Member Reviews

I applied for this book because I wanted to try something different - I am a seasoned thriller reader, but this was my first horror book

It is safe to say, horror is not the genre for me

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Thank you Netgalley, Jens Boele and Jens Boele publishing ( Self ) for the eArc of Urban Predator.

I found the premise of this book great, unfortunately, it did let me down a little.
I have a lot of adoration for those who self publish. It's a dog eat dog world out there. Urbex Predator had a lot to offer, creepy, gore, horror. The language mixing let it down really. with a few tweeks, this will make a great book.

3 stars

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This was true gore and horror but was poorly translated making it hard to understand at times. There were also a lot of characters but I found the story and plot to be a true horror lovers dream!

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I love the pictures and I wanted to love this book so bad Maybe this book needed an editor? It was way too long for what it was. There were too many people to keep track of. Every time something was about to happen it cut scene. The language was weird -- it would be casual and then the characters would start speaking formally without contractions. And most importantly -- I expected gory horror and I got it, but it still somehow managed to be boring. A book with this premise should be so exciting.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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I was excited to read this book but sadly it was not for me. At first, I was drawn in but then my excitement quickly disappeared. I found myself being bored as there was not a lot happening for quite some time.

Then after about twenty-four percent into the book, the shift in the story did change. However, I was turned off by the violence. Not that I have any triggers with violence as I went into this book expecting it and gore.

I was waiting for the gore and horror, and I did get some, but it took a very long time to build up to it. By this point I was done with the book. After a while, I found myself just skimming the rest of the book.

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I found the book too gory at times, almost as if the author was only trying to shock the audience. It's a book for those who are seeking out extreme horror. However, I felt that the writing had too many characters to keep track of, which made it difficult to follow the story.

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Cool premise, way too many characters to keep track of, and poorly translated (it makes the dialogue, writing, formatting very hard to follow and enjoy).

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The blurb drew me in but I could not with this book. I don’t know if this a translated book but I had such a hard time with the format of the book and the dialogue was the most cringe dialogue between people.

Also there is way too many people I think just in the first part of the book we are introduced to 8 characters and they’re hard to tell apart. I’m use to multiple characters in a book but usually it’s a new chapter. This switches between the 8 characters almost each paragraph.

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Before I even begin this review, I do want to say that checking trigger warnings for this book before picking it up would be a good idea. I didn’t (Rookie mistake, I know) and was blindsided by something quite triggering so I wanted to give anyone who wants to pick this up a word for advice!

To sum this up in two words: Gory Madness.

Like so much gore.

I am not a stranger to Urban Exploring and I spent a time doing Urban Exploring myself or watching videos on YouTube of others doing it growing up. I have always heard about how dangerous it can be and I think this book showed the absolute worst-case scenario of that danger occurring.

This would make a fantastic horror movie and I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the book.

The use of slurs did take me by surprise, especially when I felt like it was unnecessary and could have been left out altogether.

Overall, this was a thrilling, horrifying read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Jens Boele for providing me with this ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Urbex Predator by Jens Boelek was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never read this author before. With this title, I expected a lot more from this book. It was entirely too long and there were way too many characters to keep track of (good job doing so author). I found myself skimming a lot during this book, looking for some action. I am not one for trigger warnings but it seems many reviewers are, in the real world people say and do things that hurt others feelings. The actual bare-bones story line was good, however my other complaints still stand. Maybe a series of books with different perspectives of the threat, or double the size and make it a page turner as everything is laid out and explained, not jumping back and forth.

3 Stars

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Thank you to NetGalley and Jens Boele for the opportunity to read rate and review this arc which will be available February 4,2024!

This is a 3 star read for me. I read it and I enjoyed it but it’s not a book I would re read again. I liked the plot and the action. It had some moments of great tension. But the amount of characters you need to remember kinda made the story confusing.

All in all it was a fun read and I recommend it for horror readers

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Urbex Predator is a jolt of a thrill ride into urban exploration.

This novel played out exactly like a horror movie in my head. Truly, it felt like there was a thrill ride adventure into a terrifying scenario where no one is going to easily make it out alive.

I did struggle with the sheer number of characters and roles in this novel. I found myself getting slightly confused with going back and forth between the groups, but ultimately found everything again by the end of the novel! When the body count started rising, I found myself sucked into this and couldn't stop until I had turned the last page! I do think this has a lot for readers of any genre, there is a good amount of twists and the last twist truly had me really hooked into this universe and I wouldn't mind finding out more with some of these characters.

Check this out and definitely don't read it if you're going exploring anytime soon.

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With apology, this ended up being a DNF. I was confused by the characters and wasn't intrigued by the story itself. It was one of those I really wanted to like, but found the writing style wasn't for me.

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The description of the book seemed interesting, so I wanted to check the story out. Unfortunately, I have since lost my initial interest in the story. I may try and find a physical copy to add the my library when it is released, though, because I think my readers could like it!

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I’ll give this book 3,5 stars! I did like it! In the beginning there are a lot of names to remember and the story shifts quickly between the differents urbex groups.. It gave me quite a hard time to remember who’s who and who’s with who.

After you find that out you get te learn something about the different caracters en groups they are in.

I loved the fact that the writer explained what happend in the past to Henry and Ryder, I was halfway the story thinking: Why are they like this? If the writer leave the explaining part out, I would’nt like the book!

I also love a little of revenge and this happend! In the beginning i had no clue what to expect of the book but I am surprised in a good way!

The book needs some triggerwarnings though!

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This book unfortunately felt messy and hard to follow! It wasn't a really good book and fell flay!

Ther character development was one sided and all men suck in this book!
There needs to be trigger warnings on the book!!!! You have violent sexual places in this book, misogyny, slurs are offensive and MURDER OF A DOG!

Plot was ok but too much to keep up with.

Thanks NetGalley for allowing Mr to read and review

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I was not a fan of this one at all. Ended up being a bit too long for the basic idea it was going for and seems like another case of come up with the title before anything else is really set up at all.

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I loved the premise of this book, I liked the cover, I found the photos inside interesting, and the format was ok. But that's as far as it goes. I found it practically unreadable.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours for the ARC of this book.

Urbex Predator is a survival horror novel following several young urban explorers as they attempt to photograph an abandoned barracks located in the middle of nowhere.

Overall, I think the premise of this book was very intriguing. I liked the concept of these urban explorers, and how social media was incorporated into it as well. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this one, but by the end of it all, it was reminiscent of a b-slasher film. There were a lot of different characters and lots of violent deaths, and it also reminded me of a lot of the horror stories I enjoy by Richard Laymon.

Other than that, this book unfortunately fell flat for me. The characters were one dimensional, and all the men were essentially horrible people in multiple ways. I do think there needs to be a trigger warning implemented, because there was a lot of offensive slurs, misogyny, violent sexual assaults, and the murder of a dog...all of which could definitely trigger someone if they weren't aware/prepared. There were also too many characters to keep track of, so it got confusing at times with the dialogue and was a little chaotic when switching between all the storylines with the various characters. Maybe breaking those sections up into more chapters could help with that? Additionally, some of the big reveals/motives fell flat because there were just so many different things going on. The ideas and overall plot were both fine, it was just a lot to keep up with and was too chaotic and rushed at the end.

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