Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book! While I did enjoy the coming of age aspect, the witty banter, & the conclusion of the story, it dragged a bit for me.

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🎧Song Pairing: Welcome to New York - Taylor Swift (only give T to my favs! And also if this was a movie this song would be in the soundtrack)

💭What I thought would happen:

WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS SET IN EUROPE!!! 😂 If I had even given the cover a second glance I’d have noted the NYC skyline 🤦🏼‍♀️

📖What actually happens:

Riley just graduated with literal zero plans for her future (much to her mother’s dismay). Now is the best time to visit her oldest and best friend Tom in New York. They have to complete their Getaway List someday why not now!

While there Riley discovers her passions for writing, builds beautiful relationships and sets roots in a city that isn’t particularly known for being welcoming. Most of all, her relationship with Tom starts to blossom into something so much more meaningful.

🗯Thoughts/sassy musings:

FINALLY! You just know this girl hates to give up on authors. I give out 3rd and 4th chances like condoms at a health clinic. This is finally the Emma Lord for me!

Did not suck - my professional opinion 😂💛

The characters were mature. They weren’t obnoxious, over the top teens. Silly and making mistakes…yes! But rational young adults. Bravo! If I had a teenager I’d be insisting on this one for them!

If you can have me excited for friends to lovers…you have a friend in me 😂 I hate that trope with the fire of a thousand suns 🙅🏼‍♀️ While I wasn’t really 💯 feeling the 2 MCs as love interests I still respected their not so platonic feelings for one another.

Anywho, this one rocks. Pick it up if you want a fun silly read! Great vacation book!

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Such a sweet read! It made me wistful for that time of life when you are trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Everything feels big and shiny and important. The book is a love letter to NYC making any reader want to run away and make their own Getaway List of fun adventures to go on in the Big Apple.

Riley and Tom are adorable together as they try to figure out who they are and what they are to each other when they finally get to spend some face to face time now that Riley has made a big leap and hopped on the bus to NYC to visit...and maybe stay? I loved their connection through their favourite book and the list of adventures they made for themselves inspired by it. The walking tour/writing class was my favourite item. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a day! I also adored Jesse, Luca, and Mariella and how the romantic relationships weren't the only focus. Mariella was my favourite with her quick wit, no nonsense attitude and intelligence. She was the perfect friend for Riley and I loved reading about them bonding over the course of the book.

The wounded relationships between both Riley and her mom as well as Tom and his mom were hard to read as a parent. My heart broke for Tom especially dealing with an absent parent but I was happy in the end with the way it was dealt with and how it ended.

The narration of the audiobook version of this book was also perfect. It made it even more engaging and made me feel like I was really getting to know the characters. Definitely recommend! I would love to read more by Emma Lord in the future since this book felt like a sunny day filled with a soundtrack of all the best Taylor Swift songs wrapped up in the best romcom set in NYC.

I received an advanced audiobook copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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*cue the voice of Bill Hader's Stefon*

"Do you enjoy eccentric desserts, college rejection letters, time-traveling fantasy, Taylor Swift lyrics, and a reference to the prettiest duck in Central Park? Well, then check out Emma Lord's newest YA Rom Com THE GETAWAY LIST that is one big love letter to NYC and will make you want to skip your coffee shop shift this weekend to move to the Big Apple."

Okay, okay, but in all seriousness, Emma Lord's newest book THE GETAWAY LIST was everything we have come to know and love her for. It was witty, sunshine-y and just SO. DARN. ADORABLE. and I couldn't stop listening!

This newest installment (which can be added to my personal petition to just crown her as this generation's Nora Ephron already!) is about Riley and Tom who were childhood best friends. After Tom moved to New York, they assembled a list of quirky quests to complete together dubbed "The Getaway List" , which has proven hard to accomplish as they just can't quite seem to reconnect in-person. The day of her high school graduation Riley decides to take matters into her own hands and goes to NYC, and thus begins a idyllic summer of checking items off the list, making new friends, and exploring everything the city has to offer. But their blissful adventure threatens to come to a messy end with Tom's standoffishness and secrets, and Riley's flailing attempts to quell her changing feelings for Tom and begs the question - is it a good idea to fall in love with your best friend?

This book definitely has the romantic comedy friends to lovers trope, but I would argue that it's a secondary story line. The bigger story at play is about found family, taking chances, self-discovery, and what it really means to be home. As always, Emma Lord's cheery writing style took me on a delightful reading adventure throughout the city of New York, and the only thing I wish there would have been more of is Tom. I felt like while he had a presence in the book, I wanted more relaying of present-day Tom, rather than a rehashing of past him.

I want to thank NetGalley and Macmillan Audio/Macmillan Young Listeners for an advanced audiobook copy in exchange for my personal review.

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The Getaway List is the title of the list of activities Riley and her best friend Tom want to do, started a few years before, prior to Tom leaving their small town for NYC. Now that Riley has graduated high school, without getting into any of the schools to which she applied, she is struggling to figure out what comes next. She decides to surprise Tom by showing up in NYC, even though he’s been a bit distant and they haven’t seen each other in the years since he and his mom left town. Once Riley arrives, she and Tom spend time exploring the city - balancing tourist-y things while also meeting up with a found family of friends.
Emma Lord’s YA books are sweet, and this one is no exception. There are plenty of Taylor Swift references for Swifties to enjoy. And if you love NYC, I think you’ll love how the city is treated as one of the main characters. As a frequent visitor, I love reading about places in NYC I’ve been (or haven’t yet visited!). Last October, while in the city with my parents, we walked the High Line and visited Little Island, one of the spots the friends visit in the book.
I alternated reading a digital copy and listening to an audio copy, and both formats were great. New-to-me (I think) narrator Norma Butikofer does a great job bringing the story to life. Thank you to Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio for NetGalley advanced copies in exchange for my honest review. I will be recommending this book to my students - I think they will identify with Riley’s uncertainty about her future, and I love that taking a gap year is encouraged in the book (something I think more people should take advantage of after finishing high school!)

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This was such a sweet coming to age story. I loved how tougher topics were handled but it was also a funny and light hearted read. It was fast paced. Tons of Taylor swift references and I loved every single one!
Overall, this is a great YA, what to do after high school and how it is once you’re on your own. Balancing the freedom you’re so excited for but also missing your parents.. but not wanting them to project their dreams on to you. I definitely recommend!!

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Lately I have not been a fan of young adult books, but since I love Emma Lord’s books, I figured I would give it a chance. I am so glad I did, because I ended up really enjoying this book! It was so cute!

I loved the premise of this book and The Getaway List that Riley and Tom had made. I thought it was such a fun aspect of the story and that they got all their friends involved in it as well. I loved the personal journey that Riley went on in this book. I felt like she had grown up so much by the end of it. This book felt so real and relatable, and I really enjoyed that about it. If you’re looking for a fun, quick, and easy young adult read, I recommend checking this one out!

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Riley sets off to NYC to reconnect with her childhood best friend, Tom for the summer who helped her create “The Getaway List”. As they get through the list, they learn that sometimes the biggest adventure isn’t the one you take.

What I loved about this book:
Sweet YA rom-com, friends to lovers trope, Taylor Swift & Gossip Girl references, NYC setting, main characters trying to adventure and find themselves after HS, narration was good, and a complex mother-daughter relationship (that many teens can relate too).

What I didn’t love:
Longer chapters, miscommunication, I also wish there were a bit more adventure in the book.

This book was definitely focused on growth, relationships, and friendships. After high school, many of us struggle to figure out who we are. The Getaway List is a book that I believe many could relate to at this age.

Thank you NetGalley & Macmillan audio for the Advance Reader Copy of this in exchange for an honest review!

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Looking for a cute rom-com book look no further! Riley isn’t sure that do in life after high school graduation day, but she knows she needs to get away from her overbearing mom, especially after being rejected form all 10 colleges she applied to. With a sense of adventure, she hops on a bus to New York to see Tom, her child hood bestie, who she hadn’t seen in 3 years. They decide there's no better way to spend their last summer of freedom than completing all the things on their bucket list - aka “the Getaway list.” Throughout these adventures, Riley and Tom make new friends, while their own relationship becomes something more.

Riley and Tom are very relatable characters; I enjoyed Riley’s goofy nature and whimsical way of just skating through life without a ton of commitment. But when she realizes what she really wants she’s terrified. Riley's journey of self-discovery was a rollercoaster of emotions, one I was all too happy to ride.

I really enjoyed the blossoming of Riley and Tom’s relationship; if you love a good friends to lovers trope here’s a great one. There is also a lot of self reflecting and growth as indiviuals, but also anchoring to each other for love and support too. There are moments of misunderstanding, hurt feelings, and anger, but the authenticity of their feelings and love for each other really shines through.

I read and listened to this book. Lord captures the teenage essence well - full of carefree attitudes, great friend and growing pains.

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Such a cute book! I really enjoyed this story. It was fun and the ending was unexpected.

Riley hasn’t been admitted to any colleges and applied for. She desperately misses her best friend and decided to take an impromptu trip to NYC to go see him. She quickly finds lifelong friends, a new home city, and realizes she’s falling for her best friend. She doesn’t want to go home and so she decides to stay for the summer. Where will it go?

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The Getaway List
By Emma Lord
Narrated by Norma Butikofer
Listened from Macmillan Audio/Macmillan Young Listeners

“I want things to be settled like they used to be. Tom, I don’t think anyone gets to be settled at our age. The whole point is everything being murky and unknown.”

It is Riley’s senior year and after realizing she has always been a pretty “good girl” but still has no next steps in her life. All the colleges that she has applied to have turned her down. Was it due to her average grades and test scores or was it her over commitment to every activity that school has had to offer?

Riley decides to take action into her own hands and finally decides to reunite with her best friend Tom who resides in NYC, and perhaps now they can complete their “getaway list”. Will their friendship still be the same after so much time apart and sparse texts? Can Riley forge her own way in NYC when her relationship with her mom is weighed down by complications and complicated feelings?

This book is a quick potato chip read that will leave you wanting more in the best way. Emma Lord is an author I will always read based on her name alone. One of my favorite parts of “The Getaway List” is the troop of friends and friendships forged. It felt authentic to the age and was great to get to know each of the characters.

4.0 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio and Emma Lord for allowing me to listen to the audio of “The Getaway List” in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an advanced listeners copy from NetGalley. The audio was well done and I enjoyed the narration. This story has likable characters, but it’s lacking in action. It was a sweet story, but not much happened.

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This book was such a delight - it made me want to hop on a plane (or maybe a bus? LOL jk) to NYC immediately and make a fun group of friends to deliver joyful packages with and thrift shop in a bustling city. Emma Lord's characters are always just so fun and I think all of her YA books will be very approachable to my *almost* young adult daughter soon so I'm glad to have read and enjoyed them.

This book contains themes of long time friendship, graduating and developing one's identity, making new friends, learning about a new place, family and parent-child relationships, and emotional growth. It's a lot of fun to read the NYC adventures over the course of a summer but there is emotional depth to the story as well.

The audio narration was excellently engaging too!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the Advance Listening Copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

Riley and Tom's story is about graduating from high school and trying to find themselves. Riley needs space from her mother; Tom's mother gives him nothing but space. Riley and Tom have known each other since childhood, but they've had limited interaction since Tom moved to New York City. They have a "getaway list"--not exactly a bucket list, but a list of things they want to do together. In between delivering and receiving mysterious packages, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones, they start working on the list.

It's amazing how much power moms can have over a teen's life--even from a distance--and how much the support of an awesome group of friends can mean.

A little romance, a little mystery, some angst, and a whole lot of fun.

And an excellent narrator as well!

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This book was so much fun. It's the biggest love letter to NYC and an absolute blast to follow this friend group around the city for their shenanigans. I loved that their bucket list was based on their favorite book.

Coming-of-age stories can be very hit or miss for me, but this one was very much a hit. I loved that Riley wasn't afraid to make hard choices in order to stand up for herself. She grows a lot throughout the book, and it was heartwarming to see how all of her choices came to pass.

I adored Riley and Tom's friends-to-lovers arc. The slow burn gives the reader time to fall in love with them as friends before they started acting on their feelings for each other. The side characters in this story also add some top-notch entertainment!

Emma Lord is certainly an auto-buy author, and I was thrilled to get a chance to listen to an early copy of this book. Her writing brings me so much joy, and the narrator's performance made it even better! I don't believe I've listened to anything by Norma Butikofer before, but she played the part of Riley perfectly.

I already can't wait for Emma's next book!

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Friendship and second chances are at the heart of this coming of age romance. YA romance is hit or miss for me, but this one was definitely a hit. I not only loved Tom and Riley, the couple at the heart of this one, I also loved their friends Jesse, Mariella and Luca.

So as Tom and Riley work their way back to friends and then lovers, I also loved how Riley and Tom both discovered a lot about themselves too.

The premise is cute. Former friends that drifted away had created a getaway list that was supposed to keep them close when one moved away. To reconnect they work on checking as many items off the list.

Norma Butikofer narrates this gem and she does a fabulous job bringing both the highs and lows, the uncertainties and discoveries to life.

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Okay this was way sweet. Found family, real family, closed door love, felt like hallmark movie set in New York City in the very best way! It was an easy read with a great pace that I honestly couldn't wait to open back up each time I stopped! This makes me want to grab a coffee and a brownie and stroll Central Park with my best pals. I'm ready to go home and make a bucket list and have so many adventures.

The narrator was good, and the pace felt good for the audiobook, too! So fun!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy to review

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This was such a cute coming of age story that I would love to read more about this rag tag group of teens! Riley and Tom were absolutely cute and loved their friends to relationship story. This idea of a Getaway List (which is basically a bucket list) was so sweet and made me want to make my own list to explore my local city!

While this book was from the point of view of Riley I wish we could have gotten Tom's point of view on this story.

I listened to the audiobook and really enjoyed the performance by Norma Butikofer who kept the story light and fun.

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The Getaway List by Emma Lord, narrated by Norma Butikofer, is an absolute joy to read/listen to. I loved following along as childhood besties, Riley and Tom, reunite in NYC and navigate their post-high school, pre-college lives. The secondary characters are adorable and quirky, but the issues that come up with their parents are very real. Lord has a fun, breezy voice even as she writes an emotional, heartfelt novel. And Butikofer has a voice I could listen to forever! Highly recommend!!!

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Emma Lord knocks it out of the park again with this coming of age YA novel.

This novel is through Riley's point of view. Riley was raised by a single mom who kept her very active in different activities and organizations throughout high school. After she graduates high school Riley decides she wants to go visit her male best friend in NYC, who moved away years ago.

The complex mother-daughter relationship is pushed and explored throughout the entire novel. This really hit home for me as my daughter is a high school freshman. A big goal for me is for her not to repeat mistakes I made during my high school years. We have started discussing after high school plans but it's still early for us. In comparison, Riley and her mom have completely differing ideas of what this reality looks like for Riley.

The best friend relationship with Tom is complex as well. Riley and Tom aren't the same kids they were when they lived in the same town and attended the same school. They started The Getaway List after Tom moved away and it's a bunch of things they want to do together. When Riley shows up at Tom's doorstep for the weekend they start chipping away at The Getaway List.

Riley enjoys NYC so much she extends her visit which complicates both relationships, with her mom and with Tom. Riley's wings start spreading in NYC and she starts to thrive - something she hasn't felt before. New friendships form with other supporting characters, who are all so well developed by Emma Lord making me wonder if a few could have their own spin off sequeal novels.

Overall, a super fun coming of age novel! It's a quick and easy read while still full of complex content.

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