Member Reviews

I loved Maggie’s story and her narration of her journey. She is truly an inspirational woman who has persevered and overcome so much.

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Maggie is a hero and I loved hearing her story from her perspective. This is a great read to get ready for all the Olympic coverage

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It was interesting listening to Maggie Nichols' story in her Unstoppable!: My Journey from World Champion to Athlete A to 8-Time NCAA National Gymnastics Champion and Beyond. She has such courage and bravery to tell it and I found her audiobook a great listen.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of “Unstoppable!” in exchange for an honest review. This was a very commendable undertaking by Maggie Nichols. I was struck, all over again, by her bravery and the repercussions of speaking out against Larry Nassar.. Nichols’ legacy will extend beyond her gymnastics skills. I sincerely hope that she has a beautiful life.

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wow! What a strong woman to write this book. I liked the insight into the gymnastics world, as well as the author's vulnerability about talking about the more difficult areas of her time spent there. It presented a strong and resilient person.

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Beautiful memoir. Gave insight to the life of a gymnast and the things they go through that aren’t seen from the outside. This book makes me step back and want to look at things in life more thoroughly. Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio this beautiful memoir.

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Maggie has such an incredible and heartbreaking story. From a young age, she was destined and committed to becoming a high-level gymnastics competitor. Along the way she experienced victories, failures, mistakes, injuries, and the traumas of abuse at the hands of Dr. Nassar. She shares what she feels comfortable with in this book about the abuse and USA gymnastics’ response, but not in too much detail for that to be the main focus. I truly enjoyed hearing about the highs and lows of her gymnastics career and how she overcame obstacles, exemplifying pure determination and resilience on her part.

Thank you so much to Macmillan Audio, Maggie, and NetGalley for the advance listener’s copy!

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I thought this was a very honest and well done memoir. It broke my heart to hear what Maggie went through. Maggie has always been one of my favorite gymnasts. I enjoyed hearing all about her college experience. I followed the abuse scandal, but still found out a lot of new information I hadn't heard before regarding the cover-ups. Definitely a must read for gymnastics fans.

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Loved hearing Maggie tell her story in her voice! If you watched Athlete A you need to read this book. Devastating to hear all the trauma a sport I love has caused, but loved hearing the hope for the future of the sport and girls involved. I really enjoyed hearing differences between NGO and collegiate gymnastics.

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Inspirational story, highly recommend for young adult and adult readers. Maggie as well as the other gymnasts who came forward about their abuse are such brave women. They stood up to their abuser and changed the future of the sport. Maggie is an inspiration for young girls. Thank you Net Galley for the advance copy.

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Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

This was a very informative book. I learned things I didn't know before. This book honestly still solidifies my little girl dreams of wanting to be a gymnast. Ill just have to live vicariously through other gymnast!

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Reading Challenge Category – 2024 PopSugar Reading Challenge: About women's sports, athlete, by female athlete

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC Audiobook read by the author.

I give Maggie Nichols all of the stars. An impressive, courageous, resilient woman who stood up to a dangerous criminal and an entire system of “the man.” She is a lioness.

I give the book 4/5 stars as some parts were a bit repetitive and other parts jumped around a bit.

Hearing about how she lost her almost guaranteed spot on the Olympic team because she spoke out against the rapist, Larry Nassar, makes me so angry on her behalf. She already had to endure sexual assault, but then due to Steve Penny trying to cover it up and punish her, she couldn’t reach her ultimate dream of being an Olympian.

She is still a successful young woman who inspires others. I hope she continues to do well in her life.

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I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this on NetGalley and couldn't wait to devour it!
I was shocked to learn so much, when you think you have heard the whole story and then get into Maggie's story, you realize there is just so much more to it.
I could not put it down! I commend her for her bravery in moving forward and calling out Larry and not stopping, standing up for not only herself but hundreds of others.
It was appalling how the whole thing was handled and the lack of answers still to this day. It was such an eye opening read and I couldn't put it down.
What a book, Maggie really is unstoppable.

<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Unstoppable!: My Journey from World Champion to Athlete A to 8-Time NCAA National Gymnastics Champion and Beyond" src="" /></a><a href="">Unstoppable!: My Journey from World Champion to Athlete A to 8-Time NCAA National Gymnastics Champion and Beyond</a> by <a href="">Maggie Nichols</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this on Netgalley and couldn't wait to devour it!<br />I was shocked to learn so much, when you think you have heard the whole story and then get into Maggie's story, you realize there is just so much more to it.<br />I could not put it down! I commend her for her bravery in moving forward and calling out Larry and not stopping, standing up for not only herself but hundreds of others.<br />It was appalling how the whole thing was handled and the lack of answers still to this day. It was such an eye opening read and I couldn't put it down.<br />What a book, Maggie really is unstoppable.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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Maggie Nichols had an unbelievable career which was side tracked by a cover up. And her strength to overcome is very evident in all she has achieved.

I think every young teenager, especially girls, should read this book. Not only does it have an unexpected predator, it talks about body image, eating disorders, unjust treatment…I could go on. Maggie Nichols is one strong woman and has overcome all of the above.

I did feel like the sexual abuse took a back seat position to other issues Maggie experienced in her career. I expected more facts and more direction for young women who have experienced something similar. Don’t get me wrong, Maggie told her truth. I just think, since this is a young adult book, there could have been more direction for young women in this terrible situation.

The narrators, Emily Pike Stewart, Maggie Nichols and Simone Biles are SPOT ON!

Need a story about strength and overcoming adversity…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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4.5 stars
I always feel weird about rating other people's life experiences. Especially if they go through something traumatic.
I started doing gymnastics when I was probably 7 (just a once a week class), I competed in middle and high school, then did open gyms while I was in college. Gymnastics was my life for a very long time even though I was NOWHERE near the level of elite. I followed many girls on their Olympic journeys, including Maggie. I remember the selection of the 2012 Olympics team and I remember the story of Dr Nassar being broken. I did not closely follow the story so did not know the full extent of the involvement (or lack of) in USAG etc.
Maggie's story starts with her joining gymnastics when she was very young (I think 2 or 3) and by the time she was only a few years older, she was already at a significant competing level. She was obviously extremely determined and dedicated. She details her sacrifices on her way to becoming one of the top gymnasts in the US. She followed all the "rules" like you need to have the perfect gymnast body aka you basically can't eat, which lead to what she thinks was an undiagnosed eating disorder. She forced herself to get better and better despite multiple large injuries which lead to her meeting Dr Nassar. She concludes with her collegiate career and beyond.
Her story was very inspiring. She made up her mind very young what she wanted, and she actually followed through. There is such a small amount of gymnasts who are able to even do Olympic trials that it's amazing she was able to make that dream come true for herself. Despite almost being forced to eat next to nothing and being abused by who is supposed to be a trusted adult, she seemed to always stay positive. Despite not being chosen to go to the Olympics, even though she was a favorite to go, because she was the one who started the ball rolling on Dr Nassar, she managed to have an amazing college career.
It is (or was) kind of widely known/assumed in the gymnastics community that the best ones had to maintain a certain body, and that that certain body type was more likely to be chosen for the Olympics or bigger competitions over others. I believe this mindset has been somewhat thrown out and it is more important to be healthy than skinny, as Maggie's college coaches taught her.
Maggie was talking to a teammate one day asking her if Dr Nassar had ever done anything that felt inappropriate. Her coach overheard her and took the reins and reported it. Maggie was Athlete A. It was revealed later that there had been multiple reports about him going back 20 years, but USAG found a way to work around the rules and basically sweep it under the rug. Maggie and her support system were not going to let that happen again. It was so disgusting how this whole thing was handled. I'm not going to go into it, but the more details I learned about this were horrifying. So many people where complicit. It took so much bravery for the girls who came forward to do so.
Maggie narrated her book and I think that makes it even more powerful. She was the one telling her own story and she did a great job. There were a few portions, like the statements she made to the media that were read by someone else, but largely it was read by her.
It's always weird to say you are proud of someone you don't even know, but I'm proud Maggie stood up for herself, and I'm glad she has told her story. She is a very inspirational young woman.

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This memoir is truly inspiring and heartbreaking all at once. Maggie is Athlete A as mentioned in the case against Larry Nassar. Her strength to use what happened to her to help other survivors in the gymnastics world really seems to define who Maggie is. I enjoyed hearing her voice as she detailed her early gymnastic beginnings up to present-day. I suspect she will continue to make an impact in gymnastics and the world of women’s sports. This memoir audiobook is perfect for teen readers, as well as interested adults.

4.5 stars— only due to other narrators not being nearly as compelling to listen to as Maggie.

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I have always loved watching gymnastics during the Olympics and World Championships. I remember watching them with my mom when I was little and then with my girls when they were growing up. I remember Maggie’s story when it hit the news and how sad and angry I was for Maggie and the others about what happened to them. I was eager to read Maggie’s story when I heard about this book coming out. I enjoyed learning more about her gymnastics journey and her time with the US team. It was hard hearing about her abuse from Nassar and her struggles with an eating disorder. As heartbreaking as her story is, it just shows how strong and brave Maggie is by telling her story. I listened to the audio of this book and I’m sure it had to be hard for Maggie to be the narrator. She did an amazing job conveying her message to her listeners.

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I flew through this story of Maggie Nichols & her rise to become a world champion in gymnastics & beyond. My heart went out to Maggie at so many different chapters of her life and career & all the sacrifices she made & struggles she faced. From the sexual scandals with Larry Nassar to disordered eating to multiple serious injuries, I was very inspired by her attitude to keep going & never let anything bring her down from doing what she loved. I learned a lot from this memoir about what it takes to be an elite gymnast.

Loved the audio! Maggie did an amazing job reading her story & reports from the trials!

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I have read the accounts of every olympic team member's interactions with Larry Nassar, so when I watched Athlete A and heard the Maggie would be releasing her side of the story, I knew I had to read it, too.

Hearing Maggie read this as an audiobook makes the story so much more profound, heartbreaking, and inspiring.

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In this inspirational memoir, Maggie Nichols gives us a personal look into the elite world of gymnastics. She chronicles her experience in gymnastics from a young age, including the sexual abuse scandal that destroyed lives and dreams. In this memoir, Maggie gives us hope as she shows her triumph over pain, injuries, and trauma.

In this memoir, Maggie did a great job explaining the different mechanics of the sport of gymnastics, including the different skills needed to achieve different levels. She also explained the scoring differences between youth, elite, and collegiate gymnastics well so that an average person who isn’t familiar with gymnastics could understand. My favorite part of the memoir is how she focused so much on the coaches and adults in her life who gave her strength and courage throughout her career in gymnastics. Maggie did an excellent job explaining the lawsuits and proceedings against Larry Nassar and the FBI. I could feel deeply Maggie’s overarching theme of resilience and trusting your instinct when something is not right. I highly recommend this memoir to anyone interested in gymnastics and anyone interested in learning more about the events surrounding Larry Nassar! Maggie Nichols and Emily Pike Stewart did an excellent job narrating the book! I give this memoir 5/5 stars.

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