Member Reviews

This had a great alternate history element to it. And I never really thought of vampires with king Louis XIV. It had that extravagant feel that I was looking for in parisian society and loved the idea of vampires In that setting. The characters felt like they belonged in the time period and with the supernatural elements. It was a strong sequel to the vampyria saga, and I'm excited to read more in the series.

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It is rare that a second novel in a series truly usurps the first, but Victor Dixen managed to pull me deeper into the shadows of the Magna Vampyria. In this sequel to The Court of Shadows, Diane de Gastefriche finds unlikely allies first in her fellow squires then in her found family, as she navigates the underbelly of Paris to rid France of ghouls. This book deftly examines societal roles, mental health, and how vengenace can become all-consuming, I was pleasantly surprised by Diane's character development in this book as she matures. While some of the dialogue feels heavy handed at times, Victor Dixen's prose flows through his descriptions of places and events. If you enjoy the found family trope and vampiric fantasy, you are sure to enjoy the second book in this captivating series. I cannot wait to see where the story will take us next!

Thank you to Amazon Crossing and NetGalley for providing me this ARC!

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4.5 stars for The Court of Miracles! This is the sequel to The Court of Shadows. This author has a way of not only telling this unique story with beautiful writing, but I genuinely was so enthralled by the characters. In this book The vampire King Louis XIV rules over a terrorized France, determined to protect his empire from a mysterious renegade vampire named the Lady of Miracles. He’s fighting back with his newest secret weapon, Diane de Gastefriche, who we got to know in the first installment. She’s everything you want in a gripping story, she’s smart, sassy, vengeful, headstrong, and a little (or a lot) reckless. He sends Diane to destroy The Lady of Miracles, but he doesn’t know she may just be his actual undoing. Struggling here to not give anything away, but please, please take the time to read this, it’s got a little bit for everyone, it’s like fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, light romance all wrapped into one.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

I was fortunate enough to receive the translated version of this book. I absolutely loved the concept of this book.

I love that Louis XIV became a vampire, it’s such a unique story line. This book had my interest from the first chapter. I can’t wait for the next book!

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"n this gripping alternate history, the author immerses readers in a Parisian underworld teeming with conspiring vampires and political intrigue. I like how the fearless young heroine, Jeanne Froidelac, navigates a dangerous game of deception and betrayal as she infiltrates the vampire court to dismantle King Louis XIV's reign. The intricate world-building and atmospheric setting bring 17th-century France to life, adding depth and authenticity to the story. As Jeanne grapples with her loyalty to her mission and her growing conscience, readers are drawn into a thrilling tale of power, sacrifice, and redemption. With its blend of historical detail and supernatural elements, this book offers a captivating twist on traditional vampire lore that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review.

This fantasy is the second enstallment of Victor Dixen's story of the Vampyria. Although I didn't read book one, the author is able to easily thread together what happened throughout book two so that it is easy to follow along. Taking time to read through the list of characters provided at the front of the novel also help conceptualize the main characters at play.

This novel is fantasy, but not an epic fantasy in my opinion. There is enough world building to get a sense of this world, taking place in the Parisian underworld court of the vampire King Louis XIV. The plot and adventures of Jeanne is what really drives this story of a young girl caught between staying within the good graces of the vampire King while at the same time leading an underground movement to destroy him and his court.

Told exclusively from Jeanne's perspective, the reader is truly along for the ride as Jeanne wrestles with who to trust as everyone has their own motives. While I enjoyed the breadth of characters and creatures, I found the vampire King lacking. For being the villain he is supposed to be terrifying, yet his mannerisms and how he's described make him feel cartoonish in nature and I would love to see more depth to his character development.

Overall I would rate this as a 4 star read. It's plot driven, quick, and takes some unexpected turns. As the French court as a backdrop I also loved the historical, gothic vibe.

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Book 2 was even greater than the first one and I honestly can’t wait to see where the third instalment will take us !
Shoutout to Sterling Raindust for being the most iconic character ever

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The prose was awkward and stilted to the point of being uncomfortable, and I don’t know if it’s the writing itself or the translation, but it wasn’t working for me. I stopped at 5%. Likely three stars for the target, four for the right readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Crossing for the ARC.

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Cool artwork! This book jumps into action right away and I liked that. I have to confess, I don’t normally enjoy vampire books because they all feel like so much of the same, but this one was so unique and well done, I truly enjoyed it! I love a good rebel/insider story and this one was so fun!

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This was incredible!!

Victor Dixen manages to weave a fancinating take combining historical fiction with vampirism.

The characters are simply so fancinating and meaningful, the world so richly detailed it makes reading this such a fullfiling experience. It's clear that Dixen knows how to combine the elements of a detailed character/world with a fancinating plot. The reveal of the queen's identify at the ending was simply so well executed.

I will most definitely be turning up for the third book!

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I really enjoyed this book! I liked the premiss and the setting, but even more I loved how many side characters they were and how each was complex and interesting. The world building was very well-done and I definitely want to keep reading. The only thing I did not like as much was the main character. I struggled to connect with her.

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I honestly didn’t enjoy this genre, not a huge fan. Overall book was book-ish for me. Maybe someone else will like this story, it was just not for me.

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A unique setting in the court of the Sun King now turned the vampiric King of Shadows is a great way to grab a reader’s attention. However, I found that it was difficult to remain interested in the book as all of the side characters’ motivations and allegiances are clearly spelled out by the narrator, Jeanne (aka Diane). It’s difficult for the book to maintain the intrigue that either a vampiric or revolutionary backdrop would suggest when the narrator consistently gives away the mystery of the story with unnecessary explanations.

The invention of ghouls in the New Court of Miracles for this second book in the series serves as a plot point to divert Jeanne from court intrigue and escape from Versailles to explore Paris.

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Vampyres, and newcomer, and the ones you love. What more could you want? This book has everything. I can't wait till I have this book in my hands.

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