Member Reviews

Research botanist Saffron Everleigh recently returned from a conference in France. While she was there she observed areas destroyed by chemicals released during WWI, strengthening her resolve to never work in a government project. That resolve is tested when she is thrown into another investigation. Alexander Ashton, who Saffron has feelings for, asks for her help when his brother Adrian becomes a murder suspect. The victim was a scientist working in a government lab. While Adrian had no connection to the scientist, he shared a train compartment with him as he became ill and died. As Saffron research’s possible poisons that may have caused the death, her roommate Elizabeth faces problems o her own. Her brother Nick is arriving for a visit. Nick had served in the war and is still attached to the government. When a second scientist is killed, he asks Saffron to go undercover in the lab to discover what the scientist had been working on and who was responsible for the deaths.

Saffron is following in her late father’s footsteps, much to the dismay of her grandparents, who want her to return home and settle down. She has little contact with them and has lost their support, but she is determined to succeed. She has placed herself in danger in past investigations. Alexander fears that her work for Nick will once again threaten her life. He had run across Nick in Greece during the war and he knows that Nick can be ruthless and uses people to succeed in his assignments. Using Saffron allows her to discover that the greatest danger may not come from the killer, but from the lab itself. This is the third book in Kate Khavari’s series. Her characters are well developed and face the challenges of a changing world. Saffron’s field is dominated by men and she must constantly prove herself. Alexander’s mother is Greek, but he has adopted the mannerisms and speech of his English father to be accepted in society. Their strengths and weaknesses bring them to life and Khavari ends her story with a glimpse of the danger to come. I would like to thank NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for providing this book for my review.

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'A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets' by Kate Khavari is a fun next installment in this historical fiction novel. Though if you've not read the previous novels this one may fall a little flat.

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In this next installment of the investigative adventures of Saffron Everleigh the intrepid botanist is pulled into a web of intrigue surrounding mysterious deaths, government research, gambling dens, and disreputable suitors! When Saffrons best friend Elizabeth’s brother Nick reappears he sems to be about socializing but Saffrons beau Alexander knows he’s a government agent and dangerous. Of course Nick sweeps them all into an investigation that could have lethal consequences.

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I was very excited to reconnect with the wonderful Saffron Everleigh, however I found myself feeling Saffron really didn't show up to the party. I don't feel like Saffron grew or developed in this installment and she kind of fell flat for me overall. Anyone could have taken her place in the story and it wouldn't have made a difference. Her only characteristic in this was a continuation of struggles she had in the previous book - particularly about her Dad's history and governmental concerns. That plotline is just not interesting enough to carry this series and I feel like we really need more character work to help things along.

Alexander was similarly boring for me, which is strange to say since we did learn a lot more about it. While that was nice, it didn't feel emotional or impactful - there was too much of a disconnect and it just ended up feeling like I was being given information rather than truly getting to know him on a deeper level. I am happy that he and Saffron worked out their differences, but that also didn't feel entirely genuine. Their relationship felt unearned and we lost of lot of the spark between them.

I will say that Eliza was well done and I loved the depth and complexity we got with her in this story. It was nice to see her play a bigger role, but her struggles and development are just not enough to excuse the lack of interest in our main two characters. Having her brother, Nick, involved was also a nice aspect and I do find him quite interesting.

The plot was, unfortunately, both confusing and boring to me. In the previous two books, I feel like the mysteries were a bit more complex. We had little reveals and a few twists along the way that really keep you interested and entertained. That wasn't the case in this story. It felt like we waited until the very end to get any monumental information and I didn't even find it particularly satisfying. I would not have minded a lackluster plot had the characters been more interesting. But, this one just fell flat all around.

I think this book feels the most out of place in the series and I hope this was just a case of something like "middle book syndrome". I'm very interested in the direction that was teased for the next book and I hope it's much more similar to the first 2 books in this series because I definitely enjoyed those ones quite a lot.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC of this book.

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Rating: 3.5

After having previously read the other two in the series and seeing the third on Netgalley, I had to request it when I saw it on here.

Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed reading this. It fell a bit flat, the plot feeling rushed and less intricate. Perhaps I was spoilt by the other two books, but this didn't feel like it was up to the standard that had been set. If I hadn't read the first two books and just led with this, maybe I would have rated it higher but overall as part of a series, it didn't live up to the rest. It definitely felt more like a way to introduce and setup characters/plots for another book though.

Also, I personally prefer Lee to Alexander, so maybe my bias is showing because of the character time in this book compared to the last.

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I am a sucker for a strong female character, especially in historical fiction. I believe this is the third or fourth novel in the series. While I don't think I missed too much of the plot for not having read the earlier novels, I didn't quite get as much character development (which makes sense). It was good, and I'm intrigued enough to track down the earlier books!

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This is the first Saffron Everleigh mystery I've had the pleasure of reading and I am hooked! She is such a well-rounded heroine. She's a scientist, a good friend to her roommate, and has a romantic side to boot. One character trait that gets her into trouble, however, is her sense of curiousity. When she is asked to help clear her friend Alexander's brother's name for a murder, she can't help but to get pulled in way over her head. And she just keeps getting pulled in deeper and deeper....

I enjoyed reading about the time period after the First World War in England. I also really enjoyed the botany and horticulture side of the story, though I can't pretend to be at all familiar with any of the plants or fungi mentioned. I think this mystery would appeal to people who love academia vibes in their reading, as Saffron is a botanist in the University's employ. She must deal with the inherent struggles of being a woman scientist, which wouldn't have been easy in her day and age.

Thank you to netgalley for providing me a free advanced digital copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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The setting for this story is England between the two world wars. Saffron Everleigh worked hard to follow her late father’s example by attaining a position as a researcher at the university. The result of her academic success is estrangement from her remaining family. Her friend and flatmate, Elizabeth, is in a similar situation. Saffron is a botanist who specializes in poisonous plants. In this capacity she aided authorities with investigations in the past. She hopes to not be involved in any more investigations, it’s not good for one’s reputation. But when the brother of her friend is suspected of murder, her help is requested. So she steps in once again.
I believe this is the third book in a series. I did not feel a lack for having not read the prior volumes.
Thanks to NetGalley for an eGalley of this book.

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I absolutely loved this arc! I didn’t know it was a third in a series, so I hurried and read the first from my library and i was forever thankful! I absolutely adored these and I hope we get more of them soon!

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Some might consider a bit controversial that I post about DNF books but I am pushing past my doubts here and just want to tell why this book didn't work for me. It was not clear to me when I chose it on Netgalley that A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets was the third book in a series (maybe I didn't pay enough attention). I'm very undisciplined when it comes to reading series in order, and that's normally not an issue, as in many cases, the author has a way to weave the back story into the first chapter and to make it easy for newcomers to catch the train. Here, it doesn't work. You need to have read the first two books to understand anything about the story. I was lost at sea with lots of characters and previous events that were merely alluded to and it wasn't fun. If people have started the series from the beginning I assume it might be a lot more fun.

I might have persevered if the mystery of this book was quick to start, but when I decided to DNF, at 23%, it was still a slow build (due to the development of characters I didn't know) and I could not wait any longer. The last thing that annoyed me was that even though the book is set in the 1920s (and frequently alludes to the long lasting impacts of the Great War, in terms of trauma, shell shock, and changing attitudes of society), Saffron Everleigh and a few other characters behave in an anachronistic manner, that is certainly more a reflection on current female empowerment and consent than what went on at the time. I liked the botanical approach to mystery, but this was definitely not enough.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley. I received a free copy of this book for review consideration.

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A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets is the third book in Kate Khavari's Saffron Everleigh mystery series. In this book Saffron is drawn into a new investigation by her former love interest Alexander when his brother becomes the prime suspect in a murder. I really love this series. London in the 1920's is a perfect setting. The mysteries are always captivating as are the personal relationships. I enjoyed getting to send more time with Saffron's roommate and friend Elizabeth. Saffron's career is so interesting and I love how botany is tied into the crimes.

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this read so much, a botanist and a crime book! Yes please! I was staying up late to finish it. Learning that it is a series made my day.

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This was a fun third installment in the series. It did feel a little more rushed and confusing with the plot not being as tight as the previous books. It was interesting to have Alexander's brother involved, as well as Elizabeth getting more air time, and her brother's role in it all as well. This one was also a little bit darker than the first two, but still a fun read. There is a lot of vagueness around "the government" and what was going on with Saffron's father, as well as the shadowy bad guys towards the end of the book. Hopefully that will be more clear in the next one!

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A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets by Kate Khavari is glorious. A wonderful historical mystery that follows botanist Saffron Everleigh as she battles against a soceity that wants to keep women out of the workplace and the ballot boxes

There were a lot of established characters in the book and the awesome character development has encouraged me to read the previous books in the series

Khavari has a real strength in placing characters in time and is authentic in her character development, especially against the backdrop of the aftermath of WW1, which naturally has a huge impact on characters behaviour and psyche

A truly wonderful book and a fantastic blend of characters and storylines. This series is straight on to my TBR

Thank you to Netgalley, Crooked Lane Books and Kate Khavari for this phenomenal ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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Brilliant botanist Saffron Everleigh is ready for her next thrilling adventure in the newest installment of Kate Khavari’s mesmerizing historical mystery series.

Saffron is a great protagonist and these books continue to be very good! The plot twists were great, the characters were entertaining, and I couldn't put it down.

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A Botanist’s Guide to Society and Secrets is another delightful entry in this series. I love Saffron’s determination to further her scientific career and solve crimes with the odds stacked against her. Add in some 1920’s glamour and a tempestuous romance, and Khavari has written one of my new favorite mysteries.

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Here is an honest little review of A Botanist’s Guide to Society and Secrets by Kate Khavari. I requested this title on Netgalley quite a few weeks ago, not realizing that it was the third book in a series I had never read! So, I quickly utilized my library’s e-book resources and read the first two installments before beginning this one. What these books have made me realize is that I really do love a mystery.

Would I consider these a cozy mystery? Yes? Ish? There are moments of on-stage violence that make your heart beat just a little faster, but overall, the nature of these novels is very mellow. Who would have thought plants are worth killing people for? Khavari certainly causes readers to realize the importance of plantlife/the environment and how entire ecosystems could be destroyed if a person or government were to use the knowledge in war or for other unsavory reasons. Compared to the first two books, there was a lot more going on in Society and Secrets. For example, the government steps in with agents and spies, secrets are revealed, gangsters are after deadly information, and flatmate Elizabeth finally gets her chance to help solve the case.

Let’s talk boys. I liked that we got to visit Lee in this book! I was worried that we would never see this absolute charmer again, but alas, he is back and ready for some action! What I didn’t like? Alexander’s weird vibes. Do I still feel like I would personally choose Lee? Maybe a little. In one sense, he gives our girl Saffron freedom she needs, but is risky and flirtatious to a fault. Alexander craves order and would do anything to protect our little plant-lover from harm, even if she feels suffocated. This gives strong Stefan and Damon vibes (Vampire Diaries), and Saffron is just not into the bad boy trope. Not a relevant comparison? Oh well.

The ending leads me to believe we will get more of Ms. Everleigh, and the books, as seen in the average ratings on Goodreads, get better and better as we go. I am excited to see what happens next, because yes, I would recommend this series.

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Another fun read in this series, with a cliff hanger that made me both cringe and be excited that more is to come.. Made me think about spies and government plant research in an entirely different way. This is a quick historical mystery that's not too dark.

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Saffron Everleigh can now be called a crime-solving botanist after this third outing of the A Botanist's Guide series. She's a scientist in 1920s London and suffers the common unfair treatment towards any women who seek anything other than marriage and babies. In this outing, she's drawn into a case where her ex-love Alexander's brother has been accused of murder after a man dies in the same train compartment where he is travelling. Along the way, her romance with Alexander rekindles and she also draws in Lee, the physician who assisted her in the second book. We also meet her roommate Elizabeth's brother, Nick, who does secret work for the government. Elizabeth plays a more central role in this story, which is a nice change, allowing another woman to show that she is anything but traditional.

I enjoyed this book as much as the first two in the series. And for a first in the series, a cliffhanger ending is going to draw me back to find out what happens next in the future book. What I most like about the series is the emphasis of a woman in a science role. Even though few were noted back in the 1920s there must have been far more that have been hidden and forgotten with time. Despite the scientific leanings, Saffron still has an interest in the romance part of life and isn't afraid to embrace that. That said, I did feel as though some of Alexander's more negative traits were somewhat forgotten once the romance returned. I do wonder if that will affect them in the future. It felt like the writer was previously dangling possible suitors to her and perhaps that's still the case. For all I know the next book may take romance in a totally new direction.

The other part of this book that is appealing is in the background of post-Great War. Much attention was given to the effect the war had on various characters, particularly Alexander and Saffron. Both lost much in the war and it's definitely not forgotten here.

Overall, this was another lovely read from a great mystery series. I rate it a solid four stars. I would like to thank Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for giving me an advance reader copy of the book. I have written and shared my thoughts voluntarily.

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This is the 3rd instalment of the Saffron Everleigh mysteries and I enjoyed the book just as much as the first 2 books. I like Saffron as a character and how she approaches solving her mysteries that all relate to something plant related. This time the brother of her dear friend Alexander is a murder suspect, when a scientist working with fungi suddenly drops dead in his train compartment when they were riding the train together. Even though Alexander is not a fan of Saffron putting herself in danger solving these murders, he asks for her help.

The characters were interesting in this 3rd book and I feel that both, Saffron and Alexander matured a bit more compared to the first 2 books. In book 2 Saffron's scientist peer Lee is playing a major role, but he is less prominent in this 3rd book. I liked that Alexander not only plays a bigger role again this time, but he is significantly more likeable than in book 2. Saffron herself is still stubborn and strong willed and likes to investigate her mysteries, which I love about her. This time, her friend and flatmate Elizabeth is playing a major role in solving the mystery and it was great to get to know her better.

All in all, I am hoping Kate will continue this series, as the book ends in a certain way that would suggest a new adventure for Saffron and her friends will be coming. I'm here for it as this series has proven to be great reading fun so far.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read this book in advance of the pub date in June! A review will also be published on my accounts on pub day.

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