Member Reviews

In the second Vampyri novel, Diane de Gastefriche is now squire to the vampyre King Louis XIV, a reward for foiling a plot to overthrow the mighty ruler of Vampyria Magna. A ‘sip’ of supernatural blood runs in her veins; an advantage of strength, speed, premonition perhaps—she doesn’t know—but in the dark underworld of Paris, she’s about to find out. The Lady of Miracles, an illegally transmuted vampyre, has challenged the Immutable’s 300-year autocracy, commanding a lethal army of ghouls she threatens to unleash if she isn’t officially acknowledged Vice-Queen of Paris before the Night of Shadows.

Louis orders Diane to find the Court of Miracles, the Lady’s seat of power, and offer her a pact. But as a double agent who works with the Fronde to free the world from Louis’ tyranny, Jeanne Froidelac (Diane) is commanded by Raymond de Montfaucon, the Fronde’s clandestine coordinator, to bring about a different end. Working at cross purposes with her cohorts is what drives this deadly chase, thwarted by a police lieutenant who wants credit for finding the Lady first and hampered by the short time frame as the deadline is only three weeks away.

Dixen, a master of fantasy, has crafted a spectacular, credible world, which reveals the sinister truths beneath. The story is darkly grotesque and suitably inhabited by a terrifying cast but is immersive in its impeccable detail and the wider universality of Dixen’s message. Multi-faceted personalities like Sterling Raindust—vampiric sycophant, or potential ally—paradoxically keep the reader guessing. If you don’t mind bloodsucking aristocrats temporarily inhabiting your space, then parallels can be drawn from the author’s dark Orwellian symbolism—international diplomacy, entitled arrogance, the plight of the downtrodden, and the cataclysmic nihilism which waits just offstage. This works as a standalone, but I’m off to find The Court of Shadows.

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I loved how this was a fun, easy read whilst being intriguing - due to this I feel the world building was done just enough so it's not confusing/too much, and I loved the character development/how the main character was fleshed out rather than being 2 dimensional.

The netgalley app wouldn't let me press finish on the book but I read it all and loved how it had loads of aspects of a great fantasy novel whilst still feeling new and unique. I loved the blend of fantasy and history and I think in the sequel fleshing this out more will really help the author

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I want to say thank you to Netgalley for an advanced ARC of this book

This is the second book by Victor Dixen in this series, I highly enjoyed this and the main character I enjoyed her journey on a mission she is sent on & how she seems to be the most level-headed by trying to not let her emotions get the best of her when she sees certain things, but her seen as a one of Kings most important side solders gets taken away even after all her hard work.

I highly enjoyed this book and read within 2 days

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Moved much slower than the first one. And also didn’t have the same intrigue as all of the good twists and surprises were used up in book one. Everyone’s motivations and alliances are already known, nothing is new or mysterious. Just missing anything to really pull readers in.

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I didn't realise this was the second book in a series, so my understanding of the world and characters was lacking. However, I loved this story!

It has been translated from french and the translation has been done very well! It has vamprlires, an alternative history of France, court mistrigue and Greek Mythology references.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will be going back to read the first of the series!

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The Court of Miracles is the English translation of Dixen’s novel, originally written in French. When I agreed to the arc, I did not realize it was the second book in a series. Like most series, I would suggest reading the first book before reading the second. Regardless, I still had fun in this alternate history of France. Vampires? Court intrigue? Heck yes. I plan on going back and reading the first novel when my schedule allows me.

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The Court of Miracles is a fast-paced adventure set in an alternate version of Paris ruled by a vampiric Louis XIV, haunted by ghouls, and full of rebel factions and criminal organizations all jostling for power. Our protagonist, Jeanne, is a rebel who has risen to the highest ranks of Louis’s court so she can topple the empire from within. Tasked with tracking down the elusive Lady of Miracles along with her fellow squires, she enters the city where her allegiance will be called into question, all while her new powers begin to manifest. This was a perfectly fun and enjoyable adventure, but didn’t quite have much staying power - I’ll probably forget I read it by next month. The Greek mythology references were fun and added to the atmosphere and symbolism. I didn’t really enjoy the unnecessary hatred between Jeanne and the second most important female character, and the other characters had some potential but not quite enough to be lovable. I’m also not the biggest vampire fan, so if you enjoy that this book is certainly worth a try.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Victor Dixen for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for The Court of Miracles coming out June 25, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I didn’t read the first book, so I had to get into it. But I thought the plot was really interesting. I love everything about Versailles and French royalty during this time was really interesting. Of course I love vampires! So that addition to the book was really fun for me. I appreciate the book being translated into English. I thought the story was really fascinating. I definitely need to go back and read the first book. I am excited to see what happens next!

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys vampiric stories and the French courts!

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I love Victor Dixen’s first book, The Court of Shadows. I have - of course - the tarot companion for this novel since I am a tarot reader for more than 30 years. I was crazy to grab the second book of this trilogy. This author is unique putting together a pack of tarot cards together with a novel. Tarot is a way to tell a story and Victor’s idea was simply perfect. And to add perfection to this, of course the story had to had vampires in a French court. Now I cross my fingers for the editors bring the last book of Vampyria trilogy as fast as they can. Kudos for the editors for translating this amazing french author into English. My advanced physical copy is already bought by the way. And a suggestion: What about a box with the three novels plus the matching tarot cards all together? I bet the tarot community ( which is gigantic ) would die!

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A fearless young heroine ventures into a Parisian underworld court of conspiring vampires in this sweeping alternate history.

It wasn't clear to me that this was the second book in a series. Luckily, the first one is relatively short and I had some extra time on my hands, so I went ahead and read it. Book one was good and book two was about the same. Nothing too mindblowing, but I enjoyed them.

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Victor Dixen's "The Court of Miracles" offers readers a tantalizing blend of historical fantasy and gothic intrigue, set against the dark and enthralling backdrop of a vampire-ruled France. In this imaginative reworking of 17th-century Paris, King Louis XIV is not just the Sun King, but a vampire monarch whose iron grip over his terrorized kingdom is as unyielding as it is chilling.

The plot centers around two formidable women: the mysterious Lady of Miracles, who challenges Louis's supremacy from within the shadowy underworld of Paris, and Jeanne Froidelac, a commoner whose sharp wit and cunning have won her the king’s favor. However, Jeanne harbors a dangerous secret—she is part of a clandestine organization with a mission to overthrow the vampiric regime. Her double life becomes perilously complicated as she is tasked by Louis to infiltrate and dismantle the Lady of Miracles' burgeoning rebellion.

Dixen excels in weaving a rich tapestry of intrigue and action. The world-building is particularly commendable, painting a vivid picture of a Paris where the grandiosity of Versailles contrasts sharply with the grimy, perilous streets of the city's underbelly. The supernatural elements are seamlessly integrated into the historical setting, creating a universe where the undead aristocracy's opulence and the common people's desperation are palpable.

The character development is another strong suit of the novel. Jeanne Froidelac is a compelling protagonist—resourceful, brave, and deeply conflicted. Her journey is not just a physical quest but an emotional and moral one, as she navigates loyalties and betrayals that could shape the future of her world. The Lady of Miracles is equally fascinating, shrouded in mystery and exuding an air of enigmatic power that makes her a worthy adversary to both Jeanne and the vampire king.

Dixen's prose is evocative, capturing the eerie beauty of a Paris overshadowed by vampiric rule. The narrative pace is well-maintained, balancing action-packed sequences with moments of introspection and suspense. The tension between Jeanne's dual loyalties adds layers of complexity to the story, keeping readers invested in her fate and the overarching conflict.

Overall, "The Court of Miracles" is a captivating read that successfully combines historical fantasy with a gothic vampire saga. Victor Dixen's inventive take on the reign of Louis XIV, infused with supernatural elements, creates a mesmerizing narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Fans of alternate history and vampire lore will find much to enjoy in this four-star novel, which promises a thrilling adventure filled with danger, deception, and dark secrets.

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Get ready for a captivating journey through this enthralling alternate world! This gripping tale of intrigue and rebellion plunges readers into a realm where vampires rule and secrets lurk in every shadow. With its richly imagined setting and compelling characters, this book keeps you hooked from beginning to end. Seamlessly blending historical elements with fantastical twists, it's a must-read for fans of all genres. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough and eagerly await more from this talented author!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance reader's copy of the book. I greatly enjoyed this book. The idea of the Sun King ruling for 300 years and the world is one of shadows and vampires is fascinating and interesting, and this author does an amazing job immersing the reader in that world. I'm still not a fan of the main character but I'm absolutely intrigued by a new character introduced in this story, Sterling Raindust. I want more of him. Well done author, this is very well written and I can't wait for the next one.

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Super fun! I love a good dystopian alternate universe where vampires rule the world, and I tore through the first two books in this series in two days. Think Red Rising or The Will of the Many set in a world that feels like a dark Gothic mirror of Versailles and The Musketeers, starring a badass heroine forced to go undercover in a court and school setting where she must fight to survive among a group of cutthroat elite scions of the ruling class, gain revenge for the murder of her family, and start a revolution. This also has some vibes in common with Empire of the Vampire but a more YA feel; the writing is solidly commercial and there's more than enough enjoyable worldbuilding and action to keep readers entertained. I can't wait to read the English translation of the third one! And hopefully Amazon will also make the English translations of Dixen's other books available for the US market soon as well.

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I received the first book as a gift and was surprised to see that the second one had come out. The first had its flaws, but the second one blows the first one out of the water. The pacing issues? No longer an issue! The characters? Better than before. Jeanne has made tremendous progress and is quite rootable from the start. Easily my favorite. It's a very delectable read, but dear friends, remember that it is the second book, which means it's a setup for the next one. Make sure to keep that in mind while delving deep into it.


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The plot and character development really hit its stride with this one! I found once I got to around 40% I could not put this book down! I’m really happy with how Diane/Jeanne’s character developed. She became a lot more calculated and careful but still maintained her fierce and clever manipulations when necessary.

The world also got more interesting as we met new characters and enemies AND new powers?!! I can’t wait to see the direction this goes in the next one. Don’t even get me started on Sterling!! Love!! Broody and tortured but hides it with flirtation and ego? Yes and yes!

And lastly, I absolutely love the historical parts of this book. The explanation of the timeline at the end of this was SO interesting.

Thank you NetGalley and Amazon Crossing for the opportunity to read this before release in exchange for an honest review!

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Plunging Deeper into Vampyria: A Review of The Court of Miracles

Publication Date: 25 June 2024
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Court of Miracles by Victor Dixen throws us back into the thrilling world of Vampyria, where the line between dream and nightmare blurs under the reign of Louis XIV, the supreme vampire. We see this world through the eyes of Jeanne Froidelac, a rebel disguised as the noblewoman Diane de Gastefriche. Having infiltrated Versailles, her mission is to dismantle the vampire king's empire from within.

The world-building is truly captivating. Dixen crafts a society with a brutal yet fascinating hierarchy, where humans pay a bloody tithe for "protection" while existing in fear of becoming nighttime prey. This tension adds a thrilling layer to Jeanne's already precarious mission.

Jeanne, driven by a thirst for revenge after her family's murder, has skillfully deceived everyone, including the king himself. Her trials pay off when she earns the coveted position of Royal Squire. This position grants her a single sip of the king's blood, bestowing upon her a unique power that proves invaluable when she's tasked with eliminating the Court of Miracles, a new threat rising from the city's underbelly.

Jeanne's journey is bolstered by her loyal friend Naoko. Their unwavering bond is a heartwarming highlight of the story. Naoko, with her sharp wit and secret burden, is a character you can't help but root for.

We're left with burning questions: will the Fronde's rebellion gain traction? Will Louis XIV finally face consequences? And will Jeanne find the solace of revenge? This second installment masterfully expands the Vampyria universe and leaves us eagerly awaiting the next chapter✨️

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of the eArc!🫶🏻


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Slow to begin but by the end very fun to read. The book was well paced and entertaining.

It was interesting setting with the vampires in the middle of French aristocracy, but easy to believe at the same time.

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Immerse yourself once again in the world of Vampyria, between archaic vampires and rebellious Fronde.

The lighthearted writing style makes the book a smooth read. You set off with familiar characters and also meet some new friends and enemies along the way. The setting is a little different this time as you join Jeanne in her search for the Court of Miracles in the heart of Paris. Little by little, you manage to unravel riddles with her and get one step closer to the goal each time. Although the first 200 pages are a bit slower in terms of pace. Nevertheless, there are some plottwists in there later on, which pleasantly surprised me. In between, it can be useful to refer back to the portraits at the beginning of the book, these help to keep an overview of who is who again. Especially with the short explanations next to the portrets.

This book mainly revolves around Jeanne, Suraj and Hélénaïs, which made me miss Naoko and Poppy quite a bit. Sometimes I felt that this book is somewhat one-sided in terms of characters. Not only because it mainly revolves around the first three (mostly even just Jeanne), but also because the characters are not given much depth, nor are they fleshed out much. In addition, all the characters in this series have a habit of turning like a weathercock and can act very immature and theatrical, which does provide a comic touch in a way. But perhaps those volatile traits and the quick change of mind are typical of the spirit of the era and life at Court. After all, everyone there feels lord and master over everyone else. The author does succeed well in making the reader hate Alexandre even more, even more than in the first book. He may not be the big bad guy, but I still tolerate his presence remarkably less. There is an art to making the reader feel that way. Some behaviours and events made me question myself, because they seem to come out of nowhere, or are even somewhat absurd. On the other hand, the speeches and arguments are indeed very eloquently written, which fits well with the rest of the story.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for book 3, the final part of this Vampyria trilogy.
3,5/5 stars

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

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I couldn't be bothered to finish this book. The premise was interesting, the writing was not. I didn't find the characters compelling and, even though I went into this book really wanting to like it, the idea of opening it again filled me with dread.

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