Member Reviews

"On a remote Outer Banks island, a serial killer collects his prized specimens. And to stop him, an FBI agent must confront his own twisted past.

FBI agent Tiberius Granger has seen his share of darkness. But a new case sets him on edge. It's not just the macabre way both victims - found posed in front of lighthouses - are tattooed with flowers that match their names. There's also the unsettling connection to the woman Ty once loved and to the shadowy cult they both risked everything to escape.

Bexley Hemmingway's sister has gone missing, and she'll do anything to find her - including teaming up with Ty. That may prove a mistake, and not just because Ty doesn't know he's the father of her teenaged son. It seems the killer is taunting Ty, drawing everyone close to him into deeper danger.

As the slashing winds and rain of a deadly hurricane approach the coast of North Carolina, the search leads Ty and Bex to an island that hides a grisly secret. But in his quest for the truth, Ty has ignored the fact that this time, he's not just the hunter. Every move has been orchestrated by a killer into a perfect storm of terror, and they will need all their skills to survive..."

How did he get into the FBI with a past in a shadowy cult?

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If you enjoy page turning, heart in your throat, guess who and change your mind, this one ranks right up there!

There are long held secrets, and your heart goes out to those affected! Then there are those that are consumed with so much evil, those who live in cults and those that have long given them up. We are there as the worlds mesh, and the evil seems to be winning, but whom is responsible for the senseless deaths, and torture? We do find out, was I surprised, oh yes, I didn't suspect the actual person responsible.

Set in North Carolina, and a hurricane is heading towards them. We are with an FBI agent looking for his friends, and wonder right up to the end if he will be on time, and survive the force of the storm. Christian fiction at its best

I have read other books by this author, and this one ranks right up there!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.

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Jessica R. Patch has written another heart stopping suspense. The Garden Girls has an edge of your seat plot. I loved the Outer Banks island setting. The threat of a hurricane really adds a spin to the action. I definitely recommend this book. I received an advance copy of the book from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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A good mystery with an interesting cast of characters that worked well together. This book definitely kept me entertained.

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A beautiful yet harrowing tale that yanks on the heartstrings. Ty and Bex are amazing characters. They're gritty and wounded and they've both made mistakes, mistakes that haunt them years later. Ty has taken all his fury and twisted it up inside. I love that he uses humor to deflect his feelings and that his feelings for Bex have been there all along. The book itself has a darker atmosphere that was chilling to read as you're given glimpses into the bad guy's head and his actions throughout the book. I had no idea who the killer was until the very end, and that made the tension so much worse. There were times when I wanted to stop reading because I didn't want one more bad thing to happen, but I couldn't quit when I knew the resolution was so close. This is a great redemption story. I love how the author weaved all the pieces together in the end and showed Ty that love is a truly wonderful gift. You might need the tissues for this one.
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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“The Garden Girls” by Jessica R. Patch is filled with darkness and hope.

FBI agent Tiberius Granger is in North Carolina to find a serial killer. He also has to face his past when he sees Bexley Hemmingway, his teenage love.

Ty and Bex, along with the Strange Crimes Unit, have to find her missing sister and the killer before a hurricane strikes.

The ending of “The Garden Girls” is jaw-dropping and twisted and something I definitely did not see coming.
Ms. Patch knows how to draw the reader into the story, have them care about the characters, right before she rips the rug out from under you.

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Wow! Jessica R. Patch has penned a twisted tale of love and revenge that will keep your heart pounding and you guessing from the first page to the last! You won’t be able to put The Garden Girls down!

Patch is not someone I want to meet in a dark alleyway – but I’m there for all of her books! Her characterization and plot twists are phenomenal. The Garden Girls defies description: it’s part mystery, part romance, part psychological thriller, but no matter how you choose to classify it, you’ll definitely label it ‘outstanding.’

My favorite way to read is to clear a block of time and settle in with a fun snack, but that’s not optional with The Garden Girls, because you won’t be putting it down until you turn the last page – just make sure you start well before dark, or this story might invade your dreams.

The Garden Girls is perfect for book club discussions – I want to talk over all of these plot twists with my friends! I bet you’ll find yourself pondering Tyberius long after you’ve turned the last page. Maybe you’ll be like me and will hope that Patch writes a few more books in this series – because I’m definitely not ready to let them go.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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A page-turning suspense story! Full of grit, a sinister villain, and plenty of action. Not a cozy mystery for sure, as a serial killer continues to elude a skilled team of FBI experts, the Strange Crimes Unit. A string of murders and cryptic messages make it clear that Agent Ty Granger is the target of a personal vendetta.
This fast-paced, well-written story reads like a psychological thriller. The tension builds along with the approach of a hurricane headed their way, and has an explosive climax. The team has a good rapport that shows they trust each other. Ty and Owen have a brotherly bond that is truly admirable. A backstory between Ty and Bexley is revealed and adds to the plot, with a few twists and turns to keep it unpredictable. . A redemptive thread is added later that sheds some light on the darkness cast by the cult's teachings, and adds hope.
There is a serious creepy factor with the abusive treatment of women. It may be a trigger for some. No actual sexual assaults occur, but the women are psychologically and physically abused in other ways. It kept me reading in hopes of their rescue!

Fans of crime dramas with a bit of romance would probably enjoy this one. The previous stories in the series were mentioned, but it was easy enough to pick up and follow without reading them first. Recommend for mature readers. 5 stars

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A perfect episode for Criminal Mind's!
I finished it one evening and let me tell u, some of it made the hairs on the back of my neck!
Patch is just that good! She's my go to for thriller novels like this.
It is a heart stopping and a hold your breath type of story.
I found myself praying for each of the characters on their journey to find the killer.
My favorite thing was the setting of course! Patch really describes the Outerbanks so well that I felt like I lived there with Bexley and her son.
I enjoyed in guessing who it might be. The author did really well with this.
5 stars for a well written story. I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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An unknown psychopath from the past is haunting the present day life of Tiberius, high school sweetheart, Bexley, and their son, Josiah. The Garden Girls is a thriller with twists and turns to the end. It kept me guessing until the end. The Garden Girls is written in true Patch fashion.

I was given an advanced reader copy from the author and Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Jessica R. Patch’s Garden Girls was even better than I expected. I love Patch’s books and this one exceeded expectations. The bad guy was twisted and clearly insane. I loved seeing Ty take the lead this time and watching the story unfold. And I so did not see that twist coming!
I highly recommend this for fans of thrilling and downright creepy stories.

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I received a copy of this book...
Wow... Full of action with many plot twists...Just when you figure out the villain along comes a curve...
It hints at the behavior of the serial killer without going into the graphic details....
I definitely recommend this book.

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Whew this book was deep, mysterious and thrilling. The plot of this book is on the dark side but the overall storyline was fantastic and I was shocked at the ending. Totally unexpected.

Women are going missing and the FBI’s SCU unit is on site to investigate. Little did Ty know his old love would fall back into his life and the surprise she had with her. Hold on because the women missing all have a connection to Ty but what that connection turns out to be will have you stunned.

I am new to this author however I will definitely be reading more.

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I do not normally read psychological thrillers, but this author's writing style includes enough faith and light to keep the darkness and evil from being totally overwhelming. I found this book more riveting than the Criminal Minds shows I used to watch. There are numerous twists, turns, shocking surprises, and misdirection. I could not put the book down, although I did not read it at bedtime.

If you enjoy psychological thrillers in which the good guys do not hide their faith in God, this is the book for you. Do not miss it!

I received an advance digital copy to read but all thoughts expressed are my own.

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“Garden Girls…bloom for me.”

“Oh, so lovely garden girls unfolding flowers bloom for me in these dark hours then you shall dance, and twirl and twirl Look how lovely my garden girls.”

“We carry scars, little chips and cracks. They reveal our story, but there’s hope, Tiberius. There’s always hope that what was marred can be mended.”

Whew, another roller coaster ride provided by the amazing Jessica R. Patch. She has quickly become one of my favorite authors and her Strange Crimes Unit keeps getting better and better. This one is like Criminal Minds meets Steven James and is great from start to finish. But the last 20% of the book was honestly some of the best writing I have read in years with its mix of tension, suspense, and wow moments.

I have loved the Tiberius Granger character since Book 1 and I loved how his story unfolded (and bloomed). The Garden Girls is a perfect blend of mystery, suspense, creepiness, humor, faith, grittiness, and even romance. I didn’t come close to guessing the ending and Jessica R. Patch threw in some great surprises. I cannot recommend this series enough. Best Christian series I have read since Steven James’ Patrick Bowers series and Charles Martin’s Water Keeper series.

* I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Harlequin - Romance in exchange for an honest review

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I don’t recall the last time that a psychological thriller made me cry, but this one did. The characters are so real and relatable that they became like friends and I hated the thought that evil was all around them, waiting to destroy them. The SCU team travels to the Outer Banks, a setting I am familiar with, so I enjoyed the setting. They are there to find a serial kidnapper who is taking women and tattooing them with flowers, then discarding them at a local lighthouse. I loved having the team all together working on solving the crime. My favorite SCU members are always Owen, because of his sense of humor and joking attitude, and Violet because she is so intuitive that it’s just weird. These are the characters that I would like to invite to dinner and have them entertain me with their wit and intelligence. The pace of the book is at a breakneck speed, racing from one twist and red herring to another and ultimately arriving at the surprising conclusion. Fans of psych thrillers who enjoy the films and books of the late Alfred Hitchcock will be enthralled with the SCU, their crime solving abilities and the way the author portrays each of the members as real people with a life outside of solving crimes. Crying at some parts and gasping at others, I made it to the end and then I just wanted another SCU book to read already. Faith plays a foundational part in the story, but it does not overwhelm or take over the story. It is an important part of some of the character’s lives and that added to the depth of the story. The addiction is real…the quest for justice is real. And these books are amazing! This book is part of a series but it can be read and thoroughly enjoyed as a standalone.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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Perfect for fans of Criminal Minds, as well as fans who love to read creepy and twisted books , because it's definitely twisted, but also be careful because it's also a clean romance that does talk a little bit about Certain aspects of the Bible, but on the other hand it does bring into play the dark side of the cults and how they work .

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Recommended for fans of the Steven James Patrick Bowers Series!

While The Garden Girls is connected to Her Darkest Secret and A Cry in the Dark, it can be read as a standalone. To best understand the cast of characters read the first two novels prior to The Garden Girls.

Wow. What a twisted villain. I was following a couple of red herrings for the identity of the serial killer and I was wrong. The reveal held elements of surprise and I loved that I didn't figure it all out.

Some of the details are difficult to read about. The author does a great job of inserting humor and the bonds of friendship among the team of FBI Agents that work together to solve crimes. This helps make the story not quite as dark.

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The Garden Girls by Jessica Patch

FBI Agent Tiberius "Ty" Granger loves the work he does; he is a part of the Strange Case division. The cases normally have a religious undertone and Ty has a unique perspective for investigating these types of cases. When women start disappearing in his home town area, as they look at the names of the missing women he recognizes one of the women on the list. Ahnah, she is the sister of the girl Ty wanted to marry. He realizes he is going to have to tell his team about his childhood. That he was raised in a cult, his father is the leader & he believed that Ahnah and her sister Bexley, were killed. Right about now he wished he still had faith in God so he could ask for help.

Bexley Hemmingway had worked very hard to build her life and protect her son & her sister. She opened a therapy practice for the community but she loved being able to help those that escape abusive situations. Coming from one of those abusive situations, she was happy with her life, and then Tiberius Granger walked into her office. He looked good, but how did he find her? She knew that he worked for the FBI, she thought about contacting him but was concerned as to whether he might have reconciled with his family. Though once someone was disfellowshipped, they were not welcomed back into the fold. And that was not going to happen. She would have to trust God to see what was coming around the corner and be able to handle it.

This is a phenomenal story!! Thank you Jessica Patch for allowing me to be a part of this launch group. Get ready for a wild ride!.

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The Garden Girls by Jessica R. Patch dives deep into the past of Tiberius Granger. Readers are introduced to “Family” and the ideas that they carried. The serial killer was unique and different. The way that he captured the girls, tortured them, and eventually killed some of them was different, yet fascinating. Patch crafted a character that was definitely hurting, but he believed these garden girls would make him complete. I loved how she showed the serial killer through the eyes of one of the victims. Made him appear sane physically and mentally, but he had little ticks that showed he was not mentally stable. As for the plot, nicely woven together with plenty of trails to lead the reader along. Patch gave Tiberius a complicated past that wove together with Bexley. As the story progressed, emotions that were hidden down deep came bubbling back to the surface. Overall, The Garden Girls does a wonderful job at keeping the focus on the suspense of the story, which is the way that I enjoy my stories. A touch of romance, but really nothing that subtracted from the race to save the girls from the killer. Definitely recommend for readers who like grittier novels.

I received a complimentary copy of The Garden Girls by Jessica R. Patch from Love Inspired Trade Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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