Member Reviews

I've loved everything I've ever read by Kristin Hannah and this was no different. This story taught me so much about the roles of women, specifically nurses, in Vietnam. The dynamics of what a woman's role should be, even in the confines of her family, remind us how far we've come in our concepts and beliefs of what women can do. It also addresses the trauma, both physical and hidden, that our soldiers suffered and continue to suffer in defense of freedom.

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The Women was an absolutely fabulous book, that I adored. It made me laugh, cry, and it legitimately broke my heart. Frankie, the main protagonist, goes through so much! Although I thought this would be impossible to have a happy ending, it ultimately gave a satisfying ending that made me happy.

I especially loved the author's note at the end, discussing the book and all the research and interviews that went into a book with the scope that this one had. Although some literary license was taken with some places and locations, this book worked seamlessly, and I really enjoyed listening to the note, read by the author.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for providing an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was incredible. So powerful I knew how the Vietnam vets were treated when they came back from war. BUT I really had no idea that the women were treated even worse!! This was a 5 star book for me. It sticks with you. You think about it. A story about women who support Women. Strong Women who do their part in this world.

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Excellent book! Engaging, the characters became real in my mind. I recommend that everyone read this book. My favorite book of the year!

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Kristin Hannah is without a doubt one of the great authors of our time. I have been totally enthralled with every novel I have read of her’s. Her WWII novels are riveting! But “The Women”, written about the nurses in the Viet Nam war was incredible as it hit so close to home for me! I lived through that war, writing letters nightly to two boyfriends in 1967, and 1968. But I’d never known it from a nurse’s perspective, even being in nursing school myself at that time. Reading Frankie’s story, I felt every sorrow and pain that she endured, and it was far more than any one should have to go through. The saddest part though, was that it didn’t conclude with Viet Nam . Coming home only caused her life to spiral more out of control. This is one incredible journey and anyone reading it should really contemplate the great sacrifices that the men and even the women in the military have sacrificed for their country! Beautifully written!

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This book is a masterpiece. The amount of research Hannah has to do for her books in always amazing to me. This book was a heartbreaking and gut wrenching read. I can't say that I've ever read a book about the Vietnam War. Historical fiction tends to skew WWII so this was a good break from that. Great narrator. A good narrator always adds to the story.

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This was a well done historical fiction by Kristin Hannah. I appreciated her ability to have me care about the characters and portray the critical importance of female friendships. This book certainly opened my eyes to the women who served in the Vietnam war.

I went back and forth between the audio version and kindle ebook. 4.5 stars

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I don't know how to summarize such a powerful story, but I know I have never ready anything like this before and I don't think I ever will again. The way that Kristin Hannah tells the story of Frankie and her experiences will keep your heart aching for long afterwards. Another excellent book, definitely not one to miss!

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Kristin Hannah's "The Women" is a real and raw exploration of the Vietnam War from a perspective often overlooked in historical narratives: that of the women who served. At the heart of this story is Frankie McGrath, a young nurse who volunteers for the Vietnam War, driven by a sense of duty and a desire to follow in her father's military footsteps.
Hannah depicts Frankie's journey from an eager and idealistic young woman to a seasoned nurse who faces the brutal realities of war. The narrative is rich with the grim details of combat and the emotional toll it takes on those who experience it. Through Frankie's eyes, readers gain a deep understanding of the camaraderie among the women in the military and the unique challenges they faced, both in the warzone and upon their return home.
The novel excels in its portrayal of post-war America, capturing the disillusionment and trauma that many veterans, especially women, experienced. Frankie’s struggle to reintegrate into a society that is indifferent or hostile to her sacrifices is heart-wrenching and vividly rendered. Hannah does not shy away from the complexities of PTSD, gender discrimination, and the personal battles that extend long after the physical war has ended.
"The Women" is not just a historical novel; it’s a tribute to the often-ignored contributions and sacrifices of female veterans. Kristin Hannah's meticulous research and empathetic storytelling result in a powerful narrative that is both educational and deeply moving. This book is a must-read for those interested in a more inclusive understanding of the Vietnam War and its profound impact on the lives of those who served.
Hannah's ability to weave historical accuracy with fictionalized personal stories ensures that "The Women" will resonate with readers long after they have turned the final page. It's a testament to resilience, courage, and the enduring bonds formed in the crucible of war.
I am thankful that I was able to read this book and gain a new perspective on the Vietnam war. I have an uncle who served in this war and it makes me even more proud and appreciative of what he went through for our county.

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The Women by Kristin Hannah is the fist Kristin Hannah book I have read, and it will not be the last! This novel was absolutely heartbreaking especially how realistic the story line is. I am not very familiar with the Vietnam war, the perspective of a veteran also opposing the war was new to me and eye opening. The sexism female veterans faced was also infuriating, Hannah did an amazing job shining a light on so many issues.

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I basically do not think I could love a book more! It will definitely be a top book for the year!
It is heart wrenching and beautifully written!

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The Women is another heart breaking story from this author. Frankie is a nurse in the Vietnam war and the book explores her life after she returns home. Hannah's books are always lengthy, but this one didn't feel as such. A lot of family drama.

Highly recommend!!

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Kristin Hannah is absolutely unmatched when it comes to writing emotional stories that are SO well researched. There are so many gaps in my history-loving brain about Vietnam because it was always glossed over in history class for whatever reason. There is a LOT I didn't know about the war, and this book does a great job of filling in some of those gaps.

This book takes place half in Vietnam and half when the main character returns home from war. And the whole point of the book is to talk about how people forgot that women actually did serve in Vietnam (I swear if one more person said "there were no women in Vietnam" I was going to SCREAM which was probably the point). I think I wish we got more of the wartime storyline or maybe even multiple POVs - the first half of the book went by so quick for me, and there was a good chunk I would've cut from the second half.

It was absolutely a heartbreaking story, but somehow less depressing than The Four Winds (iykyk) which surprised me coming from a story about Vietnam?? Different kinds of heart break for sure, and I enjoyed this one waaaay more than The Four Winds.

I usually rate my books based on how much I enjoyed them, regardless of how well written they are - my enjoyment factor on this one hovers around a 3/3.5, but if I was rating this based on the writing alone, it would easily get a 5. So I'll average it out to a 4 star rating!

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The Women by Kristin Hannah is a historical fiction based on the Vietnam War

“We Were There”

Getting letters from her brother Finley, who was serving in Vietnam, Frankie McGrath loves the descriptions her brother sends of the country and the way he has found a brotherhood in his fellow soldiers. Believing that patriotism is important, she goes to enlist as a military nurse.
“The Nightly news showed smiling soldiers marching in packs through the Vietnamese jungle and giving the newsmen the thumbs-up. No bloodshed.”
Just as she prepares to tell her parents the news, she gets the news that her brother has been killed in action. Her family has a long line of heroes, but stuck in the belief that only men can be soldiers or serve their country, her choice is a ridiculous idea. She questions her decision, ultimately believing her brother would have wanted her to help her country, and against her parent’s advice, she goes to Vietnam. But what she saw on the news was very different, ending up in a country with a different culture, extreme heat, and explosions that she wasn’t prepared for
“Everyone said the same thing: Communism was an evil that had to be stopped: these were the Cold War years .”
The book is a fast paced historical war era fiction set in the time of the Vietnam war. This is based loosely on different stories from various female members of the armed forces. Women were not see. As equals to men and African American females received the worst treatment.

I enjoyed getting the point of view from the nurses. You felt their feelings, ranging from fear to love. You felt heartbreak when they experienced traumatic experiences, and felt their joy with each small pleasure they had. I loved the group of other nurses, finding Barb and Ethel fun and playful, yet also inspiring. Al though I was aware of how our soldiers were treated upon returning home, I never gave thought to the fact that these female soldiers, these nurses, that were in the line of fire, trying to save a soldier or civilians life, while having bombs create a cacophony of sounds and debris. These same women that watched the bombs, blood and gore, seeing missing arms and or legs, pouring blood, but were the ones who worked tirelessly to help the injured. But yes when they returned home and tried to ask for help, they were told they didn’t matter.
If you enjoy war related stories or books by Lisa Wingate, you would definitely enjoy this book. The author writes it in a way that makes you feel right in the midst of what’s happening. You feel the emotions and care about the characters. Hopefully books like this will enlighten and educate those that haven’t seen the injustice of a was that destroyed so many lives.

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My FIRST Kristin Hannah book and I need more!! The way she creates the atmosphere and tells a story was incredible. I felt like I was in the moment of it all. Julia Whelan is one of my favorite narrators so I knew I would love the way it was read to me. I was so invested in the story I flew through it.

Every character was fascinating in their own way. Frankie was so well developed and I find it difficult for anyone to not love her story. She was so interesting, her story was well told. You could tell so much research went into the Vietnam war. So much respect reading it. I laughed and cried.

I’m so glad this was my first Kristin Hannah book. I highly recommend!

Thanks so much NetGalley and Macmillan audio for the ALC.

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Lovely story from a wonderful storyteller. Absolutely love this author stories. Enjoy. Love the audiobook.

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Absolutely loved this book! Kristin Hannah brings historical fiction to life in a way to keeps me intrigued. Hannah is able to transport you straight to the Vietnam War with these female nurses. The heartache they faced while serving and then coming home to a country who pushes them aside. This book will break your heart, but also teach you something along the way.

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The Women by Kristin Hannah is another dynamic story with great character development and a storyline that will stay with you.

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Wow! This was an emotional and eye opening read. While I was a teenager during the Vietnam War, I do remember the bracelets people wore with POW names on them. And my ex-husband’s uncle served during the Vietnam War and suffered emotionally with his memories. I have to admit that I had never considered the “women of Vietnam” ... those who served with the boys and men who fought valiantly. The author did an outstanding amount of research into every aspect of the war. This book will take you right into the guts of the battlefield and have you cringing at the horrors that they had to endure. It was shocking to envision the naivety of the women who volunteer to work as nurses during the war. But I also had to remember that this was a time period when the male opinion was what mattered and the women were not valued as highly. Your heart will ache for the things Frankie, the primary character of the book, physically and emotionally sees and feels while serving in Vietnam but also in the days and years after she returns to the States. As you open this book, be prepared to deal with war, miscarriage, PTSD, death, friendship, heartache, betrayal, love, shame, grief. But it is worth every tear you may shed to get lost in the story of “the women.”

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Thank you to @netgalley, @stmartinspress and for the advanced listening and reading copies!

I'm a critical care nurse. What Frankie endured in Vietnam during the war is probably no where near what I deal with on a daily basis at work, but I still couldn’t help but find similarities. The hopelessness when a critically ill patient arrives and we realize there’s not much else we can do and yet we still try. Despite Frankie being a fictional character, I know she is an icon in portraying the thousands of real war time nurses and I thank Kristin for putting a voice and story to these women.

Kristin Hannah did such an amazing job in her research but also in creating a wholesome story. We follow Frankie before the war, during the war, and afterwards. The amount of loss she endured with not only her patients but in herself, was unimaginable. When Frankie returns from war, we find she is a different person. Plagued by PTSD, she is now forced to deal with a new normal. Kristin Hannah broaches these topics with such a respect, I couldn’t help but feel like I learned something valuable when I was done.

🎧: Narrated by Julia Whelan, she does such an amazing job portraying Frankie and the story. I felt every feeling while listening. She’s just so soothing to listen to no matter what she’s narrating!

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