Member Reviews

4 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have only listened to about five audiobooks in my reading life. I love holding books and reading really helps with my anxiety. However, at the recommendation of some of my GR friends, I decided to go the audio route for this one. I’m glad I did! This audio book is spectacular! Thank you GR friends!

Did Lucy really kill her best friend Savvy? Podcaster Ben Owens is in her hometown trying to get to the bottom of this unsolved crime with his “Listen For The Lie” podcast series.

Lucy is one heck of a character! Sassy, snarky, sarcastic with a dark humorous side. I laughed at times, but her Grandma Beverly was the scene stealer for me! She’s a hoot and a half!

The chapters alternate between Lucy and podcast interviews with residents of Plumpton. Everyone has something to say about what happened the night Savvy died. Listening to the podcast chapters really gave this a true crime feel. I loved them!

The book kinda started slowing down for me about halfway, but I still loved it. I found it to be original and entertaining! The narrators were outstanding. I will also recommend getting the audio version of this one. You won’t be disappointed!

I’m definitely looking forward to reading more my this author!

Thank you to NetGalley, Celadon Books and Amy Tintera for my advanced copy to read and review.

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Sometimes I feel like maybe I'm done with psychological thrillers, they start to feel a little too predictable, a little too outrageous, a little like an author is trying way too hard to out-do all the others with the twists and turns and gasp-out-loud surprises. But then here comes Amy Tintera with Listen for the Lie, and I loved it. But I didn't love it for the thriller aspect - it actually felt more like a good solid mystery. It was the characters that drew me in - especially Lucy Chase, who may or may not have murdered her best friend 5 years ago. She can't imagine she could've done it, but she also has no memory of what happened in the hours before she was found on a back road covered in blood. When a true-crime podcaster brings attention to the unsolved case, Lucy finds herself without a job or a boyfriend (too much baggage for both when her background is revealed). So back home to Texas she goes, at her grandmother's insistence. Lucy is my kind of character, sardonic, self-deprecating, a suck-it-up-Buttercup kind of woman with a dark sense of humor who takes life as it comes at her. When she decides to cooperate with podcaster Ben Owens in hopes of finally finding out what actually happened that night, all kinds of sparks fly. January LaVoy and Will Damron do an excellent job of narrating the audiobook, and I especially appreciated the podcast sections, which sounded very much like an actual podcast, musical intros and all. Well done all around!
Thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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Thank you celadon books for this Advance Listener Copy!

Once I started this book it was so hard to hit the pause button! Wow oh wow. This one keeps you on the edge of your seat. A good whodunit kind of story, and let me just say....who did it isn't anyone I suspected! The characters are likeable (well.....except doe those I want to throat punch for being such jerks!) But I was invested right from the start. Love the mixed media as well and the audio is top notch! Any audio book that switches back and forth from story to pod cast is A+ for me!

If you want a thriller that keeps you guessing, go get this one today!

amy tintera nailed this one! 5 stars for me ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I love thrillers with podcast elements and WOW this one is top-notch in both the format and story!

Plumpton, Texas. Five years ago, Savannah "Savvy" Harper was found murdered. Her best friend Lucy Chase had Savvy's blood all over and with a head injury, she also sustained memory loss. Lucy wasn't charged with the murder but people in the small town believe she's the suspect.

Ben Owens is investigating the murder of Savvy Harper for his podcast show. Lucy wants to help find the killer even though it might be herself!

The plot is very similar to something I've read before. But my, I love Lucy's character and personality. Her dark humor and snarky thoughts hooked me to this fantastic audiobook from the first chapter.

The story is told alternating between Lucy's chapters and the podcast. It's well done and won't confuse the listener with two narrators and a short jingle before the podcast begins.

January LaVoy and Will Damron are both fantastic. I love them both and they were a joy to listen to for this story.

Thank you Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for the ALC.

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Four stars for this original take on a murder mystery. Five years after the death of her best friend, Lucy is just trying to move on with her life, when a tenacious podcaster brings everything to the forefront once more. Did Lucy kill her best friend? If so, was she never charged and why can she remember nothing from that night? Lucy is forced to go back to her home town and that fateful night to try and get some answers….but is it in her best interest to remember?

I enjoyed the short, snappy chapters and the podcast excerpts that make up this compulsive listen. Brilliant narration means you feel like you’re listening to a podcast, rather than a novel. The transformation of the book into an audiobook is brilliant and clever.

I thought Lucy was a brilliant character and I enjoyed her sarcastic, jarring manner - “I can’t wait to find out if I did it” she tells people as she listens to the podcast.

For the first half of the audiobook, I was irritated by the voice in Lucy’s head. It just felt a bit superfluous to her character. But in the second half of the book, I ate my words and I could see not only that it was needed but how well it worked as a plot device.

This is a book in which no one can be trusted so I still had no clue who the culprit was, right up to the last few chapters. The ending gave me a lot of think about.

It’s a fantastic debut and I will certainly read more from this author.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a chance to review an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest opinion

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Imagine being accused of murdering your best friend. And then Imagine not remembering anything that happened that night. So now you don't even know for sure if the awful things people are accusing you of are true. This is Lucy's case, so now she has to return to her hometown to help a podcaster try to solve this mystery!


If you're looking for a who did it, mysterious thriller, this is the one! I enjoyed this audiobook so much that I had to buy the hardcover!! I freaking love the humor in this book. Lucy's sarcastic humor is my kind of humor!🤣 The chapters alternate between Lucy's POV and Ben Owen's podcast episodes. So between Lucy's hilarious comments and Ben's interviews with the people from a small town in Texas, the entertainment is chef's kiss! This is a 5 star read, one of my favorite thrillers this year so far, and i highly recommend it! 😍

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Listen for the Lie is a fantastic read! Thanks @celadonbooks for the gifted copy. Thanks also to @netgalley and for access to the audiobook which I absolutely loved!

Lucy is accused of her best friend’s murder and she cannot remember what happened that night. When a popular true crime podcaster decides to investigate, secrets don’t stay buried.

I enjoyed the alternating of narration and the podcast. The audio highlights this so well. If you’re looking for a fun, quirky thriller with a surprise twist you will want to read this one!

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For Lucy, the night five years ago still remains a blank though their entire Texas town knows that Lucy killed her best friend Savvy. When a popular true crime podcaster chooses to investigate Savvy's murder, Lucy finally returns home at her grandmother's insistence. Now Lucy must face her ex-husband and her distrust family while trying to find out the truth about Savvy's death, even if it ends up pointing to herself.

Listen for the Lie had me hooked from the very first page. After ordering a physical copy, I found out I had received a free copy of the audiobook from the publisher which turned out well for me since the audiobook was fantastic. Lucy's cynical sarcasm kept making me laugh and the podcast chapters sounded so realistic in audio format. Although Lucy's personality was the highlight of the book for me, I also found myself fully invested in the mystery and was satisfied with Tintera's many twists.

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I have an idea… Let’s kill…

I will never not chuckle when I think about that line and I will never not hear it in the outstanding narration by January LaVoy. Let’s back up a bit before I get into that more… I am absolutely buzzing to talk about Amy Tintera’s latest psychological thriller, Listen for the Lie. This is one of those mysteries that is humorous and dark in equal measure.

Lucy is accused of murder

Lucy Chase is infamous, particularly in her hometown of Plumpton, Texas where everyone thinks she killed her best friend Savannah “Savvy” Harper and got away with it. Lucy was never charged, though she was found covered in Savvy’s blood the night of the murder. Unfortunately, Lucy can’t really defend herself because she has no memory of what happened after she and her husband Matt arrived at the wedding reception that evening. The rest of the night is a black hole. Lucy herself has never been certain if she killed Savvy or not, and she’s afraid of the answer. Not long after, Lucy and Matt divorced and Lucy fled the accusing stares and cold shoulders for Los Angeles.

Lucy is back in the spotlight

When a popular true crime podcast hosted by the attractive and dogged Ben Owens launches, covering Savvy’s murder, Lucy finds that her name is back in the public eye. Her job lets her go and her boyfriend Nate breaks up with her. When Lucy’s grandmother asks her to come home for her birthday, Lucy doesn’t really have a reason to say no. Not long after she arrives, Lucy remembers why she left in the first place. Everyone in the town seems to hate her and think she’s guilty. Savvy was “the sweetest girl you ever met”, and Lucy was the sarcastic misfit who returned home from college with a big ring on her finger, a husband, and a beautiful dream home in Plumpton.

Lucy wants the truth

Lucy isn’t the only one who recently arrived in Plumpton—podcaster Ben Owens has come as well to record interviews and gather evidence for his podcast. He hopes to uncover the truth about Savvy’s murder. Lucy also wants to find out what happened, even if the answer is one she doesn’t want to accept. Agreeing to her first interview about the case ever, the podcast kicks off and people from around the town have some interesting things to share. As the townspeople spill secrets on the podcast, it becomes clear that there was a lot that was kept hidden during the original investigation. Meanwhile Lucy continues to hear a voice in her head “I have an idea… Let’s kill…” that she can’t seem to shut out. Will the real killer finally be unveiled?


I picked this up and didn’t want to think about anything else until I finished reading it. The mystery was interesting and there was enough new information coming out throughout the book to keep the reader’s mind engaged trying to figure out what happened the night of Savvy’s murder. This isn’t only a good mystery, though—it’s entertaining. Tintera writes with a dark humor that is positively addictive. Lucy is a highly sarcastic character, but not in a way that is alienating or off putting. Her commentary both in her head and to others is just my type of humor and I found myself chuckling on more than one occasion.

The opening sequence with Lucy losing her job and her relationship could have been sad, but Lucy doesn’t care too much. She doesn’t actually like her boyfriend very much, and finds it more amusing watching him try to come up with an excuse for spending time apart that isn’t “I heard on a podcast you murdered your best friend”. Lucy’s grandmother is a delightful character—a rea spitfire! She is one of the few people in Lucy’s life who understands and accepts her. She also is in contact with the podcaster Ben and convinces Lucy to do the interview.

The town of Plumpton is not as idyllic as it may seem! The investigation and podcast interviews reveal a lot of secrets hidden beneath the surface in this town. Some were known and some weren’t—but let’s just say there don’t seem to be a lot of people in Plumpton who are faithful in their relationships! And it wasn’t just who may have slept with who in this case, there were a lot of relationships between characters that were surprising or different than what was known. In a small town, everyone knows everyone and that leads to a complicated social matrix that is just bursting with juicy gossip.

One of my favorite elements of this book were the podcast episodes sprinkled throughout. The chapters are told from Lucy’s perspective, but the podcast episodes are Ben’s voice. I love a podcast element in a book and I highly recommend the audiobook in this case (more on that below) because it’s presented with a different style that feels like it’s a real podcast. Ben was an interesting character—he’s outside of the case and this world and is there as a supposedly unbiased narrator and detective. But often I wondered, is he unbiased? Unexpectedly, he and Lucy form a bond that probably isn’t appropriate (doesn’t this violate some sort of podcast ethics?) given that he is investigating a case where she is the prime suspect. I wondered throughout if he was on Lucy’s side or not. Did he think she was innocent, or was he just manipulating her to get the story and interviews?

Lucy is plagued by a voice throughout the book and it was so funny and well-executed in the audiobook. Lucy will be in the middle of a conversation with a character, for instance her ex-husband Matt. And as the person is talking to Lucy, the voice will speak up, “I have an idea!” Lucy shuts it down and her inner dialogue with this voice tickled me. Eventually you’ll learn more about the voice and what its purpose is.

A major theme in this book relies around how a person who tragically loses their life becomes an idealized version of themselves. At the beginning, all we hear from people in the town is what a sweetheart Savvy is. Many muse that Savvy really wasn’t friends with Lucy. They blame Lucy for more than just Savvy’s murder, they blame her for Savvy’s life not being what it could have been. Ironic because Savvy dropped out of college and moved home long before Lucy arrived back from college with Matt in tow. Lucy and Savvy had a much closer friendship than people acknowledged, and Savvy was much dynamic than how she is described since her murder. I loved the Savvy we got to know through Lucy’s memories. She was spicy, brazen, funny, and flawed. In other words, she was human.

If you like a good whodunnit with a wickedly sharp sense of humor and a compelling format—this is your book! And I’m not the only one saying that. This book is getting major attention from some big-name authors that is well-deserved!

Audiobook Review

I touched on this throughout but I want to mention it again—do the audiobook for this one! January LaVoy as Lucy is incredible, and I particularly loved the way she narrated the voice in Lucy’s head. I laughed every time it happened! January captures Lucy’s humor perfectly as well. Lucy is dry, sarcastic, and has a certain nonchalance that it fascinating. Will Damron narrates the podcast episodes in Ben’s voice. The podcast element was so well done—Will Damron was a fantastic choice for Ben (I seriously wondered if he is a real podcaster) and the way the audiobook was produced with music and audio quality differences to make it feel like a real podcast was masterful.

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Listen For The Lie kept me so engrossed in the story that I finished it in a day. I just kept listening to the audiobook! (It certainly helped that I didn’t have much scheduled that day.) I’m not necessarily a huge reader of twisty thrillers, especially ones that include podcasts, but this one most definitely kept my interest and kept me guessing.

Lucy and Savvy (short for Savannah) were close friends in their 20s in a Texas town a couple of hours away from Austin. After Savvy is found murdered after a wedding they both attended, Lucy winds up as the most obvious suspect because she is found injured and covered in Savvy’s blood. But Lucy’s injuries include her completely blanking on what happened that night, so there’s not enough evidence to charge her. Most people think she did it, though.

Five years later, a podcaster, Ben Owens, starts delving into this unsolved murder case. This coincides with Lucy’s grandmother begging Lucy to come home (she moved to Los Angeles) for her 80th birthday. It’s the first time Lucy has gone back there since Savvy’s death. As you might imagine, between talking with the podcaster and being back in her home town, bits and pieces of that time start coming back to Lucy. Bit by bit.

Lucy was a great character, with a lot of snark and spunk. I also loved her grandmother Beverly. Her parents? Not so much. And the young men in town? Ugh.

I mainly listened to the audiobook for this title, although I partially followed along with the ebook. January LaVoy is one of my favorite narrators and that’s a big reason why I decided to try this book. Will Damron narrated Ben’s parts and I enjoyed his voice.

Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance reader copy of this book and to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advance copy of this audiobook. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Macmillan audio and NetGalley for the ARC.

What a ride! I loved listening to this book. The podcast portion was set up as a true podcast. Listening to this one was very entertaining. I like Lucy's sarcastic nature but the character that stole the show for me was Lucy's grandmother. Ben is a podcaster trying to solve a 5 year old mystery with Lucy as the main suspect. We hear first hand as Ben tries to uncover the mystery.. I look forward to reading more by Amy Tintera.

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There a quite a few trending books with a podcast and true crime trope, but this one worked! I love short chapters and how it alternated between the main character and the podcast. I could not figure out who the murderer was, and my theories changed throughout the book.

I sincerely appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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✨𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀✨
• unlikable narrator
• small town secrets
• podcaster
• amnesia

In this small town where is a liar, Lucy returns and, with help she didn't ask for from podcaster Ben Owens, is forced to try to remember if she killed her best friend

I listened on audio while reading with my eyeballs and it made staying focused on the audio easier. Since the book is centered around a podcast it was cool to hear the podcast chapters arranged to sound like a podcast episode. The voice actors were amazing.

If this book wanted us to dislike main character and prime murder suspect Lucy, then the story nailed. Not only is she sarcastic but she is so blasé about being a prime murder suspect ; she does not give a rat's ass about a whole town hating her. Her questionable choices throughout had me screeching.

This is for the thriller/mystery lovers out there wanting to solve a crime. Just be prepared to hate pretty much everyone in this entire town, including podcast host Ben Owens.

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I received a free Advanced Reading Copy via NetGalley in exchange for a complete and honest review.

One of the best books I've read in a long while.

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Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera: ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟
Format: ALC from MacMillan Audio

Y’all, the hype for this book is SO deserved.

Listen for the Lie is a perfectly executed small-town whodunnit. While it is composed with themes and plot devices that I’ve seen in other books, they are weaved together perfectly. Fans of true-crime investigative podcasts will probably enjoy this book! Our main character Lucy’s life rapidly falls apart when a true crime podcast starts publishing episodes dedicated to solving the murder of Lucy’s best friend 5 years prior. Though Lucy has no memories of the incident due to the injuries she sustained, she has been convicted by the court of public opinion of the crime. With not much to lose, Lucy returns to her small hometown to search for the answers behind the murder- even if those answers point right back at her.

Lucy instantly became one of my favorite main characters- she’s got that snarky dark humor that I thought was super entertaining on paper here. The format of the book- mixing Lucy’s POV interspersed with podcast transcripts of various other characters- paints the scene with the information becoming available to everyone in “real time”. The podcast chapters were exceptionally well done in the audiobook format, read as duets between both narrators. I loved the production of this so much that Listen for the Lie has rocketed to the top of my list of recommended audiobooks!

There was nothing that I didn’t love about this book and I look forward to re-listening to this in the future. I strongly recommend it! Thank you to MacMillan Audio for the ALC of Listen for the Lie, which is available now.

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Thank you to #partner Celadon Books and Macmillan Audio for the copies to review!

The audiobook is definitely the way to read this one, January LaVoy and Will Damron did an impeccable job with this story. Lucy is a character in so many ways, I loved her, suspected her, will not forget her. I loved this story and the mystery around it, and loved everything about Lucy and her hometown, and her courage for going back when no one really wanted her there. Except grandma, but even then her agendas cracked me up as did she.

I could not get enough of this book and if you haven’t read it yet, you MUST. This is one I still think about, and I love when a book sticks with me this way. Like I said the audio is fantastic, and with the true crime podcast element worked in, the audio only enhanced this experience.

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Thank you and @netgalley for my complimentary audiobook. My thoughts are my own.

I love a good narration when it includes podcasts and all the sound effects that go with them, and this clever thriller lends itself well to the audiobook form!

When LUCY’S best friend SAVANNAH (SAVVY) is murdered, Lucy is found nearby, covered with Savvy’s blood. But Lucy has no recollection of what happened, and because there is not enough evidence, Lucy is never convicted. However, everyone in Plumpton believes Lucy is guilty, so Lucy leaves her hometown and her family behind, and relocates to Los Angeles, where she writes novels under a pen name.

Years later, Lucy’s GRANDMOTHER decides it is time to put an end to the rumors, so she invites Lucy to her birthday party…and she also invites a well-known true crime podcaster, BEN OWENS. As Ben probes into the mystery, he interviews several colorful town residents, all of whom continue to believe Lucy is guilty, including her own PARENTS! Meanwhile Lucy is dealing with widespread gossip, a recent break-up, and an ex-husband. Not to mention, the constant voice of her dead friend, whispering “LET’S KILL!” in her ear! When Lucy finally agrees to talk with Ben, secrets begin to unravel.

This fast-paced, twisty novel deals with secrets, hatred, gossip, jealousy, and affairs. Lucy is the main character who may or may not be guilty of her friend’s murder, but her sarcastic and witty perspective, full of dark humor, makes her into a character you will find yourself routing for. (I even laughed out loud at some of her comments!) Lucy’s narrative intersperses with highly entertaining podcast chapters, and the mystery gradually unravels with a startling conclusion!

The audio version of this novel is expertly narrated by real life husband and wife, Will Damron and January LaVoy, two of my favorite narrators. I highly recommend this one!

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Listen for the Lie was just the mystery I needed to get my out of a reading slump. I was gripped from the start, following Lucy as she travels back to her hometown where everyone thinks she’s the girl that got away with murder- including Ben, a crime podcaster desperate to interview her. Twists and turns of truth slowly reveal more and more of what really happened the night of Savvy’s murder.

I loved this book! Bouncing between Lucy and the podcast episodes- made for a unique way to meet characters and start to piece the mystery together!

I especially enjoyed the audiobook! The narration was great and easy to follow and I loved the podcast intro music, which really makes for a listening experience!

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I'm a sucker for a book that has a built-in Podcast, especially if it's True Crime. Lucy's story -- believing she murdered her best friend, Savvy, but not remembering it -- drew me in from the beginning. I knew this would be a tale of discovery as Lucy struggled to remember what happened on that fateful day. Enter podcaster Ben Owens, who is determined to find the truth no matter what it is. Lucy decides to work with him despite her family feeling that she is making the wrong decision. As each podcast episode dropped, interviews revealed more and more of the story until the shocking ending! This was my 3rd five star read of the year and definitely worth the hype!

The wife and husband team of January Lavoy and Will Damron rocked the narration. The exchanges in the podcast interviews made it seem like I was listening to a real podcast. Kudos!

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Woah! This was outstanding! I loved this book! I enjoyed it even more with the audiobook production! I felt I was right there with the characters trying to solve the murder and listening to the podcast! Well done!!! A MUST read!!!!

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