Member Reviews

Absolutely stunning poetry collection. The rythymn plays throughout your mind as the words, crystal clear, feel like they are fizzing off the page. Such deep, emotional poems, yet easily accessible, I read them over & over again. Some of the best poetry have ever read. Will recommend to friends who are experiencing life challenging chapters, to support them to reflect on their own feelings.

Thank you to the publisher & Net Galley for this fantastic eArc. Will definitely purchase when is published & look out for the author's future poetry.

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In Gamut by D.M. Durham, readers are treated to a poetic exploration of the vast spectrum of human emotions. This collection is a masterful display of introspection and artistry, divided into sections that delve into love, heartbreak, agony, and existence. Durham's words are both raw and deeply relatable, offering readers an opportunity to connect with their own feelings and experiences. The author's ability to capture the essence of various emotional states is truly remarkable.

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Hey there, emotion explorers! Get ready to ride the rollercoaster of feelings with Gamut by D.M. Durham! This book is like a colorful explosion of emotions that'll leave you thinking and feeling all the feels.

Durham takes us on a wild ride through the lovey-dovey stuff, heartbreak moments, agonizing times, and even the deep thoughts about existence. It's like a whirlwind of emotions that we've all been through at some point. And guess what? The author's got this superpower to put those feelings into words that hit you right in the heart.

If you're into soul-searching and wanna take a trip down the emotion lane, Gamut"is the ticket you need. Trust me, it's like a hug for your heart and a wild ride for your soul! 📖💭💖

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Read from November 27th, 2023 to November 28th, 2023. Written on November 29th, 2023.

Gamut is easily one of the best works of poetry I have read this year. From its extraordinary title to the enticing art attached to each poem, this collection is an impressive presentation of humans and their emotions.

With its gripping pages and striking words, this is genuinely such an amazing piece of literature that had me hooked from the beginning.

My congrats to D.M. Durham for this book, I loved it very much.

Signing off,

(Free ARC from NetGalley and that I chose to review after reading)

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