Member Reviews

Shutter island, is that your sister? Talk about suspenseful thriller!

I absolutely loved this story. It had intrigue, kept me guessing, and reminded me of an iconic movie all at once. The chapters were a nice length, not too short but not too long. I enjoyed the dual timelines for the first half of the book as well as the main character. The police were certainly very aggravating and I would’ve liked some more closure for the current timeline, but I would recommend!

When Iris was a teen, she saw her twin sister get kidnapped. With the police not taking her story seriously, the case quickly went cold. Still searching for answers and now in her twenties, she takes a job at Shoal Island, home for the criminally insane.

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC!

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I really loved this novel until 3/4 of the way through and then the story just collapsed and became completely looney. However, great pacing and characterization prior to that point.

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I expected more of a thriller. Parts of the book really dragged. The last few chapters will keep you reading until the end and keep you guessing.

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Tarryn Fisher has done it again! Good half gone was such a fun thriller full of twists and turns! Bet you can’t guess the ending!

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Good Half Gone
by Tarryn Fisher

Publication: 19 Mar 2024 by Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House

Thank you NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Tarryn Fisher for my gifted copy. I was under no obligations to review, all opinions are my own.

I have to admit that I only know Tarryn Fisher from the “Never Never Series“ cowritten with Colleen Hoover. I liked that series. I tried to read “The Wives” but could not get into it. But as a dear friend strongly recommended me this book, I went for it. Blindly.
That’s also what I recommend everyone to do. Give this book a chance, know nothing about it. It will make it so much better.

Though, I have very mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed it. The pacing was good and the story captured me. However, me, who is not even trying to figure out twists and where the story is going, I had it all figured out early on. So there was an issue with the story being predictable.

The book touched some really heavy issues, which I have personally no trouble with. But boy, it did get heavy. On the one hand I really liked and appreciate that, in the other hand, I saw my limit approaching.

I always enjoy books that have a dual timeline, this time around I enjoyed the “past” more than the “present”. There were a few hickups in the story and I enjoyed the beginning more than the (very) end.

If you have made it so far in my review, now I can tell you that in general I love stories involving twins. Now we have a dead twin here and our fmc tries to find the killer. This is a story of loss, sisterly bonds and redemption. Maybe even about love.

If I had to sum this up, this was very solid and far more than I expected! Also far better than I expected. I am happy that I’ve read this after my initial doubts.

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I loved it! Gripping, suspenseful, and a lot of twists that I didn't see coming. I really enjoyed this book, and will gladly read more of this author in the future.

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Wowowow! Tarryn Fisher has once again create a fantastic thriller that had me on the hook until the last page! I typically flew through Good Half Gone in record time because I HAD to get all of the answers. I went into this book, completely blind (which I highly recommend) and felt like I was on the edge of my seat, the entire way through. I am usually pretty good at figuring out the mystery early on, and truth be told I never figured it out until it was revealed—love that! Good Half Gone is a 5 star novel and 2024 MUST READ!

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I really wanted to like this, but it just was not good for me.

The past timeline was pretty solid and the story flowed well and I was interested in what would happen next.

The present timeline was more boring and dragged a little. My big issue though was the final climax/twist. It just did not make sense and was silly in a bad way. I did not find this book to be suspenseful, thrilling or even much of a mystery.

Some people will eat this book up and love it, which I'm glad that that particular audience has a new book for them. This was just not crafted in a manner that was enjoyable to me. Particularly the characters and their relationships in the present timeline I found to be so flat and one-dimensional.

I received this as an ARC from Netgalley in return for this honest review.

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This book starts with a missing twin and her sisters attempts to get her back. The premise was good, the couple twists were also unexpected. I enjoyed the book overall but felt it was drawn out in the beginning and rushed at the end.

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★ ★ ★ ★ //5

Good Half Gone
by: Tarryn Fisher


I want to thank the author for giving me the opportunity to read this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

Esssssh it has been a hot minute since I picked up a thriller because I couldn’t find one that I was in the mood for but this book was just that particular book. I loved every single second of this book. I saw down with this book on a Sunday morning and read it front to back loving the twists and turns that Tarryn fished to us throughout. Her writing style I have to say is my favorite. Everything was here for this book for me personally, I loved the writing style, the storyline/plot, the characters were well rounded and well developed and I enjoyed every second. This book will keep you turning the pages trying to figure out what is going to happen next and will keep your heart racing. You will be walking along side Iris as she tries to piece together the cold case death of her twin sister. Put this addictive read on your TBR and you will not be disappointed.

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Wow, this book was a fantastic thriller. I’ve always really enjoyed Tarryn Fischer books and writing style but this one stood out in my mind. The story of a woman trying to find her twin sister’s killer the book took so many twists and turns. I enjoyed how the story seamlessly went from the present to tell the story was excellent. The parts of her time on the island working with the criminally insane was a highlight for me as I feel like that such an interesting part of medicine and was such an important part of the story.

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Good Half Gone" by Tarryn Fisher is an emotional rollercoaster that delves into the complexities of love, loss, and redemption. The story follows the journey of broken souls seeking solace in each other. Fisher's writing is raw and poignant, capturing the intricacies of human connection with a haunting beauty. The characters are flawed yet relatable, making the reader empathize with their struggles. The narrative unfolds with a gripping intensity, keeping you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Fisher skillfully weaves a tale of shattered dreams and resilient hearts, making "Good Half Gone" a compelling and thought-provoking read.

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This is the first book by Tarryn Fisher that I’ve read and this twisty thriller was a good one!
Iris Ealsh was 15 when she watched as her twin Piper was kidnapped. The police didn’t believe Iris; they thought Piper had run away. After half heartedly investigating, Piper’s case was considered closed. But Iris can’t forget or let go. Now she’s in her early twenties, raising her son Cal and living with her grandmother. She finished college with just one goal in mind - get a job as an intern at Shoal Island Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Iris believes her sister’s murderer could be at that hospital and she’s determined to find out what happened to Piper.

This follows two timelines; when the twins were fifteen and the present. The book jumps right in with a great start so there’s no way you can put it down. It meanders a little in the middle, but picks back up again to get to the shocking ending. I had suspicions about a few of the characters but I didn’t figure out what happened until all was revealed. If you like suspenseful stories, you’ll like this!

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I’ve read her books before and was excited to try this one out. Unfortunately, this book was just too slow for me. Would not recommend.

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I devoured this book in just a couple of sittings (I have kids and those kids demand things…like being fed and played with…otherwise, I would I would have read it straight through!)
The story line was intriguing, and I knew I was in for a treat, as I’ve never been let down by a Tarryn Fisher book, but this really was great! I loved the changes between Iris and Piper as twins. I also enjoyed Gran and her role in trying to find her granddaughter and supporting Iris. Seeing Iris go so hard to find her sister and to honor her sister was wonderful, even though parts of their relationship were challenged in their years together.
I loved that this book touched on addiction and the way it unravels families and affects the children involved.
All in all, I’d highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a book that will truly keep you wondering how it’ll go until the end!

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This is my first Fisher book and I started soooo engaged with it but about half way through I started to feel like not only was it jumpy and the splices/time changes were choppy, but I saw the ending coming from a mile away. It felt like this might be a second draft, not a ready for publication book. I liked the premise and I really felt for the characters but there was so many open-ended threads that it was just like “whhuuuuh????”…

I give it three stars because it had me in the first half, even if it couldn’t keep me in the second.

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Wow! What a twisty ride. I was hooked by the end of the first chapter. I like that the storyline moved between the past and present storylines. In the past we learned about Iris and Piper who were twin sisters. Piper is kidnapped and no one is taking the kidnapping seriously. The current storyline is told from the perspective of Iris as an adult, still trying to solve the mystery of what happened to her sister.
I thought this was well done and I am anxious to recommend it.

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I was excited to read this book. I got hooked instantly from the first few chapters.
Iris and Piper are twins and Piper is kidnapped and Iris tries to find out what happened to her sister. I enjoyed the storyline but overall I felt like the book was just fair. I didn’t feel a connection to any of the characters. I felt like the ending was too rushed and the twist was too unbelievable for my liking.

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Tarryn Fisher is a hit or miss author for me. Each novel of hers I’ve read has either been phenomenal or forgettable. Good Half Gone was a great book. I throughly enjoyed it and read it quickly.

Good Half Gone follows Iris as she investigates the cold case death of her twin sister, Piper. The timeline bounces between past and present where you see what happened in the days and years following Piper’s disappearance. There were a few twists and turns along the way.

The ending was wild and a little over the top but I still enjoyed the book overall.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing.

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This is an absolute masterpiece that left me completely spellbound. I couldn't put it down!

The story follows Iris Walsh, who witnessed her twin sister Piper's kidnapping as a teenager, only to have her pleas fall on deaf ears. As an adult, Iris is determined to unearth the truth and find the proof she so desperately seeks. She takes matters into her own hands by interning at the enigmatic Shoal Island Hospital for the criminally insane. What follows is a heart-pounding journey into the depths of mystery and danger.

Fisher's storytelling is nothing short of exceptional. She weaves a web of suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly turning page after page to uncover the chilling secrets lurking beneath the surface of the Shoal. The characters are complex and intriguing, and the plot is filled with unexpected twists that had me gasping in disbelief.

What truly sets 'Good Half Gone' apart is the relentless atmosphere of tension and the sense of unease that lingers throughout the narrative. Fisher skillfully blends elements of mystery, thriller, and psychological suspense, creating a captivating reading experience.

This book had me hooked from the very beginning, and the ending, oh, the ending! It left me in awe and shattered in a way that only Tarryn Fisher can achieve. If you're a fan of thrilling, mind-bending mysteries, 'Good Half Gone' is an absolute must-read. My experience reading this book was nothing short of extraordinary, and I can't recommend it enough to anyone seeking a story that will keep you guessing until the very last page.

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