t expect to stop reading until you’ve reached the very last word of this one, so carve out a good chunk of time before you start.

Bottom Line: Jessica R Patch gets better and better and better, and The Garden Girls is hands down one of her best. The evil in these pages is horrifying and demented (as evil often is), but the contrasting redemption in these pages is life-giving. Through an incredibly brilliant plot (which will keep you on the edge of your seat and barely daring to breathe) and equally brilliant character development, the author uses a riveting story to tell an even greater one – about One who sees us at our worst yet loves us infinitely better than anyone else ever could… One who will one day redeem this broken world and exchange it for a place where sin, death, and darkness no longer exist. I finished this book in complete awe of Patch’s talent, and I highly recommend this whole series!

(I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I purchased for my own collection.

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Jessica R Patch is a fantastic author. I found her books from the Love Inspired Suspense line and these books are a bit grittier but still great. They do have a Christian element, but I don't find that overwhelming at all.

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Absolute nail-bitter! Jessica Patch can write a creepy, suspenseful story that is so full of hope and redemption that it blows my mind. There were times that I could not stop reading but I had to stop reading because it was getting too intense for me. I didn't see the twists coming at all. I loved the epilogue! Highly recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This book will leave you breathless! It will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page until the last. It's full of suspense and will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. This book deserves more than 5 stars!!

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Jessica Patch is definitely making a name for herself in the psychological thriller genre of Christian fiction. The Garden Girls had my attention from the prologue to the very last page. A number of missing women all having flower names are turning up dead and the hunt for a serial killer is on. Tiberius Granger, an agent with the Strange Crimes Unit (SCU), introduced in previous books, finally gets his story.

Patch has created a remarkable story with many intriguing elements – Granger’s back story, a completely evil and deranged villain, numerous suspects, a second chance romance, and an ending that had me both sighing in relief and grabbing for my tissue. One of my favorite elements in Patch’s novels is the thread of hope that is woven throughout. This book is intense and chilling at times especially when the author gives the reader insight into the mind of the killer, but that faith element kept me reading because I knew that ultimately truth and light would prevail.

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This was my first romantic suspense / Christian suspense and I was blown away by this! It was spooky, thrilling, and twisted. I can't wait to read more by Jessica!

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Think "Criminal Minds" as you dive into this series, keeping that in mind because the content reflects it. This is the third book focusing on Special Agent Tiberius Granger and his past growing up in a cult. A serial killer is targeting him, using his first love as bait. As the SCU team delves into the mind of the murderer, they try to make connections to uncover the killer's identity. I was kept guessing until the end.

What I appreciate about the author's writing is the character's journey toward faith. His colleagues are sincere about their beliefs, and in moments of crisis, Ty sees how God has been at work all along.

This was a nail-biter. Although it wasn't my favorite in the series, as I had a harder time connecting with Ty and Bexley's characters and their relationship, it was still worth the read. You'll enjoy this if you like psychological thrillers that lead to the gospel.

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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Stars: 4.25
Read: April 2024

This was a great psychological thriller with a largely familiar cast of characters from the previous two books, Her Darkest Secret and A Cry in the Dark. They don’t appear to be marked as a series but they should be. They would each stand alone also but I still recommend that they be read in order.

I have really enjoyed this group of FBI agents and how they work together. They have realistic relationships and have each other’s backs no matter what.

The cult background story was interesting and served a lesson or guide about the grooming, control, and lies that abound in those systems.

There were lots of twists and turns but I did feel that aspect ended up being overdone. In the end, I felt the eventual identity was not as believable.

As much as I love a great suspense or a psychological thriller, the depravity/creep factor details were too much at times. It was a little unsettling, especially the earlier part of the novel. It may be too much for those who have been through trauma.

The faith factor is present in this book, though it comes in more evident near the end. Seeing Tiberius’ background and subsequent struggle to believe in God is quite the journey. How he ultimately sees faith and love in action is so moving. Unfortunately we live in a world that has a lot of evil; however, to see it end the way it did contained such redemption and hope.

I recommend the book but a reader would benefit from reading the previous two, in order, beforehand.

Note to Net Galley: I will enter my review on Amazon once that function is available.

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The cry of the poor comes to him and he hears the cry of the afflicted. Struck down but not destroyed, hard-pressed but not crushed.

The SCU, Strange Case Unit, has been called to the Outer Banks to solve the case of missing women. Some are found posed by various lighthouses - others are still missing and have been for many months. Can they find them before they are murdered as well?

A story that is sure to make you look at many things differently, not the least of which are tattoos and flowers. This thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering who is out to hurt Ty and why this is so important to the perpetrator. Finding his long lost girlfriend and a son he never knew he had only adds to the mystery. Will he finally learn to believe and trust that the Lord has everything in control, or will the hurricane wipe away any chance for him to be saved?

This early copy of Book 3 in the Strange Crimes Unit was received through Love Inspired Suspense and NetGalley. These impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.

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Rather dark:
This psychological thriller was a little dark for my liking and there were some rather depraved twists and turns. The theme of evil prevailing in the dark came through strongly, but I liked how faith and light eventually prevailed.
This was the third book in the series and I think it would be best if they were read in order as there are interconnecting characters and references which may be confusing otherwise.
I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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If you enjoy shows like Criminal Minds, or gritty thrillers, this is a good book (and series) for you to check out.

This is the third book in the series, and the villain is definitely creepy, so you may want to use caution if reading this at night. Ample tension and twists, mixed with a storm, keep the reader engaged. The reader is given multiple POVs (from one of the captured women, as well as the mad man). Through it all, there is a message of hope, as well as a bit of humor, to lighten the mood a bit.

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Title: The Garden Girls
Author: Jessica R. Patch
Genre: Mystery, romance, Christian
Rating: 5 out of 5

On a remote Outer Banks island, a serial killer collects his prized specimens. And to stop him, an FBI agent must confront his own twisted past.

FBI agent Tiberius Granger has seen his share of darkness. But a new case sets him on edge. It’s not just the macabre way both victims—found posed in front of lighthouses—are tattooed with flowers that match their names. There’s also the unsettling connection to the woman Ty once loved and to the shadowy cult they both risked everything to escape.

Bexley Hemmingway’s sister has gone missing, and she’ll do anything to find her—including teaming up with Ty. That may prove a mistake, and not just because Ty doesn’t know he’s the father of her teenaged son. It seems the killer is taunting Ty, drawing everyone close to him into deeper danger.

As the slashing winds and rain of a deadly hurricane approach the coast of North Carolina, the search leads Ty and Bex to an island that hides a grisly secret. But in his quest for the truth, Ty has ignored the fact that this time, he’s not just the hunter. Every move has been orchestrated by a killer into a perfect storm of terror, and they will need all their skills to survive…

I enjoyed this so much! The stories of the creepy cult really weirded me out, but I love the interactions on the team and between Bex and Tiberius. I really had no idea who was truly going to be the crazy killer, so that part was well-down. A bit of sadness at the end, but this was an excellent read.

Jessica R. Patch is a bestselling author. The Garden Girls is her newest novel.

(Galley courtesy of Harlequin/Love Inspired in exchange for an honest review.)

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"I don't cry over the suffering but over the fact it's only a matter of time before I succumb and rise when he demands I bloom. Before I arc my arms over my head and dance like all the other garden girls."

FBI agent Tiberius Granger had a horrible childhood, so unfortunately, he is used to seeing the grimy side of life. Yet nothing prepares him for his latest case. A serial killer is targeting women in an extremely evil manner. He knows time is running out to save at least some of the lives of the garden girls. Is he willing to revisit the past to solve the crimes?

I would classify this book as a romantic thriller. The type of book that is not recommended reading in an isolated setting. But from the beginning, there were so many twists and turns and parts that I did not see coming. The author definitely knows how to write about terrifying circumstances. Because some of the featured FBI agents have faith that provides hope for the storyline plus their ability to add humor to tough situations also helps lighten the heavier themes.

But this read is not for younger teenage readers or the faint of heart. Several of the details made me squeamish. In fact, I contemplated not finishing the book because parts really bothered me. But having read several of Jessica's books before, I thought that there would be a redemption factor. And that was thankfully the case again. While this is not technically a series, the characters do overlap between her other books, "Her Darkest Secret" and "A Cry in the Dark."

Rating the book was really challenging for me. Parts of the book are almost graphic especially for a "love inspired" book. Yet Jessica really knows how to write brilliant suspense. Ultimately, I decided on a 4.5 rating, rounded up to 5.

I did read an advanced copy of this book. I wanted to read and review it. All opinions are my own.

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Jessica Patch is a master at creating chilling, atmospheric suspense with an underlying redemptive, spiritual message. I believe this book is her best yet because it made me feel deeply and think about the different ways evil manifests itself. I could not put the book down, but at the same time I was thinking about how frightening the villain was. Don’t read this book alone at night! I appreciated that the villain was portrayed as charming and handsome, like Satan, who masquerades as an angel of light. Most villains are depicted as ugly, dirty, and scary in appearance, but that is not always the case.
I was stunned and saddened by some of the twists in the story, but I also understand why certain events had to occur. One of the biggest takeaways from this story for me was how people can be fooled so easily by cults, their leaders, and their followers. It’s absolutely heartbreaking how easily people can be manipulated and deceived.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading suspense, especially the kind that makes you think. I can’t wait to read the author’s next book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book for the author and publisher. A positive review was not required, and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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4.50 Stars

In her suspense books, Jessica R. Patch excels at writing dark and creepy villains. But even more important, she shows how light shines int and exposes those dark places. The Garden Girls might have one of the most disturbing villains I’ve read yet.

When women are found with flowers that match their names tattooed over their bodies, the Strange Crimes Unit is called to North Carolina—the same state where Tiberius (Ty) escape a cult. This case has a connection to Ty’s past, and it seems the killer may have a personal vendetta against him.

This book was intense and took me through a roller coaster of emotions—horror at what the killer was doing to the girls, frustration with both Bexley and Ty at times, heartbreak at the losses (both for the characters and for me as a reader), moments of joy, and the right touch of levity when the tension was getting too intense. And if you love plot twists, The Garden Girls gives you plenty.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own.

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The FBI: Strange Crimes Unit series is one that can really rip your heart out and pull your emotions all over the place! At least that has been my experience. I’m not saying that in a bad way at all. In fact, this series is one of my top thriller or suspense series ever. The author takes very difficult and even gruesome situations, some characters who are believers and some who are not, throws in law enforcement procedural drama, some light romance threaded throughout, and sets up chilling mysteries to solve, all while showing the difference of things of the world vs the things that point us toward God. The Garden Girls got hold of me and wouldn’t let go.

I ended up figuring out who the big villain was in this story, although the author did not at all make that an easy discovery. I was thrilled that I actually guessed it! However, that being said, the author dropped in so many twists and turns and surprises, that I actually ended up shocked over and over again at some other events and reveals in the book. So, she really did actually surprise me multiple times as things wound toward their conclusion at the end. And, truly, I’m kind of gutted by this book. Emotionally wrecked! But in an intrigued way. These characters meant a lot to me. I listened to this story over a couple of days and kept thinking of these characters as real people, even though I knew they were fictitious. I was deeply concerned about the Ty’s salvation and worried about how the relationship would develop between him and the son he never knew existed.

I ended up listening to the audio book version of this story, as I have with the other books in the series. I was, once again, very impressed with the narration. I enjoyed listening to it immensely.

I received a complimentary copy of this ebook, and then decided to listen to it in audio format. All opinions are my own.

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When your heart is pounding, and your anxiety is heightened within the span of a short prologue you know you’re in for one intense read. It’s going to be hard to review this without giving away any spoilers, but I am going to try my best. Let me just say, even if you think you know what’s going to happen you will still be surprised by some of the twists contained within this narrative, and I was living for every twist.

This novel combines so many of my fascinations. It’s like the author looked into my psyche and drew out my dark obsessions and molded them into a stunning suspense that was almost physically painful to pull myself away from.

I am not one to give anything away, but I have to say there is one scene in particular that is seriously one of the sickest things I’ve ever read. What’s crazy is it’s not even graphic but the psychological abuse is so vile and grotesque that I still cannot get it out of my head. The imagery is so powerful and everlasting that it sticks with you long after you’ve read it and shows the power and talent behind the author’s words.

While I was reading, I hated tearing myself away. I started reading during a busy time in my life, but if I could have, I would have read this one in one sitting. I was completely absorbed in the story and the rollercoaster of emotions it put me on.

This series is absolutely phenomenal, and this novel knocked it into the stratosphere. It is not for the faint of heart by any means, but if you’re looking for a good psychological thriller with suspense galore then look no further. You will not be disappointed.

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