Member Reviews

This is the thrilling instalment in MJ Porter's The Brunanburh Series. Can the Norse and the Scots exact their revenge over the mighty King Athelstan of the English….Pick up this novel and you will find it hard to put it down again, and when you have read it, you will find it easy to believe that you have actually been there experiencing the story yourself.

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After having read and reviewed King of Kings and Kings of War, I was excited to continue reading this fascinating series. And the tension and intrigues continue unabated...

Clash of Kings begins with the aftermath of Brunanburgh – a brutal battle that saw the English forces win a decisive victory over the Scots, Irish Norse, and several Welsh kingdoms. The battle was a slaughter of men on all sides, but with important heirs vanquished for good, King Constantine of the Scots and Olaf, the Norse king of Dublin have retreated into misery.

Athelstan, victorious king of the English, has gained control over large tracts of the British Isles, and Constantine and the Welsh kings are forced into submission. The sheer manpower and decisive leadership of the newly united English kingdom left no wriggle room following the bloody battle, and Athelstan is keen to use this to his advantage, imagining himself as ruler of all the various little kingdoms. An Emperor of the Isles. But for now, submission is the only way forward.

In Scotland and Ireland, rivals are snapping at Constantine's and Olaf's heels, keen to wound the already subdued kings. Political intrigues abound as each man seeks his own path to become ruler.

It all seems to go well for Athelstan, praised in glorious victory by the same scop who'd before sowed discontent in the courts on order of Constantine. But then, tragedy strikes, and Athelstan's younger half-brother, Edmund, is crowned King of the English, and at barely 18 years of age, he soon finds himself confronted by the reinvigorated ambition of the Scots, Irish, and several Welsh 'rebels'.

Will his youth turn into an advantage, or will he lose all Athelstan had gained? Find out in the novel!

Clash of Kings continues in the same manner as the first two books in this gripping series: we have political intrigues galore, as various rulers rush to take advantage of a supposedly weakened England following Athelstan's untimely death. Olaf, king of Dublin, manages to retake Jorvik, but the naked ambition also makes the other players vulnerable.

As the kings' loyalties changed (bouncing back and forth at times), the author gives us an in-depth glimpse at their thoughts and actions. Again, this novel is told by several points of view, which, I think, adds valuable personal detail to the story. We see each king's ambition – and at times that of the females of the family, such as King Edward the Elder's last wife's.

This first-person, personal touch works very well, as it shows the raw emotions, the joys and pains, the pure ambition, hatred, and the occasional glimpse of reluctant admiration. It is an aspect you normally don't get in limited, often third-person points of view of other historical novels. The spectrum shown is wider, and it reveals a rare glimpse into every ruler's actions and thoughts.

Of course, as with the previous books, it means that certain events are mentioned again and again, but given the different backgrounds of the rulers, I still feel that this provides us with valuable detail into enemies' minds. Well worth exploring!

Clash of Kings is an exciting, utterly compelling tale of ambition, loss, recovery, and early medieval political shenanigans that would leave every modern-day soap opera way behind.

Another highly recommended read by MJ Porter.

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I love MJ Porter's unique way of telling the story from multiple viewpoints. The reader gets to see the motives of all sides - and there were many sides in 10th century England - of the conflict.
Clash of Kings continues the story of England after the decisive Battle of Brunanburgh, and follows the career of Athelstan's brother and successor, Edmund., who continues to establish English superiority in the British Isles, though not without challenges to his authority.
MJ Porter has followed the history as far as we know it, but her novel also fills in the gaps with her own plausible theories. I love that she gives Aethelflaed's daughter, Aelfwynn, marriage and a life, rather than confining her to a convent. And the suggestion that Aelfwynn married Athelstan Half-King is surely plausible?
King Edmund himself has much to live up to - his half-brother, Athelstan, was a warrior of great renown and it is no surprise that the first part of Clash of Kings is taken up with plots, challenges and Edmund's own attempts to emulate his brother's ability to command, with limited success.
Clash of Kings is a story of success overcoming failure and of the making of England. It is told with great passion and vigour. The entire series is one that is not to be missed. I can highly recommend it.

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My first HF of the year was Clash of Kings. This book is really fast paced and I felt like I flew through it. There were a lot of different POVs which at first was hard to keep everything together in my head but that was short lived and everything came together beautifully. Although this is part of a series ( which I now intend to read),it could easily be a stand alone. Super epic battle scenes and just well written all around.

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From the aftermath of the Brunanburh battle to the rise of new threats, "Clash of Kings" is a masterful portrayal of the political landscape of the time, complete with power struggles, betrayals, and alliances. When King Athelstan dies, his young brother Edmund is thrust into power. Edmund must prove himself against ruthless adversaries like Olaf Gothfrithson, who launches a surprise attack to reclaim the kingdom of Jorvik. 

The characters are brought to life in a way that is both authentic and captivating, with each one having their own unique voice and perspective. From the cunning Olaf Gothfrithson to the wise Ealdorman Athelstan, the characters are complex and multi-dimensional, making for a truly immersive read.

What sets "Clash of Kings" apart is the attention to detail, with every aspect of the story from the battles to the political maneuvering feeling both authentic and engaging. The battles are described in such a way that you can feel the force of the war axe and the blow to your shield, making for a truly visceral reading experience.

Overall, "Clash of Kings" is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and political intrigue. It is a well-written, engaging, and thought-provoking story that will transport you to a time of warfare, political maneuvering, and betrayal. Thie journey into the hearts and minds of those who shaped history is not to be missed.

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Clash of King’s is book 3 in the The Brunanburh Series and after a disastrous defeat it’s time for Olaf Gothfrithson of the Dublin Norse and Constantin of the Scots to retreat and regroup..

You know they won’t take the defeat lightly but King Athelstan is wise, he knows it’s only a matter of time before they try to rise again.

It’s time to force these men to bend to his will!

While the defeated pay their dues to the King of the English they secretly continue to plan… Olaf is a cunning one as has been planning his revenge from the beginning.. so much so it’s quite advantageous when King Athelstan sadly passes way.

In his stead we have a new King. Edmund!

Edmund is forced into the role and responsibilities when Olaf strikes quickly, forcing Edmund to concede land.. He doesn’t want to do this but he needs to consolidate and strike when he knows he can win. Edmund has an ace up his sleeve. Ealdorman Athelstan.. just like his namesake the previous King, Athelstan is wise and strong and has what it takes to shape Edmund into the King the people need.. it’s just going to take time.

While the Norse and Welsh are ready to take what they believe is theirs the Scots hold back a little, to see how things play out.

What’s obvious is that if they worked together the outcome might have been different but what’s also clear is ego played quite a part in the world at the time… some people just want to make a name for themselves, it’s not about making friends.. it’s political manoeuvring as is needed but behind the smiles you’d just as likely receive a knife to the back if they could.

What I really enjoyed was the telling of the political landscape, who was married to who. These links were important as it meant warfare was quite a undertaking to plan.. like a game of chess, setting up the pieces just right.

In that is where Ealdorman Athelstan shines, setting up his pawns.. those being the burhs he suggested were setup/refurbished at strategic locations.. his strategy was one of defence but he played his moves perfectly for his King, and for his country.

I think what made the book the 5* enthralling read it is what not only the characters but those extra details and how the are covered. With historical fiction it’s sometimes not clear how important some bits of detail are but MJ Porter managed to emphasise without taking your attention away from the plot. I think it’s the perfect blend of fact and fiction..these characters are real but we don’t know how they really spoke, what they really thought..but MJ Porter manages to bring life to those characters, puts flesh on bones and uses all the known details to portray these historic individuals wonderfully.

I particularly liked Constantin of the Scots, he’s an old man now and has outlived many..with his words you can tell he’s tiring of the pollical game of warfare but he’s still wise and knows when to relent to those who are eager for war.

For the battle fans there’s plenty of warfare to fill your needs, and the action is written, putting you right there with them.. the detail.. it’s like you can actually feel the force of the war axe, and the blow to your shield as if you are standing right there.

MJ Porter has also written the tale spectacularly well flow wise, you can easily read as a standalone as everything you need is there to understand the motivations at play.

I’m already a fan of the author for sure but this has to be the best yet, it’s detailed but has personality and life blended to perfection making this so much more wonderful than words can express.

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I was excited to get an ARC of this book due to my interest in an early UK. I learned this was book 3 in the series and had some hesitation that I would not be able to understand the nuances of the book. Fear not, this is a book you can read independent of the others. Now, I do want to read the first 2 as well.

The first 10% of the book was hard to get through due to the incredible lists of names that inundate you. I put it down for a month but decided to give it another try because I really liked the subject matter - the English, Wales, Scots, Norsemen, Saxons - just to name a few. Read the first part of the book slowly and as you progress it will become much easier to separate who is who. Ex: Athelstan the King, Athelstan the alderman, Aelfsige, Aelfric, and Alfred; not to be confused with Alfred the Great.

The clashes between the different Kings is well written and not drawn out into long battle scenes that can wear you down. You start to understand the reasonings behind some of the warfare strategies of each King, their concerns, and the familial connections with each other. Why submissions were needed from one King to another and the hopes and dreams of them all. I'm glad I decided to give this another go - with that said I was able to finish it in 2 days because it was so riveting.

On a side note: If you have watched The Last Kingdom then you are better prepared for all the names that sound like each other AND terms such as "shield wall" which helps to see the visual media from the written word. Just my thoughts as I was reading through.

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After the battle of Brunanburh there exists an uneasy period of in-activity – not peace as such, but a time for repairs to be made and wounds to heal.

King Athelstan presides over England until his sudden death, bringing Edmund reluctantly to power.

Emboldened by the sudden death, old enemies strike out of the heart of winter and will test Edmund’s skills and alliances.

It did not take me long to get pulled into this novel. The overall history intrigued me greatly. It is quite hard to tell you much about it without spoilers.

The author does a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life, creating bonds with the reader and drawing you in.

Told from the point of view of various characters, the novel is very well paced and draws you through as the perspective shifts from chapter to chapter. The reader knows exactly where and when they are.

On a personal note, I grew up in one of the areas mentioned in the book and it was great to discover some of its history.

I have not yet read the first two books but I felt that this didn’t hinder my enjoyment of this novel, the third in Brunanburh Series. The first two books are definitely on my reading list though.

I hope that this author continues to write historical fiction as they are very skilful in this genre. It’s obvious that a lot of time is dedicated to research. The settings and descriptions are so vivid, I felt I had a really good sense of the places which made the story really immersive.

A great novel by MJ Porter. I am intrigued to see what comes next.

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The action takes place two years after the battle of Brunanburgh where Athelstan defeated the combined armies of the Norse and Scots.
Athelstan is dead from a fever and his enemies seek to take advantage of Edmund the stepbrother of Athelstan the untried King of the English
Olaf King of the Dublin Norse seeks to take back Jorvik to exact revenge for his defeat.
Great story told from the viewpoint of all the major protagonists. It simply emphasises the difficulties holding and ruling territories from those armed raiders who seek to take it from the unprotected.
I enjoyed it especially since the action takes places in areas of the country I know well so it is easy to see how difficult it was to hold onto territory and makes for a more enjoyable read..
Can't wait for the next book. I really like this style of writing by taking the standpoint from each of the major participants.

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Olaf is looking to claim back the kingdom of Jorvik while Edmund steps up as the new King of England. England is in for a battle with the Norse, Welsh and the Scots. This book is my favourite in the series by far. It's told from a different point of view in every short chapter which gives you a better idea of what is happening. I can't believe how fast they turn on each other for their own satisfaction. I found it hard to choose a favourite character as I would love one and then they would do something deplorable. The battles are epic and at times had me cringing but they are not described in too much detail. I was thrilled with this story from the very start and I really didn't want it to end but alas I am hoping the next book in the series is just as exciting. I enjoyed reading the historical note at the end which is informative.

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M J Porter returns with another rip-roaring tale of power, ambition and vengeance: Clash of Kings.

Olaf Gothfrithson of the Dublin Norse and Constantin of the Scots have returned from battle defeated and disappointed. Having narrowly escaped with both of their lives, both men feel weakened and demoralized. While Olaf is in Dublin keeping a low profile, Constantin and the Welsh Kingdoms who had once defied King Athelstan are forced to take the knee again with the monarch’s reputation continuing to get stronger and stronger. However, plans for vengeance are afoot. But will success be theirs? Or are they just destined for further disappointment?

Meanwhile, Olaf’s plans to reclaim the lost kingdom of Jorvik are dashed when tragedy strikes and a new reluctant king is crowned. As England mourns its old king, her enemies vow not to lose this opportunity, leaving the country alone and defenseless and having to fight the might of the Norse, Welsh and the Scots. Can the new King be victorious and banish its enemies for good? Or will all be lost and will England be forced to succumb to a ruthless new ruler?

M J Porter’s Clash of Kings is another addictive historical epic full of action, adventure, intrigue and tension that immerses the reader into a vividly rendered world full of larger than life characters, heart-stopping battle scenes and devious political machinations.

Fast-paced, brilliantly written and exquisitely told, M J Porter’s Clash of Kings is another treat for historical fiction fans.

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***This review will be posted on my Bookstagram next weekend and share on other sites too, as part of a book tour. But, I thought I’d better provide feedback here before the book Archives.***

This novel is very well researched and written.

King Alfred the Great is dead. You might know how he united much of England and fostered learning and culture and repelled the Vikings. You don’t get to be called ‘The Great’ for nothing, you know. England is still enjoying some of his legacy, but also sinking fast into Ego & Greed. Athelstan was well-regarded, like his grandfather Alfred, with just laws and learning and advantageous connections on the continent. But he’s dead now too and the Young King Edmund is on the brink of losing it all for the next generation. With the death of his father, their enemies can regroup and rally.

The nice thing about Alfred’s family here is that you get the feeling they care more for each other as family than as mere pawns in ongoing conflict. Will it be enough to save them? If you’re already familiar with the history, you’ll know. But Historical Fiction is in the retelling of what is already known in a fresh way.

And so the late King’s allies hear of his passing and are saddened, but also very worried. The new king is young and their enemies are many. The British Isles are now back to the brink of chaos and bloodshed due to ego and greed.

Honestly, I wish this novel had started with the death of King Athelstan for several reasons. Firstly, his family and friends were more interesting to me. Secondly, the moving from one powerful leader to the next almost lost me. But I do know something of this time period, so I stuck with it and was rewarded.

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Clash of Kings by M.J. Porter is the third book in the new Chronicles of the English/Brunanburh and WoW What a fantastic magical this book this was! Just like the other two within this series which I just adored from the very first page till the very last.

It's AD937 and after the slaughter field of Brunanburh, a defeated Olaf Gothfrithson of the Dublin Norse and Constantin of the Scots narrowly escaped with their lives. In their kingdoms, failure has left them demoralised and weak. Olaf licks his wounds in Dublin, whilst Constantin and the Welsh kingdoms who defied King Athelstan, are once more forced to bend the knee. As Athelstan’s reputation grows stronger day by day, their need to exact revenge on the overmighty and triumphant Athelstan has never been greater. Olaf sets his sights on reclaiming the lost kingdom of Jorvik only for tragedy to strike at the heart of England and a reluctant new King, Edmund steps in the fray.
While England mourns the death of their warrior King, her enemies gather on her borders and England stands alone against the might of the Norse, Welsh and Scots.

Can the new King be victorious and banish her enemies once and for all or will England, and its king lose all that’s been gained and succumb to a new pretender?

An interesting and powerful read and I really enjoyed it, especially as it was beautifully written. This series of books are books that I would read again in a few years.

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MJ Porter does it again in this new series, it had the historical elements that I was looking for and enjoyed from other work from the author. It had a great overall concept and the characters worked in the world that was set. It left me excited to read more in this series and from MJ Porter.

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4.5 rounded up 😀

I really enjoy this series. Porter writes this book in an unconventional way. We have a significant amount of PoVs , told in short sharp chapters.

This means every element of the story is explored from different view points and the after effect of deaths, battles and alliances hold even greater value.

I must say, I became quite attached to Olaf in this one, and increasingly disgruntled with the Scots.

This was my favourite in the series so far. Having spent two books getting to know the runners and riders , all the events felt more important and easier to connect with

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The Kings are back from the last battle one rates a celebration and the others are left to lick their wounds in the interim the king will die in his bed one will be stabbed in the back but still the fight for the rest of England goes on especially Lincoln the new king Edward of the English isn’t as kind as his brother who will not stop until he is the king of all of England I find these books so interesting and what makes them even better is the little comedic moments put in by MJ Porter I don’t know if they are meant to be funny or just I find them funny but it just adds to the already entertaining tale the author is telling. With the exception of the narrative these books are based in fact and I just love them and cannot wait for the next one. I want to thank Boldwood books and Net Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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AD937 and Olaf sets forth in winter to attack King Athelstan, but he will have to face King Edmund following the untimely death of Athelstan. Can Edmund take control and lead England to victory in the battles to come?

Another action packed, well written novel. Well paced and full of great characters. Will miss Athelstan. Battles will be fought and strategy used to outwit the enemies who want to steal parts of England for themselves.


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Following on from the Brunanburh battle and King Athelstan is revelling in his victory. His enemies are all licking their wounds and still plotting their revenge. Olaf Gothfrithson still hankers after Jorvik and King Constantin of Scotland cannot decide who to align too. The Welsh Kings argue amongst themselves about aligning themselves to the English King.
The fates have different ideas however and soon England is plunged into death and war yet again.
I've come to love this historical series, this is book 3 and could be read as a standalone but why would you deprive yourself of a great read

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An amazing story of the ‘second’ King of England and his fight to keep what his brother fought for. This is a great story for those looking for more Last Kingdom, as this shows some of the real history of what happened after Seven Kings Must Die. Though this the third book in a series, it works as a standalone.

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