Member Reviews

This is good. So so dang good.
Tears upon tears and jaw dropping moments.
Kristin Hannah knows how to tell a great story and Julia Whelan is an exceptional narrator!

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Well as soon as you see this is written by Kristin Hannah, you know you are in for an emotional rollercoaster ride of a book, and it delivered. I've gotten kind of bored with the inundation of WWII historical fiction, so I really enjoyed that this was something different, focusing on the Vietnam War. It actually made me want to read more historical fiction from this time period. Even more enticing, the focus was on the women who served in Vietnam, which is an overlooked group. Overall, the writing was great, and I thought the story was very powerful. I do think parts of the ending were a little predictable, but I'm able to forgive that since the overall story was so good. There are so many relationships that are explored - parent/child, friends, siblings, romatic, and more. I don't want to spoil too much of the book so I won't delve too much into the plot. But I really enjoyed that this looked at not only what it was like in the war, but also how the Veterans were treated when they returned and all they went through back in the US.

This was narrated by Julia Whelan, who is my favorite narrator. She always does a fantastic job and is able to do different voices and accents for the characters so well!

Thank you to NetGally and Macmillan Audio for this free ARC in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.

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They are The Women who went to war–the nurses of Vietnam–and many of them felt silenced at home. They lost who they were, who they wanted to be. They were believers, following their beliefs in good and evil, right and wrong, the dream of America, compelled to question who they would be if they chose to look away from the wrongness of this war.

From their perspective, the war was almost beautiful. And perhaps that was a truth universally acknowledged: war looked one way for those who saw it from a safe distance but up close the view changes. Things ripped away, pieces left behind: A metaphor for life in Vietnam and its aftermath. Many of The Women had gone to war as patriots and come home pariahs.

For Army nurse Frankie McGrath, Vietnam was an opportunity to earn her place on the family wall not for marrying well but for saving lives. She joined the Army to find her brother and found herself instead. Frankie discovers that in war, it doesn’t matter where you’re from or how you grew up or what god you believe in, if you’re here, you’re among friends. And TGFG: Thank God For Girlfriends! In this crazy, chaotic, divided world run by men, you can count on The Women.

The world changes for men, but for women, it stays pretty much the same. They were forgotten–all those Vietnam vets but the women most of all. In retrospect, Frankie wonders if she would do it again and enlist, if she is still a believer, a remnant shred of the girl who wanted to make a difference. And she concludes that she would. The war years were the best of her life…and the worst. But everyone should know that women were in Vietnam, too, and pay tribute to the Gold Star Mothers, women who had lost their sons in Vietnam.

Kristin Hannah’s The Women isn’t a wartime love story, with the pilot and the nurse, holding hands while dodging bullets. It’s an epic novel of duty and honor, coming home, taking flight, and a dream for tomorrow.

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As per usual, Kristin Hannah absolutely destroys all of our emotions in every way. This book was simply unbelievable. It is powerful, raw, terrifying, sad and a little heartwarming just to keep us going. I ugly cried way too many times while reading this book.

The Women follows a Vietnam Veteran who served as a nurse, then returned home to find absolutely no support for female veterans. That’s really all you need to know about this book, and I highly suggest you read it soon.

If you have a chance to listen to this book on audio, definitely check it out as the amazing Julia Whelan is the narrator. I read most of it, but listened at parts just to get the Whelan experience.

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Loved it! The narrator was pleasant to listen to. I felt like the final 20% ish of the story could have gone a bit quicker, I lost interest a few times, but overall this Era sweeping novel was well written, and I felt like I was in the saga along for the ride!

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This was my most anticipated book of the year and it needs no introduction as it has been all over instagram and I love seeing all the praise it deserves❤️.

This book has consumed my thoughts since finishing it. There are not many books that talk about the contributions of women to Vietnam and I thought the way Kristin Hannah not only talked about the war but also the aftermath was so very relevant. She was able to humanize it for us in a way I hadn’t seen before.

I loved Frankie and felt all of the emotion right along side her from fear to defiance to frustration and everything in between. How she was treated when she came home from the war was heartbreaking. Through all the tough parts though there was hope, love and lasting friendships which we have come to expect from this author.

🎧Once again Julia Whelan does a wonderful job of bringing the reader such an immersive experience via audiobook. Thanks to for the #gifted copy

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I'm sure many of you have heard of this author or this book. I've read all of her most recent historical fiction books (Winter Garden through to this one) and I think The Women closely ties with The Great Alone for top spot. It was such a good book. It was emotional and passionate and tear jerking but it was also special and lovely and there were so many moments of resiliency and strength. Frankie is an easy character to love, and even though I didn't agree with all of her decisions (but also can't judge her because of what she went through!), I really, really felt for her and thus felt for the other women who were OF COURSE in similar situations post-Vietnam war. It was eye-opening to consider the effects of this war on Veterans, particularly the women who were considerably less recognized and provided mental health aid after their return home. This book takes place over many years during the Vietnam war and afterwards and I found that approach to the story *so* fascinating and well done.

This book has some content warnings (what war book doesn't?) that I'll include in the comment section, but if you've read Kristin Hannah before you're probably prepared to have your heart broken just a little tiny bit but in THIS book I really found there was ultimately a hopeful ending and that made me smile through the tears. Just in case you needed to be assured of that if you've read her other recent works :)

5 easy stars for this book and I'm so glad I read it. Naturally, the audio narration was breathtaking and perfectly performed by @justjuliawhelan whose voice I hadn't listened to for months somehow!! :)

This picture is taken in our Veteran's Memorial hospital building in Halifax where I work and where some Veterans from various wars still reside. (Yes, I took a book picture at work and no, it wasn't embarrassing. lol)

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The Women is a book I really enjoyed. It is a quick read that’s worth the time to listen to. I would also reccomend this book to read. It is story about the bravery of women in many different ways. From standing up for ones beliefs to the hard work and endourance they can achieve together or alone. It is also a touching story of women's relationships within themselves and with others.
I feel there were some parts that were important to the story but could have been told and described in less words. Though provoking discussions could come from sharing this story with others.

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Wow! Just wow! As with The Nightingale, The Four Winds, and The Great Alone, Kristin Hannah does such a beautiful job drawing you into all of her novels! The characters are well-developed, and I always walk away wanting more. Every one of her novels should become movies, series, or mini-series!

This book will take you from California, to Vietnam, to Virginia, D.C., and finally to Big Sky Country as you live through the journey of one nurse who lived through the trauma, love, loss, and shame that was cast upon her during a war that many Americans would have rather forgotten, along with those who sacrificed in support of their country.

The Women is intense, heart-wrenching, anger inducing, thought provoking, and tear jerking! Get ready for a beautifully crafted ride!

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Thank you Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to The Women by Kristin Hannah early.

This book captures the life of a nurse before, during and after the Vietnam war. The female protagonist's experiences in Vietnam were haunting. I loved the female friendships and was sad to discover people did not acknowledge women's service during the Vietnam War for a long time.

Frankie was such a vivacious character -- Julia Whelan made this book and character shine with a radiance of a thousand suns, I couldn't stop listening.

I think the part that I wasn't enamored with was how the narrative was predominantly centered around men, white mediocre men to be more precise. None of Frankie's love interests and relationships with them were particularly exciting or well-written, the plot twists surrounding 2 of them made me roll my eyes on more than one occasion, I also didn't love how this book erased the voices of the Vietnam women and women of color (there is one reference to one of her friends being Black as an explanation as to why this characters comes across as aloof and angry -- need I add: not the best representation)

Overall, despite some of its shortcomings I feel this book that tells an important story -- about the women who served during the Vietnam war whose bravery and contributions were widely ignored by society.

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happy PUB day to a book that I not only read an advanced ebook of, but also listened to an advanced audiobook of & I just HAD to hold a physical copy to put on my bookshelf!

a few thoughts:
- this is the type of story that sticks with you for a while once you’re done & it opened my eyes so much to a part of history that I’m not super familiar with
- if you’re an audiobook fan, HIGHLY recommend this since the one and only @justjuliawhelan narrates
- don’t be intimidated by it’s length (a whopping 464 pages), you’ll FLY through — but be sure to have tissues close by

THANK YOU NETGALLEY for advanced ebook and e-audio!! I enjoyed them both equally

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It seems odd to say that this is my first Kristin Hannah book. I expected it to be more literary based on the way customers spoke about it so I was surprised to find that it was similar to most contemporary historical fiction- which I tend to like better. This was a good book but I enjoyed the beginning more than the rest of it. The time in Vietnam was my favorite part of the book though I understand why so much of it covered her time back home. Any fan of hers will enjoy it and I think most will be pleased to get away from WWII fiction.

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This book is absolutely amazing! Maybe the best of Kristin Hannah yet. It is set during the Vietnam War, a time that seems often overlooked in historical fiction and shares the perspective of women nurse serving in the war. Through her story the reader sees how women served and were essential in the war, how the American government misled the citizens about the war, and the how terribly the soldiers were treated when they returned after fighting in horrible conditions and without the mental health they needed. Her story shines a light on what it was actually like to be a nurse in the war and then come home to most everyone treating you poorly and many acting like there were not even women in the war even though she had been there. She suffered with serious mental health issues and needed help that she couldn't figure out how to get. She also struggled with love and loss and being betrayed by someone she loved again and again. The real highlight was the love of female friendships. Her friends were the ones who saved her again and again. This is a must read!

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A slice of little known history about women in the Vietnam War. I loved every part of this book!
In the author's note, KH says that she had the idea to write this book many years ago but felt she needed to wait until she had honed her writing skills. Well, she absolutely knocked it out of the park!! Brava!!

The book starts with the protagonist Frankie McGrath getting her nursing license at 17 years old and enlisting in the Army Nurse Corps to join the Vietnam War at 21 years old. The plot focuses on her time in the war for two tours, the hostility and lack of validation she faced upon her return to the US and her spiral into PTSD. Throughout Frankie's story, I felt like I was there with her. The vivid descriptions and the emotional depth brought me fully into this reading experience.

I listened to the audio, which was performed by one of my favorite narrators @JuliaWhelan. She did an absolutely fantastic job of bringing this story to life. Her acting skills were phenomenal!

Although this was a long book at 15 hours of audio, it sped by at break neck speed. I was gripped from start to finish. I learned so much about this slice of history and gained much awareness of what the women war veterans went through. I highly recommend this audiobook to readers looking for #HistoricalFiction, #WomensFiction, #WarFiction

#TheWomen @KristinHannah

A gracious thank you to #Netgalley and @MacmillanAudio for an advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was amazing. Kristin Hannah has done it again. It was so descriptive it felt like I was actually there. Frankie enlists to join the Army as a combat nurse for two tours. She suffers from PTSD and the loss of many close friends and a lover and a brother. Even after all this she was never considered a war hero.

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I love learning through reading and the Vietnam War was a new historical fiction era for me. I also love that KH gives us history through the women's point of view. This one might be my favorite. Frances is so brave and steps up when many would cower away. It seems that she cannot catch a break ever! My heart continued to break for her but I was also angry. It's really hard to believe the way women who served in Vietnam were treated upon returning home. This one will stay with me for a long time.

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The Women follows Frankie McGrath and her experience as a nurse during the Vietnam War. It also follows her transition back into civilian life, and how she had to learn to live with all the trauma and loss she endured. This also highlights the challenges of being a female veteran, who had less access to resources and faced more judgment than their male counterparts.


This is my first Kristin Hannah book and I liked it. I think it provides a ton of perspective on veteran women in the Vietnam War and it was well written. I wouldn't say it has a plot, it's more of a character-focused story, and that's what makes it so impactful. It's a sad yet powerful read and if you like historical fiction, I think you'll enjoy this.

The audiobook quality is great and the narrator did a good job with this. The voice matched the character and she carried the pace really well.

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🚁As a mood reader, I knew I had to wait for just the right time to read what would probably be an emotional story. The buzz and anticipation for this book these last few months, I just knew I would love it, and it’s probably my favorite book by Kristin Hannah to date. She truly is a master storyteller!

🏥I loved learning about this part of history that I honestly didn’t know much about. My grandmother was an Army nurse in WWII, so I’m always drawn to stories like these, featuring strong women at the very center. I loved having happy hour with my Grannie as she rarely shared those stories, but it was usually after a rum and coke that she would share bits and pieces, or sing the songs she shared with her fellow nurses.

🚁I’d like to think Frankie McGrath was a lot like those women, and she is a character that will stay with me for a long time. My heart broke to think of all of the women who served in the Vietnam War, but didn’t get the honor or recognition, as well as the men. Mental health rep with topics of PTSD, and post-war trauma were done so well, which really spoke to my heart to do more for the veterans.

🎧I paired the book with the audiobook which was narrated by one of the greats, Julia Whelan. I was able to completely immerse myself into this story while I was at an all day Volleyball tournament if that tells you anything.

🕰️Historical Fiction
🏥strong female friendships
🚁themes of forgiveness
🕰️Vietnam War story

*many thanks to St Martin’s Press and Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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This was an interesting telling of a young woman that volunteers to become a nurse in the Vietnam war. I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy of the audiobook and found myself looking forward to my work commute, just so I could listen to this book. As always, Kristin Hannah’s writing rips my heart out at some of the things her characters endure. I really felt emotionally tied to Frankie and her journey. My only critique is that I would have loved an epilogue!

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I have never read any Kristin Hannah before and unfortunately this one fell flat for me. It did not feel like a war-time historical fiction but rather like a soap opera version of that. What did not sit well with me was the first half of the novel where our protagonist Frankie is in Vietnam. We are constantly told how much Frankie has changed in her time as a combat nurse however we never really got to know her before she joined the Army; I felt like her main character trait was simply "nurse." I also felt like this could have taken place in any war in any country; we are not given many specifics about politics or combat surrounding what may be the US's most controversial war. For example, one scene Frankie treats a mass casualty resulting from the Tet Offensive but we are not given any details on how major that was for the war. There are several romantic story lines while Frankie is in country which weakened the novel for me.

The second half of the novel I enjoyed much more and felt like I really got to understand Frankie and her upbringing. Hannah does an great job describing Frankie's PTSD and I truly believed this was the case for many returning from Vietnam.

Overall, I'm glad I read this novel although I may have been expecting a little more Full Metal Jacket.

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the ARC!

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